I thought I would share about this aspect of my life, but obviously it is not for everyone, we are all different and have our own ideas on what we want, need or expereince in all relationships.
The first think I want to talk about here is Boundaries, these are not rules. I think there is a lot of speculation or supposition that those in Domestic Discipline relationships are controlled completely and this is not true, well not form my point of view anyway. The cotrol element from my partner is focused on discipline, punishment and obviously my bare bottom and I can promise you all my spankings are very real.
Anyway back to boundaries, I created my own, these are to help me focus, deal with habits and progress my career. My partner and I are more like Dad/Son, he is older than me and he insisted that I made my own boundaries complete with a proposal for punishment which is now always enforced. In a way, I have only myself to blame when I end up punished for breaking them.
We do have some rules, and number one is obedience and listening (these are not boundaries), but shouldnt be mistaken for total control, obedience is similar to him asking me to be home at a certain time, or pick up the dry cleaning. It is possible for me to be both disobidenet and break one of my own boundaries.
Anyway this is just a quick post on this blog and I will update it once a week with more thoughts, views and expereinces.
PS - If you are interested in my boundaries and the punishments you can see them right here:
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Hello everybody, I hope you are all well during this crazy time that is upon us all. Not only are we dealing with this pandemic, but we have a presidential election and of course we are coming up on holiday season.
I have a lot to tell you, and I am pretty excited about it. Now before I get into it all, I do have to talk about the subject I dread the most, site funding. Its always a source of embarrassment for me personally, and its something I would much rather avoid. That said, I have learned the hard way, the longer I put it off, the worse the situation becomes.
Previously I have simply pulled out the begging bowl and I do not want to do that anymore, so I am going to try something different. I have created a new membership group called “Community Supporter”. Everyone can choose to upgrade to this group by making a one-time payment of a minimum of $25, and that will last for as long as the site does. You will get a small icon on your profile page together with the text ‘Community Supporter’, this is done automatically.
Somethings I want to point out:
You can upgrade by clicking on the upgrade button on the menu bar.
When you upgrade, the charge will show as Arizoy LLC – the site will not be mentioned on your statement. This is of course to protect your privacy.
I am working on different payment gateways but for now Pay-Pal is the only option. You do not need a Pay-Pal account though and can simply checkout as guest.
If you have made a donation ever to the site of $25 or more, you will be upgraded. I will do this manually, but it will take a bit of time. Once I have finished, I will post as such and anyone I missed can then get in touch with me and I will fix it for them.
You can choose the minimum of $25, or more, but there is no difference or additional benefits, if you choose to go higher. I am keeping it simple. When you think about $25 for life is pretty good value, when some sites charge around that or higher for just one month.
It is a onetime payment, there is no reoccurring charge and the options will no longer appear under the upgrade button.
I am hoping, this will allow the site to become self-sufficient, as we would only need a percentage of future members to upgrade their memberships in order to do so. If we need to encourage further, we do have options such as restricting the videos, either by number or minutes to non-supporting members. This would really be a last resort though, as I seriously want to keep the site free for everybody.
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday, coming in the next few months, I would love to see enough upgrades so we can take advantage of the deals, possibly even snagging a server for a year, that would be awesome!
Okay, I am so glad that’s over with …. now onto the good stuff! (dang I sounded boring in all of that)!
Right you are, we are going for a major upgrade, which is currently in the testing phase on our backup server. I will be inviting some of you to trial it for me and help identify any bugs etc. I am funding the upgrade out of my own pocket, but this will be the last time I can do so. This is by order of hubby whom wields the hairbrush.
So here are some highlights:
Its going to be faster.
It will have a progressive web app, for those using tablets, cell phones etc.
Again, with those using mobile devices, you will be able to download a generic app for both Android and Apple, though the respective stores.
We will be using HTML 5 for videos.
Chat system will be new and improved.
Groups are getting a huge overall.
You will be able to have password resets by email, but this will be constrained to only password resets.
Photos and Albums are being revamped and will be much easier to navigate.
You will have a favorite system, where you can mark any items you choose as a ‘favorite’ and then access the all from a new tab page.
A few other surprises
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Well guys, as much as I hate doing it and I try very hard not to, it is time for a fundraiser for the site.
Now please, only donate if you can afford to do so, I mean that. Right now, with the pandemic everyone is in a difference place, financially, Healthwise and Career Wise. It is important to concentrate on what matters the most and this site should not be a top priority.
If you want to donate, please click on the donate button, or if you have not sone so already consider updating your membership.
Hugs and many thanks
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It is of my opinion that a spanking should be strictly discipline. I do understand that people do enjoy the more erotic side of it however I am very much into role play and it would take away from the 'scene' if there was an erotic element. I do believe though that the chastising of a boy or son should not entirely be restricted to just straight spanking. Here are just a few things i also enjoy about a spanking session, i hope you agree and share other humiliation / embarassment / punishment techniques you enjoy!!
For me this is an extremely important part of any spanking. It should be made before, during and after a spanking. A father or dom should send a clear message to his boy that he is no longer in control and that he has been naughty for a particular reason. A father should remain in control when scolding his boy and should never shout. He should speak with authority and make his boy understand that he is wrong, and will do as he is told from then on in.
A particular favourite of mine is during a spanking a father setting down rules to his boy that he will be expected to abide by. For example 1. you are grounded for the next 2 weeks 2. your bed time is now 10pm every night. 3. you will do all your house chores before school/work etc.
It is a good way of a dad to tell his boy if he is going to act like a young boy he is going to be treated like one. It's extremely humiliating for any boy to be shaved front and back by his dad.
Being spanked is embarassing enough. Being spanked in the diaper position is pretty humiliating!
Corner time should always be utilized by a dad. It can be used before, during(if it's a particularly long session) and after. Nothing better than when a dad drags his son by the ear to the corner and makes him spread his legs. The duration should be dependent on how naughty the boy was. As a variant the dom could place a wooden stool for the boy to sit on in the corner as well.
As an additional extra the dom might wish to add something like a coin that the boy must hold with his nose against the wall, hands on head and legs spread.
Writing lines or apology letters reinforces to the boy that he has been naughty and will ensure he regrets whatever he has done.
Swearing during a spanking? Not whilst daddys around you don't!! Drag the boy to the bathroom and soap his mouth out good and hard whilst spanking him or make him kneel infront of you and rinse him out.
Having a dad wash me before or after a spanking(before being sent to bed) is extremely embarassing.
Tucked in like the naughty young boy and told to be good whilst dad ruffles your hair. Need i say more?
Never tried this before but I have heard a lot of people say this is a great way to discipline a boy as it stings like hell.
Don't know if i've missed anything. If you have anything else you would like to add please comment below.
ps. sorry about grammar wrote this quite quickly!
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"After his Spanking"
or Spanking Tools and the Benefits of Enhanced Cornertime
by Cornertime Confidential and the readers of SouthSpanking.com
Many of you wrote in to ask us when Part 3 would be added to the Guide to the Correction of adult boys. We encourage you to read that blogpost first, of course. In our effort to make Part 3 work, even if you haven't read Parts 1 and 2, today, we will discuss "after his Spanking," or a short reflection on Spanking Tools a discussion on the benefits of enhanced Cornertime.
Today, in Part 3, let's discuss "after his Spanking":
Spanking Tools and the Best Use of Them
As we all know, the very best use for a Spanking Tool is only as a simple warning positioned out on the counter in the kitchen, hanging from a hook, on the bathroom sink, or in the bedroom where the boy can be made to fetch The Stick or The Belt when needed. But sometimes, the second best use of Spanking Tools can be when applied right across a naughty boy's bottom—and sometimes repeatedly so.. In this section, we'll speak primarily of Spanking Tools but in many cases this can mean a variety of things you may or may not have considered, for example:
Daddy's hand
Any Rod of Correction or
The Belt that best keeps Daddy's trousers up, his boy in line, and the relationship on track.
Also, we'll speak of a "relationship," but we only really mean the relationship between two people or more in a CP "meet up," not necessarily a Domestic Discipline relationship, a Daddy/boy relationship, or even long-term relationship at all. Ideally, Daddys will know their boys well enough ahead of time and can utilize the most effective Spanking Tool whenever the call for. However, sometimes you just won't know until a new boy arrives. Most Daddys will be glad that they've spent time learning to hand-Spank well and effectively. And they'll also be better off if they have an organized Spanking Tool bag or shelf or drawer, so the boy can be sent there to pick out the Spanking Tool that'll be used across his backside. In most instances, the alarm opening a drawer of various sticks for Spanking will subside if the Daddy sets the tone and the emotional stage ahead of time, so the boy isn't alarmed and just runs out the door. Instead, the Daddy who best connects ahead of time will find compliant boys who are grateful that there's not just a gigantic frat paddle or a big thick belt and that's the only choice.
Tips for Tops! Once you have a mini-trove from which to choose from, have new boys go select the Spanking Tool with which they will be Spanked.
Cornertime Confidential recommends having a few simple items: a thin light paddle, a thicker Spanking Stick like a Jocari or mini-frat paddle, a good Old-Fashioned Hairbrush, and a firm sturdy ruler or yardstick. For belts, you'll want a 2.5"-3" thick black buckled belt and possibly a razor strop or other effective leather strap for Spanking.
Remember, as we learned in parts 2 and 3, a good beating is not delivered by The Spanking Tool. It's created by the Daddy or the Top who administers it. So as you've seen in the other sections of the Guide to the Spanking of adult boys, we have extensive insights for you on that which you should read carefully. However, the Spanking Tools you use will can make a world of difference if they are high quality and applied correctly. Some boys even become attached to certain ones. So do some Daddys!
You don't need to go anywhere other than the local Marshalls, Ross for Less, T.J. Maxx, or Target/Walmart for what you'll need. This may surprise, but the most simple, affordable black belt that does the job is a standard product from H&M stores. It's less than $20. And while Cornertime Confidential encourage all community members to support the communities that support us, including Nasty Pig, Albert Prendergast,the many talented paddlemeisters out there, we don't want anyone to feel that a life in the CP community is a matter of having the latest styles and fashions.
Tips for Tops! They call it an "Old Fashioned" Hairbrush Spanking for a reason. A new-fangled hairbrush won't really achieve your goals.
If there's a need, let Cornertime Confidential know, and we can provide a buyers guide of where to get the Spanking Tools you'll want around your home. Once you have them, be sure to keep them in eyeshot of any boy you have over.
If you have a partner who is regularly disciplined, work together to find the very best way to heighten anticipation with everyday objects vanilla friends and family will not realize are used for CP in your home. A small wooden cutting board in the kitchen can regularly double as a hand-sized paddle for boy. An Italian fly swatter (they're made with a leather face) can hang in the kitchen or on the patio, and be used for swattting away bad behaviour as well! The Belt hanging from the closet door can be there as a constant Behinder Reminder to be good and get to bed on time or wake up early! And a good Old Fashioned Hairbrush that isn't really used (in our home Daddy and I are both fairly bald, so no one knows quite why we have The Hairbrush sitting out in the bathroom) can be a Behaviour Modifier every single time your boy goes to the bathroom—and remind him that he's the boy and you're the Daddy/Top.
A Discussion on the Benefits of Enhanced Cornertime
Enhanced Cornertime can be, when administered well, in and of itself its own punishment. As you develop your Corporal Punishment-based relationship, sometimes it may help to set the tone using this tool in your toolbox. Cornertime or a Time Out can be used without resorting to Spanking. But many find it boring. So, make it a busy time for your boy: writing lines, washing his mouth out with soap and having him hold the bar in his mouth while he's in The Corner, lecturing him while he stands there.
For some boys in some relationships Cornertime will not work. A sound beating on the behind is all they want or need. But for many, that's just too short and abrupt. That's one of the reasons many Daddys opt for the use and effective implementation of Enhanced Cornertime.
We posed the need for some feedback on these areas of importance to the large, well-experience SouthSpanking.com group. Here's what they suggested:
Cornertime should last for at least 10 minutes in my opinion, just like the Spanking, a boy should wish it was over long before it actually is, and it should be a lesson in endurance. A boy should never feel that Cornertime means he is in the clear, more Spanking should always be a threat, if a boy hasn’t accepted his punishment fully and doesn’t have a proper attitude upon review.
Hands should always be placed somewhere that leaves him exposed front and back, and he should be corrected appropriately if they wander. Adding holding a coin to the wall with his nose can be extra punishment if he has trouble staying in position. Talking should be prohibited unless the boy is spoken to, Some boys need to be sat on the lap, as well, and that can be added at the very end when the boys punishment is over. Other boys may need their bottoms lotioned with something to help heal them, and that can also be done at the end. It's best done OTK with some encouraging words.
The pants and underpants coming up or being put on is the final part of the process, and signifies that the punishment is over. However, in certain situations clothing restrictions can be appropriate and can add to a boys consequences. A boy may be restricted to briefs or even a bare bottom for a certain amount of time and gradually earn back his clothing privileges, or perhaps even be required to sleep nude.
James AZ
Very Very Very well-written Oldskool —punishment must be effective and Cornertime is definitely a time to think, a time to reflect, and a time to heal ... it's emotional and a lot more...creativity is so easy, and Daddys or Tops can be encouraged to get very creative.
Writing lines can be salutary. So can sitting bare-bottomed on a hard wooden chair with a Spanking Tool within eyeshot.
We find it instructive how inventive members of this robust website are both with ideas and actions.The Correction of adult boys isn't just about Spanking. There's a lot of psychological value in integrating the Spanking Tools, making Cornertime or Times Out a part of the process, or having your punished boy write lines to correspond with the need for his Spanking. For example, if he's being Spanked for open defiance, you can have him write, "I promise to not be openly defiant to Daddy." or "Daddy is in charge. I am not." 100 times with a pencil on a big sheet of paper.
Tips for Tops! Invest in paper and pencils ahead of time before suddenly being unable to administer the punishment because you don't have enough paper around the house!
NonSpanking punishments—broadly speaking, "enhanced Cornertime"—can extend the time necessary for a full and complete Corporal Punishment experience. Enhanced Cornertime can be a stand-alone punishment as well, adding a sense that the boy is not in charge. It's particularly effective when used domestically in the course of a regular night of eating dinner, watching T.V., playing video or board games, etc. If you are in the midst of regular domestic live, when an appropriate time comes based on snark, tone, attitude, laziness, lack of cooperation, send your boy to The Corner, a place you have set aside in Punishment Spanking times as The Corner where naughty boys in the house go. Sometimes this will mean sending him to his room.Sometimes it'll be just a place in the living room where you can see him standing with his 'pants lowered or not—and his bottom facing into the room. When punished in this way, the Correction of adult boys goes far beyond the thrills and spills associated with Spanking alone. You can turn off the T.V. (and now that Daddys mostly all have DVR, they can stop a program midstream, and attend to discipline, and then when the boy is sufiiciently punished, return to the program with or without the errant boy). Why do this? Because Enhanced Cornertime can bring vitality back to a relationship that can be stuck in a tidewater of repetition, dullness, or worse. Relationships need variety, and one way to do that is to use The Stick or The Belt, but another it to use your mind.
Tips for Tops! The mind is a very effective Tool for Corporal and non-Corporal Punishment. Use that tool to put a nail in bad behaviour, defiance, Rulebreaking, and the like.
What can you do with these following household items?
Castor OIl
Capsaicin Cream
A switch from a recent hike
Stinging nettles from a local forest
A rough plastic door mat
Enforced writing of lines
(For some boys) being put into diapers
(For others) being made to wear white briefs...
...the options can be seemingly endless...if you put your mind to it! So don't put your back into it. Spend less time fretting about whether you deliver a good Spanking. Think more about how you can be the perfect Daddy for the boys you have.
Each boy is unique as is each Daddy, and a unique approach driven by you and his own personal experience will make the Spanking of adult boys in your life better, more effective, and ultimately much for satisfying for both involved.
After a Trip to the Woodshed, What Next?
Please comment below or email me with your ideas.
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The great migration from Tumblr for fans of mm spanking is growing rapidly
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Cornertime Confidential received a follow up email from joey b, a rural boy living in an area where it's hard to meet and connect with Daddys who work out. You can read more about what my friends here on SouthSpanking.com recommended joey b do by reading this blogpost here.
Thanks in part to your efforts to help rural joey b, he did meet a Man Who Paddles and warmed up joey b's bottom good. But now...he's got a question for you...
...Now What Do I Do?
by joey b
Dear Cornertime Confidential,
Thanks again for your readers' help in finding a Man Who Spanks out here in my rural end of the country. It looks like getting a Spanking from the guy I met might be a regular thing, and we will get together when our schedules allow. I sure hope he gets to Spank me many times in the future. It was nice to get a hug afterwards too. He was a very nice guy, but he put me through my paces too.
Honestly, though, I'm not sure how to proceed from here.
I am the type of person that always feels like I am bothering someone if I contact them. I'm a little better when it comes to texting or email, but I still worry I will be a nuisance. I'm not sure how long I should take to text him again and when I should ask for another Spanking. I am a glutton for punishment, so I could do this every week, LOL.
I've always wanted to meet someone who I could be in a relationship with romantically who would give me daily short Maintenance Spankings as well as more intense Spankings when I am "naughty." I'm not for sure if this guy would even want a regular friendship let alone something more. For now, I'd be happy with just getting at least somewhat regular Spankings.
When I texted him after I got home from the Spanking and thanked him again, he did say, "We'll definitely do it again," so that sounds promising. We had talked about how hard it is to find Spanking partners in this area. I would enjoy becoming actual friends with him, but I don't know if he is the type that would just want a purely Spanking relationship. I know he said that for him, he keeps Spankings and sex separate, so I wonder what else he keeps separate from Spanking partners.
Sorry if I am just laying this all out and it's TMI, but I really don't have anyone to talk about this with. Any and all advice is appreciated.
joey b
So you just went to on a date for a Spanking with a new boy or new Man Who Spanks? What's the best next steps if it went well or even just good?
How much post-Spanking communication is too much with a new Daddy?
What kind of communication is just right? Not enough?
You don't want to appear to be like a stalker, what's the sweet spot here?
And how do you know, based on the fact that every boy and every Man Who Spanks is different?
Together, maybe the Cornertime Confidential readers can help establish a few movable goal posts—or perhaps instead hard-and-fast rules or gold standards—of post-Spanking communication to make it easier for everyone. Let's together see if we can all behind a few effective lines in the sand, so we know what the limits are every time.
And no adult adult boy wants to latch onto the wrong Daddy right off the bat.
So let's open this up now to you guys. How would you advise joey b?
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A warning about pants and briefs at ankles!
Well fellow boys, I have to confess that my dad and hubby always takes down my pants and undies himself, baring my bottom for punishment. I do actually prefer it that way, and in a crazy sort of way, it makes me feel a little ‘pampered’. I suppose as he really is my ‘authority’ figure I allow myself to be prepared for the consequences as he sees fit.
So last night, there he was bending down into the bed room closet, and of course instinct took over, there in front mf my very eyes were his bottom stretched nice and tightly and my hand got itchy. I swung it as hard as I could and it landed with a very satisfying slap.
As my hand landed and I heard that wonderful slap, I knew right away I was in big trouble, but of course there is no going back, the deed had been done. Normally I am taken to the spanking chair, bottom bared and then over the knee I go but he decided to take down my pants and undies right there and then. As he took me by my ear to lead me to the chair, I tripped on the pants and undies that were tangled around my ankles and fell pretty hard.
After a lot of fussing, and about ½ hour later when he was satisfied that no damage had been done, I got my bottom tanned and sat in the corner for a while. Afterwards he told me that from now on, my pants and underwear would be completely removed for all future spankings, and that he would still be stripping me down himself.
It is something to think about, I could have for example tripped and fallen on to the corner of the table hitting my head. So, beware and be careful if you find yourself in a similar situation.
And to those Dad’s and Tops that are about to say something like ‘Well if you had behaved it would never have happened’ – well for sure you are correct, but I stick my tongue out to you and blow a raspberry!
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Yea, sometimes I really get frustrated at some the discipline or punishments my Pop comes up with, so here are some of mine. Feel free to add to the list!
Being made to fetch the spanking impliment, especially the hairbrush.
Cornertime (goes without saying).
Being sent for a nap for being grouchy.
A bedtime spanking - who the heck came up with that one? I don't want to be spanked before I climb into bed!
Being sent to bed early .. come on seriously!
Being denied pants and briefs for a period of time, really sucks if it ends up being all day. My bare bottom does not have to be on display thank you very much!
Being ummm shaved - yea you know where, I hate it, hate it, hate it!
Being bathed ... am not gonna comment much on this, though it usually goes hand in hand with shaving.
Having to say 'I have been a very naughty boy, Dad and I need to be spanked' or something similar.
Writing an esaay on 'What I learned from my punishment' or some other nutty topic!
Having to wear a drop seat suit to bed, or silly little Pajama Sets.
Dang it, just stop it will ya!
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Discipline: Foundation of the Father-Son Relationship
[By: Strapman02]
[Disclaimer: I wrote this essay [below, in 1991] , when I was just
starting graduate school. I [was] in my late 20's [when I added to, and edited,
this together for this posting], do not now have children,
nor have I ever had children. I am just exercising my First Amendment rights
here -- so do not try to draw the wrong conclusions by reading into this what
you want to read into it, rather than what I wrote in it. I welcome all
responses to the essay, both here and in private email.]
Over the years, much has been said about the nature of the father-son
relationship, and of the proper role of the father in the rearing of his son.
The father wears many hats in his relationship with his son: he is authoritative
(and authoritarian) on certain matters; he provides his son with a role model--
himself--on how to act as a man; he is an advisor on certain issues, such as
those of a sexual nature vis a vis the opposite (or, in more and more cases,
the same) sex; he is also the disciplinarian of the son.
The Bible offers its own advice for the father-son relationship:
"He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores
correction leads others astray."--Proverbs 10:17.
"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction
is stupid."--Proverbs 12:1
"He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever
heeds correction is honored."--Proverbs 13:18
"He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful
to discipline him."--Proverbs 13:24
"He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds
correction gains understanding."--Proverbs 15:32
` It is this that which we will be discussing in this treatise.
The father has the legal authority and obligation to discipline his son.
To accomplish this goal, different fathers use different means, such as reasoning,
withholding of privileges (e.g. grounding, no car this week, etc.), cutting
allowances, and last, and in my view, most importantly--for blatant and
significant violations of house rules that could endanger himself or others
in the family or society--corporal methods.
The father is the one that takes the son into a private room, such as a
bedroom, bathroom, or other room; tells the son that he has been bad because
he has engaged in some objectionable behavior; tells the son that he is going
to be paddled, spanked, strapped, or whipped, or whatever verb you prefer;
orders his son to, and if need be, he himself proceeds to, pull down the son's
pants and underpants; bends him over the back of a chair, across his lap,
face down lengthwise on the bed, or on the side of a bed; and administers a paddle, a strap, or other device,
such as a razor strop, across his son's bare buttocks in a meticulous,
repetitive, and severe fashion, until the son understands, under no
uncertain terms, that what he did was WRONG, and, should this particular
activity be repeated at any time in the future, similar, though even more
severe, consequences will befall his son.
Friends, I never had my father around to perform this most important,
necessary function. I only wonder how I might be different than the way
I am today had my father been around to spank me soundly when I deserved it.
Would that have made me a stronger person? Perhaps. Would that have
instilled violent tendencies in my own personal behavior toward other people?
Perhaps, though unlikely in my view. Would I have a more clearly defined
sense of right and wrong? Most definitely.
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So guys, I have decided with my dad's permission to share some bits and pieces of email exchages we had, before we go together. Now these are answers to questions that I had posed (the questions are not included), but I think he explains our dad/son relationship in a clearer way that I can and what is involved or how we put it together. So you know I have never felt I have been 'beaten' or 'abused' and way at all. It is not for everyone, and I have always felt loved, even when I have been very well spanked or punished.
Effective discipline does not have to be brutal, just effective and meaningful.
There is a lot of good psychology based on not just what you say, but even more importantly based on what you imply. I do understand. The time and place when I take down your jeans and briefs is always only up to your Dad. That's just how it always will be.
Dad will have your briefs and your bottom bare at his discretion and you will come to appreciate the feel of Dad’s hand anytime be it for comfort or a nice sharp sting when you need it. There will be times when you really don’t want it but a true son says, “Yes, Dad” every time regardless. You’re not used to that!
Yes, I think “we” is the issue. You’re never going to be spanked without my full participation, including emotionally as it is my hand (most of the time) that is causing you to tear up.
Yes, the mainstay of your will be frequent and/or sudden and/or scheduled for you to be hugged and talked with, probably with your sitting on my lap with or without your briefs, before you spent significant time over Dad’s knees
Boundaries infractions are the most serious in our relationship, especially as you set the various categories up yourself for your own benefit and future. As such, when you break one, you will have brought punishment upon yourself and it will be punishment as your Dad does not want you to fail any more than absolutely necessary.
Dad, will never hesitate to punish you when you error! After a few, you’ll become the best little James on earth!
Exactly, all boys are different (as are all Dads), yet I suspect I know you well enough that a nice quick trip over Dad’s knees (always on your bare bottom) is what you need most and will respond to.
A lot of things will be much clearer for a boy once he has found himself in the position of having stood there as Dad lowers his jeans and briefs and pulls him across his knees for his first real spanking on his bare bottom. Dad has promised to give him really good first one and he will keep that promise for two reasons. First, boys need to understand what live in a relationship involving domestic discipline is really going to be like given my hand will be tending to his bare bottom regularly over the years. Second, Dad needs to understand his boy’s reactions to his hand, and of course ultimately to his hairbrush. It’s not a matter of just slapping a boy’s bare bottom. Each young man is different.
I do think it is the physical experience of laying over my knees and my hand on your bare bottom . . . that experience will be the best and most emotionally meaningful time that you’ve been waiting for.
“protests will go un-noticed” with the exception of that fact that a boy who protests too much always finds that the simple spanking of his bare bottom over Dad’s knees that was going to be just with Dad’s hand, often increases and he will then find himself spanked with Dad’s hand and his paddle or hairbrush depending on his reactions.
Similarly, walking too slowly to me will also get you into big trouble,
Attempting in any way whatsoever to cover your bare bottom to escape my hand or hinder it in any way will be something you will have to learn to avoid. Sometimes it will happen without your thinking and be completely involuntary, but it makes no difference what causes you to try to hinder or protect your bare bottom when it’s being spanked. Your hairbrush will always be within reach and I will pin your arm and use the brush to teach you that lesson. Careful
In every real relationship I’ve ever known of, the first time you do this and you will initially do this automatically without thinking, Dad will stop and hold your hand away from your bare bottom you are trying to protect. You will be warned about trying to avoid your Dad’s spanking and told that the spanking you are then getting will be significantly worse if you keep it up. Some Dads will immediately give your bare bottom several significantly slaps with the paddle to remind you that a boy’s bare bottom is for dad’s correction and “enjoyment,” never to be covered unless you are told to.
Of course, the hairbrush needs to be where you can see it to remember things and for Dad to reach it when he needs to. Such is the way it is for naughty boys.
The hairbrush really hurts quickly. When your over dad's knees and Dad wants you yelling and kicking right away, the hairbrush will accomplish that goal very quickly if Dad knows how to use it for that purpose rather than just for overall color.
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Daddy has had to set out new house rules for me because I got a really bad report card this week.
Interested to know your thoughts please. Should any new rules / themes be added? Should any be rephrased?
Let me know by commenting beneath.
Theme: Behaviour & The 3 Ds
1. From this point forward, you will refer to me only as DADDY or SIR.
2. Perfect attendance at school is non negotiable.
3. Bad grades and poor performance in extra curricular activity will not be tolerated. You will recieve a minimum grade of B+ in all future exams.
4. No Disrespect. Always remember that daddy is in charge and you live under his care. You will be polite, respectful and properly behaved at all times.
5. No Disobedience. When daddy gives you a direct instruction you will do it.
6. No Dishonesty. Never lie, you should always be truthful, and forthcoming.
Theme: Chores
7. You are to make your bed, and keep your room visibly tidy, neat and in order at all time.
8. Additional chores will be posted on the fridge showing you your daily routine, which will consist of: chores, projects, homework, and studying. The list will be complete daily.
Theme: Dress Code
9. Outside the home you will ensure that you are properly and smartly dressed in school uniform. You are not permitted to wear "casual" clothes at any time. Uniform includes school blazer, white shirt, grey shorts, belt, school tie, long grey socks, black leather shoes and white briefs.
10. At home and on weekends you will only be permitted to wear the following; white briefs, white cotton socks and white vest.
11. At bedtime you will wear standard blue pyjama top and bottoms only.
Theme: Bedtime
12. You will report to me every night at 8pm to review the day. You will stand in the corner facing the wall, hands on head, until called.
13. You will be given a bath to ensure cleanliness is maintained. On occasion it may be necessary to wash your insides too by washing your mouth out with soap or given an enema.
14. You will be shaved smooth as a helpful reminder to who is in charge and to ensure good hygeine.
15. Bedtime and lights out is at 9pm sharp.
Theme: Privacy
16. Privacy is privilege, you will leave doors open at all times, even if you are using the toilet.
17. Until grades meet expected standard all electronics including phone, laptop and PlayStation are to be confiscated.
18. You are grounded until further notice.
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I will never ever allow this site to become an arena for bigots', Bully's or worse. We are a community, and I know the site admins and vast majority of members support me on this.
No shame in asking! I'm glad to contribute to a site that contributes to my happiness on a daily basis! ;)
James.... May I suggest that you at least ALLOW members to contribute to a fund to reimburse you for the self-funding of the server upgrade? I suspect that more could be raised to relieve you of that burden than you might imagine. David
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