by on June 19, 2021
Folks, So I am just going to come out and say this, we are an all-inclusive site, period. Do we have Gay members, YES, do we have straight members YES, do we have transgender members YES and do we have Female members YES. If you do not like a photo or a video or a comment, then you can personally choose not to watch it or view it and can block content from members you do not wish to see.   It really is that simple. If you want to be an banned word .. then leave .. just go, because you are not wanted here. What possible pleasure can you get from disrespectful and abusive behavior huh?   Get a life .. and so you know there is zero tolerance for this, and why?  Because I said so and as I own the site, that is the way it is, period.  If you don't like my explanation, well too bad for you. I do not often get angry but tonight I am pissed, just think about tolerance, think about inclusion and think very, very, hard on what being a 'bigot' means.  Those with such short-sighted minds, well God help you. Enough Said James AND Denis
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by on June 3, 2021
Can anyone tell me how to resurrect the chat facility on South Spanking.  The link used to appear down at the bottom of the screen, right side, but over the last few weeks it just slowly sank down into the tray at the bottom of the screen, and has now disappeared altogether?
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by on May 10, 2021
Okay you naughty boys and ever so strict dads n tops!  So I have just managed to disable the freaking touchpad on my laptop .. which was driving me nuts, now I can actually type without the mouse flipping up and down lines and screwing up my text. I am in the UK right now and will be here for at least the next 6 months.  So presently in quarantine and Dad has insisted I just wear my PJ’s, as we can’t go out.  Yea that has nothing to do with the fact he can bare my tail easily whenever he feels like it, and the number of excuses he has found to land several swats at a time on my butt have increased a lot! Now I am on holiday, and you would think that my weekly review and punishment sessions would be suspended, right?  Nope, not at all, I had my behind royally tanned yesterday, can you believe it? Oh and it gets worse, I do plan on visiting several Dads/Tops over the course of my visit and my dear old dad Denis is going to ask them to conduct the review session, in the event I am with them on a Sunday!  Now come on, even the sternest of Dads must admit, that is not fair!  And yes, I know I can be naughty, even when on holidays – but that is not the point, hello I am on holidays! Okay rant over for now! and just in-case you are wondering, my Pop has found an empty corner to stand me in, dang that sucks! Hugsssss
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by on April 22, 2021
So an update on what has been going on. I did a server rebuild and moved us over to a better web server, Litespeed as opposed to Apache.  This had to be done for several reasons, speed being an obvious one but also because the server had some faults, including its networking.  It takes a long time to do this, because I have to move the data from the server to a backup VPS and then back again.  When we do the copy back to the server, given the large amount of data, it is a six-hour process.  That said, this will be the last build for the next 18 months, unless the hardware fails. On the networking, it proved to be extremely frustrating and I am pissed about it.  We used Enom as our domain host, because the interface is easy to use and because propagation is virtually instant.  Enom sold out to Hover and I have never seen a more useless control panel in my life.  I was unable to edit name servers or glue records with it constantly giving me ‘auth’ errors.  I did create a ticket and I am still waiting and that was over 24 hours ago.  Part of the networking issue was that guys could not get to the site from some locations, there was a problem with DNS. Given that Hover screwed me right up the middle, I signed up for a month’s trial with a DNS hosting provider, which seems to be going well.  At the very least it gives me a month to move to another domain registrar, because hover can go f*** themselves.  Do let me know if you are experiencing problems, but I will have our own private nameservers back up again soon. I had hoped to run upgrades and fix some other issues, but again I struck out of luck as the script installer and upgrade routine constantly failed.  To that end, I have duplicated the site on the same server and will work on refreshing the database from scratch.  What that means in practice, is I install the script fresh with no data.  I then using a copy of our database strip all the extra modules out and all the core components and export to a file.  On the fresh database, I simply drop all the tables that are populated on our live database, and then merge the two together.  It is time consuming, but I will get it done. So you guys now we are still moving away from the scrip to social engine, I just need to figure a lot of bits and pieces on that.  It’s a totally different can of worms, but again I will get it done.  As I have said before once we get over onto social engine, everything will run smoother and nicer, including progressive web apps. So that’s it from me, and I am considering having a large southern comfort.   Hugs   James
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by on April 20, 2021
Hey all. So today, I am going to try and get the site back to normal, and fix all those niggle bugs as well as an upgrade or two. Part of this process involves reloading and reconfiguring the actual server. Backups have been completed and will be updated before I begin. All going well this process will take between 5 - 6 hours, though if I hit snags it may take longer. As of this moment, I plan on starting in 2 hours time, which is 10am AZ time. The status page will work on southspanking.net and I will update that as I go along. I hope you all have a spanking good day!   James
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by on March 22, 2021
If you own more than 5 hairbrushes that have never been used on your hair... ...you might be a spanko. If you have more than one drawer in your dresser devoted to underwear... ...you might be a spanko. If someone offers you the wooden spoon from making cookies and you can't lick it because you wonder who's butt it's been used on... ...you might be a spanko. If you reflexively start to bend over when someone takes their belt off... ...you might be a spanko. If you reflexively clench your butt when you hear someone yelling at their offspring... ...you might be a spanko. If TSA winks and pats their butt after x-raying your carry on... ...you might be a spanko. If you didn't know razor strops were used to sharpen razors... ...you might be a spanko. If trying on jeans includes checking your butt out in the mirror and smacking it... ...you might be a spanko. If your idea of wood categories are 'stingy' or 'thuddy'... ...you might be a spanko. If someone tells you it's their birthday and your first thought is when and if they will be getting spanked... ...you might be a spanko. If you have a few tubes of Arnica in your bathroom... ...you might be a spanko. If you are familiar with the film "wayfairers and toilers"... ...you might be a spanko. If someone mentions the Board of Education and you think of a paddle.. ...you might be a spanko.   Feel free to add yours below:
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by on March 22, 2021
So guys, I have decided with my dad's permission to share some bits and pieces of email exchages we had, before we go together.  Now these are answers to questions that I had posed (the questions are not included), but I think he explains our dad/son relationship in a clearer way that I can and what is involved or how we put it together.  So you know I have never felt I have been 'beaten' or 'abused' and way at all. It is not for everyone, and I have always felt loved, even when I have been very well spanked or punished. Effective discipline does not have to be brutal, just effective and meaningful. There is a lot of good psychology based on not just what you say, but even more importantly based on what you imply.  I do understand.  The time and place when I take down your jeans and briefs is always only up to your Dad.  That's just how it always will be. Dad will have your briefs and your bottom bare at his discretion and you will come to appreciate the feel of Dad’s hand anytime be it for comfort or a nice sharp sting when you need it.  There will be times when you really don’t want it but a true son says, “Yes, Dad” every time regardless.  You’re not used to that! Yes, I think “we” is the issue.  You’re never going to be spanked without my full participation, including emotionally as it is my hand (most of the time) that is causing you to tear up. Yes, the mainstay of your will be frequent and/or sudden and/or scheduled for you to be hugged and talked with, probably with your sitting on my lap with or without your briefs, before you spent significant time over Dad’s knees Boundaries infractions are the most serious in our relationship, especially as you set the various categories up yourself for your own benefit and future.  As such, when you break one, you will have brought punishment upon yourself and it will be punishment as your Dad does not want you to fail any more than absolutely necessary. Dad, will never hesitate to punish you when you error!  After a few, you’ll become the best little James on earth! Exactly, all boys are different (as are all Dads), yet I suspect I know you well enough that a nice quick trip over Dad’s knees (always on your bare bottom) is what you need most and will respond to. A lot of things will be much clearer for a boy once he has found himself in the position of having stood there as Dad lowers his jeans and briefs and pulls him across his knees for his first real spanking on his bare bottom. Dad has promised to give him really good first one and he will keep that promise for two reasons.  First, boys need to understand what live in a relationship involving domestic discipline is really going to be like given my hand will be tending to his bare bottom regularly over the years.  Second, Dad needs to understand his boy’s reactions to his hand, and of course ultimately to his hairbrush.  It’s not a matter of just slapping a boy’s bare bottom.  Each young man is different.  I do think it is the physical experience of laying over my knees and my hand on your bare bottom . . . that experience will be the best and most emotionally meaningful time that you’ve been waiting for. “protests will go un-noticed” with the exception of that fact that a boy who protests too much always finds that the simple spanking of his bare bottom over Dad’s knees that was going to be just with Dad’s hand, often increases and he will then find himself spanked with Dad’s hand and his paddle or hairbrush depending on his reactions. Similarly, walking too slowly to me will also get you into big trouble, Attempting in any way whatsoever to cover your bare bottom to escape my hand or hinder it in any way will be something you will have to learn to avoid.  Sometimes it will happen without your thinking and be completely involuntary, but it makes no difference what causes you to try to hinder or protect your bare bottom when it’s being spanked.  Your hairbrush will always be within reach and I will pin your arm and use the brush to teach you that lesson.  Careful In every real relationship I’ve ever known of, the first time you do this and you will initially do this automatically without thinking, Dad will stop and hold your hand away from your bare bottom you are trying to protect.  You will be warned about trying to avoid your Dad’s spanking and told that the spanking you are then getting will be significantly worse if you keep it up.  Some Dads will immediately give your bare bottom several significantly slaps with the paddle to remind you that a boy’s bare bottom is for dad’s correction and “enjoyment,” never to be covered unless you are told to. Of course, the hairbrush needs to be where you can see it to remember things and for Dad to reach it when he needs to.  Such is the way it is for naughty boys. The hairbrush really hurts quickly.  When your over dad's knees and Dad wants you yelling and kicking right away, the hairbrush will accomplish that goal very quickly if Dad knows how to use it for that purpose rather than just for overall color.
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by on March 13, 2021
Hello Everyone, Just a wee note to let you know, I am scheduling some maintenance that will result in a few hours downtime.  This is necessary to resolve a number of site issues since our crash a few weeks ago. There will be an announcement as well as a new status page that will be hosted on a separate server and the link to that page will also be published. It should take no more than a few hours. I will be prepping tomorrow and I am planning on implementing either Sunday or Monday, I will include a number of time zones. Thanks for your patience and as always Heads all the way down, bottoms up up up and SPANK those naughty cheeks! Hugsss   James
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by on March 6, 2021
Well, everyone, I figured it is about time that I posted an update on our recent down-time, and our progress in getting things back to normal. The first thing I need to emphasize is, this was NOT an upgrade, even though you may see things showing a little differently, or new features, I can promise you, these are not intentional and more related to getting the site back online. Our main server basically failed, and it was pretty much OS related.  In order to get things back again, the normal restore process I used also failed.  This left us in a pretty bad situation.  After trying various methods, including using the latest release of the script, I was able eventually to get the site back. However, as you will have noticed not everything is displaying properly or working correctly, such as on mobile devices, for example chat and feed.  Sometimes the login box does not work correctly either and a number of other bugs are present. In order to get everything back to normal, will mean further down-time and that is going to be unavoidable.  I am planning to do this, sometime next week, BUT I will be posting at least 24 hours in advance and providing a status page you can all access to see when the site is back online and its progress. Once we get this completed, the site will be back too normal and it will have some additional features, but they will all actually work this time.  Again, please note this will not be a major upgrade. Our main planned upgrade will mean all mobile devices will have 95% access to ALL site features.  This is a work in progress and I am using a test site to facilitate this transition.  I expect this to be implemented at the end of May, and again I will keep you all in the loop on this one. Thanks for everyone’s patience!   James and our Amazing Admin team.
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by on November 24, 2020
There are many who prefer the hand as their choice for spanking and I count myself among them. I think that the flesh to flesh contact provides an intimate and special bonding between the participants. The hand is the one implement that is usually most available for applying if only for a quick swat in public.  I believe that the hand has the most variety of applications and can even simulate other implements. Below is a description of the techniques of applying the hand to a deserving lad's bottom. I use all three during a spanking and believe that this variation increases the duration of the session. #1 The flat hand is probably the most common and the firm palm application can resemble a paddle or hairbrush. #2 With this technique, the entire length of the fingers are brought down rapidly and sharply to feel like 4 flesh whips. #3 The cupped hand gives maximum coverage and follows the curvature. The heel of the hand goes into the crevice and the fingers strike the       opposite side. When this is done with quick motion, I refer to the shape of the cupped hand as a striking cobra putting the bite on an errant lad's backside. I hope you find this tutorial helpful and may try one or more of the techniques I have described. 
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by on October 30, 2020
First off Guys, I really want to thank you for all your support, the response has been amazing and I am truly humbled. Also I must apologize for not being on the site lately, and if you have not had a personal email from me thanking you for your donation to the site, I will be doing so.  I have been up against the clock, but I can promise you I have been working very hard getting this site to where it needs to be. We had such an awsome fundraiser, that we have bought and paid for a server for a complete year, and we got a massive discount for doing so, again thank you.  It takes a lot of stress away from me.  At the moment I am looking at the plugins and software we need for the new script, but before I get into that ... As you will know the site went down for perhaps 1/2 hour yesterday and around the same today.  This was because the billing cycle for the old server hits tommorow.  So I really had to get it done quickly, and we did.  Usually when changing servers its not a big issue, but this time was a little different, because I took a plunge and changed a lot of things.  So for your techies out there, we are currently using Litespeed with PhP 7.3 and Redis as our cache.  I hit some problems I was not expecting such as permissions and ownership issues, but in the end we got it solved. So that was one project, but I have been working on getting us over to the new script as well and it is going very well .. ooopss before I go any further, my partner and Dad, Denis just got back from Europe, however he took a tumble at the airport and I ended up collecting him in a wheel chair.  He is okay, had him checked out at urgent care, but he is pretty bruised and sore.  You might think him not being able to put me accross his lap is a good thing right?  Yea, that baby got put to bed, he has me bending over the back of the spanking chair and can swing that danged paddle real hard! Anyway the script project, it is likely going to take several more weeks, but I havev solved most problems.  At the moment, I am having issues with video thumbnails and data from groups, but I am getting excellent support from the vendor, I will keep you all updated.  When we get this done, I promise, you will be super amazed :) Okay, so I got to fo make supper for a brusied and cranky Dad ...   hugggsss   James  
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by on October 15, 2020
Hello everybody, I hope you are all well during this crazy time that is upon us all.  Not only are we dealing with this pandemic, but we have a presidential election and of course we are coming up on holiday season.  I have a lot to tell you, and I am pretty excited about it.  Now before I get into it all, I do have to talk about the subject I dread the most, site funding.  Its always a source of embarrassment for me personally, and its something I would much rather avoid.  That said, I have learned the hard way, the longer I put it off, the worse the situation becomes. Previously I have simply pulled out the begging bowl and I do not want to do that anymore, so I am going to try something different.  I have created a new membership group called “Community Supporter”.  Everyone can choose to upgrade to this group by making a one-time payment of a minimum of $25, and that will last for as long as the site does.  You will get a small icon on your profile page together with the text ‘Community Supporter’, this is done automatically. Somethings I want to point out: You can upgrade by clicking on the upgrade button on the menu bar. When you upgrade, the charge will show as Arizoy LLC – the site will not be mentioned on your statement.  This is of course to protect your privacy. I am working on different payment gateways but for now Pay-Pal is the only option.  You do not need a Pay-Pal account though and can simply checkout as guest. If you have made a donation ever to the site of $25 or more, you will be upgraded.  I will do this manually, but it will take a bit of time.  Once I have finished, I will post as such and anyone I missed can then get in touch with me and I will fix it for them. You can choose the minimum of $25, or more, but there is no difference or additional benefits, if you choose to go higher.  I am keeping it simple.  When you think about $25 for life is pretty good value, when some sites charge around that or higher for just one month. It is a onetime payment, there is no reoccurring charge and the options will no longer appear under the upgrade button. I am hoping, this will allow the site to become self-sufficient, as we would only need a percentage of future members to upgrade their memberships in order to do so.  If we need to encourage further, we do have options such as restricting the videos, either by number or minutes to non-supporting members.  This would really be a last resort though, as I seriously want to keep the site free for everybody. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday, coming in the next few months, I would love to see enough upgrades so we can take advantage of the deals, possibly even snagging a server for a year, that would be awesome! Okay, I am so glad that’s over with …. now onto the good stuff! (dang I sounded boring in all of that)! Right you are, we are going for a major upgrade, which is currently in the testing phase on our backup server.  I will be inviting some of you to trial it for me and help identify any bugs etc.  I am funding the upgrade out of my own pocket, but this will be the last time I can do so.  This is by order of hubby whom wields the hairbrush. So here are some highlights: Its going to be faster. It will have a progressive web app, for those using tablets, cell phones etc. Again, with those using mobile devices, you will be able to download a generic app for both Android and Apple, though the respective stores. We will be using HTML 5 for videos. Chat system will be new and improved. Groups are getting a huge overall. You will be able to have password resets by email, but this will be constrained to only password resets. Photos and Albums are being revamped and will be much easier to navigate. You will have a favorite system, where you can mark any items you choose as a ‘favorite’ and then access the all from a new tab page. A few other surprises
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by on September 20, 2020
The Coach's voice sounded already angry! "Well, let's start with a spontanous check of your cleanliness...!" The bloke already knew what would expect him. It was not the first time the Coach did such a control, which often ended in a corporal punishment. The guy stripped completely and then placed himself in front of his Coach. He sticked his hands towards his Coach. First the palms, then the back of his hands. "Fine..." complimented the Coach while checking the clean hands. "Now your ears, boy!" The boy moved his head and dad looked in his ears, first the left ear, then the right ear. "Clean as well! Good boy!" The boy was relieved but he rejoyed too soon... "All right, now your bottom! Turn around and bend down!" The 22 year old boy crinched and the back side of his muscular body got a goose-skin. The coach took a paper tissue out of his trousers and gave it to the boy. "Clean your butt cheeks with the tissue...! And go deeply inside.." The boy took the paper tissue, bent down further, spread his cheeks and scrubbed between his wide-spread bum-cleft. "hmm, my dear boy..." the coach mumbled. "I don't think you want to affirm that you cleaned your bum well after the last bowel-movement?" There was a highly visible brown stripe on the white paper tissue. The guy turned red: "Please, no enema...!" The coach looked at his football player with a very serious face: "You know that uncleanliness doesn't only mean that you'll get an enema - it means as well that you will get a hard punishment. So, you will come down to the punishment room in 10 minutes! Got it? The boy nodded, he felt bummed out. But there wouldn't be an alternative as disobedience would mean to be excluded from the football team.
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by on September 16, 2020
I know there have been some issues with this, and I wanted to delve a little into the firepit that it truly is. There are things we can do in order to make it harder to download videos from this site, but unfortuanelty it is impossible to stop it. I can assure everyone that I have looked into this many times before, but once something is uploaded to the interent, it can then be copied.  Think of it this way, your browser is displaying the content, so its there, even if by using tokens and higher enryption, and even DRM, it can still be downloaded.  There are so many programs and in some cases hardware available, it makes it impossible to stop. What I can do is ask those responsbile not to do it, please.  A lot of the members here do NOT want their videos shared elsewhere and it is morally wrong for you to do so.  As you have been totally selfish, many members will make their videos friends only.  This means YOU cannot see it and neither can many other members, it also means YOU cannot download them.  No one wins from this .. so why bother? I do have a plan that I am working on, that will make it much more difficult, but guys as hard as I can work on it, and as many many hours I can put into it, I do not have a magic wand to stop it from happening.  And to clarifty guys, its the same with all sites, whether youtube or even facebook - you cannot prevent the videos from being downloaded, unless you restrict the privacy settings to friends only and hope that one of your friends is not the cuplprit. Plus I am grumpy today - as I am grounded .. long story! and .. I want to see some Dads and Tops spanked as well.    
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by on September 1, 2020
So I like realistic dad / son spankings. The whole idea of spanking for me is to correct bad behaviour, so roleplay and creativity is really important for me. As is a strong dominant daddy who knows how to control and discipline his errant son. Here's a wee story I came up with that would make an interesting scenario. -------- I stood there at my parents front door, with a guilty conscious, knowing I had messed up. I’m 19 now and that went to live in university halls almost a year ago, and I haven’t visited my parents since. When I’m not hungover I try to send a text or 2 to check in, but never visit or call. I had made plans on several occasions to visit but always came up with excuses to cancel. Either I had something to study for last minute, or I was too hungover from the night before. If procrastination or drinking was a subject I would get distinctions! But when it came to important matters like studying, homework and family, i am severely lacking. Even before I chapped the door to my old family home I could tell my loving mother would be upset and my father… angry. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* The door opened and stood there was my dad. “Hello son, long time no see. I think we have some matters to discuss don’t we?” “Hey dad, I suppose.” I shuffled through the door, head hung and dropped all of my bags in the hall. Dad gave me a long embracing hug and led me by the shoulder to the living room. “It’s good to see you! Mums just went out with some her girlfriends for lunch, while we have a chat. What have you been doing for the past year, where have you been, why haven’t you visited or called?” “I dunno, i’ve been really busy with uni and all that, it’s hard to keep up. I do feel guilty for not visiting though. “Good you should feel guilty. Your mother is very upset with you, how do you think she feels? She raised you for 20 odd years, and you leave and hardly contact us for a year like we are nothing to you.” “I know, i know i’m sorry dad, i’ll make it up to her okay?” “Yes you will, and i’ll make the past years worth of ill-discipline up you as well. Go fetch the spanking chair, you are getting the spanking of your life son.” “What are you talking about dad, i’m in university now, you can’t spank me like you used to. I’m to old for that banned word now.” “Don’t test my patience boy, the spanking chair is in the same place it always is, go and bring it to me NOW, or this will get a hell of a lot worse than it needs to be.” “No i’m not letting you spank me, come on dad this has to be a joke. Lets just grab a beer and watch the football?” “Okay boy, i’m going to make this VERY clear to you. Either you bring me the spanking chair and do as your told NOW or i’ll stop paying for your uni fees. It’s your choice.” “Dad you can’t….” “Yes I can, I work hard to pay for your university education and we get nothing in return. So either you do as your told or that’s it!” “Well I don’t really have a choice do I?” “Good boy” Reluctantly I left the room to fetch the spanking chair. I return and hand it to dad who places it in the middle of the living room. “Come here boy.” Dad pulls me to stand directly in front of him. As with all his spankings when I was younger it starts on my underwear. I know to put my hands on my head and don’t need to be told as dad struggles with my belt and zipper, and pulls down my skinny jeans to my ankles. Still with my hands on my head, he lectures me some more., I can’t help but to think “can we hurry up and just get this over with”, but would never say it out loud. Finally after the verbal embarrassment and scolding was over, he took me over his knees. *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* My dad is smaller than me in height but he has a powerful right hand, and I completely forgot how much a spanking actually hurts. It’s pretty humiliating being over dads knees at this age, but I kept telling myself it was better than losing my university money. Dad continued to spank over my boxers until he pulled them up into a wedgie and started spanking my bare cheeks. Usually dad would do this to check how red by butt was getting before he pulled my boxers down for good. I knew it was coming, but it was always unexpected. There is something about being over the knee bare bottomed that is… humbling. Dad finally stopped as I felt him reach for the waistband of my boxers and pulled them to my ankles. I tried with my arm to keep them on and pleaded with him not to spank me on my bare butt, but to no avail. Dad overpowered me and down they came. I was over his knee being spanked on my bare butt like I was a kid again. I completely forgot how humiliating it is. There is little, to no privacy and dad has complete control over what happens next. Dads big hand keeps pounding down on my ass. I start to struggle but with my jeans and boxers by my ankles I don’t have much ability to move. He scolds me, talks to me, guides me throughout the spanking, but never once shouts. His voice is commanding but he knows not to spank in anger. He's scolding me to teach me a lesson, he's spanking me to reinforce the message, and is humiliating me to make sure i never do it again. It's a triple threat that make sures i'm properly disciplined and punished. Finally after what seems like an eternity dad tells me to stand up. I immediately try to cover my privates but i’m told to put my hands on my head. Slowly i abide. Dads sitting so i’m aware that my privates are pretty much at his eye level. The sense of shame is overwhelming, i'm too old for this, or at least i should be too old for it. Dad starts lecturing me again, which makes it worse. I’m listening but i’m overcome by so many other emotions that it’s difficult to take in. Dad asks me questions and I try to answer the best I can. He tells me to look at him when i'm being talked to but i'm so embarassed i'm looking at my feet a lot. Every time i look at my feet, dad takes a hold of my wrist and gives a short quick spank to my butt and i'm reminded to look at him. It's so embarassing. Dad then tells me to strip, and i know now, not to argue back. I get on with it taking off my boxers, jeans and t-shirt, thoughtlessly flinging them on the floor. Dad is not impressed. He gives me a couple of swats, says he taught me better and to fold my clothes in a neat pile. There is something about being told to do this that just amplifies the fact that i’m no longer the 20 something year old man and that he is the one that is in control. I fold my clothes and go back over to stand in front of him, hands on head. I have lost pretty much all my dignity now standing there naked apart from my socks in front of my dad. What i didn't know was that the spanking had only just begun. Dad took me back over his knee and started with his hand again. He made sure that not even an inch of my bottom and top legs was missed with his hand. Now that my legs were unrestricted by my jeans he often told me to spread them wide so we could spank every inch! He spanked hard, his hand like a leather strap, and my legs flailing around like a bucking horse. But there was no denying who was in control. Dad had me held in position well. Sometimes he would move his spare leg over mine to stop me kicking. He would remind me to stay still, take my hand to prevent me from covering my ass. Every so often he would stop to question me some more, ensure i was learning my lesson and rub my butt cheeks to feel the warmth. Again it was embarassing for dad to do this, but I much preferred it to the pain of the spanking. Finally he stopped and told me to take the slipper off his foot and pass him it. I was still over the knee at this point and so reached over to take it off. It’s so humiliating to concede and have to give dad an implement to spank you with. *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* the slipper came down with a more a sting to it than dads hand. It hurt! I could almost feel my butt radiate warmth and red glow. Dad would change the speed of his spanking regularly, it wasn’t a relentless spanking, dad didn’t like to rush things. He took his time and liked perfection, he was going to ensure I learnt my lesson. Sometimes he would spank fast, I would struggle, squirm and plead. Sometimes it was hard and at a steady speed. Sometimes he put the slipper on my ass as if he was about to spank me then not, so i didn’t clench my butt. You see dad had a lot of experience at disciplining me when I was younger and he knew how to press a boys buttons. Having been thoroughly spanked and promising i’d be a better son, dad took me off his knee and placed me in the corner. I stood their hands on head, feet wide apart. “We’re nowhere near done yet” Dad said, as I heard the bath being but on. I stood there nose against the wall thinking what was coming next. Occasionally dad would come up behind me, rub my ass, comment on how red it was and even give me a couple of swats. Dad knew how to physically discipline me, but he also knew how to emotionally discipline me too. His scolding, lecturing and questioning, really made me feel like a naughty little boy that had done wrong. Dad used various corner time techniques with me growing up. Sometimes i'd be on my knees, sometimes i'd have to hold a coin up against with wall with my nose, othertimes it wasn't cornertime and instead I had to write lines! Finally dad took me by the ear into the bathroom, told me to take off my socks and get in the bath. I done as I was told, i wasn’t going to argue with dad when he was in a mood like this. He mentioned that he was going to ensure I was presentable for mum and that I looked the part. Once in the bath he told me to get into various positions as he washed me clean. He also took the razor and shaved off my pubes and ass hair. I tried to plead that the guys would make fun of me in the locker room, but my pleads fell on death ears. Dad knew that by shaving me he was exerting even more control over me and made me feel and look like a helpless little boy. I'm just glad he didn't give me an enema or washed my mouth out with soap. Dad was known to do this when i was younger too. Getting out the bath, dad again made sure I was dry. I wasn’t allowed to do anything. I was embarrassed, humiliated, but not quite broken and dad knew it but he had a trick up his sleeve. Having dried me again he took me by the ear back to the living room and over his knee naked. But this time he also brought with him the bath brush from the bath and DAMN wa it painful. *WHACK WHACK WHACK* For some reason my freshly shaved and bathed butt was on fire with every swat. Dad didn’t let up, he kept swinging and it kept hitting. I squirmed, wriggled, tried to get away. Kicked, yelled, pleased, threw my arm back, but nothing could stop dad. He was on a mission to make me learn my lesson and I was going to learn it. He kept spanking and kept lecturing me. It was too much too take and I was a really sorry, and naughty boy. Finally the bath brushing ended. Dad picked me up and this time led me to the bedroom. Putting me in the middle of the bed he placed 4 pillows under my butt that elevated it up off the bed. And then I could hear his belt being undone. I had already had enough but this time it was serious. Dad took the belt and fired away. Whack Whack Whack Whack. The belt felt so heavy but it stung like nothing else. He then asked me to count and thank him and ask him for another. “1 thank you daddy, please may i have another”. I heard myself say through sobs, crying and grimacing. Dad had won, and I had learnt my lesson. WHACK down came the 20th spank with the belt and it was over. Dad took me by the ear again and sat me down at a computer desk on a hard wooden chair. He told me to write an apology note to him alongside a list of rules that I will abide by while i'm staying with him for the rest of the week. I done I was told and called dad when i was done. He read it, made suggestions on rules, and changes we could make to it. Dad made me share it to a website called southspanking for all to read for some reason, and also printed it off. He told me to stand up, turned the chair around, sat on it himself. He put the print out on the floor, and took me over the knee again with the print out now facing me on the floor. He told me to read it the note out. After every one of the rules dad gave me a hard spank with the hairbrush. Then once i'd finished reading them all, he gave me one last final flurry of spanks. My legs kicked, i cried and i was a very sorry naughty little boy. Finally it was over,  Dad rubbed soothing cream into my butt. It felt good, once done dad finally took me to my room and put me in some presentable clothes for mother returning home. I will never take so long to visit my parents again that’s for sure. I'm now a shaved, clean, spanked, humiliated, embarassed, disciplined, well-behaved but very sore naughty little boy!
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by on August 31, 2020
So so bored of the pandemic! aren't we all.  but today i'm pondering - do you have a spanking bucket list?  Mine changes occasionally, but right now at the top seems to be a good old fashioned switching. Maybe made to cut and peel my own.  Then switched to ribbons by a determined dad who doesnt really care how or where it lands.  Its gonna be a hard day when it finally happens! 
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by on August 17, 2020
  "After his Spanking"   or Spanking Tools and the Benefits of Enhanced Cornertime by Cornertime Confidential and the readers of SouthSpanking.com Many of you wrote in to ask us when Part 3 would be added to the Guide to the Correction of adult boys. We encourage you to read that blogpost first, of course. In our effort to make Part 3 work, even if you haven't read Parts 1 and 2, today, we will discuss "after his Spanking," or a short reflection on Spanking Tools a discussion on the benefits of enhanced Cornertime. Today, in Part 3, let's discuss "after his Spanking":   Spanking Tools and the Best Use of Them As we all know, the very best use for a Spanking Tool is only as a simple warning positioned out on the counter in the kitchen, hanging from a hook, on the bathroom sink, or in the bedroom where the boy can be made to fetch The Stick or The Belt when needed. But sometimes, the second best use of Spanking Tools can be when applied right across a naughty boy's bottom—and sometimes repeatedly so..  In this section, we'll speak primarily of Spanking Tools but in many cases this can mean a variety of things you may or may not have considered, for example:  Daddy's hand Any Rod of Correction or  The Belt that best keeps Daddy's trousers up, his boy in line, and the relationship on track.  Also, we'll speak of a "relationship," but we only really mean the relationship between two people or more in a CP "meet up," not necessarily a Domestic Discipline relationship, a Daddy/boy relationship, or even  long-term relationship at all. Ideally, Daddys will know their boys well enough ahead of time and can utilize the most effective Spanking Tool whenever the call for. However, sometimes you just won't know until a new boy arrives. Most Daddys will be glad that they've spent time learning to hand-Spank well and effectively. And they'll also be better off if they have an organized Spanking Tool bag or shelf or drawer, so the boy can be sent there to pick out the Spanking Tool that'll be used across his backside. In most instances, the alarm opening a drawer of various sticks for Spanking will subside if the Daddy sets the tone and the emotional stage ahead of time, so the boy isn't alarmed and just runs out the door. Instead, the Daddy who best connects ahead of time will find compliant boys who are grateful that there's not just a gigantic frat paddle or a big thick belt and that's the only choice.   Tips for Tops! Once you have a mini-trove from which to choose from, have new boys go select the Spanking Tool with which they will be Spanked. Cornertime Confidential recommends having a few simple items: a thin light paddle, a thicker Spanking Stick like a Jocari or mini-frat paddle, a good Old-Fashioned Hairbrush, and a firm sturdy ruler or yardstick. For belts, you'll want a 2.5"-3" thick black buckled belt and possibly a razor strop or other effective leather strap for Spanking.  Remember, as we learned in parts 2 and 3, a good beating is not delivered by The Spanking Tool. It's created by the Daddy or the Top who administers it. So as you've seen in the other sections of the Guide to the Spanking of adult boys, we have extensive insights for you on that which you should read carefully. However, the Spanking Tools you use will can make a world of difference if they are high quality and applied correctly. Some boys even become attached to certain ones. So do some Daddys!  You don't need to go anywhere other than the local Marshalls, Ross for Less, T.J. Maxx, or Target/Walmart for what you'll need. This may surprise, but the most simple, affordable black belt that does the job is a standard product from H&M stores. It's less than $20. And while Cornertime Confidential encourage all community members to support the communities that support us, including Nasty Pig, Albert Prendergast,the many talented paddlemeisters out there, we don't want anyone to feel that a life in the CP community is a matter of having the latest styles and fashions. Tips for Tops! They call it an "Old Fashioned" Hairbrush Spanking for a reason. A new-fangled hairbrush won't really achieve your goals.  If there's a need, let Cornertime Confidential know, and we can provide a buyers guide of where to get the Spanking Tools you'll want around your home. Once you have them, be sure to keep them in eyeshot of any boy you have over.  If you have a partner who is regularly disciplined, work together to find the very best way to heighten anticipation with everyday objects vanilla friends and family will not realize are used for CP in your home. A small wooden cutting board in the kitchen can regularly double as a hand-sized paddle for boy. An Italian fly swatter (they're made with a leather face) can hang in the kitchen or on the patio, and be used for swattting away bad behaviour as well! The Belt hanging from the closet door can be there as a constant Behinder Reminder to be good and get to bed on time or wake up early! And a good Old Fashioned Hairbrush that isn't really used (in our home Daddy and I are both fairly bald, so no one knows quite why we have The Hairbrush sitting out in the bathroom) can be a Behaviour Modifier every single time your boy goes to the bathroom—and remind him that he's the boy and you're the Daddy/Top.         A Discussion on the Benefits of Enhanced Cornertime Enhanced Cornertime can be, when administered well, in and of itself its own punishment. As you develop your Corporal Punishment-based relationship, sometimes it may help to set the tone using this tool in your toolbox. Cornertime or a Time Out can be used without resorting to Spanking. But many find it boring. So, make it a busy time for your boy: writing lines, washing his mouth out with soap and having him hold the bar in his mouth while he's in The Corner, lecturing him while he stands there. For some boys in some relationships Cornertime will not work. A sound beating on the behind is all they want or need. But for many, that's just too short and abrupt. That's one of the reasons many Daddys opt for the use and effective implementation of Enhanced Cornertime.  We posed the need for some feedback on these areas of importance to the large, well-experience SouthSpanking.com group. Here's what they suggested:   oldskoolotk Cornertime should last for at least 10 minutes in my opinion, just like the Spanking, a boy should wish it was over long before it actually is, and it should be a lesson in endurance. A boy should never feel that Cornertime means he is in the clear, more Spanking should always be a threat, if a boy hasn’t accepted his punishment fully and doesn’t have a proper attitude upon review.    Hands should always be placed somewhere that leaves him exposed front and back, and he should be corrected appropriately if they wander. Adding holding a coin to the wall with his nose can be extra punishment if he has trouble staying in position. Talking should be prohibited unless the boy is spoken to, Some boys need to be sat on the lap, as well, and that can be added at the very end when the boys punishment is over. Other boys may need their bottoms lotioned with something to help heal them, and that can also be done at the end. It's best done OTK with some encouraging words.    The pants and underpants coming up or being put on is the final part of the process, and signifies that the punishment is over. However, in certain situations clothing restrictions can be appropriate and can add to a boys consequences. A boy may be restricted to briefs or even a bare bottom for a certain amount of time and gradually earn back his clothing privileges, or perhaps even be required to sleep nude.    James AZ Very Very Very well-written Oldskool —punishment must be effective and Cornertime is definitely a time to think, a time to reflect, and a time to heal ... it's emotional and a lot more...creativity is so easy, and Daddys or Tops can be encouraged to get very creative. Max Writing lines can be salutary. So can sitting bare-bottomed on a hard wooden chair with a Spanking Tool within eyeshot. We find it instructive how inventive members of this robust website are both with ideas and actions.The Correction of adult boys isn't just about Spanking. There's a lot of psychological value in integrating the Spanking Tools, making Cornertime or Times Out a part of the process, or having your punished boy write lines to correspond with the need for his Spanking. For example, if he's being Spanked for open defiance, you can have him write, "I promise to not be openly defiant to Daddy." or "Daddy is in charge. I am not." 100 times with a pencil on a big sheet of paper.  Tips for Tops! Invest in paper and pencils ahead of time before suddenly being unable to administer the punishment because you don't have enough paper around the house! NonSpanking punishments—broadly speaking, "enhanced Cornertime"—can extend the time necessary for a full and complete Corporal Punishment experience. Enhanced Cornertime can be a stand-alone punishment as well, adding a sense that the boy is not in charge. It's particularly effective when used domestically in the course of a regular night of eating dinner, watching T.V., playing video or board games, etc. If you are in the midst of regular domestic live, when an appropriate time comes based on snark, tone, attitude, laziness, lack of cooperation, send your boy to The Corner, a place you have set aside in Punishment Spanking times as The Corner where naughty boys in the house go.  Sometimes this will mean sending him to his room.Sometimes it'll be just a place in the living room where you can see him standing with his 'pants lowered or not—and his bottom facing into the room. When punished in this way, the Correction of adult boys goes far beyond the thrills and spills associated with Spanking alone. You can turn off the T.V. (and now that Daddys mostly all have DVR, they can stop a program midstream, and attend to discipline, and then when the boy is sufiiciently punished, return to the program with or without the errant boy). Why do this? Because Enhanced Cornertime can bring vitality back to a relationship that can be stuck in a tidewater of repetition, dullness, or worse. Relationships need variety, and one way to do that is to use The Stick or The Belt, but another it to use your mind.    Tips for Tops! The mind is a very effective Tool for Corporal and non-Corporal Punishment. Use that tool to put a nail in bad behaviour, defiance, Rulebreaking, and the like.  What can you do with these following household items? Castor OIl  Capsaicin Cream  A switch from a recent hike  Stinging nettles from a local forest  A rough plastic door mat  Enforced writing of lines  (For some boys) being put into diapers  (For others) being made to wear white briefs... ...the options can be seemingly endless...if you put your mind to it! So don't put your back into it. Spend less time fretting about whether you deliver a good Spanking. Think more about how you can be the perfect Daddy for the boys you have.  Each boy is unique as is each Daddy, and a unique approach driven by you and his own personal experience will make the Spanking of adult boys in your life better, more effective, and ultimately much for satisfying for both involved.          After a Trip to the Woodshed, What Next?   Please comment below or email me with your ideas.   ________________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are: Tumblr  ∙  Twitter  ∙  Blogger ∙  WordPress  
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by on July 26, 2020
Hi Everyone, A quick update, I am currently abroad so not been on site much, still managed to get myself spanked though - bet you are suprised lol? There was a mistake made on the site with regards to a members account being deleted, and I want to apologize for that. Everyone regardless of gender is welcome here without exception. I would like to ask for your understanding on this matter and not turn it into an argument or point fingers, we all make mistakes. Ultimately this is my site, so I take full responsobility and this has never happened before, so please do accept it for what it was - a mistake. I appreciate your understanding and support and again I apologize.   huggsss   James    
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by on July 21, 2020
Cornertime Confidential received a follow up email from joey b, a rural boy living in an area where it's hard to meet and connect with Daddys who work out. You can read more about what my friends here on SouthSpanking.com recommended joey b do by reading this blogpost here. Thanks in part to your efforts to help rural joey b, he did meet a Man Who Paddles and warmed up joey b's bottom good. But now...he's got a question for you...   ...Now What Do I Do? by joey b Dear Cornertime Confidential, Thanks again for your readers' help in finding a Man Who Spanks out here in my rural end of the country. It looks like getting a Spanking from the guy I met might be a regular thing, and we will get together when our schedules allow. I sure hope he gets to Spank me many times in the future. It was nice to get a hug afterwards too. He was a very nice guy, but he put me through my paces too. Honestly, though, I'm not sure how to proceed from here.  I am the type of person that always feels like I am bothering someone if I contact them. I'm a little better when it comes to texting or email, but I still worry I will be a nuisance. I'm not sure how long I should take to text him again and when I should ask for another Spanking. I am a glutton for punishment, so I could do this every week, LOL.  I've always wanted to meet someone who I could be in a relationship with romantically who would give me daily short Maintenance Spankings as well as more intense Spankings when I am "naughty." I'm not for sure if this guy would even want a regular friendship let alone something more. For now, I'd be happy with just getting at least somewhat regular Spankings.  When I texted him after I got home from the Spanking and thanked him again, he did say, "We'll definitely do it again," so that sounds promising. We had talked about how hard it is to find Spanking partners in this area. I would enjoy becoming actual friends with him, but I don't know if he is the type that would just want a purely Spanking relationship. I know he said that for him, he keeps Spankings and sex separate, so I wonder what else he keeps separate from Spanking partners. Sorry if I am just laying this all out and it's TMI, but I really don't have anyone to talk about this with. Any and all advice is appreciated.  Love,  joey b ________________________________________ So you just went to on a date for a Spanking with a new boy or new Man Who Spanks? What's the best next steps if it went well or even just good?  How much post-Spanking communication is too much with a new Daddy?  What kind of communication is just right? Not enough?  You don't want to appear to be like a stalker, what's the sweet spot here?  And how do you know, based on the fact that every boy and every Man Who Spanks is different? Together, maybe the Cornertime Confidential readers can help establish a few movable goal posts—or perhaps instead hard-and-fast rules or gold standards—of post-Spanking communication to make it easier for everyone. Let's together see if we can all behind a few effective lines in the sand, so we know what the limits are every time.  And no adult adult boy wants to latch onto the wrong Daddy right off the bat.  So let's open this up now to you guys. How would you advise joey b?  
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by on July 10, 2020
What Corona Did to My DD Relationship  Change in a Time of Stasis Home With Daddy Isn't What it Was Funny, but I've not talked much here about how Coronavirus wrecked havoc on Daddy and me. We still don't know how to be Daddy and boy anymore. It's just rewired everything, and sent us into a DD tailspin. I think we'll get back to normal once everyone and their mother doesn't live in the building 24/7, but until that time, Daddy and I have pressed pause. We'd already been falling out of regular Maintenance Spankings and general practice over time. Work has been very dicey and scary and there just hasn't been the mental space to be who we are as a fully realized DD couple. Just lousy. But fear not, this email isn't intended as a downer. Sassy Andy got back in touch recently and I thought I'd share his perspective about how Coronavirus kept his relationship on track during the pandemic. It all started with a few emails asking how things were going: Saturday, April 25, 2020  jake, Well I'm glad you are still working jake.  As I told you, I'm working from home and so is Rob. At first, I was a little nervous thinking I would get in trouble more. I did the first while e.g. the mouth soaping that I sent photos of. I'm still standing in The Corner pretty regularly for silly things, except last week it was only once, I was so proud. I had to stand in The Corner last night and this afternoon, and I've been told if I'm sent to The Corner one more time Rob will Spank me.  You sound stressed and I hate hearing that. Have you gotten into any trouble? Spankings? Been in The Corner at all?  Saturday, May 2, 2020  andy, Yeah, no Spankings, Cornertime, or anything. We are very laissez faire right now. This is NOT good in the long run, but necessary right now during this ackward time. jake Sunday, May 3, 2020  jake, On the one hand, you are getting a bit of a break from the discipline but like you said, it is not good in the long run. It will be hard to rein you in after not being punished at all. For me, once I switched to working at home, I didn't think The Rules or punishments would change.  Like I said to you before, I was worried that I would get into trouble more because Rob is now around me all the time.    Struggling to Live as a boy During the Pandemic Overall, I don't think things have changed that much. I still stand in The Corner pretty regularly, and I've had two Spankings, one mouth soaping, and I've had to write lines three times over the past seven weeks. That's pretty on par with my punishments in normal times. The positive is that I'm used to others seeing me in The Corner as people are always coming and going from our home. Now, it's just Rob, so it's not as humiliating, but he's made my time there quite long to compensate. I'm almost always stood there for an hour, at attention, nose pressed in The Corner, wearing the dunce cap. I look forward to this ending, it's been way too long and I really miss eating out, going out for a beer, seeing live music etc...and I've never watched so much T.V. in my life. Hang in there, it will end soon, and you'll have a sore behind once again. andy ___________________________________ A Coda July 1, 2020 Update: Laid off after 10 years on the job, and 9 years before that! I may be stepping back a bit from the blog writing for a while. I've gotten find a revenue stream after 20 years of great work.:I'm crushed, y'all. Not sure what to do to make myself invaluable again. Wish me luck. 
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