by on November 11, 2019
The great migration from Tumblr for fans of mm spanking is growing rapidly https://corporalcorrection.bdsmlr.com/ https://dannyspanks.bdsmlr.com/ https://dcspankboy.bdsmlr.com/ https://distressandobedience.bdsmlr.com/ https://bubblebuttshowoff.bdsmlr.com/ https://traditionaldadspankingsforadultboys.bdsmlr.com/ https://cdndrax.bdsmlr.com/ https://bhamspanking.bdsmlr.com https://drvanspanking.bdsmlr.com/ https://mike2591.bdsmlr.com/ https://cornertimeconfidential.bdsmlr.com/ https://hinternvoll.bdsmlr.com/ https://crimsonmoon.bdsmlr.com/ https://charliecad.bdsmlr.com/ https://pjh82.bdsmlr.com/ https://coloradospankee.bdsmlr.com/ https://twinksnkink.bdsmlr.com/ https://scrapy.bdsmlr.com/ https://frustrateddiscipline.bdsmlr.com/ https://redbagredbutt.bdsmlr.com/ https://naughtyboyscorner.bdsmlr.com/
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by on September 25, 2019
Many folks hit me up on hotbottoms.net, STH, SpankingTube, and other sites asking for more details about Daddy and me. They want to know how our relationship works day-to-day, and how CP is incorporated and still remains a healthy relationship. This afternoon I'm sitting on my sore, red fanny, and thinking about reaching out to those folks and letting them know what happened when we got back from our trip to Charlottesville. Here're goes.. Last weekend Daddy came into the living room while I was on the computer, and he turned off the music I was listening to. I was all, "Why'dya do that? I was listening to that." He had been pretty quiet all morning and had been thinking about our trip to Charlottesville we'd been on. He said "Really? You were? Well you're not now. Get to your room. March." OK, honestly, the specific words and instructions are a bit of a blur now, but that is more or less what he said. He ordered me to my room and told me to wait for him. In the past, I've argued and said, "Why? Why do I have to go to my room?" But after those discussions ending as a sign of disobedience and resulting in more intensive punishments, I've learned to do as I'm told when Daddy decides it's time to talk about something I've done. Turns out I was in trouble for making him (and us—he pointed out during the Spanking) look bad when we walked into a restaurant in rural Virginia when I demanded they serve us dinner at 9 p.m., but the kitchen had just closed. Here's what happened: We had been driving home and he pulled over in a hail storm and we ran inside. OK, I ran inside, but he just trailed behind. When they refused to serve us dinner, I apparently made a scene, which I do now kinda remember. Apparently, I said "These people won't f***ing serve us, and it's only 9 p.m. We might as well get out of here. These f***ing people." Daddy noted at the time that the people behind the counter were mortified, and there was a table of two parents with a 4-year-old girl sitting there finishing up right by where I'd mouthed off. But apparently I was more or less yelling, and it was supremely embarrassing for Daddy and the parents and everyone else was very uncomfortable. I'll be honest at the time, I really didn't notice. On reflection, writing to you now, Daddy has impressed upon me with The Stick and The Belt a lot of the detail that I'd forgotten. At the time, Daddy didn't say much. We just got back in the car and drove home. Later, he punished me when we got home—that's where this blogpost comes in... I was lying face down on my bed and just waiting after being sent to my room. Daddy tends to take his sweet time when it's Spanking Time, and so I was getting antsy. The Spanking Chair we have used for the last 5 years broke recently—or more or less became unstable from all the squirming and use (2 people aren't supposed to be on 1 chair that often, apparently). And so Daddy opened the door off the bedroom to the outside and grabbed a deck chair which has no side arms. He positioned it in the center of the foot of the bed and stood over by it looking down on my back, lying face down on the bed. I didn't look up. When Daddy looks me in the eyes, I avert my eyes a lot, so looking down makes getting in trouble a lot easier to deal with. Daddy sat down on The Spanking Chair. That's when I got real nervous, thinking I hope this discussion doesn't end up happening while I'm staring at the carpet. He spoke really slowly and firmly, "Get up, and get over here." In the past years I have often resisted getting a Spanking, because ultimately, I don't like getting Spankings, and I don't like cooperating at the best of times. Even though I love Daddy, I hate that he bosses me around during Spanking Time. Anyway, I got up and walked over, saying, "I still don't know why you had to turn off my music. I was listening to that and..." "What the hel...what did you just say? Again? More of this? We have something serious to talk about." He hauled me across his knee and instead of keeping my shorts and briefs up, he yanked them right down, tight,below my rumpus and began with a full force handSpanking on my bare bottom. He Spanked and Spanked and Spanked building up to a fast hand-driven paddling. I was more or less moaning and crying, but not squirming as much because that broke Daddy's last Spanking Chair, so.... I was careful to obey his Rules that he's set down during Spankings and not squirm so much. But it's hard to do when he really wallops my fanny like he was doing. After a sound Spanking, I was sent to The Corner which he has set aside in the bedroom for Cornertime. I stood there all shaken up, but knowing that if I'd just not mentioned him turning off the radio and staying focused on what he wanted to talk about, then I wouldn't be standing there all upset. Then after about 5 minutes or more, he came back in the room.  He began discussing my behaviour at the restaurant. And he addressed my cursing in front of a child, as being unacceptable and putting him and me in a bad light in a rural town. Daddy doesn't allow me to exhibit this kind of thuggish adult behaviour, and I guess not doing this is gonna now be more or less now a new Rule that I have to follow. No embarrassing us in public; no cursing in front of others where they can hear. I mean, I get it now, but at the time it seemed that I wasn't getting what I wanted at the restaurant, and I wanted Daddy's support, but he was NOT interested. They were not going to serve us (he pointed out they'd probably sent home the cooks) anyways. At any rate, after about 10 minutes in The Corner, he came back in the room and marched me over to the side of the bed with my shorts and briefs still below my red red heiney. He told me to pull out the bag where the Spanking Sticks are kept.  I didn't cooperate.  I think I even said, "No, Daddy, please. Please don't make me do that." He hates when I disobey during Spanking Time. I'm really not allowed to, so it results in what happened next. Daddy reached for the first thing he could find which was the Shoe Horn, a gift I'd brought him back from a trip I'd take to Europe. I didn't think he'd really use it as a Spanking Tool, though. But it was what was there. So, he didn't even move me back over his knee on The Chair, he just paddled my bottom right there, repeatedly, for what seemed like ages. I was hollering something awful, and he said a couple of times, "We have neighbors. You need to obey. You need to keep your voice down." But it was no use. I collapsed on the bed, to try to protect my heiney, and I just screamed into the comforter. But he doesn't allow me to collapse and get away from The Stick during Spankings, and so he stopped and waited until I stood myself back up next to the bed and put my rumpus out as he's made me do so many times in the past.  He didn't say a thing. After the many Spankings he'd administered, he doesn't have to anymore. I know what I'm required to do, especially if he is positioned over me with The Stick. But I couldn't help flinching from the Spanking Stick swats. At some point, he then decided to pull me off the bed and march me to the foot of the bed and had me bend over at a 90 degree angle. He told me to wait there bent over.  The wait is interminable when he does that. I hate how much time I have to wait. It makes me fill up with anticipation of the awfulness that's gonna come next. When he came in, I didn't see what he had in his hand, but afterwards I sure did. When it's Punishment Time he prefers not to use things that I prefer, he will use other things that I don't like. And The Belt is one of them. I knew he was upset about my behaviour and I knew that I had earned The Belt, but he never gets out The Belt, but he did this time. Maybe it's because it was in his closet, and I'd refused to open up the Spanking Tools bag that he keeps under the bed. I wonder if that's why I got The Belt. I hadn't considered that before...anyways... I tend not to look back because I know a Spanking from Daddy is gonna hurt real bad, and I don't like to think he'd use The Belt. But there was he standing there, apparently, with The Belt in his hand. And he began to tan my fanny for a good long time. I was just hollering with my open mouth yelling into the comforter, just hollering and hollering for a long time. My face was beat red by the end of it. My bottom was bruised, and sore and beet red, and at some point, Daddy stopped and told me to get back in The Corner.  He left again for a good long while while I sobbed into The Corner. I was shaking and when I turned round to look at my red fanny, I noticed the blinds to the window across the room were open and I had my back turned with my red fanny out, facing the shared back yard that was empty. Anyone from the condo could have seen if they went out back. The fence to the backyard was partially open too; it's not been closing properly lately. Anyone from the neighborhood who was walking down the alley in the back of the house would have seen a very odd sight. He had me standing there with my pants down for at least 10-15 more minutes. When he came back in, he said, "Come here right now." I left The Corner dreading what might come next, he was looking me square in the eyes but had no Stick in his hand. I just ran to him, through my arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly—half hoping it might help me avoid any more Spanking. I was so upset. He made me apologize and promise not to do that again while we're out. Then he said, "Pull up your 'pants. Put that Chair back outside. Put away The Stick and The Belt. And come into the living room and get back to work." I struggled for a bit. I was still shaken, and my rump was super duper sore. I wandered around the room in my underpants and my head was spinning. I could see in the mirror how red my rumpus was. Just beet, beat red. I tried to get dressed again; I was slow at getting started again. Then I heard Daddy throwing sheets in the wash, and asked if I could throw my whites in. He let me. And I ran up to him, and I gave him a big kiss saying, "I'm sorry you had to Spank me today." He told me he was sorry he had to Spank me as well. Then he sent me back to my computer to get my work done, and he went back to his tablet to keep reading. Then a little later, he sent me on a chore to go to the Farmers Market to recycle our compost. You asked for a real life example of it, and so there it is, an example of how Domestic Discipline works in real time in our relationship. I hope you found it helpful and as real as I could tell it. I realize it doesn't seem very real, almost fictionalized, but it's not. It's just what happens in our DD relationship.   Don't want to bore folks and get too personal, but that's how it works in a Daddy/boy relationship like ours. Let me know your thoughts and if you have questions, concerns, input, or anything else I should know.  
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by on September 15, 2019
Some thoughts on spanking technique. As a switch, obviously, I approach spanking from both sides. And of course everyone is different; has different preferences for positions and implements, different fantasies, different levels of pain tolerance. To have a successful spanking encounter, that will likely be repeated, it’s important for the spanker to get and act on some basic information from the boy, because if he gets what he both wants and dreads in his heart of hearts, he’ll be satisfied and want to do it again and again. Assuming he really is “into this” ...there are guys out there who have it in their head they want to get spanked but in reality they have no stomach, or rather, butt, for it. There are some common elements, though, that usually help make it work. For shorthand, written from the top’s perspective. Know what fantasy elements you’re going to do. Most guys like at least a little bit of a context of punishment; it can go all the way from just an attitude to a full on role play scenario. And it’s not always age play, like father/son or teacher pupil. Some guys like to be dominated by a peer or master. You need to find this out. I believe that the best tops are very versatile; it’s the bottoms that have particular needs. Of course, again, everyone’s different, so there are exceptions even to that. Warm up. Start skin to skin, bare hand to bare bottom, hard but not too hard, and spank for a few minutes, then take a break. This gets endorphins flowing. This can be OTK, but it doesn’t have to be. If he prefers standing, bend him over a stool or back of a couch and spank him in that position, but with your hand first. Don’t pitty pat… spank pretty hard; hard enough to get a red bloom on his butt. (Very dark skin doesn’t redden, but the color deepens). Give him a break, to let this sink in, even though you’ve just started. Two or three minutes is enough. Corner time or standing against a wall if it feels right. Then switch to what gets him cranking. Whether it’s a paddle, strap, belt, cane, whip, or whatever, introduce the implements and use them in sessions, not switching back and forth too often. Maintain a steady rhythm when spanking. Rhythm is extremely important, and one of the areas where a lot of spankers fall down on the job. Bursts and interruptions for butt rubbing may be appreciated by some guys, but mostly, in my experience, not. Find a groove. Where there’s enough pain that you’re getting vocal feedback, even a little squirming, but where you can spank and keep on spanking. Only make him count if you know that works for him. Some guys really don’t like it; it’s a distraction. The spanker can count, silently, if it helps. Implements relate to velocity. You can spank fast with hand, paddle, brush, even belt and strap. Slower, more like swats, if standing, with a paddle, cane, switch, birch, flogger, cat or other whip, etc. If you’re spanking OTK, it really helps to spank steadily and not too slow. It doesn’t have to be as hard as you can, because even a fairly moderate level of intensity will build to a rip roaring red ass after 200 or 300 smacks… and that’s not too many. If you don’t do it this way, try it. Even 500 or 600 is quite doable with most guys if they’re real spankos. Rotate to other implements in increasing order of intensity; you might give little or even longer breaks in between, depending on how long and intense a spanking it is. This is really basic, but it’s important: avoid anywhere near the coccyx, distribute your smacks, licks or swats so both cheeks are equally covered (remember that the cheek farther away gets more leverage, so you need to adjust to make sure you aren’t focusing too much on it and not enough on the other one). Spank the sit spot, but not only the sit spot. Spank the upper thighs, but only if you know that works for him; some guys really just don’t like it, and sure, your job is to punish his butt, but in the end we all do this because we want it, and if somebody consistently does something we hate, it’s not conducive to a good spanking relationship. Generally, build. Sometimes ease off a little then pour it on; don’t want to be too predictable, but most times the logical progression is towards a climax, where the ending is very intense, right up to the edge of what he can take, and stay at that edge as long as you can. This may only be a few swats, or it may be half the spanking. It just depends. I always feel that an adult male spanking that doesn’t last a good ten minutes isn’t quite successful. Some can last much, much longer. And last but not least, don't forget Aftercare. A quick hug, some more extended holding or massaging, or even helping him get release... it depends on you (and him), but a little sign that you care about him and his experience is part of it. 
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by on August 11, 2019
SITE UPDATE AND AUCTION Well everyone, it has been a busy few weeks.  We managed to get a lot of upgrading done, from the server end and the script end.  I do know there are some issues still and I am working on them, in particular browser issues. I want to thank everyone whom has made a donation to the site, it does help a great deal as the costs are quite high.  Now as I have been out of work for the last 3 months, rather than bringing out the begging bowl, I have decided to auction off some of the spanking material that I have collected to fund the site.  This will be on eBay and unfortunately only available to United States members.  That is not down to me it is eBay rules on selling adult goods. There is a number of magazines, DVD’s and VHS tapes (every sold VHS tape comes with a legal digital backup) – please do note with the VHS tapes I must send you both the tape and backup DVD to conform with the law.  As some of those tapes are big box, the postage is reflected appropriately.  I will combine postage for anyone that wins multiple items. I will add more items later on, including implements that, umm well you will have to wait and see! – though it may not come as a surprise if one or two of my Dads hairbrushes make it on for auction 😊 Items are now listed on eBay and can be accessed on my store at: https://www.ebay.com/str/arizoy You will need to verify your age upon entering the adult section of eBay   Thanks n huggsss   James
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by on June 10, 2019
I am starting a new private blog.  https://spankingideasnew.blogspot.com/?m=1 There is a contact form on the home page of the blog to request membership
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by on December 24, 2018
Sorry if this is not the right place for this question. Hi, i don't post much.  But i have a question for the site.  I am planning a spanking vacation to Chicago in three months.  Spending 7 days there 1st time ever.  I am deciding either to rent a entire vacation home or apartment (Not hotel).  In your opinion is an apartment good to spank in noise wise?  I know the whole home would be best.  Renting an apartment is cheaper. Anybody have experience in apartments?  I have a good bit of guys who want to meet, so will be a good amount of guys coming over.
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by on December 23, 2018
(  With  apologies  to  Clement  Clarke  Moore  or   Henry  Livingston  Jr.  )   Twas  the  night  before  Christmas,  and  all  through  the  house,  not  a  creature  was  stirring  -  but  Dad  was  a  grouch  ! There  were  problems  a-brewing  downstairs  in  the  lounge,  where  Dad  lectured  Son  and  Son  wore  a frown.   The  dishes  were  dirty,  his  room  was  a mess,  the  Trash  was  still  inside  when  outside  was  best  -  and  on  top  of  all  this  there  were  tickets  and  fines,  and  the  dent  in  Dad`s  fender`s  a  particular  grind !   As  his  Son  had  done  it  whilst  especially   pissed,  this  Christmas  he  remained  on  Dads  ' Naughty '  list ! So  Dad  gave  Son  presents  -  as  he`d  done  so  before,  laying  Son  over  lap  whilst  Son  stared  at  the  floor,  pants  hanging  round  knees  tighty-whiteies  displayed,  Dad  commenced  with  his  hard  hand  -  to  Son`s  great  dismay.   Fifty  times  Dad  made  contact  upon  Son`s  white  bottom,  as  Son  writhed  and  gasped  ( this  would  not be  forgotten ) !   Then  Son  felt  Dads  fingers  grasping  elastic  of  pant,  and  whiteies  were  pulled  down  with  a  Fatherly  yank  !   No  groaning  or  pleading  would  reduce  his  sore,  he  lay  there,  butt  naked,  staring  down  at  the  floor. Dad  looked  at  the  butt  cheeks  with  their  crimson  blush  and  selected  a  paddle  without  any  fuss.   With  experienced  hand  he  applied  the  weapon,  the  blush  turned  to  red  -  Son  knew  he  was  getting  a  true  Dad`s  revenge  for  all  of  his  crimes,  he`d  been  here  before  so  many  times !! The  pounding  seemed  endless,  it  went  on  for  years,  and  as  his  butt  got  hotter  Son  let  go  the  tears,  but  after  a  while,  as  butt  became  numb,   Son  realised  a  stiffy  was  beginning  to  come !  He  relished  the  feeling  and  treasured  the  time  and  almost  forgot  about  his  stinging  behind  !  Then,  lo  and  behold,  after  a  minute  or  two,  a  great  gush  of  cream  came  a-spurting  through. As  euphoria  peaked  the  stinging  returned  and  Son  realised  that  his  hot  butt  did  burn,  but  cunning  Dad,  knowing  what  had  occurred,  halted  the  spanking  with  hardly  a word.   Lifting  mischievous  Son  onto  his  feet,  he  lovingly  massaged  Son`s  tender  seat.   Dad`s  eyes  were  a-twinkle,  Son`s  butt  was  a-glow,  and  each  of  them  knew  what  it  was  they  should  know,  that  bad  boys  are  punished  `til  their  butts  are  aflame,  that  Dad  has  to do  it,  no  hold-back,  no  shame.    Son  reaches  a  climax  without  any  fuss,  Dad  knew  it  might  happen  -  it`s  a  welcome  bonus  ! Son  sent  to  his  bedroom,  lay  on  his  tum,  savouring  the  warmth  and  glow  from  his  bum.   Dad  sits  in  his  armchair,  for  a  beer  it  is  time,  enjoying  what  happened,  looking  forth  to  next  time  ! So  to  Dads / Sons  wherever,  whatever  your  plight,  a  spanking`s  a  duty  -  even  on  Christmas  night  !!!!                         Ho   Ho   Ho         and  a  Merry  Christmas  to  one  and  all  !    
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by on December 14, 2018
The chat Bar is now working. You can once again send messages from members profile page. I am working on the videos and backup routines. Once this has been completed I will get the site tidied up, defragmented and making more sense! And .. I dont want a spanking this weekend!  
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by on November 30, 2018
Okay, so I hope everyone is doing well, especially Onkel Benny after his recent surgery and my ever so naughty friend Max Max Max Boy! And .. Baltic has been spanked lots and lots and lots! Anyway .. to business! CHATBAR The chat bar is well pretty much screwed, it is no longer compatible witrh our script.  The license was purchased from Cometchat, whom have decided that they will not longer provide updates for our version of chat.  Instead they want to sell me a new supported version at $50 every month.  That is $600 every year, so that is not going to happen. The next alternative was Social Chat, another third party chat, that we also have a licence for, and it sucks the big one.  Its very difficult to configure, will not support browsers using a Proxy or VPN and is resource hungry - that has been kicked into touch. The script does come with its own chat system, but it is also cumbersome to install and configure and the layout also sucks.  So that one just like my Dads hairbrush has been shot into little pieces. After some investigation, I have settled on Arrowchat, looks good and is compatible with out script, so I have purchased a licence for it.  I also purchased professional and guranteed installtion to get things moving a little quicker.  It is the weekend, so I expect it will be a few days before this happens.  Once it has been completed I shall be backing up all the configuration and template files, so that if an issue occurs in the futuire, I can simply use these, for example if a server crash occurs. VIDEO UPLOADS A broken dependancy on the usual installation  has kept me from fixing this, but I will have it done soon, hopefully by this Sunday.  Once fixed, I will upload a test file and let you all know. FEED The limited feed lookback has been fixed, and I will be monitoring it. SPEED I have a lot to do, but it will increase significantly, please be patient!   Thanks n hugs and spanks James  
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by on November 12, 2018
Hello everyone, As you can see the site is back online, however there are some outstanding issues I will be working to resolve. The two major issues are the chatbar is missing and videos will not upload.  I expect to have both of these problems resolved at some  point today. There will be some teething issues, and minor bugs, and I will fix these as we go along. I will update later my evening time with progress. You should find a good  increase in speed. It was a lot of work, and I have suggested to my dad that as a reward I should be given a one week pass from spankings and corner time! hugs James
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by on October 1, 2018
This is a non-spanking blog that features artistic renderings of the male bottom.  All photos are of me and as many show my face, the blog is private and by invitation only.  Please message me if you would like to become a member.
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by on September 5, 2018
In Germany, there is a spanking initiation rite in flight schools.  Every flight student is traditionally given a spanking (Hintern-Versohlen) after they completed their first solo flight (Alleinflug or A-Flug) as a kind of initiation rite. Today, the rite is performed after three successful  solo flights which make up the practical "A exam" (A-Prüfung).  Every student, whether male or female, adolescent or adult, is subject to the spanking tradition. The student is often bent over the wing of their airplane for the spanking, or over a table or other suitable item,  and has to look at the horizon during the spanking. Sometimes the seat of their trousers is made wet  so that the spanks are louder[1] (and better felt). The spanking is officially for the purpose of  "sensitizing" the pilot's buttocks, as this body part is important in flight as a "thermal lift meter".  It is not meant as a punishment in any way. it In practice, it is for the fun of all participants,  like a birthday spanking, and is given with the flat hand only on the seat of the trousers.  After the spanking, the student is given a bunch of thistles, which they have to hold firmly in their hand.  This, in a similar way, is to "sensitize" their hand for the delicate steering of an airplane.     Origin : According to one source, the tradition started in the 1920s after a young man, Jan Eilers from Hesse,  got a good spanking from his father when the same discovered in a newspaper article that his son had secretly been flying.  When the story of Jan Eilers's spanking became known, people made fun of him.  Out of solidarity with the boy, the German aviation pioneer Carl Oskar Ursinus then introduced the spanking initiation  rite in flight schools. The tradition originated in glider flight, but spread over also to engine powered flight.
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by on September 5, 2018
**Note I do not endorse this in any way at all and I plead the 5th to any expereince of this method** For the sake of continuity within this senario, I shall call the naughty boy Max. So Dad you have a naughty Max for the evening and it is your duty to see to his emotional and physical needs, as he has been naughty, this means punishment! How to begin? Start by taking down Max's jeans, all the way to his ankles, and then have him sit on a chair opposite you. Now it is time to discuss Max's naughtiness and get to the bottom of things as it were. Let him talk it all out, and discuss with him how he can do better in the future. After you have done this, explain it is now time for his punishments. Take Max by the ear and place him nose first in a convenient corner, its usually fairy easy to do, and leave him there thinking for about 10 minutes. After those 10 minutes are up, go to his corner and while scolding him on his naughty behaviour spank his brief covered bottom, about 25 good hand spanks should do it. Retire to your chair and tell Max not to move out of the corner until given permission. Enjoy a glass of wine or read your newspaper as Max stands there with his nose to the wall, waiting and waiting and waiting ... At your leisure, go back to Max's corner and slowly take his briefs down until they are at hs knees, his jeans should be at ankles and briefs at his knees. Now hand spank his bare bottom, double it up now and make it 50 good hard ones, all while he stands in the corner. Scold naughty Max, and explain that from now on he is going to spanked regularly and spend lots of time with his nose in the corner. Leave him for another 15 - 20 minutes. Once you are satisifued he has done enough thinking time, go to to his corner, take him by the ear and lead him to the spanking chair. When you put Max over your knees, make sure his head is well down, nose to the floor and his legs free to kick in the air, like the naughty boy he is. Now tan his buns good and hard, ignore pleas and promises, just get down to a good old fashioned, long and hard dad to son bare bottom spanking. Once the tears begin, you will know you are making progress, still its not enough.  Elevate the boy further over you lap, and spank his sit spots, thighs where it will do him the most good.  Contiune spanking until he goes limp over your lap. At this point you can lift Max up and sit him in your lap, and tenderly discuss his behaviour again, together and set some new rules for him. Next back in the corner he goes, nose to the wall and NO RUBBING - if he rubs, put him back over your knees and start all over again. While Max is in the corner, run him a bath, and then finally bathe him - take good care of that ever so hot and red bottom! Dress him in his shorts pajama set for bed .. and then of course spank him again before tucking him in for the night. Tell Max, in the morning he had better be in the corner by 8am, and he is confined to tee shirt only for the whole day! Get the paddle and set in on the spanking chair. Start all over again! So on Friday, start with hand, Saturday Paddle and Sunday Hairbrush :) - A nice weekend of punishment and spanking!          
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by on August 12, 2018
What a great time we had the night before. My best buddy, also a Spanking Dad, and I invited two of our favorite spankees over to my place for a evening of disciplinary fun. We started off with a two dad/two brat scenario. We spanked our brats together; we spanked each other's brat; and eventually made them spank each other.  We positioned them OTK, over the arm of the sofa and face down on the bed.  We used hand, hairbrush, belt and a spatula.  Between sessions we broke for pizza and beer.  It was a memorable night.  The brats left about 2 am and my buddy & I crashed naked, exhausted and happy into bed. The following morning I slipped on my robe and headed for the kitchen to make coffee followed by my buddy in his boxer shorts.  While searching for mugs, he came across my hidden stash of 7 unopened letters from the IRS, the last 3 of which were registered and had required my signature. "Why are you getting registered letters from the IRS?" "Don't worry about it.  It's nothing" "The IRS doesn't send registered letters for nothing.  What's going on? and Why are they unopened?" Embarrassingly, I explained that I hadn't filed my federal income tax for a while.  In answer to his next question, I sheepishly admitted "3 years". "Are you crazy?", he barked.  "They could garnish your wages which might cause you to lose your job.  And worst case scenario, you could be arrested." "I know all that. I've been meaning to get around to it." "For all you know, they might have already started proceedings which you won't be aware of unless you open those letters". "I've been a little afraid to open them."' "Are you hoping it will all just go away?" "Something like that, I guess" "Man, talk about someone who needs a damn good spanking!" My hands instinctively reached back to cover my ass.  "Now don't get any ideas". "It may be the best idea I've had in years". At this point in my life, I hadn't been spanked in 12 or 13 years and I had never ever been threatened with a real spanking for real reasons.  Admittedly, the present situation caused a blush in my face and a slight arousal under my robe. I stood there speechless not wanting it to happen and wanting it to happen at the same time. "Well?", he said. What do you want me to say?" "I want you open those letters immediately or so help me I'm going to spank you until you do". Believe it or not, guys, all those spanking clichés are not so cliché after all as I blurted out, "You're not serious?" To prove that he was serious, he walked over to my desk where I kept my instruments and retrieved my hairbrush.  He placed the tip of the brush on the letters.  "Are you going to open them or are you going across my knee?" It was decision time. Do I tell him to mind his own business or do I fulfill a life-long fantasy? I still wasn't sure he would actually go through with it but I had to know. Defiantly, I said "I'll do it when I feel like it". "Okay, you had your chance".  He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me over to a kitchen chair. He sat down and flung me across his lap.  I started to get up but he pushed me back down.  With one hand on the small of my back, he draped one leg across both of mine. Effectively, he locked me in place. "You can't do this, John.  I've been a Dad now for almost 15 years and Dads don't get spanked". "They do when they act as foolishly and as irresponsibly as you have. And I'd much rather see you spanked  than hauled off to jail." He lifted my robe and exposed my bare ass.  He landed about 25 smacks with the brush across my bottom until I was squirming and howling.  It hurt a lot more than I remembered.  Now I wasn't so sure that I wanted my fantasy fulfilled.  "Please. John, stop." "You have one way only of getting me to stop.  Are you going to open those letters?" My ass was burning and my eyes were wet from the sting. My body was ready to give in but my inner brat kept reminding me that the likelihood of a situation like this arising in my lifetime was next to nil.  I had to know how we would take this.Like the whining brat that I always knew I was, I said "You can't make me do what I don't want to". "We'll see about that". Both John and I knew that I could forcibly put a stop to this any time I chose to. But since I was responding as if I didn't have power to resist, he decided to continue. He dropped the hairbrush, lifted my robe over my head and off, unlocked my legs and dropped the letters on the floor directly in my line of sight. He began using his brawny hands on my rear. I began squirming and kicking my legs and whimpering.  Years before this I had learned a muscle relaxing technique that allowed whatever emotions a body was experiencing to bubble up to the surface and out.  I employed that technique at this point. After about 10 minutes or so of solid hand spanking and scolding, my whimpering got louder and soon began to turn into sobs.  The sobs turned into tears streaming down my cheeks.  That was enough for me.  I picked up the letters and began waving them about.  "Alright, alright.  I give up.  I'll open the letters". "When?" "Right now, I swear it." He kept me across his knee for a few more minutes while I caught my breath and my sobs subsided. The he gently helped me stand on my wobbly legs.  While I was rubbing my bare ass, he pulled out another kitchen chair and said "SIT!" "You know perfectly well I won't be able to sit until at least tomorrow." He moved to my desk and retrieved a pen and then to my sofa for a pillow.  He placed the pillow on the chair and again commanded that I sit. I gently eased my butt onto the pillow. The heat from my ass warmed it immediately.  He put the last received letter in my hand and told me to open it. He was right, of course.  The threats he mentioned were there but there was still time to avoid them. A form was enclosed which he ordered me to fill out requesting an appointment with an IRS agent.  after I signed it, he placed it into the enclosed envelope, sealed it and put it in his pocket. "I'm going to mail this myself to make sure you don't accidentally lose it.  Now, say 'thank you, John for being such a good friend and giving me the spanking I deserved'." "Oh, c'mon, John. I feel embarrassed enough." He didn't say a thing. He just folded his arms across his chest and stared me down. "Okay! Thank you, John, for being such a good friend and giving me the spanking I deserved." "That's better!".  Now, gather up all your tax records because I'm making an appointment with my accountant and we're going together there to get you up to speed and ready for your IRS session.  Now, what do you say?" "Thank you, John. I really do appreciate it". "Even the spanking?" "Yes, even the spanking." Neither of us ever admitted that we both got caught up in a real-life scenario that we just had to see through to the end. or that we both thoroughly enjoyed it. However, being my very best friend, he spent the next hour massaging my ass with Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion which we both could freely admit we enjoyed.rver unreachable
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by on August 3, 2018
I was 22, fresh out of college and had landed my first real grown-up job.  I realized from the job interview itself that my future boss, a 44 yr old, trim, married man with two college-age daughters was attracted to me.  Hell, guys, at 22 I was 5'9", 145 lbs, with a shock of curly black hair, ebony eyes and a smooth, firm butt.  I was no Rock, Rory or Tab but I had what my boss later described as a certain Greco-Roman appeal. So, yes, I flirted with him to jet the job.  The flirting came easy since all my fantasies from grammar school up to the present time involved being bare-ass spanked across the knee of an older male authority figure.  And he certainly fit the bill. Up to this point that's all they were - just fantasies. I had had some minor sexual experiences in college but was still too embarrassed to bring up the subject of spanking. As soon as he told me I had the job, I decided that if this man wants to get into my pants, he is going to have to take them down and spank me first. He took me under his wing and showed me the ropes of the job.  He hovered over me and managed to put his arm around my shoulder while at my desk - careful to check my work only when the other two members of the office staff were out to lunch, of course. During one of our many private and innuendo-filled conversations, I told him how much he reminded me of my real Dad who was only 3 yrs older than he was,  He was a little put off by the "Dad" comparison until I mentioned how affectionate and loving my Dad was. And how much I admired and respected him - even when he felt the need to spank me. (There, I had finally said the word out loud. There was no stopping me now.) He assumed I meant some mild swats across my 5 or 6 year old ass but I corrected him immediately.  I told him my Dad always put me across his knee and smacked my bare butt when I deserved it; that I had been spanked that way all through high school and even once in my sophomore year of college..  I was making it all up as I went along.  My Dad never laid on hand on me although I fantasized about that a lot. I think he found my high school and college spankings hard to reconcile but the thought of a man's hand on my bare ass certainly aroused him. He smiled and said "Well now I know how to handle you when you screw up at the office". I smiled back.  "You'd have my Dad's blessing, I'm sure." "I'll remember that". Nothing more was said about it for a few weeks and I had given up hope.  But then I finally did screw up at the office Nothing major but a real nuisance.  He called me into his office and explained my mistake to me and showed me how to correct it.  I apologized profusely and promised it would never happen again.   "Okay, you can go now." DAMN! he'd forgotten. "That's a relief", I said.  "I thought maybe you were going to spank me." I think he realized for the first time that our previous conversation was not an idle one - that I would not only accept a bare-ass spanking from him but that I really wanted it. With a little glint in his eye, he said, "That's still a possibility.  I'm considering it and I'll let you know by the end of the end of the day". I could hardly concentrate on my work for the rest of the day.  All I could think about was that IT might finally happen for real. At 5 minutes of 5PM, he came out of his office carrying his briefcase and wearing his coat.  My hopes were dashed once again. But he stopped by my desk and asked if I could possibly come into work on Saturday. he wanted to go over my error again without any other interruptions. I agreed immediately.  He told me to dress casually since we'd be alone. it was only Wednesday and I had to spend the next few days imagining all sorts of outcomes for our Saturday session.  Will he actually just explain my error again?  Will he try to have sexual relations?  Or will he, as I hoped, take down my pants and tight-whites, put me over his knee and give me the sound spanking I'd been dreaming about for the last 15 or so years? I wore a brand new pair of tight-whites and my tightest jeans with a tee on Saturday. I didn't comb my hair too carefully and let some of it fall in front of eyes.  I was sitting on the floor in the hall when he arrived.  He  wore light summer slacks and a short-sleeved pullover. He unlocked the front door of the office and we went in.  I noticed that he locked the door again but I didn't say anything. "Did you want me to get out my ledger book, Sir? "That won't be necessary, son". "Didn't you want to explain my error to me again?" "I've already explained it to you". "Then why are we here, Boss?"  I really wanted the full treatment so I played it naively. "You know perfectly well why we're here -alone". "I think I know but I'm not quite sure." "What do you think you know?" I still wasn't sure whether he meant sex or spanking or possibly both. So I took the lead. "I think you're going to spank me for what I did wrong just like my Dad used to". "Remind me, son! How did your dad do it?" "He would take my pants and underpants down and put me across his lap and smack my bare ass with his hand." "Weren't you embarrassed to be treated like that in college?" "A little, Sir, but it was for my own good and the fact that he still disciplined me showed me that he really cared." "I care too." "I sensed that in your right away." "What happened after the spanking?" "I would hug and kiss him to show that I still loved him, and sometimes he would rub my bare ass to help ease the sting".  I was getting used to saying "ass" instead of butt or bottom.  "Spank" and "ass" were two words that always got me aroused. "I'd be happy to massage your ass." "I'd like that. I'd do my best to show my appreciation." "How?" "Any way you'd like".  If I actually got spanked today I'd be ready for anything. "May I make a suggestion, Sir?  I wouldn't want to wrinkle those nice pants of your by squirming over your lap.  Perhaps, it would be best if you took them off first." "You first, son." I pulled my tee over my head and flung it on a nearby table. I kicked off my shoes and put them aside.  I removed my socks and put them on top of my tee.  I unbuckled my belt and dropped my jeans, stepped out them and kicked them out of the way.  I was now standing in front of a very lustful older man wearing only my brand-new Fruit of the Looms - so thin and tight that you could see my ass right through them.  I was tenting, of course, and I had an appropriate wet spot. "The briefs too, son." I turned around and slowly slid my undies to the floor.  I bent over to pick them up and show him my full ass at the same time. He got up and turned me around and saw my extended cock for the first time.  He leaned in to kiss me but I told him I only kissed my Dad after he spanked me. He undressed in a hurry to reveal striped boxer shorts and his own tent. "I've never spanked anyone before", he said. "Neither did my Dad before me and he learned fast." He had a two-seater vinyl couch in his office and I told him to sit down.  When he did, I walked over to him and draped myself across his knee.  It was the very first time I was ever in that position and I was so revved up that I just blurted out "Spank me, Boss and hard. You won't regret it." Who ever forgets that very first spank?  I know I never will.  The first one was gentle but warm.  "Don't be gentle, Boss. Really smack my ass". He started to spank me slowly and my ass started to squirm.  This was the reality and it was far more exciting than any fantasy I had ever had.  I think the sight of my ass turning pink really excited him too. He began to spank harder and faster. "Am I learning fast?" "You're getting there." Every time he asked me if I'd had enough I said no. I wanted this to go on and on and on till I was sobbing but I was afraid it would turn him off.  When I thought that HE had had enough, I told him to stop. I stood up and rubbed my ass.  Sheeepishly, I thanked him for caring.  And told him I expected a spanking whenever he thought it would do us both some good. Now what happened after that is not a fit subject for this site, So I will leave all of that to your imagination. Suffice it to say that we got together almost every Saturday morning.  The spankings got harder and harder.  Eventually he put up with my squirming and whimpering and promising to do better becausehe knew how affectionate I was after a good hard spanking. And he taught me  a lot about showing my appreciation.  This went on for a little more than two years when I got a better job. I have only one regret.  After about 8 months of this, he mentioned to me that he had told his wife that he had spanked a young man in his office a "few" times and that she would like to meet me.  He invited me to dinner at his home.  I knew nothing about his home life but I guess it was kind of open and kinky. I finally knew the full feeling of embarrassment.  My whole body flushed and I stammered that I didn't think that was a good idea.  So I never met her. I'm sorry now that I never went because I now had a brand-new unfulfilled fantasy - being spanked bare-ass across my boss' lap while his wife watched and encouraged him. Embarrassment was and always will be a major part of a spankee's fantasy.
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by on July 23, 2018
Today I send a old pics, this pics I maker in 2009, is a initial in my hobbie, uniforms, and discipline, in this year I have a little dress, not have a expensive, today I have a great collection of elements uniforms, shirts, shorts, socks, ties and shoes, for my hobbie, I send, in this site a old pics, in my sessions, look please and comment.
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by on July 21, 2018
I was a full twenty-one years of age when I accidently found out that I was not the only guy in the universe who became aroused at the thought of being hauled across the knee of an older gentleman and bare-ass spanked to tears. These were still the pre-internet days and, being a timid soul back then, I was still a virgin.  There was simply no one with whom I could discuss my "aberration". Having reached legality, I screwed up enough courage to enter an adult book store for the first time in my sheltered life and stumbled across a revolving rack of M/M spanking paperbacks - the covers of which graphically illustrating the fantasies that had consumed me since early childhood: spanked by Dad for sassing mom; by my teacher for disrupting class; by my neighbor for skinny-dipping in his pool; by a cop for speeding; by a college classmate for a prank gone awry; by the forest ranger for tossing a lit cigarette into the woods; etc, etc, etc. I was reeling.  How could this be? Who had peered into my deepest, darkest secrets and written them all down? I purchased 4 of the novels and devoured them that same night.  I came to understand that my "aberration" was not an aberration at all but a sexual fetish that I shared with thousands and thousands of others.  I was also greatly relieved that my mind was not as warped as I had always imagined it to be. From that night on, the next milestone in my life was predetermined. However, it was a full year later that I reached it and finally turned fantasy into reality.  But that's another blog.
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by on July 15, 2018
The last 12 months have been more than challanging with the necessity of the script upgrade, which led to a number of issues and down time. I know we were all used to the old version, but it was no longer supported by the developers.  It meant the old version of the script would break on something as simple as a browser update, for example by microsoft or mozilla. We have successfully got the the point where things are coming together, and it will take many more months until everything is they way it needs to be.  I promise you, I am dedciated to this community and I will make it happen. One of the primary issues we experienced is resource variables.  With what we have run in the past, this was fairly easy, simply setting up PHP and MYSQL limits and the execution mode.  With the site now consuming more resources, this opened up a whole lot more than I was prepared for.  As an example we use Maria DB in conjunction with Apache, and PHP - all of these have their own resource limits and processes and require tuning.  There are dozens of variables and getting one wrong can either slow the site to a crawl or cause it to go off-line.  This was a major learning curve for me, and I have learned a lot as a result.  It may sound silly but increasing one resource can actually degrade the site speed, it is an art of ballance and each componont has a relationship with the other - this leads to many many potentiol combinations.  Our ideal setup is using Nginx and PhP-FPM or Apache and Nginx as a reverse proxy.  I simply do not understand Nginx enough to make it work with the script.  I will though learn, I will use our backup server and figure it out, it will take time, but with patience and practice I shall succeed. Before I continue, the social network did change name but southspanking.com will be back.  Southspanking,com will be the main portal and will have many other features, hotbottoms.net will remain the social network and will be accessible from southspanking.com.  Some of you might remember my mentioning a virtual world specifically for the male to male spanking community, that will become a reality and again accessible from southspanking.com.  Think of southspanking.com as being the parent and all other aspects being sub processess. You will be surpised I am sure, as we make further progress. Over the next few months, below are our primary goals, and today we introuduced a side bar view on videos and photos, allowing you to comment straight from a photo or image. Fix the chat bar (Sunday 15th July) Move to the last server hardware (expected to last for the next 2 - 3 yrs) Thursday 18th July.  This includes doubling our current bandwidth and a lot more besides. In August Fix genders so that options are Spanker, Spankee, Switch and Curious.  Also setup a memorial group for our sadly deceased members. September, will be theme and menu time, where we actually make the menus with drop down boxes and fix the phrases and remove the icons that we never use, such as social media. October - Nothing, I will be in Europe and I am hoping I shall not spend too much time in Onkels or Amsterdams corners or over their knees, but rather in bars with Max and Baltic! November - Meetups and events will be available and will work very well .. we will also create some reward groups - that will be fun! December - Dynamic Languages will be available, including French, Italian, Russian, German and more - you will simply be able to click a button and change language. Thats all for now and I shall update our 2019 objectives towards the end of the rear, I mean year! Hugs and everyone tell Onkel and Amsterdad I am a very good boy, and that I need hugs and not spankings and corner time, especially in October!              
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by on June 28, 2018
Experimenting in LTR with a rule: no Sunday night goes by without a spanking that week. And if one is needed, it goes something like the following. This is somewhat aspirational; trying to institute it as a regular routine. In this procedure, I am the boy. We are switches, but the other way around is more irregular and somewhat shorter. I need it more than he does.  Weekly Maintenance/Punishment Pants-Down Spanking   As described, this is a moderately hard spanking that an experienced bottom should be able to take at least once each week. It could be for “punishment” (fantasy or real), or just because a boy needs to be spanked regularly, which is sufficient reason.   Spanker seated on bed or sofa. Boy’s pants and underwear come down to around knees. Over the knee for a rather hard, steady-rhythm, moderately fast, hand spanking of at least one hundred smacks. Boy’s butt is nicely reddened, but this is the warm up. Warm up is crucial but it doesn’t mean pitty-pat. It means a spanking by hand only, but it’s actually pretty hard right from the start.   A break of about ten full minutes. (The break is important) May or may not involve standing, pants down but not off, facing the wall.   Spanker selects suitable OTK paddle or short strap (or both, in succession). Boy goes back over the knee, or spanker stands and puts him over one knee, or just bends him over and stands alongside. Pants down, but underwear may be up for the first part. Pants may or may not come all the way off for all or part. Spanking is again steady, but only moderately hard. It may go through four or five “periods,” with various brief breaks, or be one continuous go. Spanking should consist of a minimum of four hundred strokes. During periods or throughout, steady, regular rhythm, not too slow, is important. Howling, kicking, crying, etc. are ignored or controlled.   Afterwards, boy is given a few moments to recover, then stands, bends over (same position as one of the options above, or spanker may stand back a little for school-style swats). Spanker then administers between five and fifteen considerably harder but not full-strength swats, about one every three to five seconds, to bare butt or possibly clad only in underwear, For this kind of spanking, counting, or announcing how many he’s going to get, is not necessary. Boy finds out how many swats when it’s over. If the spanking is for something that requires some extra emphasis (in combination with maintenance), or it just feels like there’s a need for it, there could be more swats here, and/or a second round of 400 or so smacks after this phase, followed by another phase of harder swats.    
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by on June 24, 2018
I like to get spanked. Quite hard, although not with brutality. By men, exclusively. I also like to spank men, but this isn’t about that; I’m (somewhat) predominantly a bottom, although sometimes have the urge to be a top. I’ll post something about that another time. The very idea of getting spanked or spanking a woman is out of the question for me. I am not bi, sexually, or with this kink. It is exclusively male/male for me.   I am married (to a man), which includes this kink on a pretty regular basis (I get spanked about three to four times a month or so; the other way around much less often but not never). Our relationship is essentially monogamous, but we do "play" with other guys, usually together but occasionally, usually just because of logistics, separately. Most of these encounters involve us as tops, just because it's easier when you're older (I'm 65 now) to find younger guys who want to get spanked than who want to spank you. I’m skipping the description; you can look at my profile. I’m an older guy, in reasonable shape, and decently boyish butt for my age. Someone looking for young men to spank would pass me by, of course. I have no illusions. But I know there are guys, some somewhat younger than me, some my age or a little older, who would click with me and enjoy doing “our thing.” I’m not looking for a relationship, or deep emotional involvement, although I have become good friends with a few guys whom I’ve done this with, over the years.   So anyway, I like to get spanked, on the bare butt, and often enough that I sometimes seek it outside the couple relationship, with honesty and disclosure. Spanking is arousing. It’s sexual, at least for me. Peace with all those who insist they’re only in it for “discipline.” I find that hard to believe or understand, but to each his own. Discipline takes care of itself, and it is part of this thing we share, but spanking, as fantasy and as practice, is a huge part of what turns me on, makes me tick erotically. But for me, spanking outside my relationship is just spanking. Maybe a little body contact, and j/o, but no sex sex, and it isn’t a prelude to a romantic involvement. That doesn't mean it isn't "real," or doesn't involve any emotional contact, just that it's casual, whereas my marriage is a lifetime commitment. Someone primarily looking for a long term relationship would not be interested.    Here’s what works for me. I’m not really into pain, per se. I don’t like to be flogged or whipped on the back, and beyond a few stray smacks, I don’t go for being spanked or whipped on the legs or thighs either. Spanking is on the butt. (The French call it fesser, which also means the butt, for a reason). I’m not especially turned on by shared fantasy and role play, such as naughty student getting paddled, or whatever. I can be flexible, and have a fair amount of experience with this kind of acting out, but that’s not the focus, for me, and scenes where it’s mostly drama and only pretend action, without honest to goodness butt whacking don’t work for me at all.   I can and do take a very long and hard spanking, but I really need to have a warm-up, usually in the form of a quite hard, relatively long, spanking with bare hand, with my pants down (not necessarily off), on bare butt, with me OTK. I can usually take almost any level of hand-spanking, fast and hard, right out of the box (with occasoinal exceptions; there are men who can spank so hard with their bare hands that I need a warm up before getting even to that; but that's not usual). Anyway I can’t and don’t enjoy going straight to strapping or paddling hard without a warm-up. This can be scene-killer for me. I think I understand the reasons for this pretty well (after over 35 years of experience, you get to know yourself and find out a thing or two about how it works). Most guys know this, anyway: spanking, beyond a certain level of intensity, and varying from guy to guy, causes the release of endorphins, which enable you to experience the stimulus and other aspects, and plenty of the pain, but not so much that you just want to get the hell out of there. After getting spanked, pretty hard, by hand, for five or ten minutes or more; it’s time for a break.  I like it preferably fairly continuously and steadily; I’m not jazzed by a spank, feel, feel, feel, feel, spank rhythm. Spanking should be spanking, and it should be pretty hard and pretty fast… taking into account that if you’re going to do it for a long time, you have to keep it to a certain level, to have room for it to get harder at the end. Mainly there should be some fairly steady rhythm to it. Not everyone agrees, but for me this is actually very important. After getting spanked OTK by hand like this, a break is essential. Corner time is totally boring to me, but if that’s a guy’s thing, I have done it, and it does serve the purpose. For some guys it's very important, so you try to be accommodating. But what’s important is a break.  At least ten minutes. To let the feeling sink in and the body do its magical thing. With some guys, a hug or being held is nice at this point, but that depends on chemistry.   Then the spanking can resume, and get much more intense. I like OTK positions best, or better, kind of angled OTK, spanker seated on couch or bed. Or, it can also be really hot to have a standing OTK, but that requires a good deal of balance. Or top standing, with arm around torso and spanker bent over (this is not “touch your toes;” it’s more intimate). I like to be spanked with a paddle. Not given a series of school swats. A little of that is OK, but what really gets me going is continuous, moderate intensity spanking, with bursts of speed and intensity; punctuated by short breaks, at the discretion of the spanker. Not too much dialogue; not an elaborate punishment scenario with lots of lecturing and feedback. (Look, I deserve it, I need it, so why do we have to talk about it?). No counting swats. I just don’t like it. Some guys do, I don’t. No promising to be a good boy. (OK, a little of any of these, but not too much). I also like to be spanked with a short strap. I have a handled rubber strap that’s worse than most wooden paddles. I will also get into to being spanked with a hairbrush. A folded belt is OK, but actually less effective. Not keen on sticks, canes, switches, or whjps. We all have our preferences. Some strapping, with a longer strap such as a razor strop or handled prison-type strap, while prone on a bed, or up on pillows, or bent over the edge of a bed or desk, although it’s not my favorite implement or positioning. Whipping with a strap or belt does work better with the bottom positioned lying on his stomach. Some disagree with this, but I've found it to be true.   All of these implements have to be controlled… the goal is to spank thoroughly and long, leaving a very, very red butt, but not to break the skin. Again, a little of that is OK, but not huge weeping sores. I’ve been there and done that, and, frankly, it’s too inconvenient to be worth it. Very young or inexperienced guys will get weepy sores from even a moderately hard spanking, and to some extent that's the initiation they just have to go through before their butts toughen up to where they can "take" a hard spanking without damage (which invariably happens). A skillful spanker can spank the crap out of an experienced bottome for a long time, again, hard but not brutal, without doing that kind of damage. Here's a newsflash (for some): spanking hurts. I squirm. I cry a little (not tears, but involuntary crying, or low howling (not screaming). I am more verbal than some. And there are times during my spanking when I really, really wish it was over. But that, in fact, is what I want, to really get it, lose the control and have to take it. In fact, although some guys my age have definitely slowed down, or switched to being exclusively tops, if I don’t get a good hard spanking at least once a week, I start to get antsy.        
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