by on July 2, 2020
I have been working on a story, probably a novella eventually. It's a first person account of a young man's journey to his discovery and experiences with spanking. I'd like to know what people think of this excerpt. This scene takes place after the young man has performed very poorly in that day's basketball practice.   As I was walking out of the shower, I heard coach call from his office, “In here, Johns.” With my towel around my waist, I trudged into his office. That voice meant immediately, not after I’d gotten dressed. I was exhausted from practice, and now I was in trouble with coach. Could this day’s practice get any worse? Yes, it could and did. Now you need to understand, coach’s office had a large window that looked out onto the locker room. He didn’t want any horsing around in the locker room, as guys often do, so he kept an eye on us. I never had any hint that it was anything more. From what I heard, coach was quite the lady’s man. He didn't care about seeing a bunch of naked teenage boys. He cared only about discipline and winning. I walked into his office and stood before his desk. He was obviously angry and exasperated. In his most stern voice, he said, “I’m done with you banned word up. You can either bend over with your hands on that desk and take a paddling for each point you cost the team, or you can walk out, get dressed, and be off the team. You’re either going to start improving or have a very sore ass if you don’t. You’ll  be off the team if you don’t straighten up and take this seriously. Understand?” I understood. If I got kicked off the team, my dad was going to beat my ass anyway, and possibly worse than what coach was about to give me. My dad would have seen me getting kicked off the team as an embarrassment to him, and he hated to be embarrassed. So, I did the only thing I could do; I bent over and grabbed the desk. Coach picked up his paddle and walked around his desk. That’s when I felt coach’s hand grab my towel and yank it away. Not only was I about to get a bare-assed paddling, but it was going to be in plain sight of the whole team. He kicked at the inside of my feet and told me to spread them apart. With me bent over and my legs spread, my puckered banned word was on full view as well. I knew the whole team was watching to see what would happened next. I could feel my cheeks turning red with embarrassment, and beads of sweat broke out on my forehead. I’d never been so vulnerable and exposed, and my ass cheeks were about to be the same color as the cheeks on my embarrassed face. Twenty licks with coach’s wooden paddle? Could I take it stoically like a man as was expected of me? I had no idea. I knew, though, coach’s paddle looked menacing. It had two rows of holes down the whole length. Damn, this was going to banned word hurt. I knew coach had played baseball, as well as, basketball in college. He was a homerun king before getting injured and turning to teaching and coaching. I’d seen him at the batting cages; he hadn’t lost his swing. If he could swing a bat like that, I knew he would swing the paddle just as hard. I’d never witnessed him paddle anyone before, but we’d all seen that menacing looking paddle, which had kept us in line. He kept one paddle on the wall in his office and hung one up on the wall behind his desk in the classroom. Now, I was going to be on the receiving end of one of those paddles. There I stood, feet apart, balls swinging between my legs, shaking in fear and anticipation, and about to feel the sting of that paddle. To my surprise, blood wasn’t only rushing to my embarrassed face, but also to my cock. I was getting banned word hard. What the banned word was wrong with me? I had a lot of emotions and thoughts running through my head at that moment. Why was I getting hard? However, I didn’t have time to think about all that, as the paddle connected with my ass. It made a loud crack, and I knew it could be heard clearly in the locker room. The sting was more than I’d ever imagined, but I also wouldn’t have imagined that my dick would grow rock hard when that paddle hit my ass. One after another, the paddle came down on my ass. I wondered if I could take it all, but my dick seemed to be telling me something completely different as it twitched and began leaking precum with every swat. It was like a direct connection from the paddle hitting my ass to the throbbing of my cock. Coach swung his paddle hard and fast, and with each swat I could feel that sensation in my dick getting stronger and more urgent. I was liking this more than I should have. Then at swat eighteen, my dick convulsed and exploded all over the top of coach’s desk and with the next swat another load hit the front of the desk and began to drip down. I was shooting and spraying everywhere. I’d never had an orgasm so intense, and my body shook with the force of it. Coach obviously noticed. How could he not? I’d made a mess of his desk, and I was making a mess of the floor. The final (now excruciating) swat came down, and I made a huge mistake: I stood up. Coach said in an annoyed and exasperated voice, “Did I tell you to stand up?” Immediately, I knew my mistake and bent back down and grabbed the desk, saying a meek, “No.” Coach said, “What was that Johns?” I repeated what I’d said but this time louder and for good measure I added sir. He said, “Five more for not listening.” Oh God, could I take five more with my erection gone? That twentieth one had been the worst of them all. It had literally brought tears to my eyes. I would learn throughout my life, that I could take almost anything and have some of the most perverse thoughts when my dick was hard. This was just the first lesson. With the first nineteen swats, the excitement had grown to a climax with every connection the paddle made with my butt. The next five came hard and fast, and I couldn’t help but cry out. Tears rolled down my face, from pain and embarrassment. Before the last swat he said in a disgusted voice, “Johns, take it like a man!” I kept quiet for the last swat, and I didn’t move, waiting to be told to stand up. 
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by on July 1, 2020
Have a Zach, a naughty boy that is always up to mischief?  Need some help, well here it is:   Has there been or could there be a time where Zach needs a trip over daddy's knee, but Daddy has been too busy to spank and corner time him properly? If the answer is yes then Daddy needs Naughty Zach Punishment briefs. With Zach dressed in a pair of snow white Punishment briefs, Daddy can simply deliver a spank to his boys bare bottom at the touch of a button.   Naughty Zach Punishment briefs consist of a Daddy Control Unit (DCU) about the size of a TV remote control that is carried by Daddy. The second and most important part of the package are the punishment briefs themselves.   These are made from Ultra Stretchy Lycra and are available in a large range of sizes to insure they closely fit the contours of Zachs little bottom.     The secret of these briefs are the miniature electrodes sewn into the lining at strategic locations. Each pare of electrodes can impart a smarting sting to that area of the Zach's bottom. In tests these sensations have been likened to a daddys hand spank (or at the higher setting, a carefully applied spank with the hairbrush)   Spanks are issued from the DCU by selecting HAND or HAIRBRUSH and pushing the button that relates to the area of the bottom you wish to smack.i.e. ...... Left Cheek, Right Cheek, Sit Spot, Crack. The briefs will then fire two random electrodes in the chosen area, insuring an even distribution.   When a longer spanking is required, then daddy can set the severity and the number of spanks, press the Spank button, sit back and watch the show.   The Punishment briefs also include 2 sensors situated over each buttock that when activated from the DCU can impart a spank when they are patted by a hand. This can allow semi automated spankings that can be administered over the knee, by daddy if he is feeling ill and feels he does not have enough stregnth by himself to give Zach the meaningful spanking he needs.   The DCU also has a warning button that when pressed creates an aprehensive tingling feeling in Zachs's bottom. This can be used to warn Zach that continuation of current behavior will result in a spanking.   Benefits of Zach Punishment briefs:   A spanking can be given at any time, without Zach having to be within reach   A spanking can be given in any position, sitting, standing or other   Although there is no need for Zach to be over daddy's knee, this position can add to embarrassment and submission, and no matter how much wiggling goes on, every spank will land with exact force.  
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by on June 29, 2020
*Permission is granted to repost this on other sites.  If you do, please credit me as "Ageless Al"* When people think of ageplay, they’re more likely to think about the Littles – The adults who play as babies and toddlers.  But if you look, you can find plenty of Middles around, playing as boys above the age of toilet training.  This is true even on sites that focus on diapers.  There’s certainly plenty of us here in the spanking community! Being an older boy has its perks.  We can have a little more maturity than the babies.   We can talk with the grammar and vocabulary of an adult (though some words are still off limits).  Our toys and cartoons are designed for more developed minds.  But we’re still at an age where we crave affection and guidance from our Dads and Onkels. There’s greater freedom but we still have restrictions.  We may even have chores!  Some of us will try to push the boundaries, only to be met with strict punishments.  I summarise my personal approach to ageplay as “old enough that I should be able to use the toilet but certainly not too old for a smack bottom.” While avoiding more babyish outfits, clothing can still display childishness.  We can often dress ourselves.  We like t-shirts and briefs with bright colours and cartoon characters.  Some of us have to wear a school uniform with smart shorts.  And some of us do suffer the embarrassment of having our big boy undies taken away and being put back into diapers. Not all Middles wear diapers but they still have their place.  Maybe it’s “forced” on us as a punishment or by a mean big bro.  Maybe the man in charge wants to make sure his bedsheets are protected.  Some boys still struggle with the occasional daytime accident in their big boy pants.  Whatever the reason, we know in our hearts that wearing our diapers is juvenile, precisely because we identify in an older role!  
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by on June 11, 2020
The Dad Conference Chapter One   It is often said that truth is or can be stranger than fiction, somethings or events, can be far more shall we say 'unbelievable' than we can possibly imagine.  Life is remarkable, we make connections, friendships and relationships that truly are exciting and wonderful. Fiction too, is also remarkable, it is a bit like a bubble that is outside of reality.  Within that bubble however, lives creativity, it is a place to wish, express feelings and desires. Well, enough of my wanderings on reality and fiction, and let us get down to the 'nitty gritty', as it were. How many readers would actually believe that there exists a group of men, that meet on a bi-annual basis whom firmly believe in discipline, structure and guidance for young men? Would you believe that these men are Dad's to their adult partners? That these Dad's proactively discuss discipline techniques and punishments, with a specific focus on long and hard bare bottomed spankings? Perhaps you may find, the fact strange, that some of these Dads are new, seeking guidance, help and even a mentor from older more experienced Dads? You are of course within your right to disbelieve such a group could never exist, and indeed if they did exist, an invitation would most certainly be required in order to attend, (at the very least). You could hardly hold such a conference, at a public venue, such as in a hotel, now could you? There would of course be a facilitator, or organizer (head dad), that structures the conference and decides from a plethora of topics to be included in the conference.  Typically, the conferences begin on a Friday morning, ending early afternoon on Sundays. If such a conference did take place, I would suspect it would have a structure similar to below, let’s call it Day one: 0900 - 1000   Meet and Greet. 1000 - 1100   Selecting the right spanking chair. 1200 - 1300   How to give an over the lap spanking. 1300 - 1400    Lunch. 1400 - 1500    Dads word is final, making your boy understand. 1500 - 1600    Hand spanking him over your lap, rapid fire or slow and deliberate. 1600 - 1700    Corner time, for how long and should he be naked or allowed some modesty. I bet a lot of boys, would just love to be a fly on the wall during these discussions, well if you are one of those boys, I'll share a little of what was actually discussed (allegedly, of course). The meet and greet is just that, there are some new Dads in attendance, so a lot of introducing and small talk takes place.  Naturally the new Dads are a little nervous and excited, but become more confident and at ease in a very short space of time.  They are welcomed and reassured by the more experienced Dads.  There are of course ample snacks available as well as hot and cold beverages. The first topic up for discussion is as we know is 'selecting the right spanking chair' You would think this is a simple subject and would not take up much time, yet it turns out to be a hot topic.  The head dad explains, that the right chair should elevate and present a boy’s bottom perfectly for spanking, regardless of the position.  There is a brief discussion about using a chair for the naughty boy to sit in pre-spanking for a lecture or scolding. The new dads are surprised to learn that the more experienced Dads actually have more than one spanking chair.  Dad Denis explains: 'Your first chair Dads, is the one you will sit in, to put your son right over your lap.  I would suggest starting off with a modern chair, you can get a cheap one from most big box retailers.  Once you have it, put your boy over your lap, get a sense of how it feels, and the most important feature is that his toes must at least be off the ground a little bit.  I personally prefer my Sons legs to be able to kick freely in the air, just like a naughty boy should.  Shift him further over your lap. and check for access and presentation, ideally you want to be able to tan his sit spots for him and have a very clear view of where you are educating him.  Do remember that presentation, really does matter, for sure you are spanking him for his own good, but you as his Dad have a right to enjoy his spanking and there is nothing wrong with that.  I personally love the feeling of my son’s bare bottom, as I caress and spank his cute little buns.  Take your time and enjoy tanning his bottom, feel the heat radiate through your hand and admire the view as his fanny turns from pink to red.  Take your time and make sure every inch of his bare bottom, including sit spots are well attended to.  If you are going to spank, make it count and make it meaningful.’ Some of the new Dads were actually taking notes, and nodding their heads in agreement. Dad Denis continued: 'If the chair does not work out, for example it’s not high enough to get your boys feet kicking, then simply return it and get one with a higher seat.  Repeat the same procedure, back over your lap he goes, makes sure his legs are up and able to kick and of course presentation and access is suitable.  It’s an ideal way of experimenting with how far you want your son over your lap for his spankings.  It is important of course that you are comfortable and so is your boy, after all he may be across your lap for some time, depending on how naughty he has been' Dad Denis chuckled and smiled before continuing: 'Now that you have your chair, take its measurement, from the floor to the seat, and be accurate.  Your first spanking chair, will do its job and get your son accustomed to bare bottomed over the knee spanking, traditional style!  Soon though you will want that more symbolic and sturdier wooden straight-backed chair, do not be in a rush, take your time.  Visit thrift stores or/and antique stores and take your measuring tape with you.  When you find the perfect chair, you will know, buy it on the spot and ask the store to keep it until you collect it.  As soon as possible, and as soon as your boy has been naughty, take him with you to collect it.  He is going to know exactly why you bought it, without any need for an explanation.  Have him place it its new home and christen his new spanking chair immediately.  Take your time with this first spanking in his new chair, and administer a sound and very thorough spanking.' There was a round of chuckles and some whispers as the Dads listened avidly.  Dad Denis waited a few moments before he said: 'Now I know, a lot of you Dads will want to comfort your son, before sending him to the corner to think, however at least on this first occasion, consider having him sit in his very own spanking chair.  Have him sit there bare bottomed, tee and socks only on his very red and sore behind.  Next give him a lecture on what caused him to be spanked, and how he can avoid it in the future.  When you have finished, then send him to the corner for thinking time' 'In my house my sons spanking chair features very prominently in his young life.  He is given a pre spanking lecture while sitting in his chair, briefs socks and tee only before I take him by the ear to put him over my lap, (leading boys to your lap, including by his ear is a scheduled topic for tomorrow), after he has been spanked, a post lecture and conversation takes place with his bare buns firmly seated on the nice hard wood.  It’s actually quite amusing to see him squirm and move his bottom around on his spanking chair, as I lecture him.  Then its corner time, nose to the wall.  Please remember Dads after punishment comes soothing and forgiveness, the slate is wiped clean.  Take your time, dry his eyes and praise him for taking his spanking so well, there is no time limit, take as long as is needed' ‘You can be very creative with the spanking chair, for example have him sit on it bare bottomed, and brush his own hair with the very hairbrush you are going to spank him with.  Or perhaps have him bend over the back of the chair for some waiting time, his eyes fixed on the paddle laying on the seat he knows will shortly be paddling his own bare buns.  Better still how about having his name stenciled on the back in large letters?  Or have him kneel down and lay over the seat, then place paddle or brush on his back, that one I promise will really get him going, bringing forth the inevitable sniffles naughty boys make when faced with the inevitable.  There are endless opportunities men, and a little humiliation will do your son no harm at all, I suspect you will find the opposite, it will heighten his anxiety as it should, ensuring his punishment is much more memorable.’ 'Does anyone have any questions?' I shall not bore you with the questions, they were mainly around the type of wood chairs are made of, and a few about having a boy bent over the spanking chair before punishment for thinking time. 'Okay Dads, I am now going to have over to Dad Freddy, whom will be discussing how to give your sons an over the lap spanking, thanks for letting me talk with you today' There was a hearty round of applause for Dad Denis, as Dad Freddy stood up to begin his presentation. ‘Thank you, Dad Denis, alright Dad’s I am going to discuss how to give an over the lap spanking, and please do feel free to contribute or ask any questions you might have. The first thing you want to do, is get him over both your thighs, that in reality is what an over the lap (some times called over the knee) spanking is.  Your boy’s lower tummy should be in contact with your thighs.  This is very important as it will elevate and lift his cute bottom for your attention, in all its round, bare and plump glory.  Your son will feel his vulnerability, as well as reach an emotional peak, he will have sensations of humility and intimacy and you have not even started his spanking yet.  Remember you are in no rush, take it easy and slow and let your boy get accustomed to his position and forthcoming spanking.  You can build up the atmosphere even more, by simply rubbing and pinching his cheeks, the odd pat here, or finger running down his crack. You are in charge, and you can and should build on his emotions.  The over the lap position is unique, it is bonding and nurturing and should be included in all discipline sessions.’ ‘When your son is over your lap, it does allow him to be firmly held, this closeness cannot be underestimated, while in practice it makes spanking him easier, it also provides a sense of security for him.  In addition, it gives access to the back of his thighs, should additional encouragement be required to get tears flowing.  Also note that with his hips bent, and thighs spread it is difficult for him to tighten his little bare fanny, ultimately this means lighter spanks may be employed and therefore punishment may be extended if need be.’ ‘Another important point is that when he is over your lap, you can easily monitor the coloring of his bottom.  You will see it go from different shades of pink to red, this is especially useful if a harder spanking than normal is necessary as you can move to a different part of his bottom once the required shade of red has been achieved.  Simply even out the redness all over his fanny, and you should avoid any bruising.’ Dad Freddy looked at his audience raised an eyebrow and asked ‘Does anyone have any questions so far?’ One of the younger Dads asked ‘What about erections?’ ‘Excellent question’ Dad Freddy said. “There a re a couple of things we need to discuss.  When your son is first put over your lap. His penis will be quite active, especially if it is pressing into your thigh, where shall we say it has space to grow?  Not every boy will react the same way.’ A few chuckles sounded throughout the room. ‘Remember guys, spanking has a massive erotic component and dealing with erections is going to depend on your relationship and probably the punishment as well.  While he is being spanked, the friction he feels will most definitely cause heightened excitement.  If It is pure punishment, I would simply ignore it, because soon enough he will have other things on his mind, and by that, I mean a very hot and sore bottom.  As soon as he really starts to feel his spanking, you will find in most cases, Mr. Penis sure quietens down fast.  There will be times though, that your son gets very excited and ultimately cannot control the outcome (forgive the pun).  In these situations, or where your boy always gets so excited, you may wish to make sure you are wearing old jeans or pants or place a towel over your own lap.’ ‘Once his excitement has been satisfied, let him lay there for a couple of minutes until he has composed himself, pat that nice bare bottom a few times and then tan him but good.  You will now find his reactions are more with what you had in mind, a boy being well punished and one that is really feeling his much needed and well deserved spanking.  Ignore his pleas and really get down to the spanking, get those tears rolling and ultimately do not stop when they do.  He is being punished, not played with’ ‘Any other questions?’ asked Dad Freddy When no one said anything, the Dads all broke for lunch.  Most of them went in pairs or small groups to nearby café’s and restaurants where they continued building friendships with one another. After lunch they were introduced to Dad Benny, he was an older, smaller Dad, full beard with twinkling eyes and a mischievous grin.  You could tell that in his younger years Dad Benny had almost certainly been over a few laps himself and probably quite deservedly so. His presentation was on ‘Dads word is final, making your boy understand’ ‘Right guys, all those blogs you have read discussing, domestic discipline, put them right out of your mind.  Your son is unique.   You need to build on his goals and aspirations and please remember, your relationship always comes first’ ‘As head of the household and you do have the final say, when it comes to domestic issues.  Do not think for a second that gives you carte blanche within your relationship, it most certainly does not.  Like any couple, important decisions will always be discussed and agreed upon between you both, but you as dad, do have the final say in matters of domestic harmony, and that includes discipline’   To Be Contimued
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by on May 1, 2020
(*A special thank you to Jake Tenneby for preserving this blog for me.  This is my original writing, which was reposted with permission on Cornertime Confidential, and was lost when my profile got deleted  I did not have this saved anywhere, so thank you for preserving it) Many everyd­ay dads that spank their boys have one main implement that they usually use on their boy's bottoms. It might be:     A paddle han­ging on the wall,     A belt that is worn day to day,     The hairbrush safely kept on the nightstand, or     It may just be his own hand. And although Doms in the spanking community typically have large collections of imple­ments with apprecia­tion for all the nua­nces of each, most guys favor one implement or type of implement over the rest. This essay is to explore what th­at choice says about the spanker (if any­thing). Please comment or sh­are your own observa­tions! HAND Hand spankers are warm and caring. They are the type to call and ask how you are doing, and what you are doing. They will talk to you as a friend would, and will take an interest in your life. A spanking from them will usually be long and drawn out. They will tell you they are disappoin­ted with you, and me­an it. Hand spanke­rs spank almost excl­usively OTK. They may spank you on the bare bottom, but will also spank your un­derpants a lot of tim­es, and sometimes wi­ll spank the seat of your pants. Because of this your butt is never safe from a reprimanding smack or proud pat. Just like they like getting in your business, they will land their fingers in the crea­se of your butt and on your bum hole dur­ing a spanking witho­ut apology.  When they are finished spanking you they may want a hug or for you to sit on their lap. THE HAIRBRUSH Old fashioned hairbrush spankers are the strict cousins of hand spankers. They are caring but much st­ricter than hand spa­nkers. They are us­ually detail oriented and meticulous. Like hand spankers, hairbrush spankers al­most always spank OT­K, however hairbrush spankers almost alw­ays spank on the bare bottom. Although some may warm your underpants-clad bottom with their hand, on­ce the hairbrush com­es out, your butt will be bared, and the hairbrush spanker will be the one to bare it. These spankers want to be in full contr­ol of every aspect; they want to see eve­ry smack, see your butt's reaction, and carefully plan their next smack. They will also cl­osely monitor you for signs of emotional or physical resistance, and will not end a span­king until they are completely gone. Ha­irbrush spankers rar­ely spank anywhere outside of the buttoc­ks, because it would not be proper; which means you will nev­er have marks on your thighs, but your bottom will likely ha­ve blisters and brui­ses. Expect cornertime and an evaluati­on of how well you learned your lesson afterward. BELT Belt spankers are generally "avera­ge guys" who just wa­nt to get the job do­ne. They care enou­gh to spank, but don­’t want it to be too intimate. This is why belt spankers alm­ost always spank you either laying on the bed or bent over. You will usually be asked to lower your own pants and unde­rpants for a belt spa­nking, and are usual­ly treated much more like an adult. Wh­en the spanking star­ts,the belt will la­nd where it may, it may be lopsided, hit­ting one buttock more than the other, or it may lash your te­nder bumhole or thig­hs, but that is all your problem for scr­ewing up. Belt spank­ers may tell you to take it like a man, meaning they don't want you to break down on them. After yo­ur lashes, life goes back to normal, and you're expected to get on with life as if they had not just seen and whipped yo­ur bare butt.   PADDLE Paddle spank­ers like showmanship and are competitive. Their spanking im­plement is a work of art, worthy of disp­lay, whether for the message engraved or painted on it, or for the beauty and craftsmanship of the paddle itself. If they have an older more worn paddle, that too is a badge of hon­or for the number of spankings it has de­livered. They will talk openly of spank­ing you, without any hesitation, and will also not hesitate to spank you in front of someone, when it's warranted. Pad­dles can easily pene­trate pants, so there is a chance you wi­ll be clothed for pa­rt or all of a paddl­ing. Paddlings are almost always done be­nding over, and are very "on the spot" type of punishments. Because of the show­manship of paddlers, you will almost alw­ays get extra swats if you fail to keep your position or fol­low any of the other rules that are set for you. Paddle span­kers get a very smug satisfaction out of spanking you, and enjoy watching you struggle to maintain. Tears are seen as an accomplishment, and are usually not di­scouraged. After the spanking, you may be put in the corner to display your red bottom if there’s time, but otherwise seeing you nursing yo­ur sore bottom is satisfying enough. SLIPPER Slipper spa­nkers see the value of spanking boys, but see it as a dirty job. The sole of a shoe is well suited to the task, having to tread the dirt and gravel of life. Slipperings are given OTK or bent over most often, and are usually given bare bo­ttomed but sometimes in pajamas or under­pants. Slipper spank­ers have a lot in co­mmon with belt spank­ers, in that they are more interested in the ends rather than the means. The sl­ipper will land most­ly on your bottom, but if needed it will also land on your thighs. Slipper span­kers are more likely to send you to bed after a spanking or otherwise disrupt your life as part of the punishment. They may also soap your mouth or use other punitive measures in addition to the span­king. SWITCH / SPOON Spanke­rs that favor switch­es or spoons usually have deep religious convictions about spanking. They may li­ke to have long talk­s, hand on shoulder style. They will li­kely have you fetch the spoon or pick yo­ur own switch to make you willingly subm­it to the punishment. When it’s time to carry out the disci­pline, they will oft­en lecture you for your offense and make it seem much worse than you think it was. You will almost always be bare bott­omed, but the spanks will often spread to your thighs with the switch, or bum-ho­le and tender sit-sp­ots with the spoon.  You may be pla­ced in the degrading diaper position with spoon or switch spankers.  Otherwise, they usually like you bending over or placed over the kn­ee. Switch and spoon spankers are usual­ly relentless, and are on a mission to whip the naughtiness out of you, so expect a very painful spa­nking with welts in the case of the swit­ch, or blisters in the case of the spoon. After the spankin­g, expect more lectu­ring while you are still bared, and expe­ct to be questioned about plans to impro­ve. The good news is, you will likely es­cape corner time or any other punishment once you are dismis­sed. RAZOR STRAP / CANE St­rap or cane Spankers are strong male aut­hority figures that command respect. They take discipline seriously, and belie­ve spanking is an im­portant part of inst­illing it into boys. You will likely be stripped naked for a strap or cane puni­shment, or at least naked from the waist down. You will oft­en have to fold your clothes, and stand in front of them for a lecture. The humi­liation level is usu­ally high to match the pain level you are about to feel. You will then be told to bend over, most of the time over an object as the intense pain makes grabbing knees impractical. There wi­ll usually be a set number of lashes del­ivered, the cane com­ing in multiples of 6 and the strap in multiples of 5. The lashes will be well placed and deliberat­e, and there will be no mercy. You will take as many as you earned, but usually have the small mercy of knowing how many you­’re getting. You may have to count the lashes out loud and/or thank the spanker for them. Like padd­lings, there are lik­ely to be consequenc­es for failing to st­ay in position with the addition of havi­ng to keep count. You will likely be put on display in the co­rner for an excruciatingly long period of time after your puni­shment and not be al­lowed to even touch your bottom. You are likely to have your behavior reviewed before you are allowed your clothes back, and also be given a stern warning about future misbehaviors.
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by on April 29, 2020
What is everyone's thoughts on the first ever spanking themed horror movie ? Bad boys would be hunted by Switchman who would deliver a thorough lashing with a branch from his head. He would suddenly appear when the boy least expected and believed that he had escaped punishment for a misdeed. We would see the suspense building as Switchman tracked the boy. Or in a dark bedroom when the boy was sound asleep, he would slowly awaken to the shock of seeing Switchman standing in the room.
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by on April 22, 2020
Hello everyone, I hope you are all safe, during these uncertain and unprecedented times.  Next week, probably on Wednesday afternoon, the site is moving to a new server.  Nothing is changing, it will still be southspanking.com The new server is less expensive, the estimated savings are around $500 per year.  It is also faster, more secure and utilizes more modern technology. I have over the course of the last few weeks been testing and configuring and I am now satisfied we can go ahead.  The majority of the data will be copied over before Wednesday, and I will of course give a couple of hours warning ahead of the move. The site will be off-line for only a short period of time, probably less than 1 hour. If after an hour, you are still not getting access, please remember to press F5 on your keyboard to refresh your browser. I want to thank those of you that have made a donation to the site, it really helps, and it allowed me to make this cost saving reduction, especially at this stressful time. We do need donations going forward, but rather than getting out the begging drum, I have also listed a number of items on e-bay from my collection.  So, if you want to help the site, and get yourself a DVD, book or magazine at the same time, have a look at what we are selling.  Unfortunately, eBay restricts adult goods to within the US only, so I can only sell to those within the US. Our eBay store can be found at:  https://www.ebay.com/str/arizoy Thank you everyone, and again please stay safe and well. Hugs James
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by on April 5, 2020
With the on-going crisis, I thought it might be fund to share our fantasies.  So I will post mine, tell me what you think, add to it even or post your own! Let's have a little fun :) hugs James: I am going on a vacation with my Dad, and we are being joined by two other Dads and their boys.  It’s a nice country lodge with plenty of room and nice and private. Once we get there and get unpacked, us boys are lined up for a ‘chat’ about expectations and behavior.  We are informed that any Dad from this point forward to the end of the vacation can punish any boy and that includes spanking us.  Us boys all begin to protest in earnest but are quickly silenced as all the dads as if on cute take a hairbrush from their pockets and meaningfully place them on the table.  The noise of the brushes being placed upon the table, is almost deafening to us. ‘Now boys, we don’t really want to use these, but if you push us, you will find your bare bottoms up over our knees, while our wooden friends here have a long discussion with you – do you understand?’ In a chorus we all reply respectfully ‘yes sir’ ‘Good, we think a small demonstration would be in order’ my Dad said, smiling. The next thing, the Dads are all rolling up their right sleeves, they are all smiling and enjoying the look on our worried faces. Although we know the unthinkable is about to happen, us boys stand there, faces flushed in silence. Soon three wooden dining chairs are strategically placed, and three sets of ears are taken and guided over to each chair.  We find ourselves over our own dad’s laps.  Within a few seconds the room resonates as the spanking of three naughty boys begins. We are spanked like this for a few minutes before being told to stand.  That’s when the horror really begins, we now have to rotate to the next Dad and over his knees we go.  We sound find ourselves rotated back to our own Dads, only to feel our pants being taken down.  Over we go again, this time we are spanked soundly on the seat of our briefs.  Again, after we are allowed up, we start the rotation again as we get spanked by each Dad. Its not too long before the inevitable happens, yes, we feel our dad’s hands, slipping our briefs down, its time for our bare bottoms to be spanked.  By the time the last Dad has finished spanking us, we are teary eyed and have very red buns, but at least it’s over. Well so we thought – but of course corner time has to be completed, each one of us in a different corner, wearing nothing but our tee shirts and socks and forbidden to rub our poor spanked behinds. Once released from our corners, we are allowed to enjoy the rest of the day, with one restriction, no pants until the morning.  It was weird walking around like that, and at every opportunity a Dad would pat the seat of a boy’s briefs, winking or smiling as he did. The hairbrushes remained on the table, an ominous sign, if ever there was one. In the coming days and nights, those brushes got put to use, tears rolled down cheeks, as bottoms burned and corners were frequently occupied. We had great food though, amazing cook outs and of course whom could forget the entertaining games our Dads had thought up for us. Who can stand in the corner the longest without moving, all the losers got spanked (I actually win this competition). Musical Spanking Chairs – speaks for itself really! Pass the hairbrush – that was a mean game Spanking Poker, was a real blast.  Strung out over our dad’s lap, as they used our backs as a table and our bared bottoms got slapped each time they held, raised or folded.  It lasted a while but there were breaks for us all, of course that also meant switching Dads. We just neve knew who’s knees we would end up over! The last competition was left until our last day and of course it had to be ‘who has the reddest bottom’ – I think the dads enjoyed this way too much, and I also think it was a three-way win! So, there you go, my little fantasy!                      
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by on March 16, 2020
Hello everyone, Before I begin, I will respond to messages and IM's shortly.  As some of you are aware, I have been suffering some health issues, so my absence from the site will take place from time to time.  I appreciate all communication, well wishes and hope every single one of you take good care of yourselves. These last weeks and those going forward, possibly for months are going to be challanging, from a health and economic perspective. We watch the news, social media and we can see just how bad the current pandemic is becoming. I am no health professional, but what I can say is take care of yourselves and others when you can.  You are the best person to know if you are ill, or are becoming ill and ultimately the majority of decisions regarding your health are down to you and no one else.  I am erring on the side of caution and that is my choice. If you have relatives or loved ones afftected by this virus, remember and give them a call, or message them or text them.  A simple greeting and asking how they are doing can make a big difference.  Those that need to isolate themselves, are not only going to suffer the physical symptoms, there can be mental health issues, so a little communication can help a great deal. I guess no one really knows how bad this will ultimately become, still I will personally say a prayer each night for everyone.  This is a strong community of amazing people, talented, loving and caring.  Finally if you have underlying health issues or/and are a senior please be especially careful. I really cannot thing of anything else to say. So have a hug and again stay safe. James  
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by on March 5, 2020
Okay everyone, I would appreciate all your thoughts on this .. I have an idea .. but lets see what you guys think. We have owned a more advaned module for videos for some time, however I have not implimented it because it means manually importing all our existing videos, which would take some time to do. How would you feel if we kept the existing video module, with all its videos but disabled new uploads and renamed it to 'Legacy Videos' We then activate the more advanced video module BUT restrict its access to verified members or some other means of trust as it were, and this is where all new videos are uploaded to .. members can even choose or not to remove their videos from the legacy player and upload to the new one. That would mean granting access to new users once they are established and have proven to be trustworthy - how do we do that? I would need to speak with the other amdins and moderators, but we could potentially setup a usergroup for managing / policing videos, changing access rights etc ... and that gents would mean volunteers willing to do so .. at least two of you ... thoughts? I am open to all suggestions and ideas .. this is your community so please lets get our thinking heads on and come up with a plan!  or I will just have to have Onkel spank each and everyone of you .. so there! :) -- and that includes you -- you know how you are!      
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by on February 24, 2020
                       Discipline:  Foundation of the Father-Son Relationship                       [By: Strapman02]         [Disclaimer:  I wrote this essay [below, in 1991] , when I was just starting graduate school.  I [was] in my late 20's [when I added to, and edited, this together for this posting], do not now have children, nor have I ever had children.  I am just exercising my First Amendment rights here -- so do not try to draw the wrong conclusions by reading into this what you want to read into it, rather than what I wrote in it.  I welcome all responses to the essay, both here and in private email.]        Over the years, much has been said about the nature of the father-son  relationship, and of the proper role of the father in the rearing of his son.  The father wears many hats in his relationship with his son:  he is authoritative (and authoritarian) on certain matters; he provides his son with a role model-- himself--on how to act as a man; he is an advisor on certain issues, such as those of a sexual nature vis a vis the opposite (or, in more and more cases,  the same) sex; he is also the disciplinarian of the son.         The Bible offers its own advice for the father-son relationship:       "He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores  correction leads others astray."--Proverbs 10:17.       "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid."--Proverbs 12:1       "He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored."--Proverbs 13:18       "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."--Proverbs 13:24       "He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding."--Proverbs 15:32   `     It is this that which we will be discussing in this treatise.          The father has the legal authority and obligation to discipline his son.  To accomplish this goal, different fathers use different means, such as reasoning,  withholding of privileges (e.g. grounding, no car this week, etc.), cutting  allowances, and last, and in my view, most importantly--for blatant and  significant violations of house rules that could endanger himself or others  in the family or society--corporal methods.        The father is the one that takes the son into a private room, such as a  bedroom, bathroom, or other room; tells the son that he has been bad because  he has engaged in some objectionable behavior; tells the son that he is going  to be paddled, spanked, strapped, or whipped, or whatever verb you prefer; orders his son to, and if need be, he himself proceeds to, pull down the son's  pants and underpants; bends him over the back of a chair, across his lap, face down lengthwise on the bed, or on the side of a bed; and administers a paddle, a strap, or other device,  such as a razor strop, across his son's bare buttocks in a meticulous, repetitive, and severe fashion, until the son understands, under no uncertain terms, that what he did was WRONG, and, should this particular activity be repeated at any time in the future, similar, though even more  severe, consequences will befall his son.        Friends, I never had my father around to perform this most important,  necessary function.  I only wonder how I might be different than the way I am today had my father been around to spank me soundly when I deserved it.   Would that have made me a stronger person?  Perhaps.  Would that have instilled violent tendencies in my own personal behavior toward other people?  Perhaps, though unlikely in my view. Would I have a more clearly defined sense of right and wrong?  Most definitely.
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by on February 7, 2020
Big thanks to Pup Amp for bringing this article to our attention. Cornertime Confidential completely agrees. I think the biggest problem with being an adult boy who gets Spankings is that tourists (people who are not part of our scene) come to our events and bring cameras and make videos that are uninvited because they feel our kink is wrong. @PupAmp said: Even if "kink shaming is your kink", doing it without consent still makes you a jerk. Even as a joke, it can cause divides, misconceptions or internalized stigma. Consider how your A great article by @BannonRace Leather: That's a shame - Live and Ket kink by Race Bannon Within the radical sex and relationships communities in which I navigate, there are few things that spark my anger more than shaming. Whether it's coming from within the leather, kink, polyamory or gay men's sex cultures, or from external sources, shaming is far too prevalent. I'm sure shaming comes from within and without women's sex cultures too, but I don't pretend to understand that fully enough to comment. Still, this likely applies across the gender and orientation spectrums. Shame as a noun describes a feeling of guilt, embarrassment, humiliation or disgrace due to awareness of a misstep or impropriety. The thing is, virtually none of the things kinksters and other sex and relationship adventurers are accused of is something for which they should feel any negative emotions at all. Shaming as a verb is to engage in actions that try to instill a sense of shame in someone else, and this is where the greatest problems lie in our communities. Misguided people consider shaming a viable way of trying to modify someone else's behaviors or views. Some inappropriately use shaming to express disagreement with another's choices or actions. While you can only feel a true sense of shame upon perceiving that others' disapproval is valid, when you already play on the edge of societal norms and might be struggling with self-acceptance you can fall prey to accepting shaming regardless of the validity of the source. This is why shaming marginalized people like kinksters and other erotic rebels can be particularly damaging. Instances of shaming are sadly plentiful. Just last week at Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend, a friend overheard two leather-clad men in the lobby of the host hotel shaming a young guy who wasn't dressed in what they considered "appropriate" gear. That happens a lot. A young guy might walk into a bar on a leather/gear night wearing nothing but the harness he excitedly scraped together every disposable cent to buy only to hear a snide comment from someone else in the bar about his attire. During Folsom Street Fair I observed a BDSM scene taking place in one of the designated play areas. A fetish-clad kinkster made a comment about how that kink "went too far." What was taking place was a moderate flogging, an activity countless people do all the time and it brings them joy and fulfillment. Body shaming is common. It happens within the leather world for sure, but interestingly I think in many ways we deal with this a bit better than some mainstream folks. However, within what I refer to as gay sex culture, I've seen it happen often. One non-sexual illustration of the prevalence of body shaming is how some people (gay men mostly) comment that if the nude guys walking around the Castro were hotter, they'd be more comfortable with it. If that's not overt body shaming, I don't know what is. Orientation-shaming happens. Bisexuals are still too often besieged by comments that they should make up their mind one way or the other. I could point to mountains of data that attraction orientation resides on a spectrum and these folks would likely ignore it all and remain resolute in their misguided bias. Polyamorous people are often shamed for the evils of promoting non-monogamy or being a bad example amid the LGBTQ set that's decided only parroting the heteronormative two-person monogamous relationship is acceptable. It doesn't matter to the deriders that the people in these relationships might be supremely happy. Their 'one size fits all' mindset fails to see the joys of the diversity of experience. Entire leather events have been shamed because of a real or imagined misstep of some sort. Shamers rarely approach such situations as an opportunity for correction, refinement or dialogue. They would rather trash the entire event outright. Highly sexual people are shamed by those who perceive their own level of sexual activity and the way they do it as the only correct or proper way. Anyone who deviates from that is a slut, a banned word, or a spreader of disease. Bottom-shaming happens frequently. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard "Oh, he's a bottom," said in a dismissive or elitist tone, I'd be a rich man. None of this is helpful. None of this is productive. None of this makes life better for anyone. Shaming takes place in all venues, but social media of course provides an easy-access megaphone to blast the shaming out to the world to be amplified by those who like to shame too. In a Psychology Today article, 'Why Shaming Doesn't Work,' psychology professor Krystine I. Batcho, Ph.D. points out some of the damage shaming can do. Since I contend that kinksters, the polyamorous and sexual adventurers are engaging in what feels genuine about themselves, I think this applies since it points out the stress and depression shaming can elicit. "Shaming someone for what they cannot change places them in an impossible situation that can yield nothing beneficial. The absurdity and futility of such interactions are clear when a parent admonishes a young child to grow up. "For people who are able to conceal a stigmatized identity, shaming can increase the 'divide' between public and private dimensions of their self-concept. Research has shown such separation to be associated with greater social stress and depression." Please don't shame. Please gently point out shaming when you see or hear others do it. Let them know why it's not helpful. Much of shaming is sadly built into our competitive and sometimes screwed up culture, but that doesn't mean we should tolerate it. Race Bannon is an author, blogger, and activist. www.bannon.com          
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by on January 21, 2020
A number of you have asked me about so called 'corner' time, so here are my thoughts on it! When we talk about corner time, it is really a method of time out.  True corner time involves a naughty boy, standing at the inside joining of where two walls connect, usually with his nose either touching or almost touching said wall.  Now its not necessary to use walls, equally effective can be bent over the back of a sofa, standing in front of a wall, or even sitting on a stool and if Dad wants to be really creative how about laying over the seat of the spanking chair?  There are for sure many possibilities. The purpose though is actually surprisingly powerful, they boy is supposed to think about why he just got punished or why he is about to be punished or even understand he is getting close to a punishment.  There are many variations and yet with these variations comes the certainty that over time the consistency of corner time as punishment will definitely make him consider his behavior and what got him stood in the corner.  The first few times he may very refuse to think about his behavior, either because he chooses to day dream or perhaps has decided to be rebellious, it matters not, inevitably he will succumb to reflection, it simply takes time and that is something he has plenty of while in the corner. Now we will look at five of the variations: As a warning he is getting close to a spanking You may be surprised but a boy that is pushing the envelope when sent to the corner will come to realize he is coming very close to a spanking.  It works, and if it does not, then he only has himself to blame when he finds his jeans and briefs coming down, before dad arranges him over his lap for a good long spanking session.  After his spanking and much to his horror, he will then find himself right back where he started – in the corner. Pre Spanking A naughty boy, sent to the corner before his spanking conjures up apprehension, excitement and humility.  Dad’s that are skilled in this, can certainly ensure variety and uncertainty in order to peak their boy’s emotional senses.  Consider having him in the corner in just his briefs or holding a hairbrush or belt while he waits.  You can have him dressed, semi dressed or even nude, some dads even have special shorts or pants for pre spanking corner time.  If he is bent over the spanking chair, place the brush or slipper or paddle etc. on his back while he waits .. and ultimately thinks!  If he is over the back of the sofa, have him lay there with his pants and underwear down, bare bottom up!  Or how about sitting on a ‘naughty stool’ – bare bottom?  Just in briefs?  Will he be holding the hairbrush or strap?  As you can see there are limitless possibilities! Post Spanking This is always completed with the boys red and just spanked bare bottom on display.  After punishment comes reflection!  In this stage the boy must either be in a true corner or made to sit on a stool facing the wall or simply standing facing the wall.  He is forbidden to rub his just spanked buns.  If he does try and rub, then a few hard spanks with the hairbrush will get him compliant, a good idea is to have him place his hands on his head.  After this phase bring him back to the fold with some hugs and nice pats.  Some Dads though will view this as phase 1 of post spanking corner time.  Phase 2 is usually used if the young man has been very naughty, it still involves his bottom being bare, and he must now sit and write an essay ‘one what I learned from my punishment’ I can assure you it is very effective. Have him sit his spanked buns on a nice hard chair, preferably at a table and facing away from any distractions such as the television.  Give him a set amount of words, for example 500 or 1000.  Once he is finished have a discussion, and ensure he knows what’s in store for him if the punishment has to be repeated!  At this point most Dads will deny him his briefs for a few hours, and confine him to just his tee shirt. Break Time Alright Dad, so your boy is over your knees having his bare bottom tanned, but you want to take a break and turn up the heat as it were?  You can do that, let him up, tell him to have some water or soda, go to the bathroom if he needs to.  Once he comes back, send him to fetch the hairbrush or paddle or strap, then have him stand in the corner.  Take your time, relax a bit, have a drink or some chips, and then when you are good and ready and only then, take your boy back to the spanking chair, my dad usually does this by taking me by my ear.  You have no idea how much tension this brings to the proceedings! Review and Punishment Sessions I personally have a love hate relationship with review and punishment sessions.  These are conducted at a set time and day every week and they include both pre and post spanking corner time.  I will basically describe my own sessions, as an example.  On the set date and time after showering, I change into my ‘review’ clothes, nothing elaborate, sports shorts, white briefs, socks and tee and report to the assigned corner.  I just stand there thinking of my behavior over the week and wait, sometimes its only a few minutes but I have known it to last 30 minutes or longer.  When my Dad is ready, he takes me by the arm (or ear) over to his spanking chair, my shorts and briefs are lowered and we then talk about my behavior.  I am expected to confess everything that warrants punishment, even if I never got found out.  The gamble is omitting something he actually does know about will result in a much longer and harder spanking, so I tend to be honest.  After my spanking, its back to the corner, again it might be a few minutes or longer, it depends on how my Dad feels.  The only time this changes is if I have omitted something he knows about, in that case I will be spending a lot of time in the corner, and denied my shorts and briefs for the rest of the day.  Its like being grounded essentially, and the only way of getting my shorts and briefs back is to apologize for the omission and ask for a second spanking! --- yup sucks to be me on those days!
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by on January 20, 2020
I am amazed to find us already in 2020 - the beginning of a new decade! I wish everyone a very prosperous new year, and remember when things don’t go your way, it just means it’s a bad day – not a bad life 😊 I want to share the funniest thing I have heard so far this year – if Twitter, Face-book and YouTube became one company you would have ‘You Twit Face’ – Priceless! I don’t and never have really considered myself to be the ‘site owner’ – I think of myself as an administrator, because without you, the members there is no site.  So please accept my thanks and hugs to all of you for being part of this site and community. There are so many of you I want to thank personally, but the list would be never ending!  That said there are a few of you I do want to say a special thanks to (not in any order). Isma – Your work is amazing and we all truly appreciate your efforts, you make us smile, and not just as an artist, you have an awesome personality. Tinj – You share some fantastic videos and again we all appreciate you for doing so, thank you so much! Mr Olly – A true gentleman, the pictures you share with us and your comments are wonderful, we really appreciate you. NorCal – Thank you for your insights and observations, I am truly grateful.  Also, you have a great sense of humor! OnkelChen – For being warm hearted, a good listener, not believing in review sessions and only spanking when there is a full moon. AC – I mean what amazing images to wake up to, I love my good mooning pictures – and for being such a fan of the site. Max Hause – Well for being just you Max, a wee scamp that needs a lot of spankings! Amsterdad – A true top and Dad, one of the very few that quickly put me in my place, but one with a lot of emotional intelligence. Baltic – Your wit and genuine opinions shine. There are so very many more - Sussex Peter, FL Bully, Wailer, Toronto Dad, Charles ,Adam, Fletcher Bengel … and I apologize if you are not listed, I could never finish if I tried to! And also, Studio’s - Thank you for sharing your preview clips and for supporting this site, a special thanks goes to John from CP4men. I will be updating everyone on what’s happening and new with the site throughout the year. Hugs – spanks – and more spanks James
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by on January 15, 2020
Today, let's start at the very beginning—a very good place to start. What can two people who are just beginning a DD relationship do to get things rolling? Just launch into daily Spankings? Nah. Probably won't work. Here's something Daddy and I used that worked really well... We began a Domestic Discipline Diary in 2014. Keeping a record of your initial efforts to build a Domestic Discipline relationship can provide a good muscle to exercise at the start of any new Discipline-centered partnership. Effective Corporal Punishment can be complicated to integrate initially with any person. If your partnership begins as friends at a Spank party or an online meet-up from STH or other sites, it can be difficult to begin a more full time effort. My Daddy and I quite consciously began by implementing a weekly or twice-a-week Discipline approach—experimenting with Spanking and nonSpanking punishments to see what truly worked and what would not. (You can see pics of the diary itself on Cornertime Confidential. I'll include a pic of it in my pics here on SpankingTube!) We discovered, for example, that: ———He is an exceptionally precise caner. He can cane precisely both forehand and backhand. He can see a place on my heinie and strike that very spot time and again. But we wouldn't have known that as neither of us is English/Australian/Asian, and caning isn't a tradition method of CP in America. ———He discovered that pacing was important when handSpanking, ———He realized that when I didn't do Cornertime correctly, he could use that misbehaviour during Cornertime as a reason for further punishment. ———We found out that he has a particularly negative reaction to paddling with The Bathbrush and The Hairbrush, and consequently he only uses those when it's time to truly punish me for my actions. One of the great things about the DD Diary now is that we have a record from the first 3 years or so of our relationship where we developed a rapport that laid the foundation for future discipline, attitude adjustment, and more that Daddy still employs to this day. My Daddy and I hope you find that this is a great way to establish the deep-rooted things that work, what doesn't work, and what you can leverage later on to get the responses you want from you boy (or your Daddy)!
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by on January 15, 2020
Living as Daddy's boy   Permission in Daddy/boy Relationships You see, if you have a Daddy, it helps sometimes to have little things that define, enhance, and build a sense of Daddy/boy separation, roles, and duties to one another.  A few things Daddys and boys can do when they're just starting out or even for those who have become lax in their relationship and feel the "je ne se quais" disappearing into vanilla relationship land, is to build back in the idea of Permission.   My Daddy and I do this without talking about it. I'm not telling you to discuss this.    You might want to just begin by introducing it.    For example, I've been knocking on the door, if Daddy's watching T.V. before I enter the room. Daddy will nearly always say, "You don't need to knock." But I'm doing it to    So, here's a few ideas that you can more overtly discuss with your Daddy or your boy, to help develop a Permission-based relationship:  Daytime Discussions You need to ask permission to go out for a beach stroll alone, walking the neighborhood on your own, getting in the car and driving alone and such.    Bedtime Discussions I always tell Daddy before I go to bed if I'm planning on doing something like that alone. He puts me to bed almost every night now, so it's time for me to tell Daddy what I'm up to the next day or give him a head's up. If I don't, Daddy will "call me" on it the next day.   Public Discussions    I've noticed my Daddy has taken to scolding, snapping if I speak out of turn, and otherwise "humiliating" me in front of our friends in an effort to get me to behave when it's not just Daddy/boy time. Spankings are less necessary than they were before, too. That's a good thing, because Daddy prefers to only Spank when there's a real reason. So in those cases there's often not a build-up. He will just wallop my heinie, and that hurts. Because of Domestic Discipline (Maintenance Spankings, warnings, scolding, writing lines, Cornertime and the like), he makes those Spankings last much longer and makes them an experience to discuss behaviour and also make it not just a Behinder Reminder, but something that I have to remember, so I don't do the naughty things again.     Living as Daddy's boy You see, if you have a Daddy, it helps sometimes to have little things that define, enhance, and build a sense of Daddy/boy separation, roles, and duties to one another. A few things Daddys and boys can do when they're just starting out or even for those who have become lax in their relationship and feel the "je ne se quais" disappearing into vanilla relationship land, is to build back in the idea of Permission. My Daddy and I do this without talking about it. I'm not telling you to discuss this.  You might want to just begin by introducing it.  For example, I've been knocking on the door, if Daddy's watching T.V. before I enter the room. Daddy will nearly always say, "You don't need to knock." But I'm doing it to  So, here's a few ideas that you can more overtly discuss with your Daddy or your boy, to help develop a Permission-based relationship:  Daytime Discussions You need to ask permission to go out for a beach stroll alone, walking the neighborhood on your own, getting in the car and driving alone and such.  Bedtime Discussions I always tell Daddy before I go to bed if I'm planning on doing something like that alone. He puts me to bed almost every night now, so it's time for me to tell Daddy what I'm up to the next day or give him a head's up. If I don't, Daddy will "call me" on it the next day. Public Discussions  I've noticed my Daddy has taken to scolding, snapping if I speak out of turn, and otherwise "humiliating" me in front of our friends in an effort to get me to behave when it's not just Daddy/boy time. Spankings are less necessary than they were before, too. That's a good thing, because Daddy prefers to only Spank when there's a real reason. So in those cases there's often not a build-up. He will just wallop my heinie, and that hurts. Because of Domestic Discipline (Maintenance Spankings, warnings, scolding, writing lines, Cornertime and the like), he makes those Spankings last much longer and makes them an experience to discuss behaviour and also make it not just a Behinder Reminder, but something that I have to remember, so I don't do the naughty things again.You see, if you have a Daddy, it helps sometimes to have little things that define, enhance, and build a sense of Daddy/boy separation, roles, and duties to one another. A few things Daddys and boys can do when they're just starting out or even for those who have become lax in their relationship and feel the "je ne se quais" disappearing into vanilla relationship land, is to build back in the idea of Permission. My Daddy and I do this without talking about it. I'm not telling you to discuss this.  You might want to just begin by introducing it.  For example, I've been knocking on the door, if Daddy's watching T.V. before I enter the room. Daddy will nearly always say, "You don't need to knock." But I'm doing it to  So, here's a few ideas that you can more overtly discuss with your Daddy or your boy, to help develop a Permission-based relationship:  Daytime Discussions You need to ask permission to go out for a beach stroll alone, walking the neighborhood on your own, getting in the car and driving alone and such.  Bedtime Discussions I always tell Daddy before I go to bed if I'm planning on doing something like that alone. He puts me to bed almost every night now, so it's time for me to tell Daddy what I'm up to the next day or give him a head's up. If I don't, Daddy will "call me" on it the next day. Public Discussions  I've noticed my Daddy has taken to scolding, snapping if I speak out of turn, and otherwise "humiliating" me in front of our friends in an effort to get me to behave when it's not just Daddy/boy time. Spankings are less necessary than they were before, too. That's a good thing, because Daddy prefers to only Spank when there's a real reason. So in those cases there's often not a build-up. He will just wallop my heinie, and that hurts. Because of Domestic Discipline (Maintenance Spankings, warnings, scolding, writing lines, Cornertime and the like), he makes those Spankings last much longer and makes them an experience to discuss behaviour and also make it not just a Behinder Reminder, but something that I have to remember, so I don't do the naughty things again. Living as Daddy's boy You see, if you have a Daddy, it helps sometimes to have little things that define, enhance, and build a sense of Daddy/boy separation, roles, and duties to one another. A few things Daddys and boys can do when they're just starting out or even for those who have become lax in their relationship and feel the "je ne se quais" disappearing into vanilla relationship land, is to build back in the idea of Permission. My Daddy and I do this without talking about it. I'm not telling you to discuss this.  You might want to just begin by introducing it.  For example, I've been knocking on the door, if Daddy's watching T.V. before I enter the room. Daddy will nearly always say, "You don't need to knock." But I'm doing it to  So, here's a few ideas that you can more overtly discuss with your Daddy or your boy, to help develop a Permission-based relationship:  Daytime Discussions You need to ask permission to go out for a beach stroll alone, walking the neighborhood on your own, getting in the car and driving alone and such.  Bedtime Discussions I always tell Daddy before I go to bed if I'm planning on doing something like that alone. He puts me to bed almost every night now, so it's time for me to tell Daddy what I'm up to the next day or give him a head's up. If I don't, Daddy will "call me" on it the next day. Public Discussions  I've noticed my Daddy has taken to scolding, snapping if I speak out of turn, and otherwise "humiliating" me in front of our friends in an effort to get me to behave when it's not just Daddy/boy time. Spankings are less necessary than they were before, too. That's a good thing, because Daddy prefers to only Spank when there's a real reason. So in those cases there's often not a build-up. He will just wallop my heinie, and that hurts. Because of Domestic Discipline (Maintenance Spankings, warnings, scolding, writing lines, Cornertime and the like), he makes those Spankings last much longer and makes them an experience to discuss behaviour and also make it not just a Behinder Reminder, but something that I have to remember, so I don't do the naughty thin Living as Daddy's boy You see, if you have a Daddy, it helps sometimes to have little things that define, enhance, and build a sense of Daddy/boy separation, roles, and duties to one another. A few things Daddys and boys can do when they're just starting out or even for those who have become lax in their relationship and feel the "je ne se quais" disappearing into vanilla relationship land, is to build back in the idea of Permission. My Daddy and I do this without talking about it. I'm not telling you to discuss this.  You might want to just begin by introducing it.  For example, I've been knocking on the door, if Daddy's watching T.V. before I enter the room. Daddy will nearly always say, "You don't need to knock." But I'm doing it to  So, here's a few ideas that you can more overtly discuss with your Daddy or your boy, to help develop a Permission-based relationship:  Daytime Discussions You need to ask permission to go out for a beach stroll alone, walking the neighborhood on your own, getting in the car and driving alone and such.  Bedtime Discussions I always tell Daddy before I go to bed if I'm planning on doing something like that alone. He puts me to bed almost every night now, so it's time for me to tell Daddy what I'm up to the next day or give him a head's up. If I don't, Daddy will "call me" on it the next day. Public Discussions  I've noticed my Daddy has taken to scolding, snapping if I speak out of turn, and otherwise "humiliating" me in front of our friends in an effort to get me to behave when it's not just Daddy/boy time. Spankings are less necessary than they were before, too. That's a good thing, because Daddy prefers to only Spank when there's a real reason. So in those cases there's often not a build-up. He will just wallop my heinie, and that hurts. Because of Domestic Discipline (Maintenance Spankings, warnings, scolding, writing lines, Cornertime and the like), he makes those Spankings last much longer and makes them an experience to discuss behaviour and also make it not just a Behinder Reminder, but something that I have to remember, so I don't do the naughty things again. Magazine   Mosaic   Side
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by on January 1, 2020
Happy New Year Everybody! I have not been on the site much over the holidays, because I have been working.  I did not get home until after midnight new years eve.  So if you have sent me messages, please be patient, I will get to them, but it is likley to be tommorow - I am darned tired! Anyway, here is a work around for viewing the entire contents of photo albums.  I will be working on a pernament fix over the next few weeks. Click on the name of the album you want to view the contents of Next click on any photo in that album Click the next icon (you must click this to get it to work) When that image loads you will see on the bottom of the picture (right) a circile with 3 dots in it.  If you hover over it, it says 'more actions' Click on it and then select 'view detail page' Once you do this, the album will now load and you can navigate using left and right icons You will also see a strip on the bottom of the screen that loads all the albums photos in a mini format You can use this strip as a preview and also select a photo to view and also navigate the entire album James,
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by on December 29, 2019
Anyone can copy this text and post it places as long as it is for non-commercial use and an acknowledgement to the site and author is included.  James.   It is very true that reality is stranger than fiction and more so of fantasy.   It is also true that my Dad has his hand, hairbrush and paddle and I have a bottom to be bared.   And of course, spanking and corner time are not mutually exclusive.       A BOYS BEGINS TO UNDERSTAND CHAPTER 1   Sitting on the hard-wooden chair, in nothing but my tee and socks, my partner and Dad began to explain things to me.  He was smiling, a twinkle in his eye but at the same time I could tell he was also very serious.   ‘The point of punishment James, is to correct you and there is no question about that.  Changes need to be made in how you have done things in the past although controlling your behavior for your future will be much more natural and easier to make effective. It is true that my hand will definitely be the mainstay of punishment when you break any rules or miss your goals.  If needed we will use the hairbrush’   ‘Its intent is, of course, to reach you quickly and get your legs flailing and your yells coming out immediately, but when Dad's done giving it to you, my hand will continue your spanking’   I mean seriously?  The freaking hairbrush! I hate the brush with every fiber in my body.    Oh, and it just got even worse …   ‘Dad’s hand is also far more active in first helping you to adjust your cock and balls so they hang down over his thigh and aren’t squeezed as your bare bottom bounces and wiggles during your spanking and far more effective on your upper and inner thighs and buns as he tans your bare bottom, while you are trying to get words out with promises’   I just can’t believe it …. It’s so unfair! … but he continues as I begin developing a pout!   ‘You have a Dad who understands that your spankings always need to stop way after you hope, plead or beg Dad to stop.’   'Dad can tell by the skin on your bare bottom how things are going and the sobs and tears add to it.  It is not difficult to know when you are pleading whether it's time to continue or lessen up a bit, but stop?  Not going to happen.'   My bottom is now tingling nervously, as I take it all in, darn and he means every word of it!   ‘When you don’t agree or definitely don’t want a spanking, you will go over my knees for one anyway.  All of that is normal.  You can say, “OK, sorry Dad, I’ll go over your knees now” or “No way, Dad!  Unfair and unreasonable.  My bottom’s already sore!” but then you risk the hairbrush or strap.  We both know what you will choose.’   Choose?  Is he kidding? And now I am not only pouting, but my face is flushed deep red!   ‘There will always be a paddle, hairbrush, strap, and spanking chair in our house for your future for correction, punishment, and/or times when you simply are getting a review or reminder’   What the heck is a review or reminder?  My nervousness just soared to new heights while my bare bottom jiggles on the chair, a stark reminder of my current position.   ‘Yes, young men like James are  spanked, stood in the corner, and spanked again, but it can also happen when after you’ve been spanked and  you are told to keep your bottom bare and we enjoy dinner or preparing such or even cuddle on the couch and Dad still decides you need a firmer spanking (or more).  That’s not usual but possible depending on your reactions and especially how cuddly you are with your Dad as he wipes your tears and listens to your response.’   Okay so the cuddly bit sounds really nice, right?  But stood in the corner – now that is just plain mean.  I think he was reading my mind as he continued …  ‘ I’m sure that knowing your shyness, you will come to dislike corner time when you must have your bare bottom showing.  However, in your case, it is especially meaningful as you’ll know what Dad is seeing and pondering regardless as to whether you’ve already been turned over before being stood in that corner’   ‘Your emotions are going to vary significantly, but one thing you will always be able to depend on James, is that when I take your jeans and briefs down for a spanking, you will always get one’   ‘And I see a certain young man, who’s jeans and briefs have already been taken down, waiting for his spanking’   I nearly fainted, as the realization hit me.   He nudged me up from my chair, and took me in his arms, it was a wonderful feeling.  We hugged for a long time, his hand holding my bare bottom.   “OK, now James, what punishment have you brought on your nice bare bottom?’   As I started my reply, he was leading me over to the spanking chair, his hand planted firmly on my very bare buns.   Sitting down in that chair, he looked me straight in the eyes   ‘You’ve always known what you were risking but you did it anyway.  Now Dad will give you what was promised.  Over you go, son.’   I did as I was told and found myself in that classic over the knee spanking position that all naughty boys are familiar with.   He took his time, adjusting my cock and balls over the side of his thigh, then we talked (while his hand was on my bare bottom) about my failure and why Dad has to spank my bare bottom now, and he did.  No amount of promising or begging or tears at all prevented my correction and then some.    Eventually I was sobbing from emotions and the pain of my spanking.  Dad encouraged me to let my emotions out while he continued spanking my now very red bottom.     ‘There is never a need to be stoic and just "take it like a man."  You're a boy at heart James and a boy who responds as a boy when his Dad pulls his briefs down and gives him a good spanking.’   After my spanking, I could feel the tension as I stood in the corner reflecting, or ‘thinking’ time as Dad calls it.   I stood there, resisting the urge to rub my now very red and very hot buns.  If Dad sees my stance in the corner to be less repentant than Dad wants or my hands stray from where they should be, he might pull me out of my corner for a repeat spanking.  I knew I could count on it!  Every boy that messes up their corner time gets one, and I knew there would be no exception for me.   Yes, it did take a long time and I was definitely sore sitting the next day, but I did feel absolutely wonderful!    That following morning, we talked about why I had to be punished.   If it happens again Dad had decided the hairbrush will be used on my bare bottom to the point where I was are sure I can’t take anymore. A good long spanking with the hairbrush will be followed with another trip over Dad’s knees before bedtime, at a minimum.   How do I feel about all this huh?   Dad punishes me as his Son, no matter how much I sob and with choking tears as I am begging him to stop and promising him the world. My Dad will always give me the spanking I have earned and never stop spanking or paddling or giving my bare bottom the hairbrush.  Dad judges what I need period.  I always remember my spanking will at some point end, and I will be hugged and comforted and yes, loved.  I know that I will always have a dad who loves and cares for me.
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by on December 21, 2019
boys don't have to be just submissives who sit and wait for Daddy to act. boys can and should be active partners discussing the effects of their Spankings when Daddy says it's time to talk about your them. It's important to keep communicating. When you don't—and boy oh boy, I speak from experience here—Daddy and his boy can get off track. I was given a really bad beating on my bottom a while ago for mouthing off to the waiter (there was an awkward racial element to it, I'm white, he was not, so Daddy used the paddle as a reminder of what appropriate public behaviour looks like). But as the paddling progressed, Daddy was wailing on my behind much harder than I can normally take. It was very hard for me to discuss it with him afterwards. I got no Aftercare, and there was no discussion about it allowed. I knew I'd been in the wrong. So how do I explain, "Oh, uh, Daddy, so remember when you paddled me for my racist behaviour? Well, you paddled too hard." It's a complicated thing being a boy sometimes. During the week prior, Daddy'd given a Maintenance Spanking, so when it came time to be paddled within an inch of my life, I can't really say, "Oh, I didn't see that comin'." Since having a post-Spanking discussion wasn't invited and Daddy hasn't discussed it since, I'm thinking maybe time will heal the wounds (lord knows my heinie's wounds are just healing!). Spankings are meant to clear the air and not require complicated yammering on and on. When my Daddy Spanks, he expects the behaviour that precipitated the Spanking to change after a paddling, and he does not allow for carping about it. But how to speak up when you've been rightly chastised for misbehaviour, but over-Spanked? It's a complication that I've yet to figure out. Why? Because, ultimately, I trust Daddy deeply, and I don't think he paddled out of malice. But I do want him to paddle me less hard during any future Punishment Spankings. Without me as the boy speaking up, a few things could still happen: We could lose the former equilibrium we had. He will continue to over-Spank my bottom during Disciplinary Spankings. He will be kept in the dark about what's happening, so even if he wants to fix it, he doesn't know there's anything to fix. I will become more powerless and not become a better boy. Whatever the outcome, none of these seem particularly good. I'll update this post with whatever comes of this PS and how Daddy and I repair this together. Because just like any DD relationship, discussion and communication are what keeps you strong and healthy.
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by on December 20, 2019
What a turbulent 2019! I want to thank everyone for staying with the site, it has not been easy this year but I believe we have made quite some headway in terms of problem solving. I really want to send a huge thanks and hugs to our moderators, for doing such a great job, without them, I could simply not run this site. The site is much more responsive as a lot of bugs have been ironed out.  I am aware there are a few others I need to take care of (such as viewing album photos) and they too will be resolved, just as soon as possible! I have also just updated the comments box, so it’s a little slicker In 2020 there will be a number of improvements, including the ability to conference other members into private chats, so you might have a 3 way or 4-way chat going on, or whatever! Our main template will be updated, meaning less load time, and a few nice wee tweaks to boot! And a few surprises along the way … you will need to wait and see, We have a new donations page setup, it still uses Pay-Pal but you do not need a Pay-Pal account to make a donation, you can do so as a guest.  Thank you to everyone whom has made a donation the last few weeks, it helps a lot and I know around holiday times money is tight for us all, so again thank you and hugs! I hope early in the new year to have an alternative to Pay-Pal, it is something I am working on. Have a very merry Xmas everyone! Hugs James
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