by on January 30, 2018
soundcloud.com/user-30408252/episode-14-be-it-resolved-there-will-be-more-dudes-spanked-in-2018   ( YOU MIGHT HAVE TO GOOGLE IT   )     Happy New Year! Big Daddy Vegas (a.k.a. Coach Frank on southspanking ) is back with RedSpankScott for another episode. We've got a bit of an update on the state of Whappz,    
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by on January 25, 2018
These aren’t intended as prescriptions or rigid rules, just the way my husband (partner in our 21st year together) and I work out a long term relationship where our primary erotic bond is spanking. Thought it might be interesting, and just possibly of some use, to some guys trying to make a partnership work or just wondering what might work in the future.   Both of us have been “into it” since early youth. We’re now 64 and 53 respectively, in pretty good shape, but it just shows that spanking is not limited to young men or only for older + younger. It can work as a lifelong practice. It’s just there. Primary turn-on. What makes our dicks hard. We don’t have a “domestic discipline” relationship, although there are sometimes elements of that. When we first started out, more than 20 years ago, I was actually more of the top (I’m 11 years older), but fairly early on it emerged in the dynamic between us that I am mostly bottom, and he’s mostly top. Ranging from 75/25 to 90/10. But we are switches, which is a minority within a minority within a minority. But it suits us, so that’s it. I like and need to get spanked regularly, and so does he, but less often, and he likes to spank even more than I do. When we play with others, which we’ve started doing again after a long time of spanking as well as sexual monogamy, we’re usually both spankers, and we both know how to give a good, long hard bare bottom spanking that is sensitive to the needs of the spankee. Neither of us has ever been much for “sensual” or “erotic” spanking, which we sometimes deride as “pitty pat.” Spanking for us is real. It’s pretty hard to very hard, and it hurts. Paddling and strapping hurts a lot. We accommodate (of course) the limits of others, but the guys we really like to play with like it somewhere between hard and very hard. No blood or injury, but seriously sore butt. Crying and squirming. Occasionally even mild restraint if needed and wanted.   Sometimes we’ve gone weeks without spanking, but when things are in synch, it’s maybe once a week to every two weeks. Currently experimenting with not letting a Sunday night go by without at least a quick otk spanking on bare before bed if there hasn’t been a spanking already that week. (Which means like 200 hard slaps; an actual discipline spanking in the real world is usually much less than that, but you make adjustments if you’re into this… a long session might take an hour and a half and involve three or four rounds of paddling, each with 50 or more swats with a paddle on bare; or similar duration of strapping).   So what are the “rules”?   Consensual always. This goes without saying, or should. Sometimes a spanking involves crying, squirming, real pain. And the spankee really wants it to be over, but he doesn’t try to stop it and wants the experience of being spanked for real, which means it really, really hurts and sometimes you’re not sure you can take it. You have to work these things out, and make sure you know what’s OK and what isn’t. Which leads to… Communicate. Talk about it, before and after. Understand what your partner likes and needs, and try to give it to him. This works both ways. It’s not just what the spankee needs, but what the spanker needs too. Get in the mood. Everyone is different. For me, as an older man, what works is stimulation through spanking related porn, especially videos. But edge, don’t come. Get it up, fantasize about spanking, get the juices flowing, but don’t let yourself come, even for a few days, until after the spanking. OK, this may not be everyone’s experience, but it’s definitely mine. I can be ready for a spanking pretty reliably if I do a little stimulus the day before, but avoid orgasm till afterwards. To guys who say spanking is only discipline for them, not erotic, OK, ignore this. Live your life the way you see fit. But for us, this is how it is. Do what you talk about. Role play, what implements, how long, how hard, positions, whether punishment for something or just because you need it, whatever. Have a plan, because you don’t really want to talk about this stuff too much during the spanking. Spanking works best when it’s “in the groove.” These things are important, but everybody’s different. You have to find what works for you two, which inevitably involves some compromise, no matter how similar your tastes are. If your tastes are too different, you may just be incompatible, but there’s lots of room to adjust and do some give and take. Warm up. Find a good intensity, serious, fairly hard, probably only with hand, that can get you going but not be so hard you lose the excitement. 200 slaps is about right, gradually intensifying. This is real spanking, just not extremely hard yet. We almost always do this OTK, on bare from the very start, but you have to find what works for you. Rhythm is important. Not everyone agrees, but for me this is vital. Spanking should have a steady, even relentless rhythm to it. Not too slow, and not insanely fast either. You take breaks, but when you’re spanking, spank. Don’t smack, smackety, rub, rub, smack. Spank like you mean it. Connect. Even if it’s not that hard, make a strong and complete connection with the butt and hand or implement. Spanking should exude masculine energy, which means steady and connected strokes, regardless of how hard it is. After warmup, take a break. It can be just 5-10 min. Corner time is good if you like that (we kinda don’t), but a break is important. Gets the endorphins flowing. After this break, the spanking can become more intense, and last much, much longer. Several rounds, with breaks, is the usual way of it, especially if you want it to be long and memorable. Don’t change implements too often. If you use more than one paddle or strap, there should be a reason, like you have a graduated increase in size and weight, or something. Each round is best done with a single implement. If you like to do brush, paddle, strap, cane (we don’t like canes), do them in sequence by rounds, not switching back and forth arbitrarily. This is more important to the overall experience than you might think. An exception is you can put a paddle or whatever down and finish off a round with really hard hand spanking. Somehow that’s always welcome. Know your partner. Ideally, safe words should not be necessary. You should try to develop the ability to read even guys you’re playing with you don’t know well to sense when it’s too hard or not hard enough, or when they need a break. It’s not perfect, and sometimes you need to just “use your words,” especially as a bottom. Just say it if it needs saying. It won’t “break the scene.” If it does, the scene is too fragile anyway. Push yourself a little. Even after years with a partner, spanking can sometimes slip into routine, and it’s good to push it to a higher level now and then. Have a really long, hard session that leaves you really sore.  
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by on January 23, 2018
Hi, in this new blog I send here a tipicals pics of schoolboys in Spain, a old dress used,and punishment
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by on January 14, 2018
Well 2017 was something else!  I think I want to start off by remembering those that we have lost in the last year.  It is never easy, whether it is family or close friends.  We can all remember them in our hearts and in our prayers. I want to thank everyone of you for your support and I appreciate all the words of encouragement, particulary over the site failure and its rebirth.  It is important to note that change is never easy and for some members it it will take time.  Even though they might sound negative that's good, all feedback is important as we move forward.  We are a very diversive community and sometimes it is easy to miss cultural differences, what one culture views as normal another may view as rude, when infact its simple furstration.  I ask everyone to please take that into consideration before hitting that send button on a comment. Our moderators do a fantatic job, and the member contributions are amazing.  This community is what keeps the site alive, thank you everyone. I do want to make a special thank you to Isma, who creates some of the most amazing art I have ever seen.  He is a true gentleman, hugs and thanks Isma! This year will bring some major changes, and we will work on them bit by bit until we get it right.  All I can ask is your patience.  I will make some mistakes as I go along, and thats normal but it will all pull together and the site will be better than ever before.  This blog is where I am going to post updates as we progress. I am looking forward to the year ahead, to making new friends, to working with you on the site and to having fun. hugs James
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by on August 27, 2017
Kind of old, but a good ice-breaker:There was a young boy who'd been badAnd deserved to be spanked by his dadHis mom said "Your dad'lltan you with a paddle"And Sonny said "Frankly, I'm glad"
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by on September 9, 2016
MY LIFE ACCORDING TO: Pet Shop Boys BY: Clansmanchris Using only song names from ONE ARTIST or ONE GROUP, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to fifteen people you like and include me; even if you don’t like me! But I hope you do! You can’t use the artist or the group I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost as “my life according to (your chosen artist or group)”. Pick your Artist or Group: Pet Shop Boys Are you a male or a female: New York City Boy Describe yourself: Young Offender Describe where you currently live: Suburbia If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Where The Streets Have No Name Your favourite form of transportation: I Get Along You and your best friends are: So Hard Favourite time of day: It's A Sin If your life was a television show, what would it be called: I Wouldn't Normally Do This Type of Thing What is life to you: What Have I Done To Deserve This? Your relationship: Rent Your fear: West End Girls What is the best advice you have to give: Go West Thought for the day: Always On My Mind How I would like to die: Left To My Own Devices My soul’s present condition: A Red Letter Day
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by on August 31, 2016
As I explained in one of my previous posts, I’ve created a spanking profile on gay/SMS dating app PlanetRomeo. It was already after midnight when a twenty-something-year-old boy started a chat. He told me he was excited about my profile and was lying ‘ass up face down’ on his bed, wearing only briefs, imagining I could enter anytime to give him a spanking. I narrated how I would do that and after each message he was getting more excited. After several messages he responded: Please come. Are you serious about this, I asked him. He confirmed. Realising that it would take 25 minutes to get to his place, that it was already 2.00am, and that you never know for sure whether or not you’re chatting with a faker, I hesitated. But he really wanted me to come over and spank him like a little boy. Then—for reasons I cannot fully explain—I decided to take a leap of faith and come his way. He gave me his address and told me he would leave the door to his studio apartment unlocked. When I arrived at the building and rang his door bell, he automatically opened the main door. I went upstairs and arrived at his apartment. Still uncertain what to expect, I opened his door. I entered the room, which was almost fully dark, but the corridor light enlightened the silhouette of a slim boy lying on his bed wearing only black briefs. I stepped into the story he and I had started to write half an hour ago. I closed the door behind me, took off my jacket and shoes, and walked up to the bed. I could hear him breathe. I gently touched his legs and moved my hands up towards his lovely round butts. After pausing for a while, my hands moved up to his back and neck. I moved my head towards his ears and whispered: Are you just lying here naked wearing only briefs? Yeah, he said. Are you being naughty? Yes daddy, he responded. His voice trembled a little. I moved my hands down, lifted up his hips and slowly tried to pull his briefs down. But his briefs got stuck on something. I moved my hands below his hips and identified the obstacle. Are you having a hard-on, I asked? Yes, dad, I’m sorry. In one fast move I took off his briefs, sat down next to him on the bed and gave him two slaps on both of his cheeks. He wiggled and squirmed a little. I will teach you a good lesson, I said, and I continued spanking him. Because I didn’t know how much he could take and because I couldn’t see his face, I spanked him gently. But the whole setting—dark room, midnight, first encounter—made it very exciting. Having spanked him for a while, I turned him around on his back, gently grabbed his face and said: have you learned your lesson yet? Yes daddy, he whispered. Then I gently kissed and caressed him in ways I can’t describe.
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by on August 30, 2016
Okay, I just can’t help it, but sometimes—believe me, not when I’m spanking or getting spanked—I theorise about spanking. One question that fascinates me is why people have preferences for—and dislikes of—particular types of spanking implements. For me, a general answer like ‘There are as many tastes as there are people’ is not satisfying, because it just doesn’t make sense. I think it’s possible—and interesting—to try and develop, ponder and test some types of ‘light’ categorisation. Before I proceed, let me note that in these reflections I’m not interested in the type or intensity of pain different implements can cause, but in the symbolic meanings people attribute to them—consciously but more often subconsciously.The first type of categorisation I want to suggest relates to the nature-culture distinction—a distinction that should never be made in any strict sense. There are implements that can almost be found as such in nature, such as canes and switches. Then there are implements that can be made of natural materials, such as carpet beaters, birches, wooden paddles etc. The latter still have a feel of ‘naturalness’ to them. But I’m thinking about how to explain why some have a clear dislike of ‘leather stuff’. Is it because it is associated with the ‘leather scene’ (which only partly overlaps with the ‘spanking scene’)? If so, why does that matter? And is this only about black-coloured leather?The second type of categorisation I call teleological: on the one hand, there are implements that are manufactured for purposes other than spanking or punishment, but which can be used for that purpose as well (bath-brushes, wooden spoons, spatulas, carpet-beaters, razor straps etc.); on the other hand, there are implements that are manufactured for punishment purposes (whips, floggers, tawses, paddles). Here I’m thinking about how to explain why some have a preference for the first type of implements. Is it because having implements made for spanking or punishment increases the risk of family/friends finding out about your spanking practice? Is it because buying such implements confronts you with the reality of your spanking fantasies?I’m curious to hear what people think!
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by on August 26, 2016
I'll turn 70 soon and feel like I should have long since graduated from spankee to spanker (if not graduated out of the scene altogether). When I've occasionally chatted with younger men on this site. there's an implicit assumption that I would be the disciplinarian. And while I can certainly enjoy giving a spanking, I still far prefer being the one pinned over the knee getting his bottom turned bright red. Today I got a pretty sound hairbrush spanking from someone I met on this site, and I'm still reveling in the afterglow. I look forward to a couple of days being reminded of the spanking every time I sit down and I'm grateful that there are some out there for whom age is not a total deal-breaker when it comes to giving a spanking. I have no idea how the time went by so quickly, and think back on a myriad of missed opportunities when I was young and at least somewhat attractive. I think my first spanking was when I was in my 30's and over the years I've had a variety of experiences from wonderful to not-so-good, from "one night stands" to multiple return visits, but never enough. I still wish I could have experienced a relationship that included domestic discipline--I think the threat of and occasional delivery of a spanking as a consequence for procrastination or being disorganized would have made me more productive. It's too late for that now and I'm happy for the all-too-rare moments where I find myself prone over a lap with briefs at my ankles, waiting for the first application of a hand or paddle. For some of us, once a spankee, always a spankee--the desire to be spanked doesn't seem to wane with age.
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by on August 1, 2016
There must be many more guys who like to get spanked than only those in my area that are on this website (some of whom I know well). These guys' spanking desires might yet be inarticulate. So I recently created a spanking profile on gay/MSM dating app PlanetRomeo (which is popular in Europe, less in the US). This has resulted in numerous chats and two encounters so far.The first was with a 28-year-old (bisexual) guy who's mainly a top, but who wanted to be dominated for once. If that's what you want, that's what you get! So we agreed he would come to my place, but at the set time he didn't show up. After 45 minutes he messaged me with excuses - he had been in the company of friends and hadn't been able to escape. He wanted to meet the next day and I finally agreed to give him a second chance. The next day, an hour before he would arrive, he sent me a message: 'I'm a bad boy. I went AWOL yesterday. You should discipline me harder now.' 'I will,' I responded. And so he came, this typical top guy who looked even more handsome than on his picture. In his all too dominant mood, he walked up to me saying: 'So what do you wanna do?' I said: 'I want you to strip to your underwear.' And so he did, looking at me with an assertive, slightly arrogant look. Then I sat down on a chair and ordered him to bend over my knee. 'This is so awkward,' he said, but he obeyed. And then he got spanked, for the first time in his life. I didn't spank him hard, but I did spank him for quite a while. It was charming to see how, step by step, he started to submit to it. After I had spanked him, some other things happened (which are none of your business!:-p) Getting spanked over the knee was a once-but-never-again experience for him, but I'm proud and honoured he had taken the challenge. Too bad he didn't allow me to take a picture of his red bum...
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by on July 23, 2016
Not sure what the etiquette here is, but while there are several makers of really good paddles and straps out there, my all time favorite is spankinc.ca, whose proprietor, Daniel Vachon, is a master craftsman and very fair businessman. You do have to pay the cost of mail from Canada (his shop is near Montreal). He made a custom paddle for me several years ago that has since been my #1 go to implement.
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by on June 27, 2016
Just a quick story, never happened, but I'd like it to! I arrived at the appointed time. We had exchanged a lot of e-mails before the day actually came. I had my specific instructions, now it was time to face the music. I rang the bell, then turned away from the door. It was a minute before I heard the door open. Two hands, each holding a patch, came around my head and pressed against my eyes. I could not open my eyes now. I felt a hand grab my belt from behind, and another press against my back, and I was guided through the door backwards. I heard the door close and the click of the lock. My arms were lifted straight up, and my T shirt was slipped off. Hands rubbed my back, abdomen, and chest. A sudden sharp twinge as my nipples were pinched. I yelped, and was rewarded by a sharp smack to my backside. I remembered the rule: Speak only when spoken to. I felt my sandals being slid off my feet, then my belt being undone. My jeans were unzipped and allowed to fall to my ankles. Hands again rubbing my legs, cupping my genitals through my white briefs, rubbing my butt through the thin cotton. Then a quick series of hard slaps rained down on my backside. I remembered the rule and kept quiet. Now it was getting real, those swats stung, even through the jockies. My feet were disentangled from my jeans, there was some more rubbing, then another series of hard swats. A little more rubbing, and the hands slipped inside the elastic of my briefs, and they slid down my legs. More rubbing, cupping, fondling. A finger traced the curve of my butt crack, almost, but not quite slipping in. Without warning, the swats started again, hard, rapid, stinging slaps against my butt cheeks which were starting to sting. My hands were pulled behind my back, and I felt stiff fabric cuffs wrap around my wrists. A hand cupped my testicles, and pulled me forward. I was helpless, unable to do anything but follow the hand that held me. I was led through a series of turns, my feet could feel carpet in some places, cool tile in others. We stopped, and I heard a chair drag across the floor. I was suddenly pulled forward and over his knees. Now the spanking began in earnest, stinging, rapid fire swats which had come in short bursts now continued to punish my tail. I tried to remain stoic, but eventually cried out. My voice had no effect on the hand...the spanking kept on till I was squirming and rolling, trying to avoid the punishment, but failing. Finally, it stopped, and the rubbing began again, gentle, soothing, prying hands and fingers explored my butt. The finger that had traced my butt crack earlier now pushed in, touching, but not penetrating my butt hole. The hands played with my testicles, squeezing til it almost hurt, then relaxing. The hands stopped, I felt his body shift, then return to position. Without warning, my tail exploded into a firey pain as a paddle was applied to my bare skin. With the same rapid fire technique that the hand used, the paddle mercilessly tore up my ass. It must not have been too thick, because the pain was a stinging fire, not a heavy thud. Lots of the strokes landed low on my butt, where thigh meets ass. Sometimes the paddle landed randomly here and there, and sometimes, the same spot was punished 5 or 6 times before moving on to find a new spot to work on. My squirming was even more determined to avoid the burning pain, but was no more effective than it was when the hand was doing the punishing. Finally, it stopped. The hand started rubbing, caressing exploring again. The squeezing of my testicles started, and this time, there was disconcerting discomfort before the hand relaxed. I was guided to my feet, and he stood. He bent me over the back of the chair, and pressed down on my back until I got the message that I was to stay in that position. The cool air against my blistered bottom felt good, but I knew whatever was coming next was not going to feel good. I heard the whoosh just before the leather struck my ass. The sting was incredible, and I straightened up. The hands squeezed my balls again, hard, painfully. He held for a few seconds, then bent me over again. The leather landed again. I remained in position, but cried out. The leather started a steady, unrelenting rythym of pain on my ass. I tried to count, but lost track north of 20. Finally, it stopped. The hand rubbed, caressed, fondled and explored again. I was stood up, and the hand grabbed my balls, and lead me again. I was taken around the turns and different flooring. Then, my hands were released. I heard a door close, and I could sense I was alone. I peeled the patches off of my eyes. I was in a front hall. My clothes were on the floor near me. I dressed, gingerly pulling my underwear and jeans over my throbbing butt. I waited a few minutes, but nothing happened. I pulled open the front door, stepped out, and headed home. It was a truly unique experience. He had never spoke a single word, and I never saw him, or felt anything but his hands. I knew I’d be back.
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by on June 5, 2016
There are different types of beatings that can be classified (loosely) as: playful spankings. They are given just for fun, with everyone laughing and joking around, as the "birthday beatings" American, or a couple of pats on the tail as a joke. They are still widely used outside the BDSM community. It's the kind of beatings that occur when the "games of beatings" that can be purchased for group play, and most of those given in previous relationships, even among couples "vanilla" sex games are played. hand or implement some light is usually used, and usually involve little pain (at most some burning) or none. The pleasure is shared. sensual spankings Are those given by sensory experience itself, getting to enjoy different sensations, to bring the subject into the ecstagonía pleasure. They include fondling, soft or violent, touching the other, feeling the other's lap or feel yourself in the lap of another. Pleasure should be mostly for the sub. Sexual spankings They are part of foreplay before sex, or part of sex itself. They are used to excite the couple or to increase the excitement. The pleasure is shared. In the latter two cases, the instruments used and the amount of pain will depend on the tastes of the couple. You can read our article on the sensual and sexual spankings. Spankings "because if" Why ruin the pleasure of a good beating with excuses about why give it? This type of spanking is because the dominant wants to show the boss, because the submissive needs, because both want to enjoy the game or just for so. Such are the beatings "maintenance" given by a "love" their "slave" just to remind place. And this class is the old advice to give your partner a thrashing from time to time ( "maybe you. Not know that hits it, but probably it if") (). Of course, the instruments and the pain level will depend on the wishes of the participants. Punishment spankings These are the real beatings, used to cause a change in behavior. They are given to punish any offense committed by the submissive in real life or during a scene. As parents giving their children, they are supposed to be unpleasant. To be useful the punished should remember it as an experience that should be avoided. Flogging punishment for an instrument can be used, and can not be on his knees. Not touching the punished but the tool can be part of the punishment. This is the occasion to give "six good" or a good portion of belting. The level of pain depends on the level necessary sensitivity punished. It is the only one in which pleasure is only for the dominant. Flogging to "break" Although usually very painful, you're spankings are not both physical and psychic. Its purpose is to break the barriers of submissive, allowing you mourn until you run out of tears. They are normally given at the request of the submissive that needs to be reduced to a childlike state, where mourn is allowed and nothing can be hidden. Be very careful: it is touching deeply the feelings of punishment, there may be a regression to childhood, and if the sub was punished too harshly or abused as a child, or by a previous partner, you can awaken painful memories. In this kind of beating, "after" should be especially intense. The submissive should be embraced, caressed, kissed. It must take care, and you must remember that it is a valuable human being who is loved, respected and needed. Of course, much pain is required to break the mental structures of the submissive. Do not try to do it with a stranger, or if your relationship is not very stable, or if you are not entirely sure what you are doing. This spankings do not mean pleasure, they give to fill a need submissive.
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by on June 3, 2016
“WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?” (Updated Version)by Clansmanchris“What are YOU looking for, my good man?”“For a leaking pipe” replied the Gas Man, searching frantically amidst much hype;“For my wallet so I can settle the bill” said the diner in the restaurant, “or be made to do the washing-up, I almost certainly will;”“For the keys to my car” said a friend claiming “it’s too damn cold to walk too far;”“For more money than I have now” my eighteen year-old nephew whined, looking at his bank statement, “but, so that I don’t have to pay income-tax, a little less than you or Pa;”“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For a roof above my head and bread upon my table” the homeless chap cried; “to keep myself warm and fed, as much as I am able;”“For a shirt to put on my back” the otiose Captain of the Skins Team rather shamefully replied; “and once more be out and proud, to be leader of the pack;”“For something for my supper” the guy in the store answered in a hurry;“For world peace, joy and happiness” proclaimed the hippy at Glastonbury;“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For my country’s salvation on June 23rd” claimed a fellow Brexit supporter;“For some scandal to write about” claimed a frustrated newspaper reporter;“For trade, dear,” said the rent-boy as he looked me up and down;“For the fox I need to cull” claimed the Master of the Hounds, “though with a bit of luck, Basil Brush has fled to town;”“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For a vein” claimed the nurse with an angry-looking needle;“For some unsuspecting person to be framed” replied an irksome Jeremy Beadle;“For warmer weather than today” claimed A N Other, “so I can put away my winter rags;”“For an empty bin to dump all this crap” claimed the boy next door, with two full dustbin bags;“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For a crook to catch” said Police Constable Plod, “and see cast into jail;”“For somethin’ more to drink” said the drunk, “since I’ve bled all the bleedin’ pubs in this town out of bleedin’ ale;”“For some weed” cried the junkie, “to give me a fix;”“For better luck next time” wept the losing player in the game “or at least that the dice I throw, would at least roll a banned word , I mean a lucky, six;”“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For a sign of things to come” claimed an optimistic astrologist;“But hopefully not up this here bum” answered an anxious-looking proctologist;“For a diary” said a frenzied clerk, “in which to make a note;”“For some meaningless statistics” replied the tenant, “which my landlord claims to be just a quote;”“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For one I once held close but who sadly is no more” wept the bereaved man at a grave;“For a pretty boy I need to spank” said an older guy, “or, at least, access to a certain website containing many such bois over whom, and with whom, I would dearly love to wank;”“For a way out of all confusion” answered the troubled soul, “but for whom there seems little chance of that or this;”“For the silence which is golden” added his mate, “the prerequisite to bliss;”“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For a clearer way ahead” shouted one early-riser, “free from the morning mist”;“When all will be revealed” claimed his neighbour, “when you no longer have your knickers in a twist”;“At least then the lazy bugger will have risen from his pit” argued the first man’s wife, “as I’m getting rather tired of cleaning up all his banned word!”“For a place I can call my own” howled some stray hound from Battersea, “where I can lay my head, as a true bitch should, and be allowed to chew all six inches of my owner’s bone”;“But what are you looking for, my good man?” they all replied.“For time to recover from being rather ill” protested one; “time to rest and be still;”“For opportunity to be my own boss” pleaded an overworked employee “rather than be forced to work against my will;”“For a place where boy meets man and all true friends will be” added one master;“In other words, lesser mortal one, where you and all bois must first be put” claimed another, “with your shorts down and over my knee, for a much harder and faster spanking across your pert little butt!”“But what are YOU looking for, my good man?” I replied, as each began to churn;“’Tis a vexed question my dears, and one which I now put to EACH OF YOU in turn.”© Clansmanchris
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by on March 11, 2016
GAME RULES. You will need: the game board two dice (different colors) (choose one of them as a marker of number of spanks) and the tools that appear in the game or similars. The game is to move around the board from box 1 to the finish (63). Assuming the consequences of each box. throw the two dice, the number indicated advances BOX / s no spanking zone: box unpunished, as the name suggests. question mark (?):is the letter of fate and destiny is in your hands . You decide to do, spanks, additional punishment, truth or dare question chosen by the other player. It is a free box. Tools: receiving spanks with the instrument (number indicating the punishment given) Stars: Go to the next box star. Box of ass: Indicating as you should be (with pants, in undies or bare ass) Special boxes: - Caught by Dad: from 6 to 12 or vice versa. - Classroom (box 19): Receive the sum of the two dice in spanks and write 10 lines "I'll be a good boy" - The passage of the Pyramid: Go to box 28 to 53 or vice versa. - Box 31: CORNER TIME: stay in the corner the minutes that the two dice add up. - Box 42: Caught by the ear, go to the corner 31 time box. - Jail: box 52: Throw the two dice and receive the spanks indicating the tool and select another player to "pay" a penalty choose another player. - Death: box 58, returns to box 1. The player who first reaches the box 63 (target) with exact number of dice number, if not exact, get to 63 and keep counting backwards. - You can adapt the rules to players convenience or playing conditions the winner will throw the dice and the spanks to indicate to other players, and so in order of arrival: 1st to 2nd, 3rd, 4th ... 2nd to 3º.4º ... 3rd to 4th ... etc fun
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by on December 18, 2015
I just want to acknowledge my best friend on SouthSpanking and otherwise. Blackneo and I have been friends since we met here in April 2012. Over the years, we have become the best of friends, trading stories and information and helping each other through our difficult times. Although we have never met because he lives in England and I live in San Francisco, I want to meet him someday in person and just talk and hang out. Friends like Blackneo are hard to find, but we have been lucky enough to meet each other. All the best to you, Blackneo!
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by on September 30, 2015
Does anyone know how to contact the owner(s) of this site? I have sent a couple of messages to the contact email address (southspank@gmail.com) but have not had a response. I assume the owner(s) have profiles on the site -- does anyone know which they are? Thanks, Firmhanded Dad
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by on September 25, 2015
Dad was away for the weekend on a business trip, which meant I had an 'empty'. Given I was 19 now I really needed some space and free time to myself. I had plans, big plans for this weekend. My pals are coming over later tonight but for now I decided to sit down to watch the football results come in with an ice cold beer from the fridge. Finishing my beer I open a pack of cigarettes and start smoking using the beer bottle as my ash tray. Loving life, loving having some freedom... that was, until the door opened. "DAD, what are you doing back so early?" I said. Dads face was bright red he looked so pissed off. I put the cigarette out as fast as I could and tried to hide the bottle but to no avail. He picked up the bottle out of my hand and stared at me angrily. His face told a thousand words and I knew I was in big, big trouble. "My flight was cancelled, but more to the point... just what do you think you are doing young man? I come home to find you sitting here drinking and worse SMOKING in my house." Dad said, his face getting redder by the second. "It's no big deal, come on, i'm 19 now dad, I can do what I like. I can buy cigarettes and booze from the shops now." I decided to be defiant, after all I am 19 now, I am old enough to do whatever the hell I like. Dad just doesn't see me growing up, and still doesn't treat me like the adult I am. "You might be 19, but you sure as hell don't act like it. Yes you should be old enough to act as a responsible adult, but smoking isn't acting responsibly son. You might think you can do whatever you like, but when your still living under this roof, the roof I work hard to pay for, then you live by my rules. Is that understood?" " banned word hell, Yeah, yeah... whatever!" I exclaimed. "Right I've had enough of your attitude son. This has went on long enough. You don't show me any respect, and it's about time I taught you a long hard lesson. You haven't been spanked since you were 15 but it's obviously time you went back over my knee." With that said dad pulled me from the sofa and sat down on it himself. I was standing in front of him shocked at what I had heard. I had no idea what to say... what to do. "You have 2 options son, you either do as your told or you pack up your belongings and leave my house right now! What's it to be?" "Well you don't leave me with much of an option then, do you?" I hadn't realised yet but my backchat wasn't getting me anywhere. "Well get your hands on your head then and stand in front of me now!" Dad ordered as I reluctantly put my hands on my head and walked over to start directly in front of him. He reached to my belt, and I moved my hands to stop him, feeling somewhat remorse now, under the realisation of what was about to happen I pleaded "Please dad, come on i'm too old for this!" "Get your hands back on your head now boy, if we're doing this, we're doing it right, you are going to learn a lesson you aren't going to forget in a hurry do you hear?" With that said I put my hands back on my head and stopped resisting. In a matter of seconds dad had my jeans down by my ankles and had me step out of them. I was now just wearing my boxers, t-shirt and socks. Dad positioned himself on the middle of the couch as he pulled me over his knees. From when I was younger I remember being spanked on the couch meant the session was going to last longer. Dad had a comfy seat and I could just lay there over his knee without too much pressure on him. It felt strange being over his knee. It made me feel like a little boy again. I lay there as dad adjusted my boxers, pulling them up to give him a good outline of my bum. He rubbed for a bit as he scolded me some more for my behaviour recently. And then finally the first smack landed. My dads hand felt massive as it reigned down on my boxer clad bottom. SMACK SMACK SMACK. Over and over again, I had completely forgot how sore a spanking actually was. Dad moved from cheek to cheek. Not just focusing on my bum but the tops of my thighs as well. On occasion he would stop and lift my boxers to check how red my butt was getting. I hated that, I hated that my dad had that much control over me now. I kept thinking what would have happened if I had just said I would leave the house. Surely my dad wouldn't have let that happen? But alas i'm here over my dads knees being spanked like a 10 year old. Then I feel dads hands move to my boxers once more as he starts to pull them down. I quickly put my hands back and put up a struggle, trying to retain some dignity. "Please dad, no not bare assed, come on i'm too old for this. Please dad?" I pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears as he finally got hold of my hand, held it up against my back, and in one swift motion, took my boxers down to my ankles. Now bare bottomed over my dads knees he proceeded to spank my increasingly red bottom with his hand. Over and over again. The thing with dads spanking was it was unpredictable. It was always hard yes, but one moment it could be fast and the next slow. He would stop to rub my butt, and then lift his hand like I was going to get spanked only for the hand to return to rub my butt. It make it distinctly difficult to clench my cheeks, and pre-empt any spanks. Either way even if I did, it still hurt and still had the same effect. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Dads big hand came down on my bare butt some more as I wriggled on the sofa and kicked my legs somewhat. I absolutely hated being spanked, never mind being pretty much naked over my dads knee. You see it wasn't just that I was being punished, it was the embarrassment and humiliation that came along with it. It was the telling off, it was the idea that my 19 year old cock was pretty much rubbing up my dads thigh, it was that my dad in that moment had full control over me. It made me feel like a little boy again. Finally dad stopped with his hand but it was far from over yet. He told me to stand up and face him, which I did, quickly covering my privates. "Get your hands on your head now young man, it's not like I've never seen that before!" Dad said. Reluctantly I said "Come on dad, please, do I have to?" With that dad took my arm spun me round and delivered 2 almighty WHACKS to the back of my legs as he told me to obey him and I threw my hands up to my head to avoid any more spanks. Dad then proceeded to strip me. He took my socks off, my boxers off, my top off. I was standing there hands on head in front of my dad completely naked. Even when I was younger I remember dad always being the one to take my clothes off. I think it added to the humiliation aspect of it. It meant I had literally no control not even enough to remove my own clothes. It was like I didn't have a option. I was going to get spanked naked, because dad said so. Dad then pulled his slipper off his right foot and I got dragged back across his knees. Down came the slipper on my naked butt. It had a much different sting than the hand, it was more sharp and certainly got a rise out of me. I was kicking, pleading, but dad wasn’t interested. His slipper continually fell on my ass and there was nothing I could do about it. Even if I tried to put my hand back it would be held against my back. If I was wriggling too much dad would put his left arm around my waist and hold me in position. He even stopped to position my cock and balls a few times, which was so embarrassing. Dads slipper spanking was finally done. I knew this as he rested the slipper on my back as he rubbed my bare bottom. I was a sorry boy, but not as sorry as I was going to be. Dad alluded that this was going to be a very long, hard spanking, and that we were far from finished. I shuddered at the idea of what was going to happen next. Dad rubbed my bottom, my back, in a caring way. The way that without words says he is sorry for having to do this, but that it was my fault, I brought it upon myself and I deserve it. He patted my butt once last time and told me to get the wooden spoon. Without debate this time I did as I was told and went and got the wooden spoon from the kitchen. When I came back dad has positioned a footstool length ways in front of him in the sofa. I gave dad the spoon and I was told to go over his knee this time but in a wheelbarrow position, with my chest against the footstool. I did as I was told, and soon realised how embarrassing this position was. My banned word was pretty much on show to my dad and he could see everything. He could see even more when he told me to put my hands back and to spread my cheeks apart. “Come on dad, I’ve had enough” I exclaimed, which again caused a few hard whacks with the spoon to land across my cheeks, which made me do as I was told. I reached back, and pulled my cheeks apart, dad had a perfect view of my hole, and continued to scold me on why cigarette smoking is bad and my attitude lately. I couldn’t pay attention though, all I could think about is how exposed I was. Dad also used his hand to grip hold of my cock and balls, which pretty much meant that I couldn’t move anywhere. Dad then used the other end of the wooden spoon (the long handle side) to spank my anus. Yes, when dad spanked he made sure he covered every inch of my bottom and that meant the banned word too. The pain was unlike anything else it was so sharp, so sore. I pleaded, swore, shouted, and kicked. I sometimes lost my grip but dad would quickly turn his wooden spoon around and deliver some whacks to my upper thighs and bottom itself, reminding me to keep hold of my position. It felt like it had went on forever and finally dad moved my legs down to the floor as I lay there on the footstool with a red hot ass. Dad as usual would rub it. He told me to stay where I was as he left the room, only to come back 2 minutes later with a razer. “Boys who act like you have recently, don’t have any hair down there. You don’t act like a man, you act like a boy, and you should look one. Only men in this household have and will be allowed to have pubes. I’m going to shave yours all off now to teach you a lesson, and you will be without hairs down there for the foreseeable future unless your attitude changes, do you hear me boy?” Dad said, but I didn’t respond. *whack* *whack* He spanked me and I spoke up “Okay, okay, Yes dad!”. Dad then made me lay with my back on the footstool and my legs spread wide. He had a perfect angle as he sat on the sofa and grabbed my cock as he started to strip my front of all my pubes. I kept thinking what the lads would think if they seen me in the football showers/gym with no pubes or hair. Even worse, I wondered if the red in my butt would be gone by then. Dad made me smooth then made me turn round as he focused on removing all hairs from my butt and crack. Once dad was done and after a few more ‘words of wisdom’ I was taken by the ear to the corner. I was made to stand there hands on head and dad moved my legs wide apart to ensure my cock and balls dangled down. My nose was right in the corner and I couldn’t help but to feel the cold on my newly shaved privates. It actually felt quite strange, enjoyable maybe, and was starting to make me hard. Eventually I heard my dad ask if I still knew where the spanking chair was. Of course I did, how could I forget, I spent many times over dads knee on that thing. He told me to go fetch it, along with the bath brush and I knew I was in big trouble. The bath brush was reserved for rare occasions where I had done something really wrong and I remember how sore it was. Dad had hardly used it on me before and when he had it wasn’t for long. This time would be different though. I fetched the chair and placed it in the middle of the room and gave dad the brush. He sat down, told me how disappointed he was in me and that we were going to make sure I learnt my lesson. I pleaded with dad not too but I was quickly pulled over his knee and bath brush spanking started. I completely forgot how heavy this thing was it was massive and the CRACK that came off it echoed and filled the room. Stroke after stroke it burned my bare bottom. Dad still using the same technique from before where he changed the pace of the stroked and would occasionally stop to rub or adjust my newly shaved private. I was a very sorry boy. I apologised to dad but he just kept on going. Dad then produced a piece of paper as if from nowhere and put it down infront of me on the floor. He told me it was a list of rules that I will abide by whilst I’m living under this house and told me to read them out aloud. He stopped spanking as I did so. “1. I am grounded for the next 2 weeks and will not be allowed out of dads sight.” *WHACK* “Yes that’s correct, you are to be grounded and if you need to go anywhere I will be escorting you. You will still go to football practise, but I will make sure you get there and get home straight away.” “2. I now have a bed time curfew of 8pm for the foreseeable future.” *WHACK* “As you are clearly not an adult yet, you will now have an early bed time. I will see that your teeth are cleaned, your lights are out and you’re tucked into bed by then. I will decide when this can change depending on your behaviour.” “3. I will not be allowed to close any doors behind me, even if I am in the toilet.” *WHACK* “So that I can ensure you are not smoking, you will not close any doors behind you at all!” “4. I am only allowed to wear punishment pants around the house.” *WHACK* “Yes, I will provide you with tighty whiteys to wear around the house, so I have quick access to your backside as and when you are naughty!” “5. I will not be permitted to use any electronics including my phone and playstation for the next two weeks.” *WHACK* “Furthermore you will only be allowed to watch the educational tv that I permit.” “6. I will do any chores asked of me and I will ensure my bedroom is clean and tidy at all times.” *WHACK* “Leaving all your washing to your mother and I is going to stop as of now. You need to learn to take responsibility and tidy up after yourself.” “7. Daddy will ensure I am clean inside and out before bed time every night.” *WHACK* “Yes you will be given a bath, your teeth brushed, you will be cleanly shaved and I might even give you an enema.” “8. I will not swear and I will be polite and courteous at all times” *WHACK* “Which reminds me I’ll need to wash your mouth out with soap for all the swearing you’ve been doing during this boy!” “9. If I do extra chores, or things that are not asked of me around the house daddy may reward me by allowing me to wear more clothes, or have more privileges such as use of my phone.” *WHACK* “If you are a good boy, you will be treated like one and you will get more benefits.” “10. Rules are not meant to be broken or else.” *WHACK* “Or else, this happens…” *WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK* Dad spanked me with the bath brush hard and fast, I was pretty much broke when all of a sudden he stopped, and asked me if all the rules were understood. I agreed and he told me to get into the corner hands on head as usual. I could hear dad in the bathroom, he seemed to be pouring a bath. I heard him coming for me and again he took me by the ear to the bathroom and put me in front of the sink. Lathering up a washcloth with soap he told me to open my mouth. I refused, but he held my nose and it was only a matter of time before my mouth opened and he lathered my mouth with soap before telling me to hold the soap bar in my mouth. He said that I needed to be cleaned inside and out for smoking, and all the swearing I was doing. I now seriously regretted swearing during the spanking. The soap tasted hideous but there was nothing I could do about it except stand there. So there I was 19 years old, soap in mouth, hands on head, red ass and shaved. Dad spanked me a few times with his hand when at the sink. The bath was still pouring and dad eventually let me spit the soap out and rinse my mouth, but the taste wouldn’t go away. Next he had me go into the bath, where he washed me to make sure I was clean. It was strange being washed by dad, it was something that hadn’t happened since I was REALLY young. But as he said if I don’t act like an adult I’m not to be treated like one. He made sure he paid extra attention to my cock, balls and crack. It was really embarrassing. Finally he let me stand up and get out the bath as he dried me off. My butt was still stinging, but he reminded me sternly not to touch it and get back into the corner of the living room with my hands again on my head. After what seemed like an age I heard the belt being taken off the loop of my dads trousers from behind me. I shuddered to think what was about to happen. He took me by the ear again and led me to the armchair when he make me lay over. My legs were spread wide on the floor with my kneecaps against the seat and my tummy on the chair where you would normally sit. He positioned me in such a way it made my ass stick right out. He positioned my cock and balls and used the belt to loop them a few times and even rubbed my ass with the belt. I kept try to pre-empt the spanks but couldn’t. Dad was too experienced, he was too good at that. Lifting the leather from my ass, me thinking I was going to get a whipping just for the leather to lightly caress my bum again. Finally though the belting started, and it was hard, it was fast and you got it, it was sore. Dad told me not to move but it was so difficult. I looked like I was trying to have sex with the sofa chair with the way my bum was moving in and out. I couldn’t hold my position, my legs were going all over the place, I put them right back into a plank position at some points as well. Dad used his left hand on my lower back to hold me down on the sofa which made my bum stick out even more. During spanks he would even yell at me to get back into position which I did but not for long as the whacks reigned down on my butt. Finally, dad had given up on the position and took me by the ear back over to the spanking chair. He sat on it and I kneeled infront of him crying and sore. “Okay you have one final spanking coming to you boy and it’s going to hurt, do you hear?” “Yes, daddy” “First I want to hear you repeat any 3 of the rules given to you earlier?” Thankfully I remembered and recited 3 to dad. “Good boy. Tomorrow I want you to memorise the 10 rules and I will test you on them tomorrow, is that understood?” “Yes daddy” “Okay to finish your punishment I want you to ask me to spank you one last time and let me know why you are being spanked.” “Please daddy can you give me one last spanking to ensure I have learnt my lesson and I never smoke again?” “and…” “to make sure my attitude changes?” “Okay then son, I want you to bring me the bath brush, get over my knee and count the strokes. After each stroke I want you to thank me and ask me for another. If you don’t we will start all over. Is that understood?” “Yes, daddy” with that I got up and fetched the hairbrush again and got over daddys knee. This time dad had me over one knee with my 2 legs clamped together and his right leg over them, pinning me down. He asked for my arm and pushed it onto my back. I was stuck, I could not move, dad was completely dominant and I just had to lay there and take what was coming. “Okay you are going to get 1 for every year you were born, got it?” “Yes daddy” *WHACK* down came the bath brush with much more purpose than before “1, thank you daddy, please may I have another” *WHACK* “2 daddy, can I have another” *WHACK**WHACK**WHACK* “WRONG, we are starting again, and remember to thank me and remember to say please!” *WHACK* “1, thank you daddy, please may I have another” … Finally the 19th stroke came and I was bawling in tears and couldn’t put up any more fight. I was broken, and I was finally daddys boy. “Have you learnt your lesson then boy” “Yes daddy, I have” I said through tears. “We will just make sure of that!” *WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK* Dad brought the hairbrush down hard and fast as I screamed, cried and tried to kick. Finally he got rid of the brush but started with his hand, eventually the spanks slowed. It felt like hours but was essentially only a minute or 2, the spanks slowed, rhythmically. From having nearly no pauses during the smacks to about 5 seconds and then finally it stopped. Dad was drained, I was even more so. I lay there over his knee sore and broken. He said it hurt him to do that much more than it hurt me. He rubbed my butt, and even put some cream on it. Dad finally let me up sat me on his knee, hugged me and rubbed my bottom. I knew he done it because he loved me and secretly I knew I had deserved it. Finally I was put in the corner for 1 last time to calm me down and to think about what I had done. When dad called me back over he was holding the punishment briefs which he slipped on me and in that moment, I knew I was daddy’s boy.
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by on June 27, 2015
I have wondered why corner time is so common in the U.K. and parts of Europe. Spankers: Why do you chose to have your spankee stand facing a wall or corner for varying times and forbid rubbing their bottoms? Corner time is rarely used in the United States, although it was used in the 1940s and 1950s. Also, how much corner time is enough and how much is too long?
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by on May 28, 2015
I was 21 the first time I was ever spanked. I met Tyronne one night on Castro Street in San Francisco. He gave me a lewd stare and he was very cute young Black boy so I started chatting with him. He soon became my boyfriend. We did all the usual things that gay guys do and I was pretty happy. I soon learned that Tyronne was a spoiled boy and liked to have things his way. I also learned that he liked others to do things for him, such as buying lunch or clothes for him. I did that up to a point. One evening, he asked me for money. It wasn't that much money but I refused on principle. I didn't just give money to people just because they wanted it. Tyronne became angry and sulked, trying to get me to change my mind. When it was clear I would not give him money, he got even angrier. He told me to take off my clothes and he did the same. I thought he wanted sex. But once we were naked, he sat in a chair and pulled me over his lap. He told me that I was going to get a spanking. I submitted. Then Tyronne began spanking my bare bottom really hard with his hand. It began to hurt and I started crying out, but he continued. After about five minutes, his hand got sore so he picked up a piece of wood that I used to help support a shelf. The wood was about ten inches long, four inches wide and about a half-inch thick. He paddled me with that as hard as he could and I was yelling and squirming. But he held me in place and paddled me for five to ten minutes. When he was done, my bottom was reddish and very sore. He then took me to the bedroom, threw me face down on the bed and mounted me. He did me as hard as he could until he finally reached climax. Then we fell asleep. The next day he tried again to get money out of me, but I still refused. He went home angry and didn't talk to me for nearly a week. What about the rest of you guys? Post a blog about your first spanking. I can't include a photo with this blog, but it's among my photos in "My Spankings" album.
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