by on August 16, 2022
Obedience vs. Equality in Relationships  Finding the Happy Balance    Ya know, maybe our grandparents were right after all, maybe it is all about "to love, honor....and obey!" One of the big challenges in my DD relationship is finding the happy balance between equality and obedience. I mean really, can you really be "obedient" to your partner in a mature, adult, equal relationship? Well, maybe we modern folk have forgotten what it means to love, honor, and obey. I’m not so sure we have to misconstrue the word too far before we hit upon the matter: relationships suffer when both partners do not also obey one another. And I should know. I lost my relationship of 15 years because I couldn’t obey my long term partner very much at all. Relationships are indeed about pushing boundaries and finding where you can both coordinate, cohabitate, and collaborate. But sometimes when one partner is a much stronger of a personality than the other, the beta personality, even if he's the top, may disengage out of emotional necessity. (Well, that was a big part of it. There were, of course, other things as well.)  However, upon reflection, one of the big problems was my dis-obedience in life, in friendships, and in bed. It was mostly me as an individual in an equal relationship with him as an individual. Under this arrangement, obedience was nearly impossible. So as I re-entered the relationship dating pool, I decided obedience had to be a part of any new relationship equation, so I didn’t disrespect and disobey my new partner’s wishes the way I had done with my first partner. I did this by coming out to my partner last Easter as an adult boy, and that if we were going to continue, some things would need to be added to our relationship to make survive. By saying, "I need a partner to believe in and join me in a discipline-based relationship," I was drawing a line in the sand. I would not have a relationship end in a state of disrespect, disobedience, and the inevitable unhappiness. The reason I needed a good man to agree to this relationship was two-fold, specifically: As the dominant personality in the relationship, I knew I would have to speak up be the one who addressed problems head on as they arose, and at the same time, I needed the discipline option for my new Daddy as a way to help equalize the fact that, verbally at least, I was the dominant partner.   Now, having said that, Daddy is the dominant partner in very important other ways. And by equipping him with The Switch, we avoided turning this into a lop-sided mess. He could be in charge without having to prove, justify, of talk over me. The Switch gives him room to allow the normal behaviors to express themselves, and there is no need to change who we are, but now, after an unacceptable behavior or attitude or other broken rule surfaces, he can rectify it without having to talk it out which he is not in favor of doing in the first place. Many men do not really love to have long knock-down, drag-out verbal fights. It will surprise few readers that The Switch has solved this predicament for us. Respect can now be enforced with The Switch, since he had already earned that respect over the many years we've been partners. I just have a tendency not to follow those rules of respect and politeness, etc. in my day-to-day existence.  As hard as it will be for my readers to believe, I do not wanna get a Spanking. At heart, I’m just a very unruly, undisciplined, disobedient little 8- to 12-year-old boy who doesn’t like obeying even the most basic rules of politeness after initially getting to know people. I get sarcastic almost immediately. I have a very fast (not always smart, just fast) mind which is both a blessing and a curse). But in a relationship, that’s not helpful. And without consequences including discipline specifically, that tough personality can really wreck a relationship.  And as you readers probably already know, I’m on a mission from god to have a full time relationship, come hell or high water! Having been in an "equal" relationship for 15 years from the middle of my college years, I know the pitfalls that my personality can wreck on a more gentle personality. And as luck would have it, and maybe not surprisingly, I have ended up in a second relationship with yet another gentle giant! This is great on the one hand, and then on the other, I just stomp all over him unless we have ground rules, reprimands, expectations of obedience, and when necessary, corporal punishment. Now with The Switch (i.e., The Hairbrush, The Stick, The Paddle), and the other important Discipline Tools we have throughout the house and nonSpanking Tools (i.e., Cornertime, writing lines, mouthsoaping) throughout our relationship, Daddy has what he needs to keep our relationship together as “the Dom.” There’s no need for Daddy to discuss with me, "Uh, I feel like you treated me badly." We now have very clear lines around what constitutes broken House Rules, and what Daddy's boy is and is not allowed to do, say, and act like. After 18 months, it’s just a matter of getting him to use them more frequently as the need arises, and not blow things off that are bothering him. He needs to want to administer discipline, even when he’s not in the mood to. But that’ll take time, I think. Like a real Dad, sometimes he just doesn’t want to be bothered with dealing with his boy’s shenanigans. He just wants to watch TV. But just as in a real Daddy/boy relationship, it’s pretty pivotal to address misbehavior in the moment as much as possible. Only time will tell how he gets comfortable in his still fairly new role as not just “the Dom” in our relationship, but now “the Daddy” in our relationship! Please comment below or email me: aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconfidential@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Blogger  ∙  WordPress
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by on August 15, 2022
Last summer, I was recovering from the pandemic mindset of working way too hard. My way of dealing with not being able to go anywhere or meet anyone was killing myself with schoolwork. It made me finish my MA early which is great, but it wasn’t the best choice for my mental health. When things started opening, I decided to make the leap and move to Tel Aviv. I was hungry to meet people and connect with others (also I was horny and spanking hungry and wanted so bad to find a daddy already). I joined the local gay BDSM munch in Tel-Aviv (the core of my sexuality is spanko but I have a varied taste and I love other forms of BDSM as well). It’s a cool small community of like-minded people and I decided to give it a try. I came there a few times, and I met daddy there. I was sitting on the bar with my friend when he came in and he quickly found me and came straight to me. He is a little taller than me and was twice my age. He approached and asked politely for my name. I corrected he’s gendered language (in Hebrew first person language is also gendered) which he was very cool about. I was really flattered from the directness he was hitting on me. We had a few drinks and later in the discussion session we clicked. I jabbed him that he’s flirting with everyone and then he was like “am I?” and I said “yeah but I think you are only hitting on me” which people found funny. I felt I was really on my prime. He was also self-possessed, and I found the confidence he had about pursuing someone way younger than himself incredibly hot. In short – he gave me a full daddy vibe and I was having it. The end of that evening I came to him with a note with my phone number (which is still in the kitchen drawer). THE NEXT MORNING, I wake up at like 9 am and I find a text message from him which he sent in 7 am asking me out on a date. That was such a good vibe. I was so relieved that we didn’t have to go through all the silly game of “not looking too interested”. It also resonated with the mutual fondness of being unabashedly direct we were delighting in the previous night. I texted right away, and we set up a date at his place the next day (I know, dangerous but he was friends with the munch organizer which is someone I really trust so I felt good about that). I guessed that coming over to him meant we will have sex or a session. As I said I was extremely thirsty for both sex and spanking and I didn’t mind having either with him (to say the least). I wasn’t sure at all I wanted to date this man, though. As I said he was literally twice my age, and in a way better place financially than me (even though I also wasn’t in a bad place for my age). It seemed complicated. We had a wonderful evening in his flat. He happened to live 5 minutes away from me in the same neighborhood. We drank wine (which he makes as a hobby) and again I felt this cool connection to him just like in the munch. We have a lot in common. We both are very much about being direct and brutally honest. We also both are very much into pride as a way of navigating as queer people. Daddy came out at 15 in Israel in the 80’s which is kind of unheard of. Then I make a move on him putting my hand on his thigh and he is going on with this. Then he’s like “I just want to tell you that I don’t have any sort of sexual activity with people until the third date, as a rule”. This was very surprising (in a good way) especially in my circles in the gay community. I also really appreciated him setting up clear boundaries. It made me believe mine would be respected as well. So we talked about our fetishes and I learned we are compatible and I was in this stage extremely turned on (and really tried to show this in the strongest way I could without disrespecting his boundaries). We continued our lovely evening and in the end he walked with me home and we said good night. Fast forward one year we are in a domestic discipline dynamic and I am moving in with him officially this summer (after not sleeping in my own flat for like 4 months).
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by on August 14, 2022
Some Spanking encounters end wrong, just wrong. The Spanking could even have been well administered, but there's just something missing. In our experience, it's the post-Spanking warning, lecturing, and talkin'-to that's so critical to sewing things up and puttin' a bow on it.     Often times Daddys (or even just Tops/Doms) don't really know how to get there. This is where the boy can help.    Here's a few tips on how to get Daddy "there."  For boys, after you are paddled, don't just stand there. Provoke him to react to your feelings. You may be very sore. You may be very upset or shaken up if he paddled you hard. Say so, "You Spanked way too hard. I didn't do anything!" or "That hurt." or "You didn't need to use the Bathbrush. I was gonna do it anyway."   I'm Listening Now, Sir.       This ends up being less rhetorical and ends up making Daddy have to respond: "Well, I wouldn't have to Spank so hard if you listened. When I tell you to come here, you come here now." Or "It hurts because you upset Daddy. You basically made me Spank you like that. I think you owe me an apology." Or "You got the Bathbrush across your backside for mouthing off and defying my direct instructions. I don't ever want to hear you do that again. Do you understand me?" It's more a matter of making a bruised boy or a Daddy startled by what it takes out of himself to paddle your bottom feel heard and responded to.     In the .gif above (pronounced Jiff! May the founder of .gif rest in power!), I see myself, sans the flat abs. In the moment, that "Bathbrush Talk" is something you as the boy cannot take your eyes off of. That's the brush that just damaged your backside. That's the brush that got your attention. That's the brush just Spanked the bejesus right outta ya.   Thankfully, when the Daddy is able to put words to use after a Spanking, the moment sears more deeply into the boy's brain, not just his bottom. When the boy is pulling up his briefs--or when Daddy pulls them up (my Daddys often pull up my briefs because I get far too shaken up by a Hairbrush or Bathbrush paddling)--the lecture helps remind him as much as the painful legloops of his 'pants hugging his red, red fanny. Watching the .gif above, can't you just feel the 'pants coming up over your red, sore bottom? I shore can. The feeling is real bad, and it hurts, but remember the human mind has a built in "forgetting" mechanism when it comes to pain. So you'll forget your Spanking sometime soon. But you are much less likely to forget the post-Spanking talkin'-to if Daddy employs it.    And Daddy's "Paddle Talk" doesn't have to be complicated either. It can be as simple as, asking a series of questions. Try a call and response approach: "Am I ever gonna have to do this again to you?"  "Are you sorry for what you did? Are you?"  "Are we done with your mouthing off?"  "What do you have to say for yourself?" "Look at me when you answer me." "Look me straight in the eyes and say that again." Honestly, the variety will help make the moments after The Spanking more memorable, more special, more important.     A quick warning: not all boys are responsive to lecturing, so be sure to plan ahead by texting with your boy or emailing so you know fully that he is responsive. Otherwise, it can feel flat and inauthentic. With that said, give it a whirl! Learn by doing. Don't think about it. Try it out. See what works for you.   Please comment below or email us with your ideas. ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Blogger  ∙  WordPress  
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by on June 28, 2022
In total I got 15 spankings this week. He spanked me with the Fathers Day gift I gave him quite a bit. It's hard and thick and really wallops when it lands. Worst gift I've ever bought!!!!   i also got spanked for my blood sugar issues. These were with the rubber strap and most of them made me breakdown and cry for real.   Daddy always puts me in the corner after a spanking and this trip was no exception. He also spanked me in front of everyone at the spanking party, bare bottomed otk with the bathbrush... and when we were in the hotel he spanked me with the jokari, rubber strap and bathbrush.   It was a wonderful trip and I'm lucky to have such an awesome daddy. I'll see him again at Bad Ass Weekend where we will be doing a demo together as well as spanking lots of naughty boys... and I'm sure you'll see him spank my furry bottom many, many times that weekend as well. I'm a lucky cub.
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by on June 24, 2022
Spending this entire week with my daddy. I've been here since Wednesday afternoon and it's now Friday afternoon. I'm here until Tuesday. We spent some time hanging out and talking the first day and then went back to his place where he decided I needed a punishment spanking for a certain health issue I've been neglecting. He spanked me to tears with the rubber strap bent over the bed. I've also gotten 3-4 maintenance spankings each day, ranging from post handspanking to heavy wooden paddles and brushes.    Before he left for a work meeting he decided I needed another punishment spanking and brought me to tears with the bathbrush and strop.   Tomorrow we are going to a spanking party where I mostly plan to spank but I won't be surprised if daddy takes my pants down in front of everyone and puts me over his knee where I belong.
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by on June 6, 2022
  Preparing myself mentally for the week I’m going to spend with my Daddy Bear next month in New York. I rarely sub/bottom and he’s one of the few people I do it with… otherwise I’m pretty much a spanker all the time.     Gonna be a full week of being in the boy headspace and getting spanked multiple times per day… among other punishments. The only real break will be when we go to the spanking party in New Jersey. I’ll definitely be spanking some guys there. We have a pretty special relationship and talk every day. He’s been my daddy bear since I was in my early twenties and now I’m 40 years old.         I love him dearly and he’ll bring me to tears many, many times that week. It’ll be a great release. His name on most sites is Redbearspanker. If you’re been on any spanking sites in the last 20 years you have definitely seen his handiwork. There are some videos of him spanking me on my spankingtube too.    
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by on May 29, 2022
Well, this is a difficult topic, and whatever I say I am going to displease some guys, and that is unavoidable.   If you have a problem with another member or individual, then deal with it.    I am not going to get involved period, unless it breaks this sites rules or is abusive behavior.    I don’t care what has been said on other sites, groups or social media, and I am most certainly not going to waste my time by joining other sites just to see your point of view.    It is a ridiculous expectation, and one I am not prepared to meet, and in any case its none of my business and I don’t want to get involved.   I am the site owner, and I spend a lot of time on its upkeep, I actually like to post and interact with others.   It really is disheartening when I login to these messages, so please do me a favor and let me enjoy the site I created, deal with your own disagreements and grievances as the adults you are supposed to be.     James
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by on May 9, 2022
Just some wee thoughts!   I think I can be honest when I state that I do much better with consistent discipline, rules and boundaries.  They keep me focused, attentive and have helped me immensely in both my personal and professional life.   It is also true that I respond well to corporal punishment.   I can also say with my heart, there are many times I have tried to avoid punishment, or tried to talk my way out of punishment and yet if I was being honest with myself, I know I need punishment.  I think that if my dad gave into my pleas and promises about being ‘good’ or ‘promising not to it again’, there would be a loss of dependability and reliability, which would result in confusion.   I suppose I prefer having crystal clear boundaries, rules and consequences.   When I think about discipline, it encompasses three main areas attitude (such as respect and obedience), House rules (completing chores, cleaning up after myself) and boundaries (not procrastinating, no traffic violations etc.).   The area where punishment is more intense is a boundary infraction, since they I created myself.   There is one other rule which is as a boy, I am expected to extended every courtesy and be respectful to other Dads.  If a dad is visiting here and I misbehave or show him disrespect, he will be invited to administer punishment.  If I am visiting another dad, them I must obey his rules, and accept punishment when I need it.  Now just so you know any dad that either visits here or I visit, I will have gotten to know very well and there will already be a trust relationship in place.  I am not talking about random strangers I know nothing about tanning my butt.   That is how discipline works in our house, and obviously any breeches have consequences and that means punishment.   Punishments are not limited to spanking, though 90% of the time I do end up staring at the carpet with my bare bottom up in the air.  Other punishments included time out (corner time), grounding, early bed times and denial of pants and/or briefs.   I am not going into these punishments in any great detail but what I can say is that if you have a dad as creative as mine all these punishments, while juvenile in nature can easily be extended to an adult boy.  As an example, being grounded for a week, simply means that as soon as I get home from work, back from shopping or whatever else, my pants and briefs come down for the rest of the day / evening.  That is effectively me being grounded, since I can hardly go anywhere in just my tee and socks!   If I am getting close to a spanking, I may be put in timeout, to give me a chance to reflect on my behavior before it escalates and a spanking becomes necessary.    Being sent to bed early is pretty much self-explanatory but it also means computer powered down and my cell phone in the charger in the lounge.  It also means a good dozen swats to my bare bottom, and while not quite a punishment spanking, I end up in bed with a glowing hot bottom.   As you can imagine none of these punishments are exclusive and can include more than one of them, or a combination, depending on how ‘naughty’ I have been.
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by on May 5, 2022
Okay, so for the remainder od this month, lets have a video competion.   The rules are simple, it has to be home made, so no commercial or defunct studio clips.   The last day of May is the end date for submissions.   The top 6 videos, with the most likes go to a poll vote.   The 4 video clips that get the most votes win a prize.   Prizes are awarded by picks, no the winnrer with the most votes gets to pick first, second place chooses next and so on.   The prizes are:   4 VHS redboard spanking tapes, which will include digital copies for you (DVD or MP4).   3 DVD's - 3 Bad Boys, Fallen Angels and Spank me man.   2 Magazines, a Spankography from Control T and a MHF Red Tails.   1 Very rare book, entitiled 'The guide to the correction of young gentlemen' - this is an AKS book, and basically F/M but it is very interesting.
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by on May 2, 2022
Had a wonderful time at CLAW 2022. Spanked about 27 different people and spanked many of those guys multiple times as well. The Westin was a great venue. The room I stayed in was huge and gad lots of room to play, the Bad Ass Weekend folks hosted a spanking party one every night and the fetish club and other hotel were just a shuttle ride away.   Overall I prefer the spanking specific events like BAW and Hot Seat a but more but there were still plenty of naughty red bottoms to spank. They also had an entire area for AD/BL, lots of pups and leather dads and boys hanging out and demos or classes on pretty much any fetish you could ever want to try.  
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by on April 2, 2022
Some Spanking encounters end wrong, just wrong. The Spanking could even have been well administered, but there's just something missing. In our experience, it's the post-Spanking warning, lecturing, and talkin'-to that's so critical to sewing things up and puttin' a bow on it.       Often times Daddys (or even just Tops/Domes) don't really know how to get there. This is where the boy can help. Here's a few tips on how to get Daddy "there."    For boys, after you are paddled, don't just stand there. Provoke him to react to your feelings. You may be very sore. You may be very upset or shaken up if he paddled you hard. Say so, "You Spanked way too hard. I didn't do anything!" or "That hurt." or "You didn't need to use the Bathbrush. I was gonna do it anyway."   This ends up being less rhetorical and ends up making Daddy have to respond: "Well, I wouldn't have to Spank so hard if you listened. When I tell you to come here, you come here now." Or "It hurts because you upset Daddy. You basically made me Spank you like that. I think you owe me an apology." Or "You got the Bathbrush across your backside for mouthing off and defying my direct instructions. I don't ever want to hear you do that again. Do you understand me?" It's more a matter of making a bruised boy or a Daddy startled by what it takes out of himself to paddle your bottom feel heard and responded to.     In the .gif above (pronounced Jiff! May the founder of .gif rest in power!), I see myself, sans the flat abs. In the moment, that "Bathbrush Talk" is something you as the boy cannot take your eyes off of. That's the brush that just damaged your backside. That's the brush that got your attention. That's the brush just Spanked the bejesus right outta ya.   Thankfully, when the Daddy is able to put words to use after a Spanking, the moment sears more deeply into the boy's brain, not just his bottom. When the boy is pulling up his briefs--or when Daddy pulls them up (my Daddys often pull up my briefs because I get far too shaken up by a Hairbrush or Bathbrush paddling)--the lecture helps remind him as much as the painful legloops of his 'pants hugging his red, red fanny. Watching the .gif above, can't you just feel the 'pants coming up over your red, sore bottom? I shore can. The feeling is real bad, and it hurts, but remember the human mind has a built in "forgetting" mechanism when it comes to pain. So you'll forget your Spanking sometime soon. But you are much less likely to forget the post-Spanking talkin'-to if Daddy employs it.    And Daddy's "Paddle Talk" doesn't have to be complicated either. It can be as simple as, asking a series of questions. Try a call and response approach: "Am I ever gonna have to do this again to you?"  "Are you sorry for what you did? Are you?"  "Are we done with your mouthing off?"  "What do you have to say for yourself?" "Look at me when you answer me." "Look me straight in the eyes and say that again." Honestly, the variety will help make the moments after The Spanking more memorable, more special, more important.   A quick warning: not all boys are responsive to lecturing, so be sure to plan ahead by texting with your boy or emailing so you know fully that he is responsive. Otherwise, it can feel flat and inauthentic. With that said, give it a whirl! Learn by doing. Don't think about it. Try it out. See what works for you.    
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by on March 31, 2022
Fantasies are something we all have, and I think that it is quite healthy.  There are the old sayings of ‘be careful of what you wish for’ and ‘reality can be stranger than fiction’ to take into consideration of course.  Still let us share some of ours.  I will start us off with a couple of my own.   I am in the classic spanking position, over the knee, bottom bare and about half way through my spanking.  There is a knock on the outside door and then it opens with someone shouting ‘hello its only me’.  I go completely quiet, my face is more than flushed, but my spanker simply shouts back ‘come in we are in here’ as his hand continues to punish my bottom.  There is then a very short pause before I hear ‘I won’t be long, maybe another 10 minutes or so, James has been a very naughty boy and I just need to take some time out to finish his spanking, do you mind?’  Another pause as I hear the reply ‘of course not, boys need lessons over the knee from time to time, do continue, I enjoy watching naughty boys being spanked’   I have been told I am getting spanked early morning, but so far it has not happened.  I am being really careful and real polite as my spanker simply continues to work on his computer.  It approaches lunch time, and I hear a knock at the door.  My spanker answers the door and walks into the room with a friend.  I am relieved and thinking perhaps I won’t get spanked today after all.  The two of them make small talk, before my spanker says ‘I will make us all lunch, oh and while I am doing that would you mind giving James there a good spanking for me, just get his bottom bare and put him over your knee, a good hand spanking should do the trick?’  His friend replies with ‘Sure no problem, you want him in the corner afterwards?’
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by on March 30, 2022
Essential these are some of the reponses to email my Dad sent, when we were intially getting to know one another.  I figured some of you might enjoy them and of course it gives some insight into the Dad/Son relationship we have.   ‘You won’t need to be anyone other than yourself and who you really are knowing that times you'd be hugged and cuddled in bed as you fall asleep in my arms would also be matched by time when I'd know you need to be over my knees.  It would be a normal partnership to all outside eyes, but you would be well aware that in our house we have a paddle.’     ‘Yep, I saw no potential incompatibility areas as we look at things and we ponder what is best for both of us.  Your dreams as to boundaries corrections, punishments, reviews, and "just when you need them" trips over my knees (each different) will all take place with your bottom bare and you are encouraged to share your hopes and desires both positive and negative ones as you wish. ‘     ‘Impressive as your investigatory skills are, I suspect that at this point in our discussion, were you here where you belong, your briefs, if you still had any on at this time Sunday evening, would be coming down slowly, for a nice “excessive computer time” infraction spanking!  I’m sure after a half hour or so of wiggling over my knees, your ouch yells and please yells too would maybe be able to convince me to stop spanking you and let you cuddle in my arms in front of the TV instead?  Might Dad kindly and oh, so ever gently, invite you to look at the yellow highlight at the bottom of this message?’     ‘But I suspect you would not want anyone, not just your mother, to notice your red eyes and ask that question?  Certainly this “red eyes” factor is crucial to your happy life, as a son, so we must solve your problem.  The only solution is a practical experiment whereby Dad spanks his loving son several times until his tears leave him with red eyes and then you, the boy, times how long your eyes remain with tell-tale redness giving your situation away to Mom and outsiders.  I recommend twenty times and we simply take the average of the times it takes for the redness to disappear?  That way Junior will know exactly how early prior to a visit, you will know you need to behave.  Yep, I know you will want to know this important factor in life’     ‘Yes, the certainty of this will make things very clear, but if you break a rule, you can explain yourself as I pull down your briefs and spank you anyway.   Might be hard to sob and speak your piece but you are welcome to try.’     ‘It is true as your dad, I will take a certain amount of pride in bringing you up in the time-honoured tradition of baring your bottom and pulling you across my knees where you will most easily respond to lessons.  It depends on how quickly you learn but you’ve been holding back emotionally on lots of things.  A nice little talk, Dad to Son, is, unfortunately, way overdue’     ‘That is correct!  The time dad spends with you as your bottom is bared or all your clothes are removed and/or you're in the corner, is very important.  Dad never rushes but when Dad does put you over his knees, you will always know that you are going to be in that position for a very long time.  That is simply the way your own Dad gives them to you.’     ‘I suspect you're right about this.  How you say something might give you some concern on some topics, but being yourself, accepting the consequences, and having a great life are yours for the taking.  The tenderness is what you've missed the most.  And yes, that tenderness will also be there when you're a bit red you know where.  Life will come together.’     ‘I’m sure that knowing your shyness, you will come to dislike corner time when you must have your bare bottom showing.  However, in your case, it is especially meaningful as you’ll know what Dad is seeing and pondering regardless as to whether you’ve already been turned over before being stood in that corner.’     ‘It’s your dad’s role to insure you are always on your best behaviour, with a good positive attitude, and moving forward.  When your paddle sits out where it’s always visible, I’m sure you’ll stay on your toes and never forget what is expected of you.’     ‘In domestic relationships that are real, going over my knees before bed as I’m sitting on the end of the bed looking at you is not unusual at all.  I though you knew that? How would you like them to happen?  Your night-time kiss and embrace with a red face and red bottom will make you feel complete and much better, don’t you think?’     ‘Dad will always give you the spanking you have earned and never stop spanking or paddling or giving your bare bottom the hairbrush Dad judges you need period.  Always remember your spanking will at some point end and you’ll be hugged and comforted and yes, loved until you know you will always have a dad who loves and cares for you, even if I have to do it several times a day just to get through to you.’     ‘Unfortunately, the hairbrush was designed to be used on a young man’s bare bottom.  The paddle or strap might be used on a boy’s briefs or jeans at least initially in his punishments, but not the hairbrush’.       ‘Yes, and your very sincere replies while my hand is pausing on your sore bare bottom will make it really obvious that your word choices are always important as a pause is a pause and it's definitely not over!’     ‘Yes, our focus in everything is on the future for, as the old Scottish saying goes, "boys learn, as bottoms burn."  You can blame it on your ancestors who obviously foretold of your coming.  "Predestined" as the Scottish Presbyterians blame on everything.  Possibly that will provide some comfort when I can't hear you pleading me to put down the _____?’      ‘I am not the type of Dad (or man) to ask you to do many things very often, or at all, but your focus will have to quickly become on little things and more likely miss a normal voiced “come here a minute,” or “let’s go.”  On those occasions I expect you do that and obey immediately.  If you miss it, you might very well hear me say, “OK, we’re late but pull your jeans and briefs down and get over the back of the couch to get a few.”  It only takes a couple of swats with your paddle on your bare bottom to get some red and watery eyes before you hear, “OK, pull them up, we’re leaving now.”  James will learn obedience quickly.’
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by on March 25, 2022
This was my first Hot Seat Retreat. I've been to Bad Ass Weekend, MAL and a few other events. This had a similar vibe to BAW but just in a different setting. I've always loved Palm Springs and CCBC was a great venue. It had a nice big pool, two hot tubs, three dungeon type areas to play in and a a little man made creek with a cute little turtle living in it named Dorkus.I ended up spanking 34 different guys over the course of the weekend, for a total of 40 spankings. Some guys got multiple. My daddy bear arrived on Friday and kept my backside nice and red the rest of the weekend as well, spanking me in public quite a few times as well as in our room. There was a good mix of guys (about 200 registered from what I heard) and there was always someone to spank. They had set up a forum to chat on and plan things and everyone was using Whappz as well (Jayden helps out on the event and also runs that app). Guys ranged in age and size... anywhere from young skinny guys to older guys and chubby guys and everything in between. There were spankings happening everywhere. We spanked each other outside on the benches, there were horses set up around the main area and people were bent over the registration table getting paddled as we fillled out our name tags. If you wanted to spank or get spanked, you had every chance possible to do as much of either as you wanted.    A lot of us knew each other from online or other events but it never felt like a clique. One of my local regulars from Seattle came down and it was his first event. He ended up making a lot of friends and getting spanked a bunch of times and plans to go back next year.    i literally can't think of anything to complain about. Sure, the pizza took a little long to come out for the pizza party but everyone at the restaurant was so nice and we were all having fun hanging out so does that really matter? Not to me. I've organized huge events before and Scott, Jayden and Doug did a great job and everyone at CCBC was amazing.    I plan to go back every year and can't say enough good things about this event (and Bad Ass Weekend too). I've met so many amazing people and there's such a sense of community that I never knew I needed. If you've never been to one of these, go! You won't regret it. My next event is CLAW in Cleveland to hang out with some of the BAW guys for the weekend. Looking forward to that too!      
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by on March 23, 2022
So here is an interesting topic and I am fascinated to see what you guys think about it.   The question is really aimed at Dads/Uncles and Tops but of course a boy’s perspective is always welcomed.   You have been communicating with a boy for some time, and have agreed that either you will visit him for a few days or he will visit you.    During your online communications you have become friends and have a number of interests in common, and will enjoy some planned activities together, for example hiking, movies etc.   How would you handle your first face to face interaction?  Would you set down the law in no uncertain terms of expectations and consequence’s and remain in complete charge the entire time or would you turn it on and off, as an example you might be the disciplinarian only for certain times during the day and perhaps use a keyword when you are in Dad mode such as calling him ‘boy’ as opposed to by his first name?   Would you give him an introduction spanking with or without corner time?   Or what else would you think is appropriate?
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by on March 19, 2022
Daddy Maxwell and his Naughty “Little” Boy Chapter 1 – Our Intro             Hi, my name is Rich Beaudoin or Richard Michael Beaudoin to my Sir/Mentor/Daddy, Maxwell Alexander Burleau, or just Max Burleau to the rest of our friends and family.  Daddy Maxwell and I met not long after my 21st birthday.   I had just moved out of my Parent’s house and on my own for the 1st time in my life, before that I was a bit of a homebody until I turned from what I saw as a little boy to a teen.  Once I hit my teens I became what most would call a wild child, getting into trouble not only at home, but at school, with the Police, and around my small town.  I got into everything from smoking both cigarettes and pot to drinking alcohol, going to parties till all hours of the night, getting into fights at the drop of a hat, basically being everything, I wasn’t as a child.  You see I was raised as a single child in a rather strict household where both my parents lived by the adage “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child”.  Now neither Mom nor Dad disciplined me a lot as I was a rather well-behaved and good-natured child, but when I did get into trouble, either at home or at school, I quickly learned the sometimes-harsh consequences for my behaviour, attitude, actions, and words.  The main form of discipline or punishment that was used in my home for any ill-mannered child was an old fashioned trip over either my Mom or Dad’s knee or lap with my pants or shorts and underwear right down to my knees, ankles, or completely off and my bare bottom cheeks feeling either my Mom, or Dad’s hand, or my Mom’s hairbrush, or as I got older my Dad’s wooden paddle, which was once my favourite paddle ball paddle toy, but once the elastic broke sending the small rubber ball flying into one of my Mom’s favourite vase shattering it, that little paddle ball paddle went from my favourite toy to one of the most feared methods of my discipline and punishment.  Dad then once I turned 10 introduced his belt to my bare bottom when I stepped out of line, which thankful for me was only once or twice.  So, my younger years were well structured, and I knew my limits even if I did push them more than once in a while. Once I hit my teens for whatever reason my Parents just stopped disciplining me, well they stopped spanking me regularly, but I still ended up getting grounded a few times and did earn my father’s belt a couple of times in my teens, but those were few and far between as I had somehow figured out how to hide or talk my way out of trouble.  As I grew older my behaviour and attitude began to spiral downhill, and once I turned 21 and was considered a legal adult in the eyes of the law and society I was given a choice by my parents to either clean up my act, move out, or most likely end up in jail or worse.  So, I decided on the more diplomatic of all of those choices and moved out of my parent’s home. So, although yes my attitude and behaviour had gone downhill I was still smart enough to be able to work and save enough money to live on my own.  So, I moved into a small 2-bedroom apartment on the other side of town from my parents as I wanted to distance myself from them, yet still, stay close enough that if I needed I could go to them for help.  Now my apartment and apartment building weren’t as lavish as my parent’s home but it was good enough and in the right price range for me to live comfortably, and still have money and the time to get out to party and hang out with my friends. I met Max not long after moving in as he was my immediate neighbour, he lived in the apartment right across the hall from me.  He was 10 years my senior and a quite large and opposing man, although I learned that even if he looked and sometimes acted opposing, he was a very kind and gentle soul who would give the shirt off his back to help out a friend or family member.  At 1st we just barely talked, just in passing as our work hours were almost opposite where I worked 9 – 5 for a friend of my Father’s in his Psychology Practice, I would take notes, and do odd jobs for him.  Max worked the Graveyard shift as a Paramedic.  It wasn’t till Max’s shift changed to the day shift that we started to talk.  We’d hang out on weekends watching sports, or playing video games, we even joined the local Free Poker League that ran out of several different bars around town. It wasn’t until we decided to move in together to save us both on the everyday costs of rent, food, entertainment etc. that things started to change.  Where yes Max was a kind and gentle soul and we had grown very close together, his demeanour towards me was starting to change, He started to notice that yes I was a hard worker when it came to my job and my education, but when I decided to let loose I would let loose, and all rules and guidelines I had followed before went out the window once I decided it was party time, and especially once I started to drink.  Once I started drinking and smoking, my attitude and behaviour went from a very even-keel laid-back kind of person to a loud-mouthed, foul-mouthed, fighting at the drop of a hat kind of person.  This transformation in me was one of the biggest areas of contention and argument between Max and me.  I’d even get to a point if I was drinking or smoking that I would lash out at him for the smallest of things like losing a game to him, getting frustrated with a video game we were playing, or him telling me it was my turn to do the dishes or any other small chore we both had to do around the apartment. It all came to a crashing head one day after I arrived home to see Max sitting in his recliner slowly rocking, I instantly saw a very foul look on his face as I entered the living room. “Ummmmm Max…is something wrong?  Are you O.K.? He just sat there quietly glaring at me, then pointed to the couch. “Richard Sit…..” Now Max very rarely used my full name, and the only time he used it was when we would get into an argument, and those arguments were usually started by me, or something I said or did, or didn’t do, especially when it came to the chores.  I walked into the living room slowly and sat on the couch, I had a very uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Richard I just got off the phone with your parents, and we had a very informative and detailed conversation….about you…” “You…..What?.....Why?”       “Your behaviour has been absolutely disgusting lately young man, flying off the handle at every little thing, swearing at me, constantly back talking me, ignoring my requests, drinking WAY too much, and against my warnings and requests smoking like a chimney.  Well, all of that ends right here, right now, I am going to do something I should have done a LONG time ago Richard.  Now get up and come here right now.” I just sat there looking at him in total and utter disbelief, this man I had grown to love and respect was all but treating me like I was just a small boy, like I was his son, lecturing and scolding me like was a 10-year-old.  I couldn’t get myself to move I just sat there staring at him then at the floor trying to think of how this all started, how this man had become so much more of an authority figure and not just my friend, my lover.  Without warning, Max stood up walked over to me taking me by the ear with a sharp twist to my ear standing me up. “What did I say, Richard, I’ve had enough of this attitude of yours, do you KNOW what your parents and I discussed?..... Your discipline, your attitude, your behaviour!!  And do you KNOW what they informed me of?  They told me that when you were a boy that they had 1 sure-fire way of bringing you back to reality, to binging you back to minding your manners, behaving like a respectful boy…..I think you KNOW how they did that don’t you Richard?.... I just stood there trying to pull my ear away from Max’s iron grip, trying to get myself free from this man’s grasp, as he spoke all the memories of my several trips across both my parent’s laps and knees came flooding back the embarrassment, the pain as their hand or other implement turned my bare bottom a deep shade of red if not worse. “You can’t be serious Max, you have to be joking, I am not a little boy…I’m an adult…and you are not my father…you’re my friend…..my boyfriend……You can’t be seriously thinking of doing this I’m FAR too old to be treated like this!!!!!!” “Oh I am MORE than serious about this Richard, you’ve gone far too long without ANY rules or guidelines for your life, without ANY TRUE and/or PROPER consequences for your actions, behaviours, and POOR choice of words.  Well, that ends NOW!!! Jeans and underwear DOWN and OFF Richard this SECOND!!! “Max!!!! Noooooo please you can’t do this I’m NOT a child!!! I’m too DAMN old to be treated like this!!!!  You’re NOT my father!!!!” Well, that little outburst sealed my fate, Max just dragged me by the ear over to the dining room table pulling out one of the high-backed armless chairs and turning it around, sitting down.  He then released my ear, but before I could react I felt his firm and strong grip on my upper arm, holding me there tightly as his other hand began to unbutton the top button of my jeans, unzip my fly then open my jeans tugging them right down to my ankles, he then easily hooked his fingers into the waistband of my underwear and tugged them right down to meet my jeans.     “Step out of your jeans and underwear Richard Michael right NOW….” I couldn’t believe this, what was he doing, what was he going to do to me, I wasn’t his son, I was an adult.  Even though we had seen each other naked before at this moment I felt very self-conscious about being half-naked in front of him, my hands went down to my crotch trying to cover myself, only to feel a sharp pain in my hand as he smacked my hands away. “Oh don’t even try that young man I’ve seen you naked before there is NOTHING you have that I haven’t seen before….hands on your head right now Richard…LAST warning….or this session WILL get a LOT worse for you.” My hands just slowly went to my head feeling so exposed, so embarrassed.  Max just took me again by the ear, after helping me step out of my jeans and underwear, taking my socks with them, leaving me completely naked from the waist down as he walked me to the corner of the living room, standing me there placing my nose in the corner. “You can just stand there and think about what is to come, young man, b/c believe me you are NOT going to like it 1 single bit.” With that, I felt the 1st stinging burning SLAP of Max’s hand to my bare bottom leaving a DEEP red handprint on my cheek.  Now we had fooled around and slapped and spanked each other for fun, or to get each other going before we were intimate together, but this slap was a LOT harder and stung and burned a LOT more, it also felt different, it didn’t feel like a fun playful spank, but that of more punishment.  I yelped and squirmed in the corner feeling the sting of his hand radiated through my whole body centering on my bottom cheek.  With that Max left me there in the corner, naked from the waist down my bottom cheeks stinging and burning, my ear burning from his twisting it, and my head swimming against a flood of old memories, and new thoughts as I stood there nose pressed to the corner quietly.  After what seemed to me like an eternity, which was only really 15 – 20 minutes I felt Max’s strong hand on my upper arm as he walked me out of the corer back to the high-backed armless dining room table chair and sat down.  Max then took a firm strong grip of my chin making me look him in the eyes.  I couldn’t look away, as much as I wanted to, his deep piercing blue eyes glared hotly at me as he spoke. “Richard Michael Beaudoin, I am DONE with just letting your disobedient, disrespectful, and sometimes dishonest behaviour, attitude, and choice of words slide.  I’ve been FAR too soft and lenient with you.  I’ve let you slide on things b/c I care for you, I love you, and I didn’t want to lose you out of my life.  But that way of thinking ends here and NOW.  From now on every time you act out, or misbehave, or are disrespectful to me or other’s THIS is how I’m going to deal with you, I am DONE being Mr. Nice Guy, from this point on you are going to see my TRUE Fraternal side, and that means from now on when we are here at home you can consider me your Father, your Dad, your Daddy, b/c that is how I am going to treat you, like a naughty little boy, and I KNOW you know what happens to naughty little boys Richard….they get their bare bums spanked, and spanked HARD.”     With that Max hauls me over his lap and before I can react I feel the stinging, searing, burning SMACK of his open hand SMACKING down across my bare bottom cheeks.  I instantly begin to kick and struggle but to no avail as Max has a STRONG, FIRM grip of me.  His hand RAINS down across my cheeks at a RAPID pace, covering the entire area of my cheeks from the upper fleshiest parts of my cheeks all the way down to my lower cheeks, sit spots, and undercurves.  This spanking lasts well over 10 minutes leaving me a bawling, blubbering, crying, whimpering mess, before it comes to an abrupt end.  Max just stands me up and SPANK marches back to the corner placing my hands on my head and my nose in the corner, leaving me there sobbing like a well spanked and punished naughty little 10-year-old.  I stood there in the corner sobbing quietly for at least 10 – 15 minutes before I heard Max call me back out of the corner. “Richard come out of the corner and come sit on the couch we have a few things to discuss.” I slowly walked out of the corner, my had and eyes downcast as I walked to the couch slowly sitting down with a yelp as I stood back up grabbing my bottom cheeks and rubbing them as they stung and burned sitting on them.  Max just looked at me glaring hotly as he spoke. “Sit your bottom down on that couch this instant Richard before I make it a LOT harder for you to sit down for the rest of the day, and I’d get those hands away from your backside, or I’ll re-ignite the flames in your bottom little boy.” “Awwww but Max Please I can’t sit it hurts too much to sit, can’t I just stand please?  And Please I need to rub it hurts so much, and it stings and burns and itches so much.” With that little outburst Max was back standing up and on top of me in a heartbeat, bending me right up over his up turned bent knee with his foot up on the couch, his hand RAINED down across my cheeks HARD and FAST , sending me into renewed tears and sobs as his hand PEPPERED my cheeks. “I told you boy that there will be NO more back talk, arguing, or ANY of that, and when I tell you that your hands stay away from your bottom they STAY AWAY from your bottom or THIS is exactly what CAN and WILL happen EACH and EVERY time.” Max punctuated each and every word with HARD SMACKS from his hand, all I could do in that position was pound my fists on the couch and kick my feet back wide as his hand RAINED down across my cheeks. “Now do I have to continue this, or does it need to get a LOT worse before you start listening to me and doing as you are told Richard?” “Please Maxxxxxxx Please!!!!!!!! It Hurts!!!!! It hurts Owwwwwww Owwwwwwwwwww Please No more I’ll listen!!!!! I’ll behave Please!!!!!!           Max just continued the HARD spanking of my bare bottom cheeks for another 10- 15 minutes turning me into a blubbering, crying, sobbing, bawling well spanked and punished naughty little boy.  He stood me up and SAT me on the couch with a SERUOUS WARNING look.  I just sat there bawling heavily, every fiber in my being was on fire from my bottom cheeks, sit spots and upper thighs.  Max just sat back in his chair and LOOKED at me, waiting till I settled down enough so we could have a PROPER talk.  It took me an extra 10 – 15 minutes before I settled down enough to be able to string together coherent words and sentences that weren’t interrupted by constant sobs and cries. “Now Richard, I know you no more wanted that than I wanted to do it, but from now on that is exactly what will happen IF and WHEN you misbehave, are disrespectful to me, yourself, or others, and are disobedient.  Your parents and I had a long talk about your behaviour and what I got from them was that you were a very respectful and obedient boy growing up, but that was b/c you knew there were consequences to your behaviour.  They also told me that for whatever reason they stopped spanking you once you hit your teens, with the exception of a few sessions with your father’s belt later in your teens.  Your mother even admitted to me that in a way she regretted not continuing with your regular spanking sessions into your teens as she feels that is the reason for your steady decline in behaviour at home and elsewhere.  Do you have anything to say for yourself?” “Please Max, Please I’ll behave, I’ll do as you tell me….just don’t do that again please?  Yes my parent’s spanked me quite regularly when I was little, and yes they did stop once I hit my teens, and I guess I did earn those sessions with Dad’s belt.  But Please Max, I’m an adult now, not a little kid, and you’re not my father, your my boyfriend….my…lover……” My train of thought gets derailed by the stern, and serious look coming over Max/s face. “I don’t care if you are an adult Richard, your behaviour, and attitude as of lately has NOT been that of an adult, it’s been that of a spoiled naughty little boy.  Yes you are my boyfriend, my lover too, but that does not change the fact that I KNOW now that you NEED discipline in your life, you NEED rules and guidelines, you NEED consequences.  As much as I no more want to do this than you want it done to you, I AM going to do it.  I AM going to be your Father, your Dad, your Daddy, your Disciplinarian from now on, and Yes you will be under some VERY strict rules from now on, and I intend to back up those rules with consequences and you’ve already felt my go to consequence, a very sore and well spanked bare bottom.  There will be other consequences, but we WILL discuss them as needed young man.  Now grab your Jeans and underwear and get yourself to the room and change into your pajamas, b/c I will guarantee you are not going to want to have anything tight on your bottom for quite some time.”       I just looked at Max seeing the sternness in his face, deciding not to argue I just walk over to him giving him a hug and a deep passionate kiss as I head up to our room to get changed, examining my bare bottom cheeks in the mirror in the bathroom seeing just how red and somewhat bruised my cheeks are just from Max’s hand.  I go into our room dropping my jeans and underwear into the hamper grabbing the loosest pair of lounge pants I can find, slipping them on and carefully up over my swollen, deeply reddened, and somewhat bruised bare bottom cheeks.  I then head down to the living room. That was the 1st of many spankings I earned from Max, or as I grew to call him, Daddy.  My behaviour and attitude definitely improved quite a bit at the introduction of discipline back into my life, and where Max wasn’t excessively hash on me I grew to know what my limitations and his expectations of me. We lived in the apartment we met in for the 1st 3 years of our relationship, then we decided that we needed, and wanted to actually buy a house together so we could truly build a life together.  So, one night after coming home from work and having diner Max retired to his Den, now I knew I was not to cross the threshold of that Den unless asked to, or told to, b/c I know Max’s Den was where a lot of my more severe punishments happened, the ones I earned for the worst of behaviours, like lying, stealing, or blatant disrespect towards him.  At the moment I was sitting on the couch in what Max called my little boy cloths, these were usually loose-fitting printed lounge pants, no underwear, or my little boy printed briefs, and either a plain white t-shirt or any one of my hoodie’s sweatshirts, especially in the winter when it was colder.  I was playing one of my videogames just passing the time when I heard Max’s voice from behind the closed Den door. “Richard get in here please we have something to discuss you and I.” My heart immediately skipped a beat as the only real time Max used my full name was when I was in trouble or he was upset with me for 1 reason or another.  I paused my game and slowly walked over to the closed door knocking lightly on it. “Come in Richard and have a seat on the chair in front of my desk.” I slowly opened the door and walked in, closing it behind me as that was what I found to be customary when he called me into the room as that way it would be harder for me to escape if I was truly in trouble and going to be properly punished for it.  I slowly sat on the chair facing his large old fashioned antique solid oak desk, not looking up at him as I honestly didn’t know if I was in trouble or not.  He spoke with a very serious no non-sense tone of voice. “Richard there’s something we need to discuss you and I, it has been brewing for some time now and we have discussed it a few times in the past.” I just look up at Max with a very worried look on my face not really knowing if I’m in trouble or not, or if it’s something else he needs to discuss with me. “Ummmmm what is that Max?....errrr I mean….Dad?”   “Max is good enough for now Richard, as we are discussing you and I as partners, not you and I as Daddy and son.  It’s about us moving into a house together, I’ve been doing my research and looking around and I think I may have found a perfect home for us.” A sense and wave of relief flows over my body as I exhale deeply smiling up a Max.. “You have?....you’ve found us a home?.....something to call our…own?....” “Yes Richard, and I want us to go out tomorrow and look through it, it’s one of the newly built houses across town in the more affluent part of town, and I think it will make a perfect home for our little “Family” I gulp and blush hard at Max saying that knowing exactly what he means by that, knowing that once we move into our house things will again change between us as he’ll become more of my Daddy than he is able to be in our current situation, which may mean a lot more times with me across his lap. “That sounds great Max, what time tomorrow?” “Well I need to talk to the realtor but I believe sometime afternoon looks like the best time, but don’t worry Richard it won’t interfere in your Maintenance Spanking, that I will start tomorrow morning and we’ll take a break when we go to see the house, and finish it when we get home.” “Yes…..Max…..but….can’t we just skip it for this once Max?  I mean it’ll be a big day for us, and we don’t want to ruin it by having to deal with…..that……” My train of thought gets quickly derailed by the look on Max’s face and his beckoning finger calling me over to him.  I slowly get up off the chair n go stand beside him, before I can react I feel his fingers slip into the waistband of my lounge pants and tug them right down baring me completely as I’m not wearing any underwear under them, then he has me over his lap and his hand rains down across my bare cheeks firmly but not excessively hard, but hard enough to have me yelping and struggling and squirming over his lap soon after I’m placed and held down over his lap. “Richard you know that Sunday’s are your Maintenance day, and I will not change that for any reason, and you know that, and you also know not to argue or back talk, me don’t you little boy?” As he speaks his hand rains down over my cheeks sending me into fits of yelps and cries.  His hand is quickly replaced by the large, heavy, ivory, oval flat backed hairbrush as it stings and burns down across my bare cheeks as he intensifies the impacts to my bare cheeks focusing the brush mainly over my sit spots and lower cheeks.  After quite a while, which is only about 10 – 15 minutes Max stands me up, taking me by the ear and spank marching me to the corner of his Den, placing my hands on my head and my nose in the corner, leaving me standing there half naked with my red and well spanked and punished bare bottom on full display as he goes and sits back at his desk continuing his work. “Richard come out of the corner and come to me young man.” I slowly come out of the corner n go to Max, as I get t him he easily and quickly takes me right back over his lap, but this time instead of a spanking I feel the gentle touch and rub of his hand over my cheeks, his hand rubs over and around my cheeks taking extra care and focus on my bum crack, tracing his finger up and down the length of it.  He gently pushes his finger between my cheeks pressing and rubbing the tip of his finger over my puckered hole, this only sends me into fits of moaning, and arching my back pushing my bottom cheeks up and out to meet his finger and hand.  As his finger teases my little puckered hole his other hand slaps and spanks my bare cheeks, not hard, not in a punishment or discipline fashion but to feel the heat and sting radiating from my bare cheeks.  This attention lasts a few minutes before Max stands me up giving my cheeks a couple firm stinging slaps. “Richard I want you upstairs, get dressed and get to your chores, I will be checking them, and keeping an eye on how long it takes you to get them done….and if the process takes too long you’ll be doing them with a sore, red, well spanked bare bottom.  Then you have your homework to do, and you have some lines to write for me.  Now, get going young man, I do not think you want to earn yourself any more spankings today, as I guarantee tomorrow will be quite hard for you.” I just yelp and jump at the smacks, standing there listening to his every word but getting a little pouty and whiney at the mention of my homework, lines and time limit.  My pouting and whining is only met by the sharp stinging smacks from Max’s hand and a very warning look on his face. “Do you need to go back across my lap young man….this time with the ruler….or maybe I need to remove my belt…..?” “Noooooooo Max I’ll get to work…please not the ruler….or your belt please….” I just feel Max turn me around to face the door of his Den and the SHARP STINGING SLAPS of his hand ushering me out of his room and off to get my work done.  The rest of the day went by relatively uneventful except for a couple trips over Max’s lap for some back talk and attitude that came with having to write my lines.  I also received a rather lengthy bedtime spanking over Max’s lap with his hairbrush, so I definitely slept well that night even if it was on my stomach. The next day, which unfortunately for me was a Sunday, which meant my Maintenance day, and it didn’t start off well at all as I over slept and slept through my alarm, and was awoken by the feel of my covers being yanked down and off my bed and Max’s hand SMACKING my bare bottom hard and fast as his other hand held me down over the small of my back, this initial spanking lasted well over 5 minutes of pure hand spanks and Max’s angry and disappointed voice ringing in my ear.  After the initial wake up spanking I was told that my bottom would remain bare for the foreseeable future and was told to get straight to my chores.  Which I wasn’t pleased with doing in the 1st place but to be doing them bare bottomed only made things that much worse, thus I quickly earned myself my 2nd of many spankings that day,, I was hauled over Max’s knee as his hand rained down across my bare cheeks not leaving a single inch of my cheeks un-touched and left me a bawling and blubbering mess. I had to complete 2 of my chores completely to Max’s liking before I was allowed to have breakfast, unfortunately my sore and well spanked bare bum made sitting for breakfast that much harder, and only added to my already foul mood.  That foul mood only landed me across Max’s lap several times, and several on the spot standing spankings as well during the day.  My chore list, and lines were long as well as Max had decided that he would keep me busy 1 way or another, thus, to hopefully avoid any major punishments, but that definitely didn’t work as my mood only worsened throughout the day which only earned me several more spankings….and these weren’t even part of my Maintenance, these were just earned through my foul attitude and behaviour. The remainder of the day was no better than the start with me earning several trips over Max’s lap with my bare bottom getting a full and proper spanking.  The day all culminated just after Dinner, and after all my chores, lines, and other punishments were completed when Max told me to go to my room, strip down naked and meet him back down in the living room for what he said was going to be a full and proper punishment/Maintenance spanking, and that I would most definitely be sleeping on my stomach tonight after wards.  So I reluctantly did as told not wanting to add to my already rather strict and severe punishment/Maintenance spanking I was about to receive.  So I went up stairs to our room and stripped down naked, then came down from upstairs to see Max sitting on the large, solid oak, old fashioned, high backed, armless chair, sitting beside him on the table was his hairbrush, his rather thick and heavy solid oak paddle, and his rubber strap/paddle.  He just beckoned me over with his finger, taking my arms in his hands so I couldn’t escape, and he just stared into my eyes with a very stern look. “Richard, I’m not going to lie to you here young man, you are going to be over my lap for a very long time this evening, with breaks only between implements, and I will decide how long those breaks will be, but you will be standing facing the corner for each and every one of them, your hands will be and remain on your head, and your bottom will be and remain exposed, any back talk, arguing, reaching back to cover your bottom, or rub your bottom will only add to your punishment.  I am hoping that after tonight I’ll see a drastic improvement in your attitude and behaviour towards me and your rules of the house, because if I don’t see an improvement in your attitude and behaviour I can and will repeat today on a more regular basis, say every Sunday, but that is up to you Richard Michael.” With that he easily and quickly bent me right up over his lap and began a hard and fast barrage of hand spanks to my already deeply reddened, swollen and sore bare bottom cheeks, this initial spanking lasted well over 10 minutes of pure hand spanking, not leaving a single inch of my bare cheeks untouched, or unspanked by his hand.  It also left me a blubbering, crying, sobbing mess of a little boy, not the grown man I was.  After the initial spanking Max stood me up and walked me to the corner, placing my hands on my head, and my nose in the corner, gently kicking my legs out shoulder width apart.  I was left in this position for well over ½ hour – 45 minutes. After my initial corner time Daddy walked up behind me rubbing and squeezing my bare cheeks making me jump and yelp as he took me by the arm and lead me back to the chair taking me back over his lap, picking up the brush, then immediately beginning to rain the brush down, but this time focusing on my lower cheeks, sit spots, and undercurves, sending me into fits of screams and bawls and cries, my legs kicks wildly, but Max didn’t even skip a beat as he pinned my legs down between his and continued the hair brushing with HARD and FAST impacts, leaving my bare cheeks a DEEP shade of red almost crimson.  The hair brushing lasted just over 10 minute leaving me lying over his lap limp bawling, crying, sobbing, but motionless as all the fight in my body was well spanked out of me.  He then just stood me up releasing my legs and took me back to the corner placing my nose in the corner and my hands on my head a sobbing, bawling, blubbering, crying mess.  This corner time lasted well over an hour but I knew not to move or look back or try to cover or rub my swollen, enflamed bare bottom cheeks in fear of getting a lot more with the nasty brush. After this corner time Max walked up behind me this time gently touching and rubbing my enflamed cheeks, his initial touch made me jump and yelp, but soon I somewhat began to enjoy the attention he was giving to my bottom cheeks as his soft and gentle hand caressed, rubbed and traced my bum cheeks as he guided me to the couch laying me on the couch on my stomach and continuing to rub and caress my bare bottom cheeks. “Richard, you know you still have my paddle and the rubber strap coming to finish off your Maintenance spanking, but for right now I think you need a bit more of a break so I’m going to allow you to lay here on the couch for a bit.  I have some work to do in my Den and I don’t want you just standing in the corner as I may be a while and I know your backside needs some reast and a break from the punishment, so I want you to lay here and rest, if you fall asleep that is alright I’ll wake you when I get done with my work.” Max just leaned down n kissed my cheek softly, as I turned my head n kissed him back deeply, passionately, although I knew as much as I wanted him to take me right then and there I knew I was still under punishment, and when he sets his mind to my punishment there isn’t anything he’ll allow me to do until he is satisfied that my punishment has reached it’s desired limit and ending. I woke up a few hours later, but I wasn’t laying on the couch I was quite comfortably tucked in under my covers of my bed, although yes I was still completely naked, and my bottom still throbbed with some pain from my earlier punishment from Max.  I slowly got up and walked to the full-length mirror in my room and checked my bottom, seeing it was still quite swollen and deeply reddened.  I slowly went down the hall and down the stairs to the living room looking for Max, not finding him in the living room or the kitchen I walked down the hall towards his Den, seeing that the door was still closed I decided to just go back to the living room to lay down on the couch until Max was done with his work, or whatever he was doing in his Den.  I must have fallen back asleep as I was woken a few hours later by Max’s gentle shaking of my shoulder. “Richie…..wake up little man, what are you doing back out here in the living room sleeping on the couch when Daddy tucked you into your bed earlier?” I slowly and awkwardly sat up resting my head in Max’s chest. “I woke up earlier…..and came down, but you were still in your den…and I just laid back down and….must have fallen back asleep……I’m sorry….Daddy……” “Oh Richie…there’s nothing to be sorry about little man Daddy is not upset or angry with you for that little man, not in the least.  I am sorry I was so busy but I decided I had to re-schedule our meeting with the realter till tomorrow as today wasn’t a good day for you, and I realized you wouldn’t be in any state to properly look through a house even if we did go check out the new house.” I just rested my head on Max’s chest, his hand gently rubbing and massaging up and down my back as we talked. “Richie, you know your Maintenance Day isn’t quite over is it young man?” My head and eyes just lower at that and I slowly shake my head no. “No….Daddy….it…isn’t…I guess……” “No it’s not Richie, but I think I’ll wait and finish it when I put you to bed tonight.  Right now I want you to go upstairs and get yourself dressed we’ll have dinner then we can have some us time before your bed time.” I just nod and slide off the couch heading up to my bedroom, but not before I feel a sharp stinging slap of Max’s hand to my bare bottom cheeks, making me jump and yelp at the stinging slap, then before I can get too far Max easily pulls me back to him and back over his lap. Max!!!!! wait!!! I was doing as you told…..Please no more spankings Please!!!!! Max’s hand rained down across my bare cheeks not exceptionally hard but hard enough to send me into fits tears and kicking and yelping, Max’s hand rained down over my cheeks, sit spots, lower cheeks, under curves, and upper thighs, turning the entire area a deep throbbing shade of red before he finally stopped and let me up, taking my hands in his and looking me in the eyes. “You know this is a Maintenance Day don’t you young man, so that means Daddy does not need a reason to spank your bare little bottom I can and will spank you when and if, and how I please, and if you want to argue that you can get a lot worse than just my hand to your bare bottom.  No get your bottom up to your room and get dressed before I decide your bare bottom needs a good dose of my hairbrush or worse.” With that I just run up to my room all but sobbing, my bare bottom re-ignited by Max’s hand.  I slowly get dressed into a very thin. Loose-fitting pair of lounge pants with no undies underneath, I then slide on one of my thick, warm hoodies as I head back down to the living room sitting carefully beside Max as he takes me gently into his arms rubbing, massaging and caressing my back. “You know Rich, as much as yes this is a Maintenance Day, I can still be quite gentle with you if and when I see you’ve earned it, and right now I think you’ve earned it, but 1st I think you need to get Daddy nice and hard, and I think you know how to do that don’t you?” I just blushed and laid down on the couch on my stomach with my head almost on his lap, as I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans opening them, then opening the front flap of his boxers, revealing and releasing his big, thick, long, semi-hard cock from its enclosure inside his boxers.  As I freed it I began to gently stroke and rub it, up and down the shaft slowly, taking my time letting him enjoy and truly feel the pleasure.  Max slid his hand down my back sliding the back of my lounge pants down rubbing, squeezing, and caressing my bare cheeks. “If Daddy’s little boy makes Daddy happy and I mean very happy Daddy may hold off his boy’s spanking till bedtime, but if Daddy’s boy is a naughty boy he’ll earn an extra spanking, or spankings before his bedtime spanking, and right now Daddy does not want to have to spank his boy any more than he needs to…” Daddy’s hand caressed, squeezed and sharply spanked my cheeks to emphasize when he actually said spanking.  I yelped and squirmed but continued to stroke and rub his cock gently.  Daddy lifted his hips and slid his jeans and boxers right down and kicked them off, spreading his legs giving me full and complete access to his cock and sack as I began to kiss and lick up and down the shaft.  As I was licking, kissing and stroking Daddy’s now quite hard and ridged cock his fingers parted my cheeks and rubbed over and around my puckered bum hole, pressing the tip of his finger right over my puckered little bum hole, making me moan and pant.  I began to suck, slurp and lick up and down Daddy’s cock as his finger now probed deep inside my bum hole.  Daddy massaged and probed his finger deep in my bum hole as I continued to suck n slurp n lick on his hard long, thick cock, I felt his other hand gently squeeze and massage and fondle my little sack rubbing his thumb up and down and around the head of my pecker making me rather hard. “Now Richie you do remember Daddy’s rule don’t you, you are not to release until Daddy does, or Daddy gives you permission to, and if you do release before Daddy you know you get your bare bum spanked soundly don’t you, and Daddy has every right to put his little boy’s pecker into it’s little cage for a while to make sure Daddy’s little boy does not get hard, or does not make a mess, isn’t that right Richie?” “Yesssssssss Dadddyyyyyyy that’s right…I’ll do my best not to make a mess…..” Daddy’s hand gave each of my cheeks a hard, firm stinging slap, making me yelp and whine.  Soon after the spank to each of my cheeks Daddy’s finger went back to probing deep in my bum, sliding in n out of my bum, his other hand teasing and stroking my sack and pecker.  I was continuing to pleasure Daddy but finding it harder and harder to concentrate on my job as Daddy continued to rub, stroke, and tease my little pecker and sack.  I then felt Daddy’s thumb rib over the tip and slit of my pecker. “Mmmmmmm what is this little boy…Is Daddy’s boy making pre-juices, you had better not Richie…or you know what happens…..Stand up Richie face Daddy.” I slowly slide off the couch and stand facing Daddy, my hands go to my head and my face and eyes go down cast as I feel Daddy grip my little pecker again, his thumb rubbing over and around my little pecker head and slit. “Mmmmmm This is very naughty little boy…..your little pecker has made pre-juices, and without Daddy’s permission?” Daddy’s other hand slaps and spanks my bare cheeks making me jerk forward and yelp.  Daddy stands up taking me firmly around the waist bending me over with his arm gripping my pecker and sack tightly as his other hand SLAPPING and SPANKING my bare cheeks FAST and HARD. “What did I just warn tell and warn you about Richie….not to make a mess without Daddy’s permission, or before Daddy is able to release, but Daddy sees and/or feels his little boy’s pecker head all wet and sticky with pre-juices.  Maybe a good hard spanking will make you remember little boy?” With that Daddy’s hand flies down HARD and FAST over my cheeks making me scream and yelp and struggle under his iron grip around my waist and over my little sack and pecker. “You are going to learn little boy to control this little pecker of yours, or you are going to be spending a LOT of time in your little cage, and Daddy will NOT be allowing his boy to release for a very long time, Now bend over hands on the couch, Daddy wants your bum pushed up and out fully, Daddy wants FULL access to his little boy’s bum and bum hole….And I warn you right now Richie, if I see even a drop of your boy juices drip from that pecker you are going straight back into your cage and Daddy is going to give you a PROPER dose of Daddy’s belt to your bare bottom, I hope I make myself perfectly understood.” With that I am released, and I bend over hands on the couch pushing my bum cheeks up and out for Daddy pushing my legs open fully so Daddy has full view and access to my bum cheeks, bum hole, pecker, and sack.  Not long after I bend over I feel Daddy’s hands on my hips and his hard thick cock head pushing on my bum hole opening, then he thrusts HARD into me burying his long, thick, hard cock into my bum hole making me yelp and moan.  He begins to thrust HARD and slow in and out of me, I feel him stretch and fill me.  Daddy thrusts HARD and slow in and out of me as his hand SLAPS and SPANKS my bare cheeks. “Mmmmmmmmmm Richie…you are so nice and tight back here for Daddy, I may just take my time with you little boy, as long as I don’t see any dripping or releasing from your little pecker little boy….” Daddy continues to thrust n fill my bum hole with his hard, thick, long cock, his hand SPANKS my bare cheeks making me yelp and moan.  Then after about 3 – 5 minutes of pure thrusting and hand spanking of my bare bum cheeks Daddy finally erupted deep into my little bum hole, filling me with his warm, sticky, salty juices.  As he finishes he let himself completely drain into me leaving me a whimpering, moaning mess bent over the couch.  Daddy finally pulls out of me giving my burning cheeks a few firm spanks. “Richie stand up boy….turn around and face Daddy.” I slowly stand turning around facing him my face and eyes go down cast, and my hands go to my head.  Daddy stands there before me looking me up n down shaking his head.  He takes me by the upper arm and walks me down the hall to our room sitting on the bed and taking me this time over his lap but on my back so my little pecker and sack are front and center over his lap. “Richie Daddy is going to give this little pecker a good proper milking then you are going right into your little cage and are going to remain in it until Daddy sees fit to release you from it, do I make myself clear little boy, any whining, arguing, back talking, or anything like that from you and you will be receiving a good proper dose of your paddle to your bare backside “ With that Daddy gently took a firm hold and grip of my little limp stub and began to stroke it, slowly up n down the shaft, with his other hand he lifted ad parted my legs, thus putting me into the diaper position over his lap, as his one hand continued to stroke me his other hand rubbed and caressed my very red and quite swollen bare cheeks, I then felt him spread my cheeks and slowly slide his finger into my bum hole, beginning to slide it in n out of my bum hole as he stroked me with his other hand.  I’m quickly brought to loud moans as Daddy strokes me and probes deep into my bum hole, keeping my hands away, trying not to interfere with Daddy’s work.  Within a few minutes I am moaning and grunting as Daddy strokes me and slides his finger deep in n out of my puckered bum hole.  It doesn’t take long for me to completely erupt and begin to release my own juices as Daddy continues to stroke me.  He takes my little cup and collects my juices in it smiling down at me as he completely milks me empty.  I just lay there over his lap completely drained and milked, Daddy then stands me up turns me around and gives my bare cheeks a few dozen HARD spanks of his hand sending me into fits of crying and whining, b/c his spankings only hurt that much more after being milked….he escorts me back to the corer spanking my bare cheeks the entire way. “Now Richie you will stand here in this corner until Daddy calls you out, you are to remain there nose in that corner, hands on your head.  Once your corner time is over Daddy will put you in your little cage and we can go ahead with the day, but I do warn you little boy, you are having an early bedtime tonight, and you are getting a proper bedtime spanking.” I just stand there sobbing, feeling very little, very weak, just leaning against the wall as my bum throbs, and my little sack and pecker softens.  I remain in the corner for well over an hour before I hear the corner timer go off and then hear and feel Daddy walking up behind me, his hand rubbing, squeezing, caressing, massaging, and groping my bottom cheeks, I bend a little offering my bum cheeks to Daddy’s gentle, yet firm caress.  Daddy then gently takes me by the arm and walks me to where he had the Spanking chair, I see my little cage sitting there on the seat of the chair as Daddy picks it up and sits down, with out a word Daddy turns me to face him gently but firmly takes my little sack and pecker and secures it tightly in my little cage. “Now Richie you will remain naked for the remainder of the day except for your little cage, that way if and when Daddy sees fit or need to spank you, your bare bottom will be on full access for Daddy’s hand or if you earn it any number and or variation of Daddy’s implements.  Now you still have some chores to do, and you are going to be going to bed early tonight, and you are getting a proper bedtime spanking, and I warn you right now young man it will not be a gentle, or soft spanking.  Also, if you misbehave any time from now till then Daddy can and will add at least your hairbrush, if not Daddy’s paddle and or belt to your bedtime spanking am I clear?” I just slowly nod looking down and away knowing my fate is sealed, and if I misbehave even a little it will cost my bare bottom dearly, not only on the spot but at bedtime as well.  Not hearing me verbally answer him Daddy easily and quickly turns me around bending me over his knee and raining his hand down across my bare cheeks, not overly hard but definitely firmly, not spanking in the same place twice. “What have I told you little boy…when Daddy asks you a question I expect a verbal answer, not a nod, not a whine, or a pot or what ever else you think is an answer.  I expect you to use your words young man or as you feel now you CAN and WILL go right across Daddy’s lap or knee for a good proper spanking till you LEARN to use your words and answer Daddy properly….am I clear on that young man?” “Yessssssss Dadddyyyyyyy you’re clear Please Stopppppp…please it hurts sooo much…..owwwweeeeeee owwwweeeeeee owwwweeeeeeeee wahhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m bawling and crying as Daddy’s hand rains down all over my cheeks from the upmost fleshiest portions of my cheeks all the way down to my sit spots, lower cheeks and undercurves.  My spanking lasts well over 5 – 7 minutes of pure hand spanking from Daddy as I’m lectured and scolded as I am spanked.  Once I am in full blown tears and sobbing Daddy stands me up looking me directly in the eyes and speaks. “Richard that was your 1 and ONLY warning young man, next time I have to deal with you for ANY reason I will be adding to your bedtime spanking as well as dealing with you for what ever you do.  Now I’d suggest you get this bare little bottom moving and get your chores done before bed time, and before Daddy decides to make SURE you don’t sit for quite some time b/c I am almost at my limit with you little boy….now GO!!” With that I feel a SHARP stinging SLAP to my already well spanked bare cheeks from Daddy’s hand sending me scurrying and crying to go get my chores done.  Throughout the day, each time I passed Daddy in any way, for any reason I’d feel the instant sharp sting and burn of his hand across my bare bottom cheeks making me jump and yelp but knowing not to cover or rub.  The remainder of the day went by all too slowly for me as I was far too busy and slowly getting more and more worried, stressed out, and thus upset, cranky and irritable with each passing chore I had to do, and each passing smack to my bare bottom from Daddy’s hand.  It came to around 6:30 – 7:00 in the evening Daddy and I had, had a rather quiet dinner, with me barely able to sit on my well spanked and punished bare bottom, then made to clean up and do the dishes by myself while still completely naked except for my little cage.  Once I was done in the kitchen Daddy came in and inspected my work as I stood there hands on my head legs shoulder width apart, waiting for Daddy’s approval or punishment. “Richie…up to your room, get your pajamas and bring them down to me, I’ll be in the living room waiting for you.” I just nodded and scurried past Daddy feeling a HARD, sharp, stinging SMACK to my bare bottom cheeks making me jump and yelp.  I hurriedly ran up to my room getting the thin cotton 2-piece pajama set from under my pillow and came down to Daddy who was sitting in his recliner waiting for me.  I slowly walked to him and held out my pajamas to him, he gently took them placing the button up shirt on his leg and holding the thin, loose fitting, cotton pants open for me to step in, I carefully held onto Daddy’s shoulders as I stepped into my pajama bottom feeling a little relieved that I was finally able to cover up my bottom cheeks which had been bare and exposed for the majority of the day today.  I felt Daddy pat my bum cheeks as the pants went up over them, he then held open the shirt and I carefully slid my arms in as he pulled it up over my shoulders and buttoned it up.  Although yes I was happy to be covered up and dressed I knew at any time, and for any reason my pajama bottoms could and would come down if not right back off for yet another spanking.  Once in my pajamas Daddy pulled me up onto his lap cuddling me in his arms, reclining back letting us both rest and relax there in each other’s arms for a bit.  After a couple hours of snuggling and resting in Daddy’s strong, loving arms watching tv together Daddy looked up at the clock then looked at me and spoke. “Richie I want you up to your room and wait for Daddy, it’s bedtime and you still have a good proper bedtime spanking coming.  Now up stairs no arguments, or back talking am I clear?  You’ve had a good few hours of Daddy time now it’s bedtime.” I just squirmed at the mention of my impending bedtime spanking, not wanting to let go of Daddy or stop snuggling, let alone having to go to bed, or the spanking.  My train of thought was suddenly derailed by the feel of Daddy’s large strong hand impacting my pajama clad bottom with a stinging SLAP, and the very stern, warning look on his face.  I slowly slid off his lap and headed up to my room with my head and eyes glued to the floor.  I just sat on my bed silent, waiting to hear Daddy’s footsteps coming up the stairs, my mind racing, whether I should make a run for it…and maybe hide somewhere Daddy couldn’t find me, or face the music and take my bed ime spanking like the naughty little boy I knew I was to earn and deserve a bedtime spanking in the 1st place.  My mind settled on the staying put, where I knew if I made a run for it and tried to hide, Daddy would eventually catch me and my bedtime spanking would get a whole lot worse for me and I knew it.  I heard and saw Daddy’s footsteps coming up the stairs, then coming towards my room, as he stood there in the doorway of my room holding the hairbrush in his hand.  He walked to me putting his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me, leaning down and giving me a deep, passionate kiss. “Richie I want you to remove your pajama bottoms, then get over my lap, I was just going to giver you a hand spanking, but I decided that the hairbrush would be more impactful for your bedtime spanking as you know your behaviour and attitude today more than earned the at least the hairbrush.” With that Daddy sat on the bed and pattied his lap waiting for me to comply.  I just slowly pushed my thin, loose-fitting cotton pajamas down to my knees letting them fall down around my ankles, then stepping out of them, then slowly laying across Daddy’s lap.  Without a word Daddy went straight away right into a full blown, full force hairbrush spanking, impacting my cheeks HARD and FAST not leaving a single inch of my cheeks untouched by the brush.  Daddy spanked up and down each cheek, down over my sit spots, lower cheeks, and undercurves, then don to my upper thighs, turning the entire area a DEEP shade of red, puffy, swollen, well punished skin.  I was bawling and crying heavily and constantly as the brush rained down across my cheeks.  The whole spanking only really lasted just over 5 minutes, but in that time Daddy made SURE I learned my lesson, and hopefully wouldn’t be repeating my mistakes any time soon.  Daddy then set the brush down helped me up off his lap and to a kneeling position between his legs holding me close, rubbing my back, gently caressing and patting my swollen, DEEPLY reddened and well punished bare bottom cheeks as I bawled and cried into Daddy’s chest.  After another 5 or so minutes letting me settle down Daddy helped me back up to my feet then into bed on my tummy, leaving my pajama bottoms off and the covers off my bottom cheeks.  I quickly cried myself to a deep sleep as Daddy rubbed my back gently.  Daddy then quietly slipped out of my room shutting off the main light and partially closing my bedroom door. The next few days went on pretty uneventful with the exception of a few trips across Daddy’s lap for 1 misbehaviour or another, but nothing in excess, as we were both quite busy with our individual work schedules.  The only real issue I had was having to sit for any extended length of time, as my bottom remained tender and sore in spots for at least 3 – 4 days afterwards, plus it didn’t help earning myself trips across Daddy’s lap for his hand or hairbrush a couple days in a row.  It came to Friday afternoon I had just arrived home from work and was pouring myself a drink when I heard Daddy’s car pull into the driveway, him get out and come into the house. “Richie, come here please we have something to discuss.” I slowly walked to where Daddy was not sure if I was in trouble or not. “Ummmm Yes Max….I,,,mean Daddy….” “Richie come with me, we need to go for a drive, I got a msg from the realter she has our house ready to go look at and she has it ready now so let’s go.” “Oh!! O.K.!! Let me get my wallet and shoes.” I ran to get my wallet and throw on my shoes, then down the stairs to Daddy hugging him tight n giving him a deep passionate kiss.  We walked hand in hand to the car and got in, driving to the house we had, had our eyes on for some time now.  As we pull into the driveway of our potentially new house Max turns off the car and I bound out looking up at the house…. actually, forgetting just how big it really is.  I just stand there staring at it in a bit of awe.  My train of thought is quickly derailed, and I am brought snapping back to reality feeling Max’s hand discreetly but firmly smack down across my jean clad bottom making me jump and yelp a bit. “Alright Rich let’s go we have to look through the house.” Max’s hand remains on my bottom escorting me to the front doo knocking.  A tall blond-haired lady answers the door, somewhat noticing Max’s hand on my bottom as she smiles. “Oh you must be Max and Rich, come on in….you’re in luck you’re the last ones to come look at the house and there is only 1 other couple that seemed to show any real interest in the house.  Come in look around, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me over and ask.” Max and I walk into the house looking around at the grand open concept kitchen we enter into.  Right off we both notice brand new Fridge and Stove, a built-in Dishwasher, and a rather large rectangular island in the middle of the kitchen, perfect for preparing our dinners, and also having quick bites to eat when we are both too busy to actually sit down an eat.  Right off of the kitchen is a rather large, old fashioned, antique, solid oak table and 6 high backed, armless chairs seated around the table. “Oh my……Max this table is everything I’ve ever wanted it’s gorgeous…and ummm these chairs…..” I blush as I see Max’s look on his face seeing the chairs, having the very same thought go through both our minds. “Yes Rich it is and these chairs will be very handy won’t they?” I just blush more and look away noticing the realter lady is smiling at us, and I get the feeling she may have an idea of exactly what we’re talking about… We walk down a small hall into the rather large living room area looking around in a bit of awe. “Max this place is huge…..oh my lord but it’s so beautiful….I love the open concept….” “I know Rich as do I…. come here look at this bathroom…..” I rush overlooking in and around in awe. “Holy WOW…its HUGE……” I feel Max’s hand on my bottom giving my cheeks a squeeze as he whispers in my ear. “You see that tub….we could both fit in it Rich…..and I could easily maneuver you to any position I wanted in there…..couldn’t I?.....” I just blush and squirm hearing that….knowing he’s completely right…he could easily have me in any position he wanted in that tub.  We then head up the stairs to the bedrooms, 1st thing I see is the 2nd huge bathroom again with a rather large bathtub, images of me naked bent over getting spanked or my bum being used by Max in several different positions flood my mind.  I’m brought back into reality by hearing Max’s voice calling me. “Rich com here check out this master bedroom…..” I walk over almost stepping back seeing the size of the master bedroom. “Oh…My…….it’s almost as big as our entire apartment Max….” “Well maybe not that big but definitely big yes.  Now let’s go check out the 2 spare rooms I have an idea for one of them….Richie……” I hear him use my name in that manner and I blush big time knowing almost exactly what he mean by not only that tone but what he is saying.  We walk over looking at the 2 spare rooms one a little larger than the other.  Max leads me to the smaller of the 2 rooms. “Richie…I think if we get this house I may have some ideas for this room and what to do with it…..don’t you?” “Ummmm yes Da…..I mean Max……..” I quickly catch myself before I call Max Daddy….even if he’s making me feel a lot more like his little boy at the moment then his fiancé.  We check out the remainder of the house then meet the realter in the kitchen again, Max speaks 1st. “We’ll take it, did the other couple make an offer on it yet?” “Actually, they just messaged me…..they backed out…..so if you want it, it’s yours….” “Are you kidding?......seriously?.....Yes we want it…..We’ll take it now….” “Alright it’s yours.” “Thank you!!!! Thank you so much….this is so huge….our 1st official house together…..Thank you!!!             We both hug her tight, she smiles n hugs us back.             “Alright, all we have to do is sign a few papers then it’s all yours….”             “Yes, Yes of course we’ll sign”             “We all sign the proper papers, and she hands us the keys.             “There you go it’s official welcome to your new home”             “Oh my lord I can’t believe this has happened finally!!!!”             After a few minutes embrace and crying into each other’s shoulders Max and I thanked the realter again and headed out to the car.  The drive home was relatively quiet as I think the initial shock at the fact that we now had our own house together hadn’t quite sank in completely.  We arrived at home and went inside and sat down on the couch together, not saying much…not even looking at each other.  Finally, my hand slid over his and gripped it tight.             “Max….we own a house together…..we can finally get out of this dump…..we can finally actually live our lives as we want to….”             Max looks over at me nodding, then takes in into a tight loving embrace kissing me deeply, passionately, I easily and quickly return the kiss, my hand instinctively reaching forward for his crotch. Rubbing my hand over it.  He just continues kissing me as I easily and quickly unbutton, unzip his jeans opening them, reaching into his boxers and freeing his cock and sack stroking it softly lovingly as we kiss.  I slowly and carefully lower myself over his cock taking it in my mouth and begin to suck n slurp n lick all the way up n down his cock, my hand caressing squeezing, groping and cupping his sack.  He leans back taking in all the pleasure.  I continue to suck n slurp n lick on his ever-growing cock, feeling it fill my mouth.  He gently kneeled me up and undid my jeans tugging them and my undies down…then directed me back down onto his cock as I continued to suck n slurp n lick, his hand went down my back and squeezed n groped my bare bum cheeks sliding his finger between them over my puckered little hole.  I then felt Daddy’s big, thick finger slide deep into my bum hole and probe in n out steadily, my bum instinctively rose to meet his finger as it probed in and out of my little puckered hole making me moan and grunt.  I felt him getting closer and closer to release as I sucked, slurped, and licked up n down his throbbing ridged hard cock, his finger probing deep into my bum rubbing over my little prostate making my little body shiver and thrust with each probing.  He then pulled his finger out of my bum and landed 20 good hard spanks to each of my cheeks, making me yelp and whimper but I kept my focus on his cock and sack.             “Richard stand up, I want every stich of clothing off your body right now, then your hands on your head, legs shoulder width apart.”             I slowly stand my head and eyes go down cast.  In a bit of a whiney tone of voice.             “Did I do something wrong Daddy?.......are you upset with me?....”             His response was to turn me sideways and land his hand down firmly across my bare cheeks 20 times each cheek, sending me into yelps and whines, and getting me to the very verge of tears.             “No Richard you did not do anything wrong, and I am not upset with you, although your back talk and stalling to do as Daddy tells your to do is the reason for your sore bottom right now….and if you continue it can and will be a lot worse for you.  Now do as you are told.”             I quickly let my jeans and undies fall down around my ankles kicking them off then removing my socks, I then pull my shirt up and off leaving it with the rest of my clothing, standing before Daddy completely naked, my hands go to my head and my legs go shoulder width apart, standing there before Daddy head and eyes downcast.             “Alright Richard….over to the arm of the couch and bend over…..Daddy wants your bum completely up in the air, legs spread wide….Daddy wants to see and have access to everything.”             I just do as told going to the side of the couch and bending right over the arm of the couch, my bum cheeks pushed up, out, and open, my legs spread fully exposing everything to Daddy.  I felt Daddy go behind me then heard him removing his jeans and boxers, feeling his hand rub, caress, massage, and grope my bare bum cheeks, his hand also reached between my legs and unlocked, undid, and removes my little pecker cage, as his hand squeezed, groped and rubbed over my sack and little pecker making me moan and push myself onto, and into his hand,  his fingers parted my cheeks as his index finger slid deep into my bum hole probing and massaging me from the inside out, he leaned over me and whispered in my ear.             “Daddy let you out of your cage, but that does not mean you have permission to release until Daddy says so, or does 1st young man.  Daddy wants this as pleasurable for you as Daddy hopes it will be for him, but that doesn’t mean the rules don’t apply, Daddy can and will punish and spank this bare bottom of yours severely of you don’t behave.”             With that Daddy continued to work his finger deep in my bum probing, massaging, his other hand squeezing, groping, massaging my little sack and pecker.  I was moaning and grunting but trying desperately not to release even if Daddy was making it very difficult for me not to with his working my little sack and pecker, and his finger deep in my bum rubbing on my little naughty button.  After a few minutes of that I felt Daddy’s finger leave my bum and be replaced with his big, thick, long, hard cock thrusting hard and slow into me, moaning and groaning as he fills my bum deep in my bum hole.  I was moaning and whimpering trying so hard not to release, although Daddy was making it very hard on me to do so, with his thrusting and rubbing my little pecker and sack as he thrusted into me.  I then felt Daddy’s hand and fingers rubbing over the tip and head of my little pecker as he abruptly stopped thrusting into me.             “Richard what is this I feel…are you getting wet?.....are you about to release before Daddy?....You know you are not allowed to release before I do young man.”             With that I felt his hand SLAP and SMACK down over my bare cheeks, making me jump, moan, and yelp with each impact of his hand to my bare little cheeks.             “Your little head is soaking wet and sticky boy…..you had better not release young man or you will not like what happens…..”             I’m moaning and yelping as Daddy’s hand slaps n spanks down across my cheeks turning them both a deep shade of red, and my little pecker jerks and pulsates as I desperately try to stop myself.  Daddy’s big, thick, long cock still in my bum thrusting harder now.  I’m now crying out and moaning as I feel Daddy begin to release deep in my bottom, as soon as he does I lose all control and begin to release all down the arm of the couch.             Richard Michael!!!! What did I JUST tell you!!!!  LOOK at that mess you made on the couch!!!!”             Daddy quickly pulls out of me and SLAPS my cheeks HARD.             “Stand up young man….I cannot believe you….you KNOW Daddy’s rules….You KOW you are NOT to release unless Daddy gives you permission to…and I MOST certainly did NOT give you permission to!!!!!”             I quickly stand, immediately my hands go to my head as I stand there in tears, my little pecker head still dripping my naughty boy juices.  Daddy takes a FIRM grip of my ear and MARCHES me to the corner SLAPPING and SPANKING my bare cheeks the entire way there, sending me into fits of screams, cries, howls and yelps.  Daddy looks at me NOT very pleased….turns me around to face him and points to the floor, I slowly kneel in front of him.             “Young man finish Daddy and clean me up young man….then you are going to spend some time in this corner for your behaviour.”             I slowly take Daddy’s still somewhat hard cock in my mouth and begin to lick and suck on it, licking and sucking up n down on the shaft, tears rolling down my cheeks knowing I disobeyed and disappointed Daddy.  I continue to suck n slurp n lick up n down Daddy’s cock as I feel it go limp in my mouth, Daddy pulls out of me looking at me NOT pleased.             “Richard back over to the couch right this minute young man…..I’ve decided to properly punish you before you have your corner time!!!!”             I quickly get up and scurry back to the couch bending over….not wanting to disappoint Daddy again.  Daddy walks up behind me, I hear him pulling his belt out from around the waist of his jeans and folding it.  I then feel the sudden and searing sting and bite of Daddy’s thick wide, supple leather belt burn across my bare cheeks, Daddy continues a steady rhythmic barrage of hard and loud belt lashes across my cheeks till a full 30 strokes of his belt has been applied.  Even by only halfway through my belting I am bawling and crying as the thick and wide leather stings and burns across my poor upturned cheeks.  After the final 30th stroke lands across my bare cheeks Daddy stands me up and walks me to the corner, giving my bare cheeks a HARD SLAP with his hand. “You will stay in this corner till I let you out young man...I am NOT pleased with you,…..you disobeyed me, and now you are going to stand here and think about your behavior....” After about an hour or so I feel Daddy’s hand on my shoulder, leading me out of the corner, up the stairs and into my little boy room where he walks me to the highbacked armless chair and sits taking me over his lap. “Richie.....I know you’ve been a good boy overall today, and for the past week or so...but I firmly believe you need to learn a lesson little man....and that lesson is that Daddy is in charge...not you, and what Daddy says goes, that includes ANY and ALL of Daddy’s rules....” As Daddy speaks his hand rains down across my bare cheeks spanking my cheeks hard n fast not leaving a single inch of my bum un-touched by his hand.  After a good 15 – 20-minute hand spanking which leaves me bawling and blubbering, crying and sobbing Daddy finally stops the spanking, as he rubs my deeply reddened and very well punished bare bottom cheeks.  Daddy gently stands me up taking me to the rocking chair and sitting down, sitting me on his lap nad cuddling me into his arms.  I just yelp and squirms as my well punished bare bim cheeks meet his rough denim jean clad legs, but he holds me there tight rubbing my back and letting me cry it all out onto his chest.  After about 15 minutes I begin to calm down and my eyes begin to flutter open n closed, quickly falling into a deep sleep in Daddy’s arms.  He gently carries me to my bed and lays me in it tucking me in tight and warm. It was a week later when we finally started moving into our 1st official home together, and of course we were both extremely excited about it.  Finally, a home of our own where we didn't have to worry about what noise we made or what we did in our own home.  Now the weeks leading up to the actual move date I was doing my very best to behave for Daddy Max, but of course me being me I wasn't exactly what you'd call successful, where I didn't earn any major punishments, I did earn myself a few lengthy trips over Daddy's lap with my pants/shorts/pajama bottoms and undies down or off and my bare bottom getting a proper and full reddening by Daddy's hand or other implement.  Now our work schedules and packing and such kept my hands and mind busy elsewhere and not into the main areas that got me in trouble or worse spanked, so the spankings I did receive were relatively few and far between. Chapter 2 – Our New Home   It finally came down to moving day both Daddy and I woke up very early and got things moving and final things packed....well mostly it was my stuff that was paced at the very last moment b/c I still had a bad habit of procrastinating, which almost always ended with me doing the chore or activity either bare bottomed, naked, or at the least feeling the stinging and burning inside my pants after a little "reminder" from Daddy.  We had gotten a few of our co-workers and friends to help us move, especially the larger items which both Daddy and I knew I wouldn't be able to physically move.  The actual move took a little over half a day of going back and forth between our new house and our old apartment, but finally we had everything at the very least moved into our house.  We had a bit of a thank you gathering with our friends and co-workers with beer, pop, and pizza for their help.  Finally, at about 8pm Daddy's last froend left leaving Daddy and I alone for the 1st time I our new home. Once Daddy's friend left Daddy came into our master bedroom where I was re-loading our dressers and getting the room set up as much as I could.  Daddy walked up behind me as I felt his hands sliding down the back of my sweat shorts and squeezing my bottom cheeks, he then gently began to kiss and nibble on my neck, which sent shivers up and down my spine, and sent me into a bit of moans and purrs at Daddy's attention.  He spun me around and took me into a tight loving embrace as we kissed heavily, deeply, passionately, all the time his hands still down the back of my sweat shorts squeezing, caressing, massaging, and groping my underwear clad bottom. "We made it Rich, we officially have our own home, no longer need to be discreet about anything, we can do anything, anywhere in our home, and on our property.  I have a few ideas for at least one of the spare rooms, but I'll have to keep that under wraps for now.  Right now, let's go out to our back porch and sit and have a drink, what do you say to that my love?" I look up at Daddy and nod happily, my hand had slipped down between Daddy's legs and was squeezing, rubbing, caressing the ever-growing bulge inside his tight-fitting jean shorts.  Daddy took my hand and we walked down the stairs and out through the back patio doors and sat in our lounge chairs after grabbing a couple beers from the fridge. "Rich I was thinking of fixing up the fence around the yard and making it taller to give us more privacy, especially with the new pool we have to enjoy here, I'd like to give us as much privacy as possible back here, just so the neighbors can't and won't for the most part be able to see what we are doing back here, as I believe we may need that little more privacy, especially for you....if you know what I mean little man?" My face flushes and goes deep red at that last comment and I pretty well know exactly what Daddy is talking about. "Yes....Max I know." Knowing most times, I would have gotten a warning look, or even a warning smack to my bottom for calling Daddy by his name without permission, but at this moment considering our new surroundings, I thought it may be a little more appropriate than Dady, although I did get a bit of a sideways and warning glace from Daddy upon hearing it.  After having our drinks and discussing various things we both wanted to do with the house to make it our own, we went back into the house as it was also getting quite late and both Daddy and I were getting eaten alive by mosquitos.  As we went back into the house and Daddy closed and locked the patio door I felt a sharp stinging slap of Daddy's hand to my bottom making me yelp, not so much in pain but, more in fright as his hand startled me. "Richard from now on if we are at home, it is Daddy and ONLY Daddy do I make myself clear, if I hear you call me Max without permission again you will get your bottom smacked do I make myself clear?  Now I want you to go sit on the couch in the living room and wait for ne I believe we need to go over a few more permanent rules for you now that we are officially home alone in our own home.  Now scoot.” With that Daddy turned me to face the living room and with another sharp, stinging SLAP to my bottom sent me to go sit on the couch.  In the back of my mind, I knew I had to take this chance as I knew it wasn't long before Daddy would make sure I found it quite difficult to sit comfortably, if at all for any extended period.  I quickly scurried over to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for Daddy to return, my stomach already in knots, as I knew from past experiences any time Daddy saw fit, the need to, or wanted to change, edit, or add new rules to my life it almost always ended up with me over his lap either bare bummed, or naked getting either a reminder spanking, or a full-fledged punishmen spanking.  It was a few minutes before Daddy appeared in the archway between the hall and the living room, to my somewhat horror and shock I saw my Punishment Paddle in his hand, in his other hand was a drink.  He walked over and sat in his chair and kit looked at me, with a mix of love, and what I fully knew by now was sternness, and strictness. "Now Richard, now that we are officially in our own house, I think we need to go over Daddy's rules for his little boy.  Now, for the most part you already know most of Daddy's rules and for the most part can follow them to Daddy's approval.  But I'm giving you this strict warning right now, now that we have the privacy of our own house, those rules will be enforced a lot more than they were before, this means Daddy will be keeping a closer eye on especially your attitude and behavior, whereas before we had to be careful when and where Daddy disciplined and or punished you, that is not the case any more young man.  1st off I am making one of the spar rooms into your little boy room, that means whichever room I choose to make your little boy room is where you will be spending time when and if you are naughty and need time away from Daddy.  Also, at the times where you've earned a prolonged punishment that is where you will be sleeping.  It will be your room, where you will spend quiet time complementing your behavior, or nursing a well spanked and punished bottom.  1st new rule and this will only affect you in the spring/summer/fall seasons, the front, side and back lawns are your responsibility, unless you are sick or unable to do them, you will be mowing the lawn, that will be your chore to do.  That means I should not have to remind you to do it, or ask you to do it more than once, if I do you can, may, and probably will end up doing it with a sore bottom, and once Daddy has the fence fixed and built to his ideas you may end up having to mow the lawn either bare bottomed, or naked, when Daddy has had to ask or remind you to do it more than once." "Second new rule, the pool, now Daddy won't be making you do the pool on your own as it is a big job, but I do expect you to lend a hand, that means offering to help with, or do the vacuuming, or any cleaning up around the pool.  If you use the pool when Daddy isn't home then it will be your job to keep the area clean, that means picking up after yourself and hanging up any wet towels or swim wear, not just leaving them lying in a heap wherever you take them off or use them.  If Daddy comes home and finds any wet clothing or towels lying around, you will be cleaning them up with a sore bare bottom, and Daddy will be watching you closely to make sure you do it properly without complaining....or you can and will be getting another spanking.  There will be no skinny dipping without Daddy's knowledge or permission, again if I come home and find you skinny dipping without permission, I will take you out of the pool and spank you right then and there, and you will lose all pool privileges for at least a week.” I sat there just listening to every word Daddy was saying wanting so badly to argue and backtalk him about the unfairness of these new rules, but the sight of the paddle sitting on the table in front of me quickly changed my mind about it. "Do you have any questions so far Rich?  Any comments to make about these new rules so far?" I just looked up at him and sort of shook my head slowly.  Max slowly got up and walked over to me sitting right next to me putting his arms around my shoulders looking at me. "Are you sure young man b/c that look on your face is telling me something completely different...care to come clean with Daddy and tell me the truth young man, b/c you know I have ways of getting the truth out of you, don't I?" Daddy picks up the paddle as his other hand slides down my back to grab and squeeze my bottom cheek. "It's just not fair Max.....I mean Daddy......Why can't I go skinny dippin when you're not here?.....Why do I need my own room....I'm not a child.......I mean...I......" My train of thought gets quickly derailed by Max's look on his face. "Care to try that again young man?  This time without the whining.  We've had this conversation before Richard, you know my thoughts on our whole situation and agreement, don't you?....As for calling me Max again......."     Daddy quickly pulls me down across his lap tugging my sweat shorts and undies down beginning to SPANK my bare bottom cheeks, not overly hard but more than hard enough to get my full attention and build a good sting and burn in my bare bottom cheeks. "You know Daddy's rule about calling him by his 1st name young man we have had this conversation before and if you insist on repeating the lesson Daddy is MORE than willing to repeat the lesson over your bare bottom cheeks." Daddy's hand rains down over my cheeks firmly, spanking every inch of my bare cheeks working down to my sit spots then down to my upper thighs then back up to my bare cheeks.  This spanking lasts well over 10 - 15 minutes leaving me in a crying, blubbering, sobbing mess. "Now young man am I going to have to repeat this lesson any time soon b/c I can easily fortify your lesson with that paddle right here young man." I'm bawling and crying by this time, I just shake my head no as Daddy helps me up off his lap and sits me on the couch again, this time on my sore, stinging, burning bare bottom cheeks.  He then goes back to sit in his recliner looking at me. "Now Richard there are going to be a lot of changes in our life now that we have our own home, as I said I will be keeping a closer eye on your behaviour, and attitude and will not hesitate to repeat that lesson several times a day if needed young man.  In fact, I think from now on, we are going to be having a talk just like this every Sunday after dinner, and if need be, you will be getting a rather strict and severe maintenance spanking if I see you need it.  Now, we've had a long and hard day today, I want you up to your room and straight to bed, no arguments, no back talk or this paddle can and will be used for a proper bed tome spanking young man.  Now up stairs.... Daddy just points up to the stairs towards the bedrooms, I quickly scurry up the stairs bare red well spanked bottom wobbling and shaking as I make my way up the stairs, heading to our room and throwing myself onto our bed crying into my pillow, the exhaustion from the days move, and my earlier spanking had zapped all the energy out of me so I quicky cried myself into a deep sleep. It takes a few weeks, almost into the middle of the next month before Daddy and I are fully settled into our new home and Dady has all of the changes and upgrades done, including my new "Little Boy” bedroom finished, the back yard fully fenced into the height that Daddy wishes, and us settled into more of our new and permanent roles.  Although I am not too keen on my new role, I do succeed in avoiding getting into a lot of trouble with Daddy over our first few weeks in our new home.  This doesn't mean I completely avoid getting my bae bottom spanked as Daddy keeps to his word keeping a very close eye on me and not letting me get away with any behaviour or attitude, he deems inappropriate of his little boy.  Unfortunately for me this avoidance of getting into trouble enough to get to the point of a full and proper spanking from Dady does not last, whereas my attitude and behaviour at home is watched closely, it is not the same of it away from home especially at work.  As I start to have a tendency to take my frustrations from my home life to my work thus making my productivity and overall attitude suffer, till one day it all comes to a head when I am called into my boss's office. "Richard sit down there are a few things we need to discuss....." I slowly sit looking up at the rather large man, much like Dady he towers over me in height and probably outweighs me by at least 100lbs. "Ummmm Yes Mack?......" "That's Mr. Trent to you Richard....I've been far too lenient with you lately and I've noticed your productivity and your attitude has suffered for it.....do you have anything to say for yourself?" "Ummmmm well I mean I....It's just......" My mid a maze of thoughts and answers I could give him but something deep in my body stops me from going off in a total tirade. "So, nothing....no excuses....no explanations?  Well, I'm going to give you a couple choices here Richard....1 either you smarten up and start doing your job or I can and will put you on at least a weeks' worth of suspension which means you will grab your stuff right now and head home, and you will not be permitted back onto the property for a week.  Or choice 2....I can deal with this situation here and now." I look up at him with a bit of fear and apprehension in my eyes, knowing full well that if I went home now and had to explain this to Daddy, I would guaranteed be grounded for the entire week I was off, and most likely feel at least my paddle if not Daddy's belt to my bare backside at least twice during my time home...that was IF I was luicky and Daddy didn't fully punish me. "Ummmmmm what is the other option Mr. Trent?" "Well Richard as you know I've spoken to Max before about this very situation about your lack of productivity, your attitude at work and he promised me I'd see a definite improvement from you.  Which I did for a while.... but ad you know over these past few weeks you've been slipping back into old habits, haven't you?  So, for your information I have yet again been speaking to Max, and he changed his instructions on how to deal with you in this situation." My mind immediately went back to the last time I had this very situation happen and the week of nightly bedtime spankings, the 3 rather severe talks with not only my Punishment Paddle, but Daddy's Belt.  My eyes immediately began to fill with tears at the memory. "Please Mr. Trent Please you can't tell Da.......Max....he'll be furious with me.....he'll......" I quickly clamp my lips together before I admit and tell my boss exactly how my Daddy would deal with me for this behaviour.       "He'll what Richard?.....spank your naughty little bare bottom?" I look up at him in shock unable to answer clearly, stammering for the right words. "Yes, Richard I know how Max....or should I say your Daddy deals with his naughty little boy  I've known for quite some time little boy.  You get your little pants and undies pulled down and you go over your Daddy's lap for a good long spanking on your bare little bum, and that’s IF he doesn't decide to paddle your bottom, or take his belt to your bottom...or any other implement he sees fit to properly punish you.  So you have a choice...either you can go home right now and try to explain this to him.  Or you can be dealt with by me, right here...right now....?  What is your choice Richard?...." I look up at in in fear, knowing how angry, and worse disapointed Daddy will be of me for this behaviour, but also not wanting to be punished right here and now at work in case any of my co-workers hear me. "Please Sir....Please you can't do that...not here....not now......the others will hear it....or worse see it....." "You should have thought about that before young man, and believe me they all know how you've been acting lately young man....and for your information I CAN do this I've gotten your Daddy's FULL permission to deal with you as I see fit.  Now, what is your choice, and I would make it fast before I make it for you...and belive me you will NOT like it if I have to choose for you." My heart is racing in my chest, my stomach is doing flip flops and knotting up with worry and fright.  Looking up at Mr. Trent, then at the door thinking maybe if I make a run for it.  Finally, I make a decision. Slowly looking up at him I speak with a broken worried voice. "Please Sir.....please don't tell Daddy...I'll do what you wish....Please......" A slight smile appears across his face only to be replaced by an all too famillure look of sternness and strictness I have seen across Daddy's face all too many times. "Richard....get back to work...I want you to back in this office at 5pm..NO later....then we WILL discuss this situation properly." I just look up at him and nod then slink quietly out of his office too scared to say anything that may make my situation worse, or make him decide to act on it earlier than 5pm, after all the other employees have left.  The remainder of the day seems to drag on as I keep a close eye on the clock not wanting to see 5pm come any faster.  But, finally 5pm comes along and all the other employees quickly leave, leaving me sitting there at my desk scared and very apprehensive, until I hear the booming voice of Mr. Trent calling me to his office. "Richard get in here right now young man.....and I would not stall if you know what is good for you young man." I hurriedly rush into his office as he closes the door behind us landing his hand across my pant suit clad bottom making me jump and yelp at the sudden sting to my backside.           "Now Richard nose in that corner hands on your head and wait for me to call you out young man, and I do not want to see any movement from you or hear any sound from you while in the corner. You will think about what got you in this situation in the 1st place." I hurriedly go to the corner after feeling yet another sharp stinging slap to my bottom from his large strong hand.  Unknown to me this whole time Mr. Trent was already talking to Daddy and had him on speakerphone so Daddy could hear everything that was said and exactly how I answered and replied, and if I did as I was told and minded Mr. Trent.  After about ½ hour standing in the corner I heard Mr. Trent walk back into his office and then some movement I could only gather was the sounds of him moving a chair to the middle of the room. "Richard come here little boy...." I slowly came out of the corner and turned to see Mr. Trent sitting on a rather old fashioned and antique looking high backed armless chair, I slowly walked over to him and stood there hands on my head eyes downcast staring at the floor. "Now Richard, you know you have been a very naughty little boy lately haven't you...and you know what happens to naughty little boys...don't you little boy?" As Mr. Trent is talking I can feel his hands on the front of my dress pants unbuttoning the button and unzipping the fly opening my pants and tugging them down to my ankles.  Instinctively I step out of my pants feeling the cool air of the Office on my bare legs, thinking thankfully my dress shirt is long enough to cover my more little boy style and printed undies Daddy has had me wearing lately.  Mr. Trent picks up my pants and folds them neaty placing them on his desk right beside the rather sinister looking old fashioned solid oak tear drop shaped hairbush sitting on his desk. "Now Richard I intend to give you a proper lesson little boy, I am not going to go soft on you as I know your Daddy does not go soft on you when you are naughty like this with him does, he?" I look up at him and shake my head slowly not really wanting to answer him, to which I feel a SHARP STINGING SLAP to my brief clad bum making me yelp and jump. "You KNOW better than to not answer properly little boy you know how to use your words now how about you try that again little boy before your spanking gets quite a bit worse...." "Owwwwwwwww Sirrrrrrr Nooooo Sirrrrr he does notttttt Owwweeeeeeee." "Alright Richard over my lap right now....let's not waist any more time and get down to teaching this naughty little boy a proper lesson."   With that Mr. Trent easily pulls me right up over his lap trapping my legs down between his and trapping my wrists down across my lower back so I can't kick or squirm away from my punishment.  As he secures me over his lap his hand begins to rain down over my brief clad bum, spanking up n down my cheeks focusing on my lower cheeks and sit spots, with a few sharper smacks impacting over my bare exposed upper thighs just under the leg elastics of my briefs which only make me yelp and shriek louder as the burn and sting grows over my entire bum cheeks. "You have been nothing but a naughty little boy these past few weeks Richard...not getting your work done, arguing with your co-workers, taking longer than allowed lunch breaks then having very faulty excuses for your lateness....well that behaviour ends today little boy, from now on if you act like you've been acting, I will NOT hesitate to properly punish this naughty backside of yours." Mr. Trent's hand spanks down hard and fast over my brief clad bottom turning my cheeks underneath a deep shade for red.  He then pulls the leg elastics of my briefs up into my bum crack to expose my bare red cheeks giving them 25 good hard sharp smacks to each bare cheek sending me into fits of screams and yelps.  This initial spanking lasts well over 25 – 30 mins of unyielding, unstopping smacks and slaps of his hand to my poor well punished cheeks.  He then stands me up and spank walks me back to the corner placing my hands on my head, my nose in the corner and bending me a bit so my bottom is pushed out slightly.  I stand there again for well over ½ hour sobbing and blubbering as my cheeks burn and sting underneath my tight boy briefs.  Unknown to me Mr Trent and Daddy have a long talk while I am in the corner, Daddy giving Mr. Trent tips and pointers on how to properly get through to me, so I truly learn from my behaviours.  After the ½ hour is done Mr. Trent calls me back out, I slowly walk to him as he's sitting on the chair with the hairbrush in his hand patting his lap. "Come here Richard...time for your true punishment spanking little boy.....the one only truly naughty little boys earn...a proper hairbrush spanking on your little bare bum cheeks....now over my lap no arguing or back talk or this can and will get a whole lot worse for you...." I slowly drape myself over his lap and before I can react I feel his finger hook into the back of my briefs and tug the back of them right down below my bare red cheeks completely baring them to him, then again before I can react I feel the sharp sting and burn of the back of the solid oak hard hairbrush impacting my bare cheeks, peppering my cheeks all over not leaving a single inch of my cheeks un touched by the brush.  This hair brushing sends me into fits of cries, sobs and blubbers almost immediately.  Mr. Trent holds nothing back SMACKING and SPANKING my bare cheeks HARD and FAST ALL over my cheeks.  Before I know it I'm a bawling blubbering naughty little boy mess over his lap.  I then feel him tug my briefs right down to my ankles and off completely exposing me from the waist down as the brush rains down over my lower cheeks, sit spots, undercurves, and upper thighs, leaving the entire area deep crimson red and slightly bruised all over the place.  By the time Mr. Trent is finished I am a bawling and blubbering mess, laying there limp over his lap sobbing, crying, blubbering like a properly punished little boy over his angry Daddy's lap.  Mr. Trent stands me up and walks me back to the corner placing my hands back on my head and my nose firmly into the corner and my now deeply crimson, swollen and well punished bare bum cheeks pushed out and on full display. "Now little boy you will stay there in that corer till I call you out then we can discuss this behavour and how you can avoid another session like this or worse in the future." I stood there sobbing and bawling in the corner for well over ½ hour - 45 minutes before I felt Mr. Trent's hand on my shoulder escorting me back out of the corner and back over to the chair where he sat down and made me kneel on the floor in front of him. "Now Richard I have been speaking to your Daddy this whole time, and he informs me that after a good proper punishment spanking you are usually instructed to thank him for your punishment, is this true little boy?" I look up at him and just slowly nod my head in agreement, barely able to speak from being horse from crying. "Yes Sir....he does......." "Mmmmm good boy.....you are learning....well...I think you should thank me for your punishment little boy...for tsking time out of my busy day to properly discipline and punish such a naughty little boy.  Now you know what you are expected to do little boy...I suggest you get to it.  And don't worry Richard your Daddy has my full permission to have you thank me...Don't I Max? I LOOK up at Sir and hear over the speaker from the phone Daddy's voice. "Yes, Richard that is right young man I am NOT pleased with you whatsoever little boy and you and I WILL be having a talk about this when you get home.... but YES, I do give your Uncle Mack my full permission to have you thank him for your punishment.  But then once you are done, I expect you home...b/c we are going to have a LONG talk you and I.  Mack I'll leave you to finish with my boy, but then I want him straight home it seems we have a LOT to discuss he and I." "Yes of course Max, we'll talk again later, have yourself a great night, I will have your boy home soon." With that Mr. Trent presses the button to end the call and looks down at me. "Well boy you have some work to do little boy...get to it...." I slowly and timidly reach up and unbutton the top button of his suit pants, zipping down the zipper and opening the front of his pants, revealing his rather thick, long, large cock just barely peeking out from behind the opening of his boxers.  I gently and lowly reach in and free his cock seeing for the 1st time just how big and thick he truly is, gently beginning to stroke up n down the shaft from the tip to the base stroking slowly with my hand.  Mr. Trent leaned back in his chair moaning as I stroked my hand up and down the length of his shaft slowly.  He looked down at me with somewhat of a smile but still a very stern look on both s face as he spoke. “Richard you know what to do little boy to properly please Sir, or do I need to take you back across my lap for more of the brush, and if I do believe me your Daddy will hear about how you didn’t please me to the fullest and I will be putting in a request to your Daddy that you are properly punished for that on top of your what ever punishment he has in-store for you already.” “Nooooo please Sirrr I’ll be a good boy please don’t tell Daddy that….” I quickly lowered my head and took all of Mr. Trent’s big, thick, long, erect cock in my mouth and began to lick, suck, slurp, and kiss up and down the entire length of his shaft, from the tip of his head down to the base, sucking, slurping, licking slowly but steadily, my head bobbing up and down on his crotch, my bare, red, deeply swollen and hair-brushed bottom cheeks pushed up and out stretching my cheeks wide open for Mr. Trent’s enjoyment, pleasure, view, and attention.  Even before I can completely get down to properly pleasing Mr. Trent I feel his large, strong calloused hand SLAP and SMACK down HARD over each of my swollen bare cheeks as he spoke. “That is NOT up to you is it little boy. *SMACK SMACK* That is up to the adult taking care of you isn’t it little boy!?!?  *SMACK SMACK* “Owwweeeeee owwweeeeee owwweeeeee Yessss Sirrrrr it isssss” Mr. Trent’s hand continued to rain down over my bare cheeks as I yelped, but some how continued to work up and down on his now throbbing rock hard cock.  After about 2 – 3 minutes of pure hand spankings Mr. Trent finally leaned back allowing me to pleasure him fully. After yet another 2 – 5 minutes he pushed me off his cock and turned me around releasing all of his juices up and down my bare well spanked cheeks coating them completely, he then rubbed his sticky, warm juices up n down over my cheeks then taking me up over his lap again and raining down his hand full strength down over my now damp, sticky cheeks turning them a DEEP crimson colour all over from my upper cheeks, down to my lower cheeks, sit spots, and upper thighs, leaving me a bawling, blubbering, crying mess of a well punished naughty little boy. “Now boy get up, get dressed and I’d suggest you get home as fast as you can little boy bc I know you have a LONG talk with your Daddy waiting for you when you get home, and I’d consider yourself very lucky I don’t keep you here longer bc if I could you’d be feeling a LONG  dose of my paddle, and my belt little boy, and I’d send you home a truly well punished little boy.” “Yes Sir…..” I slowly stand up off of Mr. Trent’s lap, my bare backside cheeks throbbing, stinging, burning, and definitely swollen, and somewhat bruised in some places.  I slowly and awkwardly get myself dressed wincing n yelping as I carefully pull my tight little boy printed undies up over my very much swollen cheeks, then get myself dressed the rest of the way slowly and awkwardly walking out of Mr. Trent’s office and out the door towards my car.  As I get in and sit down I yelp and whimper as my slightly tight dress pants and definitely tight briefs squeeze my swollen cheeks tightly, making the ride home that much more difficult, not to mention the thoughts going through my mind as to what Daddy has in store for me, knowing it is not going to be good at all.  I finally pull onto the driveway and shut off the car looking up at the house, thoughts of just re-starting the car and driving away to somewhere, where I won’t have to worry about being held accountable for my behaviour and attitude lately.  I feel myself re-starting the car and pulling out of the driveway and driving aimlessly down the road not even sure where to go, or if even to stop driving till I have to.  As I’m driving I hear and see my phone going off not only text messages but phone calls all from Max, and the messages each going from questioning to concern, then to anger.  I know deep down I’m only getting myself into worse and worse trouble, but for some reason I don’t turn back and drive home to face the music, instead I drive to the outskirts of town to a seedy (sometimes all Gay) dive bar where Max and I sometimes come when we need some time away from all the stress and headaches from living and working in the same town we grew up in.  I finally stop the car and get out heading into the bar, looking around and not seeing anybody I know or knows me I just sit at the bar and order a drink.  The only person that remotely knows me or Max is the young Bartender Dave behind the bar. “Hey Rich, where’s Max, you 2 are usually here together?” “Yeah I know, he’s umm busy with work and I didn’t want to bother him, so I came out here.” “Ahhh nice of you, anything going on between the 2 of you, you want to talk about?” “Naw thanks though Dave, if I think of anything I’ll tell ya.” I was at the bar for quite some time and yet I still ignored several calls from Daddy and several now quite angry texts.  It was getting quite late and I was getting rather inebriated by this time so I didn’t pay much attention when the phone in the bar rang.  It was Daddy looking for me, and of course David not knowing what was going on basically ratted me out, telling Daddy I was actually here the whole time, which of course only infuriated Daddy more.  Unknown to me Daddy told David to take me to the back room with him and if I gave him any issues or problems Daddy gave him full permission to deal with me as he saw fit, even if that meant a full and proper bare bottom spanking, which both Daddy and I knew full well David was more than up for and able to enforce.  With out me knowing David had asked his fellow bartender to take over for him that he would be busy for a bit in the back.  After doing this David walked out from behind the bar and over to me standing behind me looking not very impressed by this news that I had all but lied to him. “Richard…Stand up….you’re coming with me right now….” “Huh…but….why… David?  I mean….” David leans down and whispers in my ear. “Now little boy, unless you want me to have a talk with you right here out in the front of the bar, in front of everybody.” I feel David’s hand patting my already tender and still rather sore bottom through my tight dress pants, as he stands me up off the bar stool rather abruptly.  He walks me to the back Office of the bar where unfortunately I’ve already been several times when I’ve acted out while Daddy Max and I were here, and the few times David, or the other Bartenders and I “Hooked Up” before Daddy Max and I really got serious into our relationship.  As soon as we got into the office David closed the door and spun me around landing his hand down HARD and SHARPLY across my clothed backside making me jump and yelp loudly, thankfully the Office was far enough away from the main bar that nobody could hear the smack or hear my yelp.  David then turned me back around, so I was facing him and I saw a very angry, very irritated, very disappointed look on his face. “What is the meaning of this Richard…bold faced lying to me….Max is not busy with work, you did not just come here to give him space.  You’ve been dodging him, trying to avoid him…and all b/c you KNOW just how DEEP of trouble you are in with him….well little boy you can and HAVE just added a LOT more trouble to your situation, b/c Max and I already talked and he is on his way to come pick you up, but before that he gave me his full permission and blessing to deal with you as I see fit.  So I want your pants and underwear OFF, and you bent over that desk by the time I count to 3 or you WILL be in a LOT more trouble with ME than your little backside can handle.  I am deeply and completely disappointed in you Richard…lying to me….getting drunk….1……” Hearing his tone of voice and the words he was using quickly pushed me almost to the verge of real genuine tears, as I knew how much I had disappointed him, disrespected him…and worse disappointed and disrespected Daddy to this serious of an extent.  My hands shook as I unbuttoned my slacks and unzipped my fly letting my dress slacks fall down around my ankles, stepping out of them.  As soon as they were down I felt David’s strong hand turn me around and bend me right over the desk holding me down by the small of my back with one hand as his other hand SMACKED, SLAPPED, and SPANKED down across my tight briefs HARD and fast. “It looks like one little boy has already gotten a full and proper spanking on his naughty bottom young man…I can see the redness almost through your undies, and definitely here under your leg elastics.” His hand SLAPPED down HARD across those spots just under my leg elastics sending wave after wave of searing, stinging, burning pain radiating up through my backside from each HARD SMACK of David’s hand.  Then to my horror I heard his belt being unbuckled and being pulled out of the loops, then his finger into the waist band of my briefs tugging them right down to my ankles and off leaving me bare from the waist down except for my shoes and socks.  I then felt the searing burning, stinging heat from the rapid-fire impacts of his belt to my now bare backside cheeks as it rained down in RAPID succession. “I CANNOT believe you Richard…after ALL that Max has done for you….taking you in, taking you under his wing, showing you NOTHING but love and respect…and THIS is how you thank him???  You should be ASHAMED of yourself.  I can GUARANTEE that this belting is going to PALE in comparison to what Max has in-store for you when he gets you home little boy.  If I were your Daddy you’d be grounded for a MONTH at LEAST, and be getting WEEKLY PUNISHMENT spankings if not more little boy.  You’ve been NOTHING but a DISOBEDIANT, DISRESPECTFUL, NAUGHTY little boy.  You MORE than deserve EVERYTHING Max has instore for you and MORE.” I’m laying there bent over the desk bawling, crying, blubbering, shaking as David’s words and tone almost hurt more than the rapid-fire belting he is applying to my bare backside, leaving DEEP ANGRY red, almost crimson belt lines and marks across my cheeks.  After what seems to be an eternity, which is only really 2 – 5 minutes of PURE belt spankings and a LOT of lecturing and scolding from David, he stands me up and walks me to the corner of the Office placing my nose in the corner and my hands on my head, kicking my legs out shoulder width apart.             “You will stay right here little boy till your Daddy comes to pick you up, and I CAN see you from the bar so I CAN and WILL see if these hands move off your head or you move out of this corner, and if you do before Daddy gets here I’ll be right back in here giving you another session with my belt am I clear little boy?”             I’m just bawling and crying as I nod, unable to verbally answer him through my cries.  I hear him walk out of the office and back to the main Bar, leaving me blubbering, bawling, crying, sobbing, and shaking in the corner.  About 10 – 15 minutes later Daddy Max walks into the bar seeing David behind the bar they exchange knowing glances as Max sits at the bar and orders himself a drink.             “How are you doing Dave?  Did you get that job done I asked about?             “Not too bad Max, oh yes, it’s dealt with, if you want to see the results it’s still in the Office back there, you can go and check it out if you wish?”             “No that’s O.K. not right now maybe in a bit, I think I need a drink 1st.”             “Not a problem, the usual?”             “You got it, thanks Dave.”             Max and Dave just made small talk as Max finished his drink, keeping a close eye on the far area of the bar where the door to the Office was.             “Dave?  You mind if I go check out that job, I needed done for me?”             “Sure Max, here’s the key, just lock up once you’re done and bring the key back please.”             “No problem, thanks Dave.”             With that Max got up taking the key off the bar and heading back to the Office, unlocking the door and stepping in, closing the door behind him.  Not daring to move or break position I only hear the opening and closing of the Office door than the footsteps walking up behind me.  Only then did I feel the SHARPP pinch and twist of my ear as Daddy grabbed and twisted it HARD.             “What on earth do you think you doing OR thinking Richard Michael, not only are you in DEEP trouble for your behaviour, actions, and attitude at work but then you decide to pull something like THIS…..I texted you and called you repeatedly…and you just IGNORED me???  You are BEYOND in trouble little boy….you re officially grounded until further notice, that means you go NOWHERE with out me except to work, then straight home.”             The entire time Daddy is lecturing and scolding me his large, strong, calloused hand is SMACKING down across my bare cheeks which are already DEEPLY crimson, swollen and definitely bruised in some places from the repeated punishment they have received over the past few hours, from Mr. Trent’s hand and hairbrush, to David’s hand and belt, and now Daddy’s hand.             “I cannot believe you little boy…being THIS disobedient, disrespectful, I have NOT taught you to be like this HAVE I???”             Daddy takes me over to the couch, sits down and takes me right over his lap RAINING his hand down HARD and FAST all over my bare cheeks not leaving a single inch of my cheeks unspanked.  I can tell just by the force behind his spanks that my punishment is and will be FAR from over.             “Richard I am DONE being nice little boy…from now on if you earn or deserve a spanking you WILL be getting a FULL and PROPER spanking, NO more fooling around with you, you wanted and needed a Strict and Stern Daddy well that is EXACTLY what you are going to get from now on.  Now once I’m done I want you dressed and out of the office and meet me in the Bar, you WILL apologize to Uncle David properly before we leave or so help me I’ll bare your backside again and strap your bare backside raw with my belt out in the middle of the bar with EVERYBODY watching.”             I’m just laying over Daddy’s lap half naked except for my shoes and socks, bawling, blubbering, crying, like a well punished naughty little boy I am.  Daddy stands me up landing a SHARP, HARD SMACK to my bare cheeks as he heads back out of the Office leaving me standing there bawling and blubbering.  As Daddy is walking out he turns back to me LOOKING me in the eyes.             “You have 3 minutes little boy to be out of this office dressed and back over to me or so help me I’ll come back here and drag you out by your ear and the STRAP your bare backside with everybody watching.”             I quickly and awkwardly get dressed sobbing and bawling as my tight briefs only squeeze and hold in the pain, sting, and burn from my punishments, then my dress pants only squeeze my bottom more making it almost impossible for me to do much of anything, and that includes walking out of the office and over to Daddy’s side.             “Well, you have something to say to Uncle David?”             “Yes…..Daddyyyy….I’m sorry…Uncle…David…..for my…behaviour……”             Dave just looks at me and nods his head silently, but I can tell by the look in his eyes he is still NOT pleased with me, and if I even thought of pressing the issue I’d be in DEEP trouble, and probably standing completely naked getting his and or Daddy’s belt applied to my bare backside yet again.  Daddy just pays the tab and firmly takes me by the hand walking me out of the Bar and towards my car.             “Richard Straight home NO detours, no stops of ANY kind you are already in enough trouble as it is little boy I warn you right now you do NOT want to press me any further young man, or I promise you, you will find it VERY difficult to sit at all for the next few days if not longer.  You and I are STILL going to be having a LONG talk when we get home, but I haven’t decided if it’s going to be in the house….or out in the shed young man…and for your sake I’d hope I decide to keep it in the house.”             With that Daddy lands his hand down across my backside HARD again all but ushering me into my car.  He then goes to his car and we both drive home, although my drive home is FAR more difficult than his b/c of the condition of my bottom cheeks inside my briefs and suit pants.  As we pull into the driveway and shut off our cars and get out Daddy just points to the front door without saying a word, I hurriedly head to the door unlocking it and going in the house, but something stops me dead in my tracks as I enter the house and stand in the front room.  Something is stopping me from making a bolt to my room and hiding, I just stand there waiting for Daddy to het in the house, my mind racing , knowing I am in beyond deep trouble, and any misbehaviour could and probably be the difference between a punishment indoors in the house and being brought out to the shed for either Daddy’s thick, wide, heavy strap, or my worst fear…having to cut switches to be used across my bottom.  Daddy enters the house closing an locking the door looking at me nowhere near pleased.             “Richard Michael, I want you upstairs in your room…every last stich of clothing except your underwear OFF, you are to have your nose in that corner, your hands on your head, bottom bent and pushed out and legs spread, you will stay in that position till I come up to deal with you, and I warn you right now little boy, and I DO EMPHASIZE little boy, if I catch you not in position, or not properly dressed your punishment WILL get a LOT worse.”             With that Daddy’s hand SMACKS down across my bottom HARD sending me yelping and scurrying up the stairs to my room, knowing he means my little boy room, and not our bedroom, knowing in the back of my mind that at least for the next little while I will not be the 21 year old adult, but a naughty well punished little boy in Daddy’s eyes. It was well over ½ hour – 45 minutes before I heard the all too familiar footsteps of Daddy walking up the stairs and into my room.  I just stood there quietly, standing there nose in the corner, hands on my head, partially bent at the waist bottom slightly pushed out.  I heard some movement behind me, the all too well-known sound of the large antique, old fashioned armless, high backed chair Daddy all so accurately coined as his “Spanking Chair” being dragged into the middle of the room. “Richard come here right now…..” I slowly turned keeping my hands on my head and my eyes glued to the carpet under my feet not daring to look up, b/c I knew I’d come face to face and eye to eye with a very disappointed and angry Daddy.  I slowly walked to Daddy standing there before him as I felt his large, strong hand grip my chin and raise my head and face so we came eye to eye, which only confirmed my worst fears, which were Daddy’s eyes glaring back at me and almost through me, and the look of total and utter disappointment and disapproval of my behaviors, and actions as of late. ‘You know I am beyond disappointed in you Richard Michael Burleau (now we weren’t officially married yet, but us living together for so long we might as well have been, but I had still not taken his last nae as mine yet, so him using my full name with his last name only made things a LOT worse for me inside b/c I KNEW how disappointed he was with me)  Not only have you been acting out at work, but then you pull what you did to me, going to the bar with out me, with out my permission, ignoring my calls and my texts?  Be very glad little boy that Daddy has had a little time to calm down or I guarantee you this you wouldn’t be standing in your room in your undies, you’d be completely naked outside in the shed getting the WORST punishment I could give you little boy.  THAT is how upset, disappointed, and angry I am with you.  That I would have not only given you a full switching, but a FULL and PROPER Strapping with Daddy’s thick, wide leather strap, and I guarantee you, you would NOT be sitting any time soon after it little boy.  BUT I will tell you this little boy you are in for a LONG weekend of punishment, and it’s going to start right now.” With that Daddy pulled me up over his lap, trapped my hands by my wrists to the small of my back, and then trapped my legs down between them, securing me tightly, with NO chance of escape or avoidance of what ever punishment he deemed necessary to apply to my already well punished and deeply reddened, and somewhat bruised bottom cheeks.  After trapping me securely over his lap, his hand just began to RAIN down across my thin, tight underwear clad bottom sending my cheeks wobbling and rippling outwards from each SMACK.  Unlike usual he immediately started to focus right over my sit spots and lower cheeks where my bottom and upper thighs met, where I was already the worst and most punished, and thus the DEEPEST of reddish almost crimson.  I immediately began to bawl and sob as his hand RAINED down across my cheeks.  This hand spanking lasted well over 15 – 20 mins if pure non-stop hand spanking all over my cheeks, Daddy didn’t focus on any single area of my cheeks except for a good 5 minutes of pure full force SMACKS over the area just under my leg elastics.  Finally, after what had seemed an eternity Daddy finally stood me up, taking a firm grip of my ear and walking me to the corner of my room SPANK marching me to the corner. “Richard you are going to stand here in this corner till Daddy comes back up to your room, then Daddy is going to give you a FULL and PREOPER session with the hairbrush, now Daddy hasn’t decided if it will be bar or over your undies still, but that will depend on IF you can mind Daddy and do as you are told.” Daddy then gives my cheeks a HARD SMACK as he walks out of the room leaving me crying, bawling, blubbering in the corner, my entire bottom area now a DEEP red almost crimson, with several very visible bruises forming from the combination of all the punishment I have received so far today, which even in my experience living with a STRICT and STERN no-nonsense Daddy is a lot.  My corner time lasts well over 1 ½ hour of me standing there trying desperately to behave but getting very bored and very sore from standing there for so long.  I then hear Daddy’s foo steps coming up the stairs and into my room as I hear him pulling the “Spanking” chair out to the middle of the room and sitting down. “Richard come here little boy…..and I would recommend you do not dawdle.” I quickly but awkwardly walk to Daddy with my head and eyes downcast, as I get to Daddy, I feel his now somewhat gentle but still firm grip on my arm pulling me in front of him then his hand under my chin gently raising my face, so our eyes meet. “Richard, you know Daddy loves you dearly, don’t you?  I take absolutely no pleasure or gratification from having to discipline, and punish you like this, this severely, this much, but your behaviour and attitude lately at work, then what you pulled earlier this afternoon, not answering Daddy’s calls, texts, all but ignoring Daddy, taking off on Daddy when you knew you were already in trouble, that kind of behaviour will not be accepted, or tolerated and you know that.” As Daddy is talking, he gently, yet firmly pulls me down over his lap, again pinning both my wrists to my lower back and trapping my legs down between his, locking me down there completely immobile.  In the pit of my stomach feelings of utter worry, dread, fear, and disappointment fill my whole body knowing in this position Daddy has complete and total control over me, and I have absolutely no chance of escape or avoidance of any punishment Daddy sees fit to inflict across my already swollen, crimson, and quite well bruised cheeks.  With out another word Daddy picks up the rather large, oval, tear drop shaped, ivory backed hairbrush and begins to apply it all but full force down across my somewhat thankfully still underwear clad bottom cheeks.  Daddy doesn’t hold back landing down HARD SMACK after HARD SMACK all over my cheeks not focusing on any specific part or portion of my backside.  Sending me into a tirade of screams, cries, howls, fits of bawling and crying heavily.  It is almost a full 5 – 10 mins before Daddy finally puts the brush down, then I feel his finger slide into the waist band of my undies and tug them right down and off.  Then with out a word or warning I feel the full force, full strength impact of his hand to my now bare cheeks.  This hand spanking again lasts well over 5 – 10 minutes of pure spanking, not leaving a single inch of my bare cheeks, undercurves, sit spots, and upper thighs untouched by his hand.  Then as suddenly as the spanking started it ended, leaving me a bawling, blubbering, crying mess over his lap.  Daddy’s hand just rested on the small of my back as his other hand gently rubbed up and down over my back as I bawled and cried heavily.  After a good 10 – 15 minutes of rubbing my back Daddy stood me up and walked me back to the corner, placing my hands on my head and my nose in the corner. “Richard you will stand here till Daddy comes up to get you, then Daddy will be discussing and outlining the remainder of your punishment for at least the remainder of this weekend.” With that I felt Daddy’s hand SLAP each of my cheeks HARD, sending me into renewed tears, sobbing, bawling, and crying.  More so not from the actual intense burning, stinging pain in my bottom cheeks but heavy weight on my chest and heart knowing just how much I truly disappointed and disrespected Daddy with how I have been acting as of lately.  After well over 45 mins in the corner I hear Daddy’s footsteps behind me, then his hand on my shoulder turning me to face him, I instantly throw my arms around him and hug him tight as I can, which isn’t very tight at all b/c I’m not very strong, and I have very little strength left in me from the past day of being punished several times by not only Daddy but my Mr. Trent, and David from the bar.  I just cling to him tight bawling renewed tears into his big, broad, muscular chest as he holds me close rubbing my back.  We stand there in each other’s embrace for a good 10 – 15 minutes as Daddy’s hand rubs my back consolingly and my bare cheeks feeling the intense heat radiating from it and feeling the definite ridges and swollen bruises that mark my bottom.  Daddy walks me out of my room and down the stairs to the living room still completely naked, sitting me in the couch.  I jump up grabbing my cheeks and rubbing them furiously wit my hands, Daddy just looks up at me, moving my hands away from my backside and giving each cheek a SHARP, HARD SLAP. “1st off young man sit down….you know not to be standing up when Daddy sits you down for a talk, I know your bottom is very sore but you’re going to have to deal with the pain in your bottom for quite some time I’m afraid.  You know your behaviour, attitude, and choice of words and actions lately have been far from less than appropriate.  Daddy has unfortunately let you slide on far too many things Richard, well that is ending today, from now on any and all behaviours I deem unacceptable will be dealt with immediately.  As for Mr. Trent, I’ve decided to allow him to deal with you however, and whenever he deems fit when you decide to act up at work like you have been doing lately, and I’ll tell you this right now Richard, if and when I hear that Mr. Trent has had to deal with you for behaviour at work, you’ll be getting the same if not  a lot more at home from me, and believe me little boy, Mr. Trent and Daddy WILL be keeping in touch on at least a daily basis.  As for David at the bar, from this point forward, unless Daddy gives you permission, or you are with Daddy, you are not to be at the bar alone.  If David, or Daddy finds you at the bar alone he will 1st ask you if I’ve given you permission to be there by yourself, then he will be calling me directly, and if you try to lie to him that I did give you permission when I haven’t he has my FILL permission to deal with you as he sees fit, and believe me little boy if and when that happens you will be in SERUOIUS trouble here at home and you WILL be dealt with when I come get you and again when we get home. Now as for how Daddy is going to be dealing with you here at home this weekend, 1st of all you are GROUNDED, that means NO tv, NO videogames, NO computer unless I tell you differently, and that starts NOW and will continue till Daddy says so.  Starting tonight you will be getting bed time spankings every night for a week, and the severity of those spankings will depend strictly on you Richard, you behave, do as you are told, don’t back talk Daddy, and get your chores done without argument or whining, then they will be a lot less, but if you don’t do any of those things I can guarantee you WILL be sleeping on your tummy for the foreseeable future.  Again, this is COMPLETELY up to you Richard.” I just sit there bawling looking down and away not wanting to say anything wrong I just nod my agreement to Daddy’s words, unfortunately at this moment that is not a very good idea as Daddy just shakes his head pulling me back down over his lap and raining his hand down over my already severely spanked bare cheeks, not skipping a beat or missing a single inch of my bare cheeks spanking me from the top-most areas of my cheeks down to my lower cheeks, sit spots, undercurves and upper thighs, this spanking sends me into another flurry of full blown tears, crying, bawling, sobbing, but laying still and defeated over Daddy’s lap my entire bare bottom cheek area DEEPLY reddened, turned almost crimson.  As fast as my spanking started it ended as Daddy stood me up in front of him LOOKING me in the eyes with a mixture of disappointment, and anger in his eyes. “Richard you know how to use your words and when Daddy is talking to you he expects you to answer him verbally, bot just by nodding, or shrugging young man….that is why you just got yet another spanking.  Now, back up stairs to your little boy room and straight to bed, naughty little boys who misbehave get early bed times, and your curfew for further notice will be 8pm NO later, and that means you are in your room, in your pajamas and in bed by 8pm NO later, and if you are caught up for any other reason but having to go to the bathroom or you need Daddy b/c you’re sick, then you will be put back to bed after a good long spanking on your bare bum over Daddy’s lap.  Now scoot little boy before Daddy decides to give you a proper bedtime spanking.” With that I hurriedly run up the stairs crying and just throw myself onto my bed bawling into my pillow.  It didn’t take me long to fall into a deep sleep as I quickly cried myself to sleep, mostly from the weight on my chest and heart for disappointing Daddy as much as I had in the past few days/weeks. I was abruptly awoken early the next day by the feel of Daddy’s hard, strong, large, calloused hand SLAPPING and SPANKING down across my bare cheeks in rapid succession. “Richard Wake up, How, many times do I have to call you to wake you up boy, you know Daddy should only have to call you once to wake you up Richard. Now get up you have a day full of doing chores, and we have to go do some shopping and I am not leaving you home alone.” I’m squirming and kicking trying to avoid Daddy’s hand to my bare bottom to no avail as it rains down expertly over my twisting, turning, and squirming bottom cheeks re-reddening it from yesterday, and last night’s spankings.  I quickly end up being able to get up and onto my feet standing before Daddy, my head and eyes downcast and full of renewed tears. “I’m uppppp Dadddyyyyyy I’m upppppp Please not more spankings…Please…..” I dare not put my hands back to cover, protect, or rub my cheeks as I know all too well that, that would only end me up over Daddy’s lap, or worse back down on my bed, on my back with my legs held up for what was probably my worst spankings in the diaper position. “Alright get dressed you have 5 minutes to be downstairs with your bed made and dressed ready for breakfast before your chores, and IF I have to come back up here you will NOT be happy whatsoever young man.” With that Daddy reached behind me and SLAPPED my bare cheeks HARD, then walked out of my room.  I just stood there yelping and whining, looking down n away…..then slowly getting dressed….but bring mindful of the time.  I slowly walk down to the kitchen/dining room, seeing Daddy sitting in his chair and the all too familiar large round headed wooden spoon sitting beside Daddy’s spot at the dining room table as he sits there eyeing me not too please over the morning’s paper. “Your breakfast is in the oven Richard I’d suggest to get to eating before you start your chores for today, and believe me you will be busy all day with them, I have some work to do in my Den, I want you to come to me once you are done each chore, and I will decide of you are finished it properly or not, and I’ll give you this warning right now you had better be finished it to my standards or you may end up doing your remaining chores with a bare well spanked bottom.  Once I’m done in my Den, we will be going shopping and you had better be at least done a few of your chores by that time or you will be a very sorry and sore little boy for the car ride. Do I make myself clear on all of that Richard Michael?....b/c I can very easily go back over it with the wooden spoon…..’ I just look down n away and nod my head in agreement…barely able to speak, basically just in a whisper. ‘Yes…Daddy….you’re clear……please not the spoon Daddy…I’ll be a good boy…..I promise…..” I slowly go to the oven and grab my breakfast from it which consists of a couple eggs, Daddy’s homemade sausages, some bacon and some toast.  I slowly sit on the chair, realizing the once plush thick fluffy seat cover has been removed from my chair and only the hard flat wooden seat of the chair is left, making it very uncomfortable for me to sit on my well spanked bottom.  I sit down carefully yelping when my bottom hits the flat seat, but I remain seated as I know if I stood up that would only potentially earn me a trip across Daddy’s lap.  I sit there squirming very uncomfortably trying to eat my breakfast, occasionally looking over at Daddy seeing his ever-growing look of disappointment in me. “Richard sit still young man I don’t care if your bottom is sore, you earned it, and unless you want it even worse I’d mind Daddy and sit there still and finish your breakfast.” With the fact that I had been woken up so early and so abruptly I was still quite tired and getting a bit cranky, but trying not to show it to Daddy, trying to hold my self together, at least long enough to get out of earshot of Daddy.  Unfortunately, the throbbing and burning in my bottom mixed with my tiredness, mixed with my irritability quickly made me start to squirm again, trying not to be as noticeable with my movements, unfortunately it  wasn’t my movements that were getting noticed by Daddy as was my mumbling, grumbling, and muttering under my breath, and the occasional, what I thought was whispered swear words when I would squirm my bottom onto a rather sensitive area of my bottom was very much clearly heard by Daddy as he stood up taking a firm hold of the wooden spoon and walking over to me. “Richard Michael…stand up right now…I’ve had enough of this….you think your bottom is too sore to sit properly, you want to mumble and curse under your breath, well Daddy has a very easy cure for that….if I have to count to 3 little boy this will be a whole LOT worse for you…..1….” Hearing Daddy start to count quickly made me stand up almost knocking my chair over as I stood.  Before I could react, Daddy had moved my plate aside and bent me over the edge of the dining room table and yanked down my jogging shorts and undies applying the spoon HARD and FAST over my bare cheeks, sending them rippling and wobbling outwards from each and every impact of the spoon, sending me into renewed fits of tears and yelping.  My cries and yelping did nothing to deter Daddy from his focus which was my bare cheeks and applying the wooden spoon all over them. “I have had enough of this little boy, your attitude, behavior, tone, have been beyond unacceptable, now you’re adding cursing little boy….Daddy is done with this……you want to act like a naughty little disrespectful, disobedient little boy you will be treated like one…” Daddy’s spoon rained down across my bare cheeks in rapid succession not leaving a single inch of my cheeks un reddened by the spoon.  After what seemed like an eternity Daddy stood me up, turned me around and LOOKED me in the eyes. “Richard….get your underwear and shorts up and get your bottom to your chores now, I do not want to see you for at least ½ an hour young man…now GO!!” With that Daddy SMACKED the spoon down across my bare cheeks one last time HARD sending me scurrying and crying, trying to get my undies and shorts back up as quick as possible as I headed off to do my chores.  I start with the vacuuming of the house, tsking my time as to do a proper job, and not to anger or upset Daddy any more than he already is with me.  It took me much longer to get the vacuuming done than it usually does and to be honest, longer than it should have taken me.  As I shut off the vacuum and was putting it away, I heard Daddy’s booming voice coming from his Study. “Richard Michael get your backside in here right this instant young man, if I have to wait, or tell you again you will be in a lot worse trouble.” As I walked into Daddy’s Den, I had to step back a bit as the 1st thing I saw was Daddy standing there with a rather disappointed and angry look on his face, and his rather large, oval, tear drop shaped, solid oak backed hairbrush in his hand LOOKING straight at me and pointing to the spot in front of him.  I quickly went to him head and eyes down cast, as I got to him before I could react h had a firm, strong grip on my upper arm and my shorts down to my ankles in 1 quick pull.  He then pointed to the couch as I quickly walked to it feeling the brush impact my brief clad bum cheeks all the way there.  Daddy then sat on the couch and before I could react again, I was hauled over his lap and secured and trapped there in place with him holding my free hand to my lower back and his legs trapping my legs between them, thus bending me forward and pushing my bottom cheeks up an out toward Daddy. “It should NOT have taken NEARLY that long for you to get the vacuuming done than it did young man, and you KNOW that don’t you.  I told you, you’d be in serious trouble if I had to speak to you about your chores or they were not done to my exact specifications, and you KNOW that you nowhere NEAR met my specifications DID you little boy?” The entire time Daddy was speaking he rained down the brush over my brief clad cheeks sending them both wobbling and rippling outwards from each impact of the brush, sending me into fits of screams and cries almost instantly. “I told you little boy I was not going to be taking it easy with you little boy, and I meant it, and as far as I’m concerned you are in for a VERY LONG and VERY SORE weekend if your attitude and behaviour is NOT improved upon to MY standards little boy, and by what I’ve seen so far today you are NO where near meeting even the LEAST of my standards little boy.” Daddy set down the brush and stood me up in front of him holding me in place by my upper arms and LOOKING me directly in the eyes as he spoke. “Richard you are staying in just your briefs and t-shirt for the foreseeable future little boy, Daddy is very upset with you right now and you have plenty to do in the way of your chores I should not hear or see you for the next little while unless I call you back in here or come check on you and your progress, now I’d recommend you get to your chores before I change my mind and have you doing your chores bare bummed…..or worse naked little boy…..Now scoot.” With that Daddy’s hand SMACKED down HARD across both my cheeks making me jump and yelp loudly.  As he released my arms I scurried out of his Den grabbing my shorts on the way, wanting so bad to rub my bottom but knowing if he saw me I could guarantee he’d make good on his threat to have me doing my chores bare-bottomed or naked….and I knew I did not want to do that. I want off to get my bedroom cleaned, vacuumed, dusted and all but basically tidied up, making sure my room was tidy to Daddy’s standards which I knew by now was quite high.  I then went to Daddy’s room (our room when I wasn’t on a punishment) and cleaned up there tidying up things and collecting the laundry to being to the laundry room which I knew was my next chore.  Unfortunately, regardless of my state of dress being just in a light thin t-shirt and my tight white printed little boy style briefs I was still quite warm and getting quite sweaty, and thus getting rather tired and cranky as what I really truly wanted to do at that moment was to just go get my speedo swim briefs on, grab a beer or 2 and head out to the pool to cool off and swim around.  Unfortunately for me my tiredness and sweatiness were only adding to my quicky souring mood ad attitude towards having to do my chores as my adult side was starting to come though and my state of mind was that of thinking I didn’t have to do this, laundry was not just my job, I wasn’t the only one who lived in this house.  My attitude was worsening by the minute as I began to slam and bag around as I roughly started to throw the laundry into the washer and slam and bag around getting the detergent ready.  In my haste and banging around I didn’t hear Daddy’s footsteps rapidly approaching before it was too late and he was on top of me with a strong tight grip of my upper arm with one hand and his large strong other hand SMACKING down across my brief clad bottom HARD and FAST. “What in God’s name is going on here Richard???  What is all this banging and slamming things???” I desperately try to pull my arm away from Daddy’s tight grip on it and try to twist my bottom away from his HARD and FAST SMACKS from his other hand. “LET GO OF ME MAX!!!!!!  I’M DOING THE DAMN LAUNDRY!!!!!!” Daddy just takes a VERY TIGHT grip on my other arm with his other hand and spins me around LOOKING me in the eyes with a look of extreme disappointment and anger. “Richard Michael Burleau????? You do NOT talk to me like that and you KNOW that DON’T you.  You are in ENOUGH trouble as it is right now and this little temper tantrum you are having is NOT helping your situation at all, in FACT it has only just made it a LOT worse for you.  Not only are you raising your voice to me, but now you’re swearing……you are coming with me we are going to deal with this right NOW.” With that I felt Daddy’s tight grip on my upper arm release and go straight to a tight twisting grip of my ear as he dragged me out of the laundry room by my ear SMACKING my bottom HARD with his other hand as he not so gently escorted me to the bathroom.  As we got into the bathroom, I felt Daddy’s hand tightly grasp the back of my briefs and TUG them down to my ankles all but forcing me to step out of them. “I CANNOT believe you right now Richard, you KNOW how much trouble you are already in, and you KNOW you’ve already gotten this bare bottom punished severely and repeatedly and yet you STILL have this tantrum, you STILL raise your voice to me, you STILL curse at me???” The entire time Daddy’s hand RAINS down across my now bare cheeks HARD and FAST, not missing or skipping a single inch of my bare bottom cheeks.  Unfortunately for me my attitude had definitely gotten the better of me as I squirmed, struggled, and tried to twist and pull away from Daddy, letting out a slew of very profane, vulgar, and naughty words.  Well, this slew of profanity flying out of my mouth only made Daddy even angrier with me.  He just turned me around taking a tight grip of the scruff of my neck holding me there with one hand as his other hand turned on the tap, grabbed the bar of soap, lathered the soap, and shoved it into my mouth, scrubbing and scraping it across my teeth, inner cheeks, and all sides of my tongue, making me gag and sputter and choke and cough, trying desperately to spit out the foul-tasting soap, but to no avail. “Oh now you want to curse and swear at me even more little boy….well the more you do the WORSE it is going to be for you.  Now bite down on the soap and keep it there little boy.” With that Daddy reaches over to the large, long handled, heavy, thick, solid oak bath brush hanging by the tub and begins to BLAST it across my bare cheeks not leaving a single inch of my cheeks untouched by the brush.  This sudden and HARD bath brushing sends me into fits of screams and tears, the bar of soap falling out of my mouth and my hands flying back to try to cover, protect and rub my burning, stinging bae cheeks.  Daddy just stops the brushing, picking up the bar of soap, holding it to my mouth. “Open back up little boy….and bite down on the soap and KEEP it there or so help me you’ll be eating that bar of soap for dinner little boy…..Daddy is beyond disappointed in you right now…..” As I open my mouth Daddy shoves the bar of soap back in my mouth all but clamping my teeth down on the soap as he takes me over to the toilet, sitting down and hauling me over his lap and PADDLING my bare backside with the bath brush HARD and FAST. “I am BEYOND disappointed in you Richard Michael……this attitude and behaviour is NOW where NEAR acceptable and you KNOW that…..don’t you……Well guess what on top of this bath brushing…..you’ve officially lost ALL pants and underpants privileges for the remainder of the day….and if you are not careful it CAN be the rest of the weekend……and YES that DOES mean you WILL be doing the remainder of your chores BARE bottomed……and I KNOW the remainder of them are ALL going to be outside…..where ANY of the neighbours can and WILL see you…..” “NOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOO MAXXXXXXXX NOOOOOOOOO you CAN’T make me do my chores outside BARE!!!!!! Please!!!!!!! “Excuse me little boy you are in NO position to be arguing anything little boy!!!!!  You do NOT call me Max and you KNOW that little boy…..you LOST that privilege a LONG time ago….you call me DADDY and you KNOW that……!!!!!” With that Daddy BLASTS my bare cheeks HARD and FAST with the brush applying the brush down with EXTRA HARD strokes up n down my bare bottom cheeks turning them from a DEEP red to an almost CRIMSON all over both cheeks. “Now get up….and get this bare bottom outside to do your chores and I will tell you this right now young man if I have to come out to talk to you about anything you will be doing your chores NAKED. I’m DONE with this Richard Michael….now MOVE it.” With that Daddy stood me up landing a final HARD RESOUNDING CRACK to my bare bottom with the brush sending me scurrying and bawling towards the back porch door where I knew the remainder of my chores WOULD be outside where anybody and everybody could see just how well punished my bare backside was.  What made this entire situation worse was that it was still rather hot and humid outside so I knew doing my chores half-naked like this would be that much more difficult with the added heat and humidity.  Although thankfully I did have the pool that I could possibly slip into to cool off, although I didn’t know if I was technically allowed to do so or not, but with this heat I thought I may not end up having the choice.  I got right to vacuuming the pool that way I could at least potentially even just dip my feet into the pool to cool off, although I was dreading the main chore I had out back, which was mowing the lawn.  I hated mowing the lawn on a good day, but the combination of the heat and humidity, and the condition of my bottom, and the fact that it was very much bare and exposed for anybody and everybody to fully see, and plus see just how well punished I was, so I was avoiding doing the lawn like the plague and putting it off possibly till the last minute where potentially I could do it later when the sun started to go down and the cooler temperatures started to roll in more. As I was vacuuming the pool I heard the very distinctive voice of our elderly neighbor behind me. “Mmmm what a pretty little bare bum that is there……quite well punished I see….have you been a naughty little boy again Richie?......Naughty boys need to have their bare bums spanked quite severely….come closer…let me see your cute, pretty little bare bum cheeks up close.” Now, Mr Benjamin Jenner was an elderly man in his mid-70’s but still quite fit and spry for his age.  Daddy and he had hit it off right away after meeting, after we moved into the house, although I was never comfortable around him I always felt he was a little bit of a pervert always trying to touch my bottom or my crotch whenever he got the chance to, unfortunately for me Daddy was all to welcoming to him and his touches of me.  Daddy always said I had to be respectful of him, and not pull away from him as he saw that as a blatant act of disrespect towards him.  He had even gone as far as to offer his services as to act as my babysitter if and when Daddy had to stay late at work or if he just needed a break and some time away, thankfully Daddy hadn’t taken him up on the offer…..yet.  Hearing his voice and his comments made me blush and squirm as I was vacuuming, but I tried my best to ignore him as I really didn’t like or trust him. “Oh come on Richie come here little boy….I just want to take a closer look at your beautiful, cute little bum cheeks….now come here…” “Mr Jernner please leave me alone…..I’m already in enough trouble with Daddy…….I just wanna do my chores and not be bothered……” “Richard….get that backside over here right now little boy….or do I need to call your Daddy and tell him you’re being a naughty little boy?” “Mr Jenner Please Leave me alone!!!!” “Richard Michael…get your little bare backside over here and do as  I tell you right this minute little boy!!!” “NO Damn it!!! Leave me ALONE!!!!” Unfortunately for me our little conversation had been clearly heard by Daddy through the open windows of the house, as I heard Daddy’s footsteps come out of the house and towards me, then felt his large, strong calloused hand take a firm sharp, twisting grip of my ear, and his other hand landing with a SHARP and LOUD SMACK to my bare bottom cheeks making me jump and yelp. “What exactly is going on out here???  I can hear the 2 of you even through my closed study door.” I look up at Daddy scared then look over to Mr. Jenner with a pleading look as to not tell on me, even though I can tell just by Daddy’s demeaner and grip on my ear and the fresh sting of his hand still throbbing through my bum cheeks. “Oh, Max it seems your little boy Richie here has forgotten his listening ears, I asked him to come closer to the fence so I could get a better view of his cute but well spanked bum cheeks, to which he ignored me, then decided to whine and disobey me.” “Is this true Richard, b/c you know what will happen if it is little boy…..” “Please Dsddy…..I just wanted to get my chores done……” To that Daddy just responded with another SHARP STINGING SLAP to my bare cheeks making me jump and yelp again, whining and pouting feeling this treatment was so unfair, that it wasn’t my fault, I was just trying to be a good boy and get my chores done. “Mmmmmmmm, Ummmm Max……it looks to me that your little boy is possibly enjoying this treatment a little too much…it seems he’s beginning to stand at attention.” Hearing that Daddy spun me around, so I was facing him, his hand went from my ear to my now rather hard and ridged pecker, giving it a tight squeeze and a SHAPP SLAP to the underside of it. “What IS THIS Richard….what is the meaning of this????  Are you enjoying this little boy…..b/c by the looks of it you ARE….and you KNOW that is NOT permitted…..Ben why don’t you come on over and get a 1st hand view of how I deal with a naughty little boy in this state?” Mr. Jennings eagerly nodded his head in agreement. “I’ll be right over Max.” With that Daddy just nodded and angrily lead me by my stiff and hard little pecker over to the patio area turning me to face the wall of the shed, giving my bare cheeks a HARD and SHARP SLAP. “You can just stand here and think about your behavior little boy till Mr Jennings comes over, I am NOT very pleased with you whatsoever Richard….” As I was standing facing the wall, I heard Daddy and Mr. Jennings start to talk as he came into the yard, unfortunately for me the entire conversation centered on my bare bottom and my recent naughty behavior and how upset and disappointed Daddy was with me.  I stood there for quite a while as Daddy recalled all of the naughty behavior I had done over the past few days, I could tell by Daddy’s tone he was getting more and more upset with me as he listed all of the things I had done and how many times he had, had to spank me, and how severely he had, had to spank me over the past few days.  I could tell that Mr. Jennings was thoroughly enjoying all of the tales of my discipline and punishments.                  “Richard turn around and come here little boy and I’d hope for your sake your little pecker has gone soft while you were standing there young man or you are in some serious trouble little boy.”             I turned to face Daddy and Mr. Jennings knowing all too well I was still quite hard and sticking straight out from just under the thin white cotton of my t-shirt.  As I got closer to Daddy he reached out and took a firm, tight grip of my little pecker pulling me to him, then easily and quickly tugging my t-shirt up and off my body leaving me standing there before the 2 men completely naked.             “Mmmm how lovely, I see his time in the corner hasn’t lessoned his cute little hard-on Max….maybe he needs a good milking to soften it….before his spanking of course, as we all know a spanking after a good proper milking only make him feel the spanking that much more….”             “Mmmm good idea Ben, would you like to do the honors?”             “You would be O.K. with that, I mean Richie is your son…I wouldn’t want to impose my authority on this little boy with you here without your permission.”             “Oh don’t worry about that I mean he was disobedient, and disrespectful to you, you have every right to discipline/punish him as you see fit.”             “Richie come here little boy…right now”             I look at Daddy with a bit of fear and intimidation, not really wanting to go to the man, knowing what he’s about to do to me.  My thoughts and worries are soon quelled by the SHARP SMACK of Daddy’s hand to my bare bottom.             “Richard do as you are told little boy, you are in enough trouble I do NOT think you want to add to it.”             With that warning I quickly scurry over to Mr Jennings as he eagerly takes a firm grip of my stiff hard little pecker, beginning to stroke it immediately, as he does this he turns me sideways and draws me in between his legs, his other hand caressing and squeezing my bottom cheeks.  I yelp and moan as I feel his finger push between my cheeks and press over my little puckered hole.             “Mmmmmm Richie just relax and let it happen…..let my finger in your bum…..it’ll be just like having your Daddy’s cock in your bum….I know you like that don’t you….”             Not really wanting this to happen I begin to squirm and try to push my hips away from his intruding finger to my shock and yelps I feel his finger come out and his hand SLAP down HARD across my cheeks a good 20 – 30 times HARD             “You want to fight me on this little boy…you WILL get a full and proper spanking as well as a milking little boy…..naughty little boys who don’t obey get their bums spanked, and spanked hard…”             The whole time he’s talking his on hand continues to stroke my little stiff pecker, and his other hand SPANKS down HARD across my bare cheeks, sending me into fits of moans, yelps and cries.  Daddy sits in his chair watching this with a slight grin on his face.             “Mmmmm Ben you are quite versed in the art of discipline of naughty little boys…..have you had a lot of boys to spank in your life?”             “Well to be honest Max, not as many as I’d like no, well at least not recently, I was a principal of a private all boy’s school before I retired, and I enforced strict disciplinary rules and measures for my students and believe me I saw many a boy in my office with his pants and underwear down around his ankles bent over my desk for a good dose of my strap, or my cane....”             “Oh wow, so you definitely have the experience, do you still have your old strap or cane?”             “Oh yes I most certainly do, they tried to take it from me when I retired but I had a bit more clout and authority than that, so I was allowed to keep them, unfortunately after I left most of my disciplinary measures and rules were abolished of this kinder gentler way of raising children….and you see where that has gotten us.”             “Oh yes, I have indeed, unfortunately.  Maybe a good dose of your strap or cane will be of help to my young boy here….”             “Well only if you’d allow it, as both can be quite severe in the way of punishment inflicted, and I can guarantee this young boy will not want to sit for some time afterwards.”             “Unfortunately, I think that is what Richard needs, it seems my methods aren’t quite working as they should, maybe I could take a few pointers from you, maybe if you’d have like a master class for me on how to properly discipline/punish him so he learns?”             “Oh, I’d be honored to give you a bit of a lesson in the proper techniques on proper punishment for such a naughty little boy as Richard here….”             The entire time Daddy and Mr Jennings are talking he is stroking my little pecker and his hand is SPANKING down across my bare cheeks in a more rapid-fire style, making me yelp and moan and cry out loudly.  As Mr. Jennings is stroking me, I feel the pressure build up in my little hairless sack to the point I can almost not stand it, but I know from experience I am not allowed to release without permission or say so from Daddy.  I look at Daddy with a look of desperation, wanting so bad to be given permission, but I know from the look on his face he is far from allowing me to release.  I then see him lower the front of his shorts exposing his big thick, long cock as he begins to stroke it watching my torment, watching my bottom get spanked, and my little pecker getting stroked by Mr. Jennings.             “Richard…come here…..come to Daddy…..”             Mr. Jennings smiles seeing Daddy’s large, thick, hard cock being pulled out, releasing me and giving my bottom a HARD SMACK with his hand sending me to Daddy.             “Kneel down little boy…..you know what Daddy needs and wants right now.”             I just barely smile up at Daddy as I kneel between his legs and go directly to my target and my job, pleasing Daddy, taking his cock in my mouth and sucking and slurping hungrily.  To my shock I feel Mr. Jennings grab my hips and lift me up to a kneeling on all 4’s position, then I feel what can only be the tip of his own cock press against my tight hole, teasing it with the tip.  Then a firm thrust as he enters me making me moan and cry out loudly as he enters me from behind as I continue to suck, slurp, and lick on Daddy’s cock.             “Mmmmmmmmm he feels so good Max, still nice and tight, I could do this all day long, your boy can be quite obedient when given no other choice.  His bottom is so nice and tight for my cock, feels so good to use his bum hole.  I hope you won’t mind if I fill him.”             “Oh no Ben that is perfectly fine with me, once you’re finished with his bottom he will gladly clean you as I use his bottom hole as well…believe me he may seem small in size but his little bum can take quite the pounding and filling, even repeat fillings…..but just remember Richard….you are not given permission to release till I say so little boy and you know that….and you know the punishment for releasing without Daddy’s permission or before Daddy releases….and I think I will say the same goes for Mr. Jennings releasing…..”             I moan and cry out as Mr. Jennings’ thick, long, hard cock fills me completely, feeling him thrust and grunt into me, as I continue to suck, slurp, lick n kiss up n down Daddy’s hard, thick, long cock as well.  I yelp and cry out as I feel Mr. Jennings SPANK and SLAP my bare cheeks as he thrusts in n out of me HARD, then finally releasing, the force of his release pushes me forward into Daddy’s cock more.  Both men moaning loudly as they use my mouth and bottom.  Once Mr. Jennings is finished filling me with his hot, sticky, juices Daddy pushes me off his cock and turns me around thrusting his cock DEEP into my bum, THRUSTING HARD into me. As Daddy does this Mr. Jennings slides his cock into my mouth, and I begin to suck, slurp, lick and kiss up and down on it moaning loudly.  Daddy continues to thrust and pound deep in and out of my bottom grunting and moaning as he does, his hand SPANKS and SLAPS down over my bare cheeks only adding to my punishment.  Finally, Daddy erupts DEEP into my bum filling me to the brink as I moan and whimper around Mr. Jennings’ cock as he pulls out of my mouth looking down and getting a rather disappointed and disapproving look on his face.             “What is that on the patio between your legs little boy???  Did you release with out Daddy or I’s permission……Stand up…..”             Daddy LOOKS at me definitely NOT pleased as I slowly stand, my now semi-erect pecker still dripping my little boy juices.  Daddy stands up taking me by the scruff of the neck and bending me over placing my nose only inches from the small wet, white puddle that had formed between my legs.             “What is the MEANING of this little boy!!! What did I JUST tell you not 5 minutes ago about you releasing little boy…..that is NAUGHTY….NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY little boy!!!!             The whole time Daddy has me bent over his other hand SLAPS n SPANKS n SMACKS down across my bare cheeks HARD and FAST, not leaving a single inch of my cheeks unspanked.             “Mr Jennings I think I’d like you to go get one or both of your implements, I think this boy needs a SERIOUS lesson in obeying Daddy’s rules, and doing as Daddy tell him…..”             “Yes, I fully agree Max, I’ll be right back.”             With that Mr. Jennings left the back yard leaving me and Daddy alone, Daddy didn’t hesitate to stand me back up and take me right down over his lap SPANKING, SLAPPING, and SMACKING my bare cheeks HARD and FAST with his hand.             “I CANNOT believe you little boy you KNOW Daddy’s rule…you KNOW you are NOT to release before Daddy or before Daddy give you his FULL permission to…and yet HERE we are and THERE is that NASTY NAGUTY little puddle on the patio…..you KNOW what is going to happen now DON”T you???  Stand up….face the wall and wait for Daddy I am BEYOND disappointed in you little boy….”             Daddy stood me up with a resounding HARD SMACK to my bare bottom sending me scurrying to the wall of the pool shed, bawling and crying heavily as he went back into the house.  I stood there in the corner completely naked and exposed to the world, sobbing, crying, and bawling.  I hear Daddy and Mr. Jennings walk back to the back yard through the house and talking, as Daddy is admiring Mr. Jennings’ 2 implements, he just brought from home, placing them on the patio table and sitting down watching as Daddy walks over to me taking a FIRM, SHARP, TWISTING grip of my ear and walking me back over to his seat, sitting down and turning me so I face both him and Mr. Jennings.  My eyes widen seeing the long thin whippy school cane on the table, lying next to the long, thick, wide, well used and oiled School Strap sitting next to it.”             “You see those boy….you are going to be feeling the full force of each of them before we are through little boy…and from what Mr. Jennings told me you will NOT be sitting for quite some time afterwards, so I guess your chores may have to wait, although I think mowing the lawn with a well bruised and punished backside will do you a world of good.  But 1st Daddy needs to prepare you for your punishment…and remind you of what happens when a naughty little boy like you release before given full permission by Daddy, OR before Daddy has time to release.  Now turn around and face me little boy hands on your head.”             Daddy looks up at me with a not so pleased look on his face as he secures my little limp pecker into my naughty pink plastic pecker cage, locking the ring tight right behind the base of my sack, then attaching the pecker cup over my little pecker and locking the 2 together.             “Now little boy you are staying in this cage till Daddy decides to let you free of it….you know while in it you’ll only be able to pee and nothing else….no releasing…no getting hard….Now, turn around and show Mr. Jennings, and bend over, Daddy has 1 other thing to do before you receive your punishments….”             I turned slowly facing Mr. Jennings as I saw his face and his smile seeing the bright pink plastic cage engulfing my little pecker, only my little hairless sack hanging down visible under the cage, his hand gently reached out and cupped it rubbing and squeezing my sack.             “Mmmmmmm what a pretty little cage you have here Richie…..making sure you don’t have any more naughty messes for Daddy….and especially no more naughty, messy little boy’s playing with himself….I like this very much.”             As Mr. Jennings was speaking Daddy bent me forward, spread my cheeks, and slid his greased finger DEEP into my puckered bum hole, sliding it in and out slowly.  To my horror Daddy wasn’t using the usual K-Y Jelly, or the Vaseline he was in fact using the extra strength and thus extra hot Icy-Hot, sliding it and coating my insides with the burning, stinging jelly.  Then he pulled his finger out and slowly twisted and pushed the large, fat, long well coated again with Icy-Hot pink, jeweled bottomed bum plug DEEP into my bum hole making me yelp, whine and cry out as it twisted and slid in making the burning and stinging only worse DEEP in my bum.             “Now Richard turn around and show Mr. Jennings your pretty plug….then we can get to your proper punishment…”             I slowly turn bending forward, my cheeks spread showing off the rather large pink plug with the rather large deep purple amethyst jewel on the end.             “Mmmmmmm very pretty Max, it matches his little cage, and keeps his little cheeks spread a bit….very nice…”             I feel Mr. Jennings’ hand SLAP and SPANK my cheeks after pressing firmly on the large, jeweled plug only making me yelp, grunt and whine more as the pain from the burning and stinging only intensified.  In a now rather stern and strict tone I hadn’t yet heard from him Mr. Jennings stood up looking at Daddy.             “Well Maxwell. I believe it’s time this boy receives his proper punishment for his long list of infractions and bad behavior, what do you think?”             I look over at Daddy for his reaction, and even he is taken back by the sudden turn of attitude and tone of voice from Mr. Jennings, definitely hearing the Strict and Stern Principal voice coming through.             “Yes Mr. Jennings I believe it is about that time, are you going to be applying the punishment, or should I?”             “Well as I am quite versed in the proper use an application of these 2 implements, I believe I should be the one who administers, at least the 1st session of this naughty boy’s punishment as to give you a small course in the proper use and application of each of these 2 implements.”             “Oh yes I couldn’t agree with you more Mr. Jennings…is there anything I could do to help you with this punishment of my young boy here?             “Well to be honest Maxwell, you may have to hold your boy’s wrists once we have him bent over the table as both of these implements can and will have a boy squirming and kicking, and I would never want to mistakenly injure a boy during a properly applied punishment.  With you holding his wrists he won’t be able to twist and turn away from the implement thus having it be applied to anywhere else but his backside, sit spots and upper thighs….”             “Yes Mr. Jennings I can understand that, Now Richard, bend over the table and give me your wrists, and let’s not have any arguments, back talking, or stalling or I may have to take you over my lap for a good long warm up before Mr. Jennings gives you your proper punishment little boy.”             With that I just looked up at Daddy scared, tears still rolling down my cheeks the stung, burn and pain radiating from my cheeks from my multiple spankings so far today, plus the addition of the burning and stinging of the Icy-Hot coated plug deep in my bottom.  I just slowly walked over to the patio table and bent over outstretching my arms as Daddy took a firm grip of my wrists and upper arms.             “You know you earned this Richard, and as much as yes I am sorry, we have to do this, but I truly believe you’ve not only earned this but more than deserve this.  I just hope that this will be a LONG-remembered lesson for you that we do NOT have to repeat.  Mr. Jennings…. whenever you are ready.”             As I feel Daddy take a firm grip of my wrists and upper arms, as I’m bent over the patio table with my bare well punished, spanked and plugged bottom pushed up in the air open and vulnerable to whatever punishment Mr. Jennings deems fit to apply to my bare backside, I feel him walk up behind me, then his hand squeezing, caressing, rubbing, and pinching my bare cheeks, also pressing rather hard on the deep amethyst purple jewel of my bum plug.  I feel his hand leav my bottom as I hear him pacing behind me walking back and forth as he talks.             “Richard Michael Burleau, you have been accused of a long list of very naughty behaviours, all of them more than earn you a well punished and spanked bottom, and as I see and can feel you have already been well and at times severely punished by your Father, and yet here I am, by request of your Father to administer MY brand of PROPER punishment, I will warn you this right now little boy…you will NOT be sitting for some time after this , and I can guarantee you WILL be on your BEST behaviour for some time after this as to avoid ANY and ALL punishments to this bare backside of yours.  Now Maxwell I expect after this and after you are done dealing with your boy, that I receive a LONG-handwritten apology and thank you letter from Richard, and I’d expect him to also write you one as well, with strict adherence to proper penmanship, spelling, and grammar, and if any of those are not met he is to re-write the note after being properly dealt with.”             “Oh Yes Mr. Jennings Sir I will definitely see to it that he writes the letters to the both of us and they are both written to the best of his ability.”             I looked up at Daddy a little scared that even he was calling Mr. Jennings Sir, he has never called any other adult Sir or Ma’am before….I knew something was horribly wrong here…and I was about to receive what may be the worst punishment of my young life.  I heard Mr. Jennings walk over to the table picking up the long thin whippy cane, then walking behind me tapping my bottom cheeks with it as he spoke.             “Now Maxwell, hold him tight I’m about to start his punishment, he will be receiving at least 6 of my very best cane strokes to his bare backside, if he moves too much or squirms or twists too much I CAN and WILL start the process all over again.  And believe me in my day I have given boys like Richard upwards of 18 – 24 full force strokes of this very cane and believe me they have NOT been able to sit for some days afterwards.             Daddy just looked me in the eyes with a slight look of concern, but also sternness.  Mr. Jennings stepped up behind me taking aim and testing his proper distance tapping my bare cheeks with the long thin rattan cane, finally finding the proper distance from my bare vulnerable backside cheeks to get full swing and full impact of each and every stroke of the thin whippy rattan cane.  Mr. Jennings raised the cane high bringing it down full force whistling it through the air with a LOUD SWISH THWIP landing it across both my cheeks leaving a DEEP red throbbing angry red weal where the cane impacted.  Upon feeling the 1st stroke I pulled HARD on Daddy’s FIRM TIGHT grip of my wrists, upper arms letting out a LOUD SCREAM and SCREECH sobbing instantly.  It took almost 3 full sessions of Mr. Jennings’ best strokes before he was able to complete the full 6 strokes of the cane to my bare backside without me moving, twisting, squirming or trying to move my bottom away from the horrid sting of the cane.  I was beyond the point of tears and crying, just laying there sobbing heavily, unable to move in fear of feeling yet another stroke of the cane.  Once finished Mr. Jennings set the cane down on the table rubbing and tracing his hand over the DEEP red almost purple weal’s and lines left across my bare backside.             “Mmmmmm I think this boy has had enough for now I think an application of my Punishment Strap will only cause this boy, and his backside undue harm and damage.  You may release his arms Max….and it’s up to you where he goes from here.”             I feel Mr. Jennings’ hand rub up n down my bottom crack tracing it,  then his finger pressing between it pressing on my puckered bottom hole.  I feel his finger slide out from my bottom then a couple sharp slaps of his hand as he goes to sit down, keeping an eye on my well punished and caned bottom, admiring his handy work with a smile on his face.  Daddy stood me up and looked me in the eyes with a look of concern but also sternness.             “Alright Richard you know your chores out here aren’t done you still have the lawn to mow so I’d get at it and yes you are going to be mowing the lawn naked young man, and I warn you this right now, any stalling, back talk or anything else like that will only add to your next punishment spanking little boy…b/c yes your bottom is severely punished already and neither Mr. Jennings, or Daddy, are going to punish your backside any more as we don’t want to cause you any permanent damage to your backside, so any misbehavior will be added to your next Maintenance Spanking.  Now I’d suggest you’re get your backside busy mowing that lawn.”             With a resounding SLAP to my bare backside cheeks Daddy sends me scurrying and bawling off to mow the lawn, knowing it’s going to be that much worse with the pain and burning radiating from my backside, plus the somewhat fading heat of the setting sun.  Daddy and Mr. Jennings sat there and talked for a while keeping a close eye on me and my progress with the lawn.  It was a bit before I truly settled down and somewhat stopped crying from my punishment, but my bottom still stung and burned badly as I made my way around the rather large lawn mowing it.  I was drenched with sweat by the time I was done as I walked the mower to the shed and locked it up.  As I was finishing the lawn Mr. Jennings had headed home leaving Daddy sitting there to watch me finish.  I slowly walked to Daddy with my head and eyes downcast and feeling a lump in my throat and my stomach was in knots worried that Daddy was going to spank me again.  As I walked to Daddy, he took me in his arms and hugged me tight kissing me deeply, passionately.             “Richard, I want you in the house, and straight to your Naughty Corner, I want you standing there nose in that corner hands on your head.  I will be in, in a bit as I’ve decided to do the shopping we were supposed to do earlier, but you are staying home while I go as I know you will not want to be clothed for some time little boy especially on this bare little bottom of yours.”             Daddy gave each of my cheeks a firm SMACK to each cheek making me jump and yelp, but I quickly did as told and headed into the house and straight to the corner, placing my nose in the corner hand my hands on my head, feeling the tears begin to roll down my cheeks again…as I knew deep down that Daddy was really truly disappointed in me, and if I pressed the issue I may be right back over his lap or worse.  It was well over an hour that I stood there in the corner till I heard Daddy arriving home.  I heard him rummaging and moving around behind me, not daring to move or look back as I knew if I did, I’d probably get a good proper spanking from Daddy yet again.  I heard Daddy go into the kitchen and start making dinner, without even saying a word to me, or coming over to check on me.             “Richard come here and sit-down dinner is ready.”             I slowly turned and waked to the dining room table what I saw sook me back a little as it wasn’t my usually plush pillowed chair where I usually sit, in it’s place was a rather small but high backed chair with one of those rough wicker welcome mats glued to the seat and 2 rather thick belts hanging down from either side of the seat.             “Richard sit down young man….and I do not want to or need to ask or tell you twice.”             I slowly walked over to the chair and sat down, instantly the little frays and biters began to pinch and jab into my already swollen, sore and severely punished bare backside cheeks, making me squirm and yelp, the only thing stopping me from standing straight back up was Daddy’s strong hand on my shoulder holding me I the seated position, without a word I watched in horror as Daddy drew the large, thick, heavy straps across my upper thighs and buckled them together holding me tight on the rough mat.             “Richard from now on if and when you are either in trouble or have been spanked you will sit on this chair for dinners, or if Daddy has to or decides to give your written lines or essays so you can feel and learn from your behaviors, and hopefully change them for the better and not repeat the ones that continually end you up in trouble.”             I just sat there all but sobbing my bare bottom, sit spots and upper thighs a mess of red and somewhat purple from the mix of Daddy’s spankings and Mr Jennings’ caning, the rough welcome mat under my bum didn’t help anything either.  As Daddy brought out the dinner serving me up a plate and sitting down himself watching me very closely as we ate in relative silence except for my occasional yelp and sob.  After dinner Daddy not so gently…with a few firm and stinging slaps to my bare cheeks had me helping him clean up and do the dishes.  After that Daddy had me head to my Naughty Boy room and take some time alone for myself to think about my behavior with a stern warning if he heard any noises coming from my room he’d be up there and I’d be a very sorry and sore little boy.  After a few hours I heard Daddy’s footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall towards my room.  As he came into my room I saw a rather large bag in his hand as he set it down and sat down on my desk chair he had pulled out from my desk.             “Richard come here….I have to show you a couple things I purchased while I was out earlier today.”             I slowly got up off my bed and walked towards Daddy, once in arms reach Daddy grabbed my upper arm and pulled me over to him LOOKING me in the eyes.             “Richard you have been nothing but a naughty little boy these past few days, and your bare bottom has paid the price for your naughtiness, but your punishment is FAR from over little boy, from now on, until I say differently at home or at mr Jennings’ house you are NO longer an adult….you WILL be considered and treated as a little boy, just how you’ve been acting lately.  Daddy can and will be giving you at least daily spankings, and if I have to go any where you WILL be staying with Mr. Jennings  and he has my FULL permission to spank you how ever he sees fit, but I warn you little boy…if you have to be spanked at Mr. Jennings’ house you WILL be spanked again by me when I get you home.  Now as for what I bought little boy….”             Daddy reaches into the bag and pulls out 2 rather large and thick packages of adult baby diapers, one a pale baby blue in color with baby pandas with red spanked bare bums on them, and the other a very light pink color with little girl bunnies with red spanked bare bums.  My eyes went big as I tried to squirm and pull away from Daddy seeing the 2 packages of diapers come out.             “Yes that’s right little boy from now on you act like a naughty little boy you will be treated as such with not only spankings but diaperings….you WILL be Daddy’s naughty little baby boy, and I did deliver a couple of the very same packages to Mr. Jennings so he too can and will diaper you if and when he sees fit that you are acting like a naughty little baby boy. Now, over to your bed lie back on your back and lift your legs little boy…Daddy is going to diaper his naughty little baby boy before he puts him to bed.”             I LOOK at Daddy with shock and horror as I hear his decisions, shaking my head and crying heavily already.             “Please Max!!!!  You can’t be serious…..you can’t diaper me…..I’m not a baby!!!! I’m an adult!!!!             Well that little outburst did not go over well at all with Daddy, as soon as I got the words out Daddy had me turned around and was landing his hand down HARD and FAST across my bare cheeks.             “Excuse ME…..What did you just call me…..You KNOW not to use my 1st name when you are in trouble….you KNOW you are to call me Daddy or Sir, and ONLY Daddy or Sir….Now over to that bed this instant little boy you are in for a GOOD and PROPER naughty little baby boy spanking…..”             With that Daddy gave me a HARD, SHARP, STINGING SLAP to my bare cheeks sending me scurrying towards the bed, now back into full blown tears.             “Now Richard lay down on your back and lift your legs little boy.  If I have to do it your spanking CAN and WILL be that much worse for you.”             I just laid back on my bed turning my head staring at the wall as I lifted my legs, before I could get my legs fully lifted I felt Daddy’s strong hand on my legs lifting them fully and spreading them open exposing me completely, as he slid one of the big, bulky, thick diapers under my bottom cheeks then proceeded to RAIN down his hand ALL over my bare cheeks not spanking in the same place twice, sending me into full blown fits of tears and sobbing.  Daddy’s hand rained down HARD and FAST across my bare cheeks for a full 5 – 8 minutes of pure punishment spankings.  As soon as the final spank landed, I felt daddy pulling the front of the diaper up between my legs and taping it shut tight around my waist, leaving me blubbering and crying, not only from the spanking but the sheer embarrassment of being diapered like a little baby.  Daddy just released my legs and stood there looking down at me with a very disappointed and somewhat angry look.             “Now Richard you might as well just crawl under the covers b/c you are not moving from this bed for the remainder of the night….and I had better not hear any movement or noise from you or I will be right back up here and that diaper can easily come down or OFF, and you can go right back over Daddy’s lap.. Do I make myself clear little boy?”             I was just bawling and crying as I just slowly slid under the covers nodding.             “Yesssssss Dadddyyy you’re….clear……”             The next few weeks were not good for me as I stayed firmly locked in my little cage and taped tight into diapers, only able to remove them to use the toilet or when Daddy or Mr. Jennings, or Uncle as I quickly learned to call him would remove or lower them for spankings or the occasional cleanliness, and dryness checks.             Uncle and I quickly formed a very close bond as I spent a lot of time over at his house over the next few weeks.  He quickly became almost a 2nd Daddy to me, although besides the spankings he did have me pleasuring him a lot more than I really was with Daddy.  Almost every time I spent time with Uncle I was either pleasuring him orally or offering my bum to him, although he was considerably longer and thicker than Daddy so the times he used my bum were not as pleasurable for me at 1st b/c he’d stretch me almost to my limit, and most times he was not exactly gentle when he used my bum.              To be perfectly honest with myself I somewhat quickly got very used to and almost enjoyed being diapered and missed it when Daddy would let me go back to my adult undies.  I got so used to wearing them I even started wearing them under my work dress pants.             It had been a few months since my introduction to Mr. Jennings, or Uncle as I quickly grew to love calling him.  When Daddy came to me one evening as we were sitting watching tv and relaxing together.             “Rich, I have to talk to you about something….”             “Ummmm Yes Daddy?”             I had also gotten very used to, and almost enjoyed being Daddy’s little baby boy when he’d treat me as such, mainly b/c it let me be extra cuddly with him, and really allowed me to let out my little subby side with him.             Daddy sat down beside me taking me into a warm n gentle embrace/hug, patting my bottom cheeks which were for the 1st time in a while not diapered.  Daddy gently kissed me, holding me close rubbing my back.             “Richie, Daddy has to go away for a while on business, for about a week or so, there’s a big conference Daddy has to go to.”             “Awwww but Daddy……why?......”             “Richie this is very important to Daddy, if this conference goes well for Daddy, I should be getting a major promotion and a huge raise, and that means maybe we can finally make US official….”             I LOOK up at Daddy in shock and surprise.             “You mean?......”             “Yes Richie I do mean….”             My eyes begin to well up as tears begin to roll down my cheeks, my hand quickly finds Daddy’s crotch rubbing it gently.  I then unbuttoned and unziped his jeans opening them, then reaching into his boxers releasing his semi-hard cock, my hand gently rubbing and stoking it. Daddy leans back moaning, just letting me stroke him, and pleasure him.  I gently and slowly stretch out on my stomach on the couch with my head in Daddy’s crotch, taking his now hard n rigid cock in my mouth sucking, slurping, licking up n down his cock, head bobbing up n down between his legs.             “Richie while Daddy is away, you’re going to have to stay with Uncle, I know you can take care of yourself on your own, but now that we have Uncle in our lives Daddy would much prefer if you stay with Uncle so Daddy knows you’re safe and taken care of.”             My head just kept bobbing up n down between Daddy’s legs, my hand rubbing, stroking and gently squeezing his sack.  Daddy just leaned back on the couch and moaned loudly, his hand pushed my little thin cotton pajama pants and undies down baring my bum, as his fingers parted my cheeks and his index finger began to rub, tease and press against my puckered hole, stretching it open and sliding his finger into my little hole.  We continued like that for the next few minutes before Daddy looked down at me and smiled.             ‘Richie……get up….kneel on the couch and bend over…..”             I quickly did as told standing up kicking my pajama bottoms and undies off as I kneeled on the couch bending over giving Daddy full view and access to my spread little cheeks, my puckered bum hole just barely poking out and visible.  Daddy stood up n walked behind me as I heard him removing his jeans and boxers completely, then I felt Daddy’s large, strong, calloused hand rubbing over my still very sore and tender bare cheeks, then a sudden hard and fast barrage of hand slaps landed all over my cheeks making me yelp and almost jump up off the couch.  Daddy then begins to rub and caress my cheeks parting them, squeezing them, he runs the head of his cock up and down the cack of my bum, pressing it between my cheeks, then parts my cheeks pressing the head against my tight little pucker.             “Richie, Daddy is going to take his time with you today….as he will miss his little boy terribly when he’s gone, but I want to skype with you every night before bed and get a full update of your day, even if that means I get some bad news about you being naughty ad getting a spanking or worse from Uncle.”             “Mmmmmmm ohhhhhhhh yesssss Daddyyyyy I’d love that Daddy…..”             Daddy eases his cock into my bum hole slowly thrusting it in n out, moaning and grunting.  His hand reaches forward and gently grips, rubs and caresses my little hairless sack.             “Daddy may let his little boy release today….see how his boy behaves, and so far you’ve been a very good boy Richie.”             Daddy thrusts deep in and out of my bum, moaning and grunting as he does, his hand gently and carefully unlocks my little cage freeing my little pecker as his hand begins to stroke it.  I’m moaning and whimpering, trying my best to be a good boy for Daddy, taking his big, thick, long cock deep in my bum hole.  After a few minutes Daddy pulls out of my bum, slapping my cheeks with his hard, stiff cock., his hand stroking me softly.             “Does Daddy’s boy want him to finish in his bum…..or in his mouth little boy?”             Daddy walks around to face me his hard, rigid cock in my face, as he draws and slides it over my lips.  I slowly open my mouth as Daddy slides his cock in moaning.             “It’s….up…to….Daddy….not…me……”             “Mmmmmm good answer Richie…..but I think this tome Daddy wants to full your mouth with his juices….not your bum….but your bum will be filled with something though….”             As Daddy reaches over to the table and picks up the vibrating dildo, then walks back to my bum, slowly pushing and twisting the dildo deep in my bum making me moan and grunt.  Once it’s in Daddy walks back in front of me and offers his cock to me, which I gladly take into my mouth gently sucking, licking and slurping on it.  Daddy moans and grunts as he presses the button on the remote making the dildo deep in my bum vibrate, sending waves of pleasure through me.  I just continued to suck n slurp n lick up n down the long thick shaft of Daddy’s cock as the vibrator sent wave after wave of pleasure through my body.             “Is Daddy’s little boy almost ready to release Richie?.......”             “Mmmmmmm ohhhhhhhh yesssssss Dadddyyyyyy yesssssss please Daddy I wanna release……”             “Mmmmmmmmm good boy…..lay down on your back on the couch Richie….”             With that Daddy slowly pulls out of my bum as I lay down on the couch feeling the vibration from the dildo deep in my bum go even deeper as I lay down on it.  Daddy walks over to me and gently begins to stroke my now stiff little pecker, making me moan even louder.  Daddy leans down n kisses the head of my little pecker as he continues to stroke me, his still quite hard cock bouncing a bit right in front of my face.             “Richie….continue to suck Daddy…..and Daddy will let you release…but remember you are not allowed to release before Daddy does….”             I just nod and take Daddy’s cock back in my mouth sucking, slurping and licking up and down the entire shaft from the tip to the base and back up.  As I’m sucking, slurping and licking Daddy he continues to stroke me slowly, methodically.  We both moan and grunt with pleasure as the pressure in our sacks grow and they get tighter and tighter.  Finally, after a few minutes of stoking and sucking Daddy looks down at me and smiles nodding, I know this is his way of giving me permission to release.  As I begin to squirt and release my little boy juices Daddy releases his own juices deep in my mouth filling me as I drink them all down.  Daddy collects my little boy juices in my little cup to save for later.  He then stands me up in front of him smiling, taking me into his arms and hugging me tight rubbing my back gently, squeezing my bottom cheeks.  He looks me in the eyes with all the love in his heart as he holds me close.             “Now Richie, before Daddy takes you to Uncle’s house I think 1 last good proper spanking on this bare bum is in order….now this isn’t a punishment spanking or a maintenance spanking this spanking is to show Daddy’s little boy just how much Daddy loves you, but…I am not going to go easy on you little boy…Daddy is going to spank you long and hard, and I am not going to stop till you are well past the point of tears.  You know I’m doing this b/c I llove you and only want the best for my little boy.”             With that Daddy eases me over his lap, although I do not struggle or fight him and even go over quite voluntarily, even if the pit of my stomach is doing flip flops and some feeling of dread and worry floods my body knowing where this isn’t going to be a punishment spanking it is going to hurt a lot.  Daddy’s hand rests on my bottom, then raises and begins to rain down hard and fast not missing a single inch of my bare bum cheeks.  Where his spanks are hard, they are nowhere near as hard as I’ve received from Daddy in the past. They are firm and stinging sending wave after wave of burning, stinging sensation through my body centering on my bare cheeks.  I am quickly brought to the point of tears and past as Daddy’s hand rains down across my cheeks, but these are tears of relief and release as all of the pent-up emotions, both good and bad pour put of me though my tears.  Finally, after what feels like over an hour, which is only about 30 – 45 minutes of puree spanking Daddy’s hand rests on my poor stinging, burning, throbbing bare bottom cheeks, my face a mess of tears and snot from crying.  After letting me cry most of my emotions out Daddy stands me up and walks me to the corner placing my nose in the corner and my hands on my head.             “Richie, Daddy wants you to stand here for the next ½ hour while Daddy gets ready to leave for his trip then I’ll take you over to Uncle’s house, O.K.?”             I stand there in the corner still crying lightly and nod slowly.             “Yessssss Dadddddyyyyyyy……”             Daddy lands his hand down HARD across each of my cheeks making me jump and yelp.  He then leaves me there in the corner to cry and think about the past couple hours of our Daddy/son time.  After the half hour I feel Daddy’s hand on my shoulder as I spin around burying my face in his chest still slightly crying.  Daddy leads me up the stairs to my room and over to the adult sized change table, helping me up onto it, bending my knees an pushing them up to my chest holding them there.             “Richie, Uncle aske me to diaper you and dress you more in your little boy cloths before I bring you over.  I told him you had a good proper spanking, and your bum would be well reddened.  He told me as long as you are staying with him you will remain in little boy/baby mode, so Daddy is going to diaper your little bum and put you in your little drop-seat overalls that Daddy bought you.”             As Daddy is talking, he slides the big thick puffy pink diaper under my bum, giving my cheeks a few firm spanks in the processes, he then applies the diaper rash cream, baby oil, and baby powder to my bum cheeks and little sac and pecker as he pulls the front of the diaper up between my legs and tapes it shut tight around my waist, patting my puffy bum cheeks.  Daddy helps me up off the table and pulls me into him hugging me tight.  He then takes my had and walks me to my closet opening it and taking out the rather babyish looking 1-piece denim overalls with the drop-seat.  Holding it open for me to step in, he then takes the small baby blue t-shirt with the well spanked little boy facing the corner print on it, helping me into it then fastening the shoulder straps of the overalls completing my very little boy, almost babyish look.             “Awwwww you look adorable Richie, Daddy loves this look….and I know Uncle will love it too.  Now let’s get you over to Uncle’s house so Daddy can head out, I have a long drive to my destination.”                         Chapter 3 – My Time with Uncle   With that Daddy took me by the hand and walked me down the stairs and out the door, down the sidewalk to Uncle’s house knocking on the door.  A couple mins later Uncle opened the door inviting us in.             “Awwww Max what a cute little boy you have there, don’t worry Richie is in good hands, he’ll be safe here while you are away.  And he’ll be a good little boy for Uncle won’t you Richie…?”             I just slowly looked up at Uncle and nodded blushing big time at my look knowing Uncle loved it when I was dressed like this.             “Yes…..Uncle….I will…..be a good…boy…..”             Uncle ushered me into his house with a few firm pats to my padded bum.             “Mmmmm I see my little nephew is in his little diapers…..Does he have a red bum under those diapers Max?             “Oh yes he does, just before I brought him over I gave him a good long and hard spanking….so he should be well behaved for you….won’t you little boy?”             Daddy’s hand patted my padded bottom firmly as well making me blush even more.             “Yesssssss Daddy I willll…..”             I was definitely squirming by this time being in this state of dress and having both Daddy and Uncle patting my padded bum.  Daddy gave me a tight warm embrace and a gentle kiss as he headed back out the door.             “Daddy will be back in a bout a week Richie, I will be calling you or skyping you as much as I can, and I hope you’ll be behaving for Uncle…or he may be giving you a good proper spanking on Skype for me….then I will be dealing with you when I get home.”             With that Daddy headed back home to get ready to leave.  I stood there blushing and looking down n away, standing before Uncle who just looked me up n down.             “Mmmmm Now what shall we do little boy….I think 1st Uncle will check your little bum and see how well Daddy spanked you….come with Uncle….”             Uncle took me somewhat tightly by the arm and walked me to the couch sitting down turning me sideways and unbuttoned the drop-seat flap on my overalls, he then took me over his lap and hooked his finger into the waist band of my big, thick, bulky diaper and tugged the back of it down baring my bum.             “Mmmmmmm good and red Richie….but not quite red enough for Uncle’s liking.”             Uncle reached beside him and produced a small wooden paddle, rubbing it over my bare cheeks then raising it and bringing it down with SHARP and STINGING blows across both my cheeks turning them an even deeper shade of red, pushing me to the point of tears and past as the paddle rained down across my cheeks.  I was bawling and crying, trying my best not to kick or struggle but as the paddle rained down it became increasingly hard to stay in position as I began to twist my hips and buck up n down over Uncle’s lap, kicking my legs wildly, twisting trying to avoid the paddle to no avail.  Uncle held me there tight wrapping my legs between his and catching my wrists and pinning them to my lower back before I could get my hands back to cover or protect my poor paddled bare bottom cheeks.  By the time Uncle was finished paddling my bare cheeks they were a DEEP red almost crimson, and somewhat purple in some spots, I was bawling and blubbering, crying and sobbing.  Uncle just put the paddle down pulling the back of my diaper up over my cheeks and stood me up LOOKING me in the eyes.             “Richard you thought that was a bad spanking little boy….that will seem like nothing IF and WHEN I have to properly punish you, and believe me I WILL.  You remember your caning I gave you…well you’ll be getting a lot more if it IF and WHEN I have to punish you for anything serious am I clear?  And while you are here in my house, you WILL be in diapers and little boy cloths, and I think you WILL be in diapers 24/7, and yes that includes under your work cloths.  But as soon as you get home each night Uncle will strip you of your work cloths and will be asking how your day was….if you were naughty in any way during the day you WILL be punished, and ALL punishments from Uncle will be on the bare bottom….or naked, even if Uncle has friends over am I clear?”             I’m bawling and crying, only able to nod my agreement to what Uncle said, crying way too much to even think of answering him verbally.  Uncle takes me by the arm and walks me back to the corner of his living room in full view of his big bay window.  He then tugs my diaper back down exposing my well spanked and paddled bum to the room and to anybody who walks past his house and decides to look into his big bay window.  Uncle walked off leaving me sobbing and crying there in the corner.             The rest of the week went relatively uneventful with the exception of nightly bedtime spankings from Uncle, all leaving me a crying, blubbering mess, and leaving Uncle hard as a rock which I had to fix with my mouth or my bum depending on Uncle’s mood at the time, but for the most part it was my bum he used for his pleasure while giving me another full and proper hand spanking.  My behavior and attitude were pretty good considering Uncle was a lot more strict with me than Daddy ever had been.  A few nights I had to serve him dinner naked, and a couple nights he had his friends over whom I had to serve their drinks either bare bottomed with the back of my diaper pulled down, or bare from the waist down after Uncle completely removed my diaper and still had me serve his friends, which only brought them great pleasure as Uncle fully allowed them to give my bare bottom cheeks as many hand spanks as they wished, although thankfully Uncle only allowed them to spank me, as a few of them requested I pleasure them, but Uncle was not going to allow that.              My time with Uncle was going quite well till the Friday of that week, I had, had plans to go out with my friends from work for Dinner and drinks, and maybe some dancing afterwards, and I had told Uncle that Daddy had given me permission to prior, but he was not having anything to do with that, and it all came to a head early that evening just after I had arrived home from work.             “Hi Uncle I’m home, I’m going to go have a shower and get ready to go out with my friends…”             “Richard come into my Study 1st please….”             I got a nervous knot in the pit of my stomach, as Uncle had originally told me I was forbidden to enter his Study unless it was for punishment…and he held his Study for only the worst and most severe of punishments.  I slowly walked down the hall towards his Study and gently knocked still very unsure.             “Come in Richard….”             I slowly walked in keeping my eyes glued to the floor.             “You wanted to….see me Uncle?”             “Yes Richard……as for your little outing this evening…you are staying home….and that is final….”             But….Uncle…..I’ve had this planned for weeks….we were going to go out to celebrate and well…maybe blow off some steam….”             “Excuse me little boy….do you talk to me in that manner?”             “But…..Uncle……Daddy even told you the other night if I behaved I could go….”             “Richard get over here right now…”             I slowly walked around to Uncle, as I got to him his strong hand gripped my arm and pulled me to him, quickly unbuttoning and unzipping my work pants, unbuckling my belt and tugging my work pants down exposing the big, bulky, thick diaper underneath.  I was instantly squirming and whining.             “Uncle Noooooo Please…..Daddy gave me permission to go out tonight…..he told you….”             “NO little boy nephew of mine is going out to get drunk and parade around…I told you when you came here….while you are here you are my LITTLE boy……with ALL the restrictions that comes with being a LITTLE boy….that means NO going out partying and drinking with your friends.”             “But Uncle!!!! I’m NOT a little boy…I’m and adult!!!! And I can go out if I want to….!!!!”             Unfortunately for me at that point I for what ever reason decided to try to enforce my adulthood to the man before me even though I was standing there with my dress pants down around my ankles in just a thick, bulky pink frilly diaper.  Uncle was NOT pleased with my little outburst as before I knew it my diaper had been quickly removed and I was right down over his lap feeling the SHARP, STINGING slaps of his hand to my bare bum.             “You DO NOT talk to me in thay manner little boy….you are NOT an adult as long as you are under MY roof….you are NO more than a NAUGHTY disrespectful little boy…and naughty little boys get their bare bums spanked and spanked HARD in my house!!!”             Uncle’s hand rained down across my bare bum cheeks making me kick and struggle over his lap, but Uncle held me down tightly SPANKING each and every inch of my bare cheeks.  I was bawling and crying heavily before he was done.  He stood me up, taking my hands in his and LOOKING me in the eyes.             “Now Richard you will get up those stairs, have your shower then you will come right back down here STILL naked, and STRIGHT into the corner….your not only NOT going out tonight but you are going to receive a PROPER PUNISHMENT spanking tonight, and believe me I am going to make SURE you remember this and do NOT even think of talking to me in that manner OR raising our voice to me EVER.”             As Uncle lectured and scolded me his hand continued to RAIN down over my cheeks with HARD, SHARP, STINGING SLAPS.             “Now get your diaper and your pants and get this bottom up to the bathroom….and I had better NOT hear ANY other noises other than your shower, or so help me your backside WILL pay the price…”             With that Uncle landed a RESOUNDING HARD SLAP to my bare cheeks sending me scurrying to collect my pants and diaper and head up to the bathroom already sobbing and crying.  I was NOT pleased not only was Uncle being completely unfair and going against Daddy’s permission for me to go out….but he was being completely mean and not letting me go out even though I more than earned it.  I somewhat slammed and banged around upstairs getting myself undressed and throwing my cloths into the hamper and my diaper in the garbage, mumbling, grumbling, muttering, cursing and swearing to myself how unfair Uncle was being.  I was stomping and pounding around, completely in my own world till I turned the corner into the bathroom where I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight before me, Uncle standing there with the heavy, large solid oak, long handled bath brush in his 1 hand and a fresh bar of soap in the other.             “Richard Michael Burleau….I am BEYOND disappointed, and angry with you….I told you to come up here and have a shower, then get your bottom back down to the living room and into the corner…and I told you if I heard ANY other sounds besides you having a shower you were going to be in DEEP trouble didn’t I….and WHAT did I hear up here….NOTHING but stomping and banging around and cursing and swearing up here….basically having a major temper tantrum to yourself….DO you have ANYTHING to say for yourself????”             I stood there wide-eyed like a deer in the headlights, I couldn’t even move or say anything as I knew I had been caught red handed…and soon to be VERY red bare bummed.  Uncle just grabbed my ear giving it a SHARP twist and all but dragging me to the sink, landing the brush down HARD across my bare cheeks with LOUD echoing CRACKS to my bare bottom cheeks.  As we got to the sink he turned on the tap and ran the soap under the tap lathering it.             “OPEN your mouth little boy you are getting a PROPER mouth washing for that NAUGTY swearing I head from your mouth…..”             As he was lathering the soap under the tap, he was landing the head of the brush down HARD across my bare cheeks, leaving DEEP oval RED marks over both of my bum cheeks.  As I opened my mouth to let out a scream Uncle all but shoved the bar of lathered soap into my mouth, scraping it across my teeth, scrubbing and rubbing it over my tongue both top and bottom of it….then the inside of my cheeks, completely filling my mouth with disgusting tasting soap suds to the point I was bawling, crying, gaging, choking, coughing.             “Now Richard bite down on the soap and KEEP it in your mouth….”             Bawling and blubbering I just do as told biting down on the soap, gaging n sputtering.  Before I knew it I was bent right over the counter of the bathroom, and the heavy head of the brush was BLASTING down over my cheeks.             “I CANNOT believe you Richard…..Using that kind of language…..what if your Daddy heard you…..what would HE be doing to you right now….I can only imagine he’d have you in this VERY position, bent over the counter with a bar of soap in your mouth, getting your bare backside cheeks SPANKED with the bath brush…..in fact…let’s just find out….. “             Uncle sets down the brush and takes his phone out dialing Daddy’s number, then turning it to his Face-Time app, as Daddy’s face came on the screen and saw me there in the state I was….tears, snot, and soap suds running down my face, my eyes bloodshot from crying.             “What is going on there…..Richard explain yourself.”             I couldn’t even talk as I was bawling too much and the soap and suds were making it even harder to speak.  Uncle took the bar of soap out of my moth and gave my bare backside a HARD CRACK of the brush making me JUMP and yelp loudly.             “Tell him Richard…tell your Daddy EXACTLY why you are in this state right now little boy….”             Bawling and blubbering stammering and stuttering trying to get the words out.             “I’m…..sorrrrrryyyyyy Daddddyyyy I…was..a….naughty boyyyyyyy…..I…got mad….an….said some….naughty words…..an….had a bit of a tantrum…….”             “Richard what have I told you about having tantrums and swearing little boy…we’ve had this VERY conversation MANY times before haven’t we little boy????”             Bawling and blubbering I just nodded, looking down completely embarrassed that Uncle had to call Daddy.             “Go a head Richard tell Daddy WHY you were having that little tantrum???”             “Uncle…..wouldn’t let me go out…tonight Daddy….even after you told him I could…….he wasn’t being fair Daddyyyyyy he was being mean…….”             Bawling and crying I saw Daddy just give Uncle a look and a nod as Uncle bent me back over the counter positioning his phone so Daddy could clearly see my DEEPLY spanked bare bottom as he RAINED the brush down HARD across my bare cheeks, sending me into fits of bawling, crying, blubbering.  I heard from the background Daddy’s voice coming from Uncle’s phone.             “You More than earned this Richard…you KNOW if I were there you’d be getting the VERY same thing from me…you were a NAUGHTY foul mouthed little boy….and you DESERVE each and EVERYTHING Uncle decides to give you for your behavior.  And as for me giving you my permission to go out tonight, that was just MY permission you are living under Uncle’s roof it is HIS decision in the end and I completely agree with him…a NAUGHTY little boy does NOT deserve to go out with his friends when he acts like that….”             I’m just bawling and crying as I hear Daddy’s decision.  Uncle continues to RAIN the brush down over my bare backside leaving DEEP angry red ovals over every inch of my bare cheeks.             “Ben, I think this boy needs to get into that shower, he needs to get cleaned up….then we can and WILL continue his punishment later.”             “Yes I agree Max, Alright Richard rinse your mouth and get your bottom into that shower…if I hear ANY more back-talk or arguing, or ANY profanity from you, you WILL be spending the remainder of the night with that bare of soap in your mouth AS I punish you….”             With that Uncle puts the brush back were it was and puts the bar of soap away, giving my bare DEEPLY reddened and somewhat bruised bottom cheeks a couple SHARP STINGING SMACKS with his hand sending me towards the shower.  I quickly hobbled and scurried to the shower as Uncle took his phone and Daddy with him as he walked out of the bathroom asking hi head.  I slowly got into the shower facing the water as I wanted as little of the hot water to touch my already scorched bare bottom cheeks as possible.  It took me a little longer to shower as I found it very difficult to move a lot as any movement only shot stinging waves through my bare bottom cheeks.  I had lost track of time as I was showering only to be interrupted by the loud, bellowing, booming voice of Uncle calling up from downstairs.             “Richard I hope you are NOT stalling young man….b/c if you are, you are ONLY ADDING to your punishment, and I’d get your backside moving little boy before I come back up there and pull you out of that shower and paddle your wet bare backside cheeks severely…..!!!!  You are already on the verge of receiving a proper dose of my cane or my strap tonight young man I would NOT want to push your luck any further…!!!”             I quickly finished my shower and got out….drying myself off as much as I could but avoiding even touching my bare bottom.  I quickly cleaned up from my shower and headed down to the living room still completely naked and my bare bottom cheeks still quite damp, I went to the corner pressing my nose to the corner and placing my hands on my head.  I was left there in the corner for well over ½ hour – 45 minutes before I heard Uncle’s heavy footsteps approaching me, then the sharp, twisting grip of his hand on my ear as he all but dragged me out of the corner and towards the middle of the living room where he had set out one of his high -backed-armless chairs and a small table with several implements on it which ranged from his hairbrush, a rather large wooden paddle, his cane, a small thin rubber strap, and a rather large round headed wooden spoon, on another table he had set up his lap top which was on and Daddy’s face staring back at me with a rather disappointed and angry look on it, as Uncle had Skyped Daddy while I was in the corner and they had decided that Daddy would be witness to my punishment.  As we got to the chair Uncle sat down on the chair positioning me so I was facing both Uncle and Daddy, deep down in the pit of my stomach I knew this was NOT going to be good at all for me, but something inside me was pushing forward a slight sense that this was all unfair, that I was being mistreated somehow, that I was right and I should be at that party right now.  Daddy spoke 1st.             “Now Richard I know I told you, you could go to that party with your friends before I left, but you are not at home with me are you, you are at Uncle’s house and I told you, and I know Uncle told you that when you are staying with him you are under HIS roof and under HIS rules, so if he decided that you didn’t earn the right to go to that party then his word is final, just like mine is when you are home with me.”             “Awwwww but Daddy!!!! That’s not fair!!! You already gave me permission to go to the party, and you’re my Daddy NOT him!!!”             I knew deep down that little outburst was NOT the right thing to do, or say, but I was angry, upset, and hurt that Daddy would take Uncle’s side and not mine, and being caught between my little subby side and my adult side at the moment mad it that much harder to not argue my point even though I knew it would only add to my punishment.             “Ben I think this little boy needs and has earned a proper lesson in where he belongs in this situation, and the consequences for back talking and adult.”             “Oh yes Max I completely agree with you…”             With out warning Uncle grabbed my arms and hauled me down over his lap grabbing and pinning my arms by the wrists to my lower back, and trapping my legs down between his, thus pushing my already deeply reddened bare bum cheeks (which were still quite damp, almost wet).  As he got me into this position his big, strong, calloused hand began to rain down over my cheeks FAST and HARD.             “Richard you KNOW better than to talk to an adult like that little boy, if I were there right now you’d be getting a VERY LONG, and VERY HARD spanking over my lap little boy, Daddy is COMPLETELY disappointed in you little boy, and I think when I get home we are going to have a LONG talk about respect, and respecting your elders little boy.  Ben I know I can trust you in giving this little boy a good PROPER spanking for his behavior and attitude.”             “Oh yes Max don’t you worry this little boy will be feeling the fullest might of my wrath, He will be a VERY sorry little boy before I’m done with him.”             As Uncle and Daddy discussed my punishment and my disobedience, Uncle’s hand rained down across my cheeks not spanking in the same place twice, spanking down HARD up and down my cheeks from the fleshiest peaks of my cheeks down to my lower cheeks, undercurves, sit spots and upper thighs turning the entire area a DEEP shade of red.  I kicked and screamed and struggled as Uncle’s hand spanked down across my cheeks, squirming and twisting to the best of my ability although I wasn’t going anywhere as Uncle had me punned tight.             “LET ME GO!!!!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!! You’re being SO UNFAIR!!!!! Daddy already said YES I could go to the party!!!!! I HATE you!!!!!!!             “Oh I see my hand isn’t getting through to this little boy…maybe we need to up the punishment don’t you think Max?”             “Oh yes Ben I completely agree….maybe the brush or the spoon would do the trick.”             “I completely agree Max.”             With that Uncle picked up his trusty large oval tear-drop shape, solid oak backed hairbrush and began to RAIN it down over my cheeks not skipping a single beat as the brush SMACKED down HARD across my now somewhat swollen cheeks.  The hairbrush only brought on stronger struggling from me, and louder screams and cries, but something deep down inside me wasn’t letting me completely release control, something was forcing me to continue to fight and squirm.  After about 5 – 10 minutes of the brush impacting my bare cheeks which were now DEEPLY reddened, VERY much swollen with several forming deep red almost purple bruises forming Daddy spoke.             “Alright Ben I think this boy need a break and some time in the corner to think about his behavior.”             “Yes Max I completely agree, plus I need to give my arm a break.”             With that Uncle stood me up and escorted me back to the corner CRACKING my bare backside cheeks HARD with the brush all the way to the corner.  I stood there in the corner bawling, blubbering, crying, sobbing heavily, my nose pressed hard into the corner as I sobbed heavily.  It was almost a full hour before I felt the sharp, twisting pinch of Uncle’s fingers on my ear as he dragged me back out of the corner and back over to the chair and to where Daddy was waiting on cam to watch the reminder of my punishment.             “Now Richard, it seems you see the need to argue and back talk with Daddy and I tonight, and continually argue and back talk over and over again even when you are being punished.  Well I intend to put an end to that right this instant….get over to that couch, kneel on the couch and bend over the back of the couch you are in store for a VERY STRICT punishment young man that you have MORE than earned…..Your Daddy and I have discussed it and we’ve both agreed you’ve more than earned a proper dose of my paddle young man, and believe me you will not want to sit for some time after this little boy.  Both myself and your Daddy are VERY disappointed in you and your behavior and attitude this evening, and I warn you this right now if you even think of back talking or arguing with this punishment I CAN and WILL replace the paddle with my cane….and it won’t be just a simple 6 strokes young man I will be caning your bare backside till your father and I feel necessary…”             I LOOK at Uncle in shock then look over at Daddy, he just nods his head.             “Yes Little boy, a good proper caning on your bare backside, and to be honest Richard I think I’ll be purchasing a cane for myself, so you CAN and WILL be feeling it even if you are at home little boy….I am done with your attitude, and disrespect towards Uncle and I.”             I just look at Daddy again on the verge of tears, scared, worried.             “In Fact Ben I think maybe you should go strait to your cane…..he needs this serious lesson…..”             “Of course Max….”             Uncle goes and puts the paddle back picking up the cane, flexing it in his hands.             “Alright Richard get into position little boy…..right now.”             I quickly go to the couch kneeling, and bending over it, legs spread wide, my little sack and pecker fully visible to Uncle and Daddy, as well as my little puckered anus fully visible between my already deeply reddened and punished cheeks.  Uncle walks up behind me tapping the can on my bottom cheeks.             “Now this is NOT going to be a regular caning little boy…you are going to be getting as many strokes of it as Daddy and I see fit…and believe me you WILL NOT be able to sit comfortably for some time after this I promise.”             With that Uncle raised the cane high above my bottom and bringing it down whistling through the air and connecting with my cheeks with a LOUD *THWIP*  Making me jumps up and SCREAM grabbing my bottom clutching it and bawling.             “Get those hands away from your bottom and bend back over right this instant little boy, or so help me I’ll tie you down and you won’t be able to move….”             I quickly bend back over sobbing as the cane comes down HARD across my cheeks again *THWIP* *THWIP* *THWIP* *THWIP*  The cane painting it’s thin red lines across my cheeks with each impact, making me scream out, bawling, crying, sobbing.  The caning lasts another 10 – 15 strokes before I hear Daddy’s voice over my crying.             “Alright Ben I think he’s had enough, and he’s learned his lesson….haven’t you Richard…”             I’m just bawling and crying, all I can do is nod my head, unable to answer verbally.  Uncle puts the cane back down and helps me back to the corner.  As he walks me to the corner he whispers in my ear.             “Little boy before I put you to bed tonight you are going to thank Uncle properly…..then I’m going to put you over my lap for a good proper bed time spanking little boy.”             I just sob and nod unable to answer as I’m escorted back to the corner.  I hear Uncle go back to the couch and just talk with Daddy.  After about an hour and a half I hear Uncle’s footsteps behind me then his large, calloused hands on my bum cheeks giving them a rub and a squeeze, then parting my cheeks and his finger pressing onto my little puckered rosebud.             “Richard….Up to your room and wait for me in the corner, I want you standing in the corner nose pressed to the corner hands on your head when I get up there….if you are not in that exact position when I get there your bed time spanking will be updated to a bed time paddling do I make myself clear?”             I just keep my nose pressed to the corner feeling the tears still dribbling down my cheeks as I nod.             ‘Yesssss…..Uncle…you make…yourself…clear…..”             “Good boy…..now get going….”             With that I feel Uncle’s hands leave my bottom cheeks than not even a second later I feel a SHARP STINGING SLAP of his hand to each of my cheeks, making me jump and yelp as I scurry out of the corner and up to my room sobbing.  I quickly get into position in the corner as Uncle instructed and wait there scared and worried. I stand there in the corner for well over another an hour and a half before I hear Uncle’s footsteps enter my room and walk up behind me, his hands cupping, squeezing, rubbing, and fondling my bottom cheeks as well as my little tight sack and pecker, quickly making me start to moan.  I then feel him part my cheeks and his finger probing, pushing, and pressing on my little puckered rosebud.             “I’m not sure if I should use this little bum of yours before I give you your bed time spanking….or after….or maybe I should just do it both little boy how do you feel about that?”             Uncle’s finger presses and slides into my puckered bum hole slowly, sliding in and out slowly, as I feel his rather large bulge push on my bum cheek.             “Richie…..turn around and kneel before Uncle….you need to give Uncle a proper thanking for punishing you like you earned and deserved…..”             I just slowly turn to face Uncle, kneeling before him looking up at him, tears still rolling down my cheeks.  He unbuckles his belt and pulls it out from around his waist doubling it in his hand, holding it there letting it dangle beside me.             “Now boy….undo Uncle ‘s pants and lower them and his boxers…..you know what to do with what’s inside little boy…..”             With that I feel a SHARP, STINGING SNAP of the belt to my bare backside cheeks to give me a little more motivation.  As I awkwardly unbutton, and unzip Uncle’s jeans, then tug them down along with his boxers, freeing his rather rigid, hard, long, thick cock before me.  He steps out of is jeans and boxers, taking a grip of his cock and rubbing the head over my lips, then giving my cheeks a firm slap of his cock.             “You head better do a good job little boy or you will be a very sorry little boy….”             With that I feel yet another SHARP, STINGING SLAP of the belt to y bare bottom cheeks.  I quickly take Uncle’s cock in my mouth and begin to suck n slurp n lick up n down the shaft and head.             “Mmmmmmm yessss boy…..that’s what Uncle likes…..take all of Uncle in your mouth little boy, make Uncle nice n wet for your little bum hole”             Yet another sharp lick to my bare bottom cheeks with the belt as I continue to suck, slurp and lick up and down over Uncle’s cock, yelping n crying at the licks of the belt to my already fully and properly punished bottom cheeks.  Uncle pushes me off his cock, looking down at me.             “Kneel on the bed boy…..it’s time Uncle used your bottom for something other than spanking…..push your bum right up and out…I want to see and have FULL access to your little puckered hole…..”             I slowly and awkwardly climb up onto the bed kneeling, my stomach and chest on the bed, my bum cheeks pushed up and out and open for Uncle.  I hear Uncle approach me then feel the STING of the belt as it’s SNAPPED and drug across my bare backside cheeks repeatedly, a good 10 strokes land making me bawl n sob into the bed.  Then I feel the pressure of Uncle pushing his hard cock onto and into my tight bum hole, then a hard thrust as he enters me making me yelp and moan.  Uncle thrusts and pushes his cock deep into my little bum hole slowly at first but then increasing the tempo and also thrusting harder and harder till his entire cock is going in and out of my bum, and his large sack and balls slap hard against mine.  As he’s using my bum the belt continues to land sharply across my cheeks reddening them even more, sending me into fits of tears, yelps and moans.  I feel him reach under me and grab a tight grip on my little pecker and sack stroking it as he thrusts.  Finally, after about 5 – 7 minutes of hard thrusts I feel him finally release and fill my bum to the brim that his juices dribble out of my bum and down the back of my sack.  He pulls out of me and walks around the bed so he’s now facing me, his hard, thick, long cock right there in my face.             “Alright Richard clean Uncle up properly, then you are going over my lap for a good long bedtime spanking….and I tell you this right now I am not going to stop spanking you till I deem it necessary….”             I open my mouth and he slides his dripping cock into my mouth as I begin to suck and slurp and lick up and down his cock cleaning him, tasting his remaining juices as I do as told, if only to avoid any more unneeded trouble or attitude that would lead my bed time spanking to get a lot worse.  Uncle slowly pulls out of my mouth wiping his head on my lips.             “Mmmmm Richie you were so good little boy…and your bum was so nice n tight for Uncle…..but now it’s time for your bed time spanking little boy, and as I said before I am not going to stop till I deem it necessary am I clear….?             “Yes….Uncle…..you… are…..”             “Good boy…now get up, give Uncle room to sit, then over my lap little boy….you’re in for a rather long session over Uncle’s lap….you’ve more than earned this little boy….then Uncle will re-diaper you then you are going straight to bed….and I do not want to hear any sounds coming from up here for the remainder of the night, or I can and will come back up here and spank you again….”             I slowly slide off of the bed and stood there hands on my head waiting for Uncle, as he sits on the bed patting his lap, I slowly lay over his lap with a whimper, knowing this is not going to be good at all.  Without a word Uncle begins a steady firm to hard and fast barrage of hand spanks all over my bare cheeks, which are already quite well reddened and swollen from my previous punishments, it doesn’t take long for me to be in full blown tears and crying over his lap.  I was over Uncle’s lap for well over 20 mins – ½ hour before he stopped the spanking, and just rubbed my now deeply swollen, reddened and somewhat bruised bare bottom cheeks.  Uncle then stood me up reaching over and grabbing a new diaper off the shelf and opening it, sliding it between my legs and taping it tight around my waist, giving my enflamed, swollen and bruised cheeks a firm swat through my thick bulky padded diaper.             “Alright Richie…in bed little boy….you have a long day at work tomorrow and I can guarantee that sitting for any length of time is not going to be comfortable for you whatsoever.”             I just slowly climbed into bed and lay there crying heavily into my pillow as Uncle tucked me in gently kissing my cheek.             The next week or so went past relatively quickly with only a few trips across Uncle’s lap, as I was quite busy with my work and also trying my best to stay out of trouble with Uncle, although I did earn a few light in comparison sessions over his lap mainly for my rather bad, and continual habit of back talking him when I wasn’t having a very good day or I didn’t exactly agree with his point of view, although I quickly would learn to agree with it as I’d be across his lap either bare bottomed or naked getting my bare bottom spanked rather soundly.  We also had a few more intimate times together where I’d be pleasuring Uncle either with my mouth or my bum, or both.             It came to my last Sunday of my time with Uncle, as Daddy would be coming home in the evening and we’d be able to get back to our normal routine of me being Daddy’s little boy.  Unfortunately for me it also fell on my regular Maintenance Day when Uncle would be dealing with any missed spankable infractions and also giving me several more stress relief and reminder spankings.  The day started off rather badly with me repeatedly hitting my snooze button and trying to get just that little more sleep as I had, had a rather late night the night before and also, I had a bit of a hang-over from the night before as I had been out drinking with some friends from work b/c it was our one friend’s retirement party.  Unfortunately for me the repeated hitting of my snooze button and the repeated warnings from Uncle to get up and get ready for Church had only gotten Uncle more and more upset with me, till he had finally had enough of my stalling and hitting my snooze button and he came into my room threw my covers down and off and yanked the back of my diaper down SMACKING my bare backside HARD and FAST with his hand.             “I gave you AMPLE time to get up Richard, but you are continually hitting that snooze button and ignoring my warnings, you KNOW we have church this morning and know I do not want to be late AGAIN because of you.  Now get this bottom up and dressed or so help me you will not be sitting in church comfortably at all.  You have 2 minutes to get your backside up or I will be back in here but this time with the hairbrush to your bae bottom.”             “Owwwwweeeee Owwweeeeee Uncle!!!!! Uncle!!!!! Stoppppppp it’s too early!!!! I don’t wanna go to Church!!! I just Wanna sleep!!! Leave me alone!!!!!!             Well, that little outburst sealed my fate as deep down I knew I had crossed a line with that.  Uncle just grabbed me by the ear and HAULED me out of bed SMACKING my bare cheeks HARD and FAST.  Sitting down on my bed and taking me right down and over his lap, picking up the brush off the bedside table and RAINING it down across my bare cheeks.             “Excuse me???? You KNOW you do NOT talk to me in that tone little boy!!! I told you already that I would be getting you up early this morning for Church!! And I gave you PLENTY of time and chances to get up on your own, but you refused to do as you were told and now you are arguing and back talking and giving me attitude!!!  You MORE than earned this little boy, and believe me if I had the time to I’d give you a PROPER reminder of EXACTLY what is expected of you while you are in my house little boy, but unfortunately we are already short on time, so this will have to hold you over till I get you home from Church but then believe me little boy I WILL be giving you a FULL and PROPER reminder of EXACTLY what is expected of you!!!”             The entire time Uncle was lecturing and scolding me the large, solid oak, tear drop, oval backed hairbrush was RAINING down across my cheeks paining every inch of them a DEEP shade of red.  Uncle tugged my diaper down more now focusing on my sensitive lower cheeks, sit spots, and undercurves where I will be sitting on the hard, flat, wooden pews in Church.  I was bawling and crying heavily even before my hair brushing was even halfway done.  Uncle set the brush back down on the table and stood me up facing him with tears rolling down my cheeks.             “Now Richard you will get dressed in your good Church cloths and be downstairs and ready in 5 minutes, and so help me little boy if you are even a MINUTE longer I WILL be adding it to your punishment when we get home from Church.  I warn you this right now little boy, if you give me ANY attitude or misbehavior at Church you WILL be dealt with severely when we get home, I am beyond disappointed in you little boy.  Now get dressed you have 5 minutes.”             With that Uncle SMACKED each of my cheeks HARD with his hand as he stormed out of the room glaring at me with a stern warning look.  I stood there for a few seconds just bawling and crying as my bare backside was stinging and burning from Uncle’s initial spanking.  I quickly got myself dressed awkwardly pulling the back of my diaper back up, being very thankful I wasn’t wet or messy from the previous night’s sleep.  I quickly got dressed and headed down the stairs to an rather angry and disappointed Uncle just pointing at the front door, I quickly headed out the door feeling a RESOUNDING SMACK of Uncle’s hand to my clothed, and diapered bottom, sending me yelping to the car.  Church was no better as I found it VERY difficult to sit still comfortably, if at all on the hard flat wooden pews, and my constant squirming, fussing and moving only irritated Uncle more and more as Church went on.  By the time Church was over I knew for a fact that Uncle was beyond upset with me and disappointed in me, and to make matters worse our conversation with the Paster as we headed out of the Church only made things 10 times worse, as I knew deep down some how the Paster knew of my place with Uncle and also how disappointed, upset and embarrassed Uncle was with my behavior and attitude.             “Oh Ben, I see you were able to attend our service today, we missed you at Mass last week.”             “Oh I’m sorry Father, I had my hands full with young Richard here.”             “Ahh Young Mr.Berleau, or is it still Mr. Beaudoin?....”             I just looked down in shame as I knew Uncle was not pleased with me.             “Well Richard answer Father.”             “Ummmm it’s Still….Beaudoin, Father…..”             “Ahh yes, we haven’t Seen you or Max well here in a while, where have the 2 of you been?”             I looked up at Uncle, he looked down at me with a stern warning look.             “Ummmm Max has been away on a business trip Father, he’ll be home this evening”             “Ahhhh good and I hope we’ll see the 2 of you back at Church for Mass next Sunday then?”             “Ummm yes, possibly…Father”             “Mmmm why so quiet Richard…you are usually quite talkative?”             I look up at Uncle again with a pleading look, as I truly do not want to answer the Paster as to the true reason, I’m being quite silent.  Uncle just looks down at me shaking his head with a very disappointed look on his face.             “Richard and I have a few things to discuss when we get home, before Max gets home to pick him up, he’s not had a very good day so far Father, I think that’s the reason he’s being rather quiet.”             “Ahhh the young man has earned himself a good proper talking to has he Ben?  Well, I won’t keep you any longer then, you too have a great day and hope I see you back for Mass next Sunday, and that goes for you and Max, Richard.”             “Yes…Father…we’ll do our best…”             Uncle and I just nodded to the Paster as we walked off towards the car.             “Young man you are in SERIOUS trouble when we get home little boy.  When we get home, I want you up stairs to your room everything off but your diaper then meet me back down in the living room.  We are going to deal with your behavior and attitude this morning and at Church, and I warn you this right now I had better not see or get ANY attitude from you little boy or your punishment will get that much worse for you.”             “Yesssss Uncle…..”             Unfortunately for me the Paster was within earshot and heard everything, giving me a knowing look as I got into the car.  The drive home was quite quiet as I dared not even make a peep, getting a knot in my stomach as we got closer to home. Imes             “I cannot believe you today Richard…..you have been nothing but a naughty disrespectful, disobedient little boy.  How many times did I warn you to sit still in church, or to follow along, and that little attitude after church with Paster?  If I knew Paster was O.K. with it I would have bared your bottom right then and there and spanked your bare bottom right in front of him.  You are in serious trouble when we get home little boy, and I know your Daddy will be home later this evening to pick you up to bring you home, and believe me he will be hearing about this, and I will leave it up to him if he decides to take you back to Church and spank you right in front of Paster.”             I felt the tears instantly begin to well up in my eyes at that final warning knowing Daddy will NOT be happy with me what-so-ever.  As we pulled into the driveway and Uncle stopped and turned off the car, I quickly undid my seatbelt and hurriedly hot out of the car closing the door and making a mad dash to the front door trying to get my key into the lock forgetting I wasn’t going home and in fact trying to unlock Uncle’s door with our front door key.  My attempts and concentration was quickly derailed by the sharp stinging (even through my dress pants and thick bulky diaper) barrage of HARD and FAST SLAPS of Uncle’s hand to my bottom.             “What do you think you are doing little boy…this is not your house…. this is Uncle’s house and that key will not work on my door little boy, plus I did NOT tell you, you could just run off on me like that did I?!?!?”             “Owwwwweeee Owwwweeee owwwwweeeeee Unnnncccleeeeee owwweeee Nooooooo you didn’t…..”             I jumped and yelped as Uncle’s hand rained down across my padded bottom, bringing forth even stronger tears.  Uncle took my keys from me and unlocked the door with his keys opening the door and ushering me in the house with a rapid series of HARD SLAPS to my bottom.             “Now Richard upstairs and everything but your diaper off, and you had better be down in the living room in 5 minutes or I’ll come up there and help you undress and begin your punishment up there and believe me you do NOT want me to have to do that little boy…you are already inb enough trouble as it is little boy.”             I just quickly scampered up the stairs to my room, throwing myself onto my bed and bawling into my pillow.  Unfortunately for me I spent a little too much time crying into my pillow and running the day so far in my head and trying to think of how to keep all of this from getting to Daddy, b/c I knew if Daddy heard the entire story he wouldn’t hesitate to bring me back to Church and if he needed to, convince Paster to allow him to spank me right then and there in front of him, and I knew it would be on my bare bottom, if not completely naked.  Being deep in thought and almost half asleep from crying, I didn’t hear Uncle calling up to me, and the several warnings he gave me to get my bottom down to the living room till it was too late.  I felt his strong grip on the back of my dress pants as he hauled me up to my feet and easily over his lap RAINING his hand down HARD n FAST across my padded and clothed bottom, even through the rather thick fabric of my dress pants, and my thick bulky diaper I felt the FULL force of each and ever hand spank that landed across my bottom.             “What did I tell you Richard, what were my EXACT instructions when I sent you up here?”             “OWWWWWWWEEEEEE OWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Uncccllllllleeeeeeeee!!!!!! To get undressed to my diaper…….and come down stairs…….!!!!!!”             “Yes little boy that’s EXACTLY what I said, and then WHY am I up here finding you still FULLY clothed and laying on your bed???”             “OWWWEEEEEEE OWWWWEEEEE OWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEE I dunnnoooooo Unclleeeeeee”             “Well you just earned yourself a LOT worse of a punishment little boy….I called up to you several times, gave you several warnings, which you seem to have just ignored….well you will NOT be able to ignore this punishment little boy!!!!”             With that Uncle proceeded to RAIN his hand down HARD and FAST ALL over my clothed bottom, this portion of the spanking lasted well over 5 minutes of PURE HARD and FAST hand spanks, leaving me a bawling, blubbering mess over his lap.  Unfortunately, unknown to Uncle this spanking also all but opened the flood gates in my diaper as I saturated it, almost to the point of overflow.  Bawling and crying I just laid there over his lap all but motionless unable to move, struggle or kick as my ONLY focus was split between the BURNING and STINGING of my bottom, and the complete saturation of my diaper, knowing once Uncle found out, and I hadn’t told him my punishment would only get that much worse.  After a full 5+ minutes of HARD and FAST spanks Uncle finally stood me up, beginning to unbuckle my belt, pulling it out of the loops around my waist and folding it over waving it in front of my face.             “You see this little boy…your OWN little thin belt….well you WILL be feeling it across your bare bottom once Uncle gets your diaper off, and that is AFTER a GOOD PROPER dose of both Uncle’s hand again and Uncle’s hairbrush.”             I was bawling and crying heavily, almost too much to even hear or understand what Uncle was saying but the sight of my own little thin belt snapped me back to reality and I heard and felt each and every word Uncle said, especially since I felt the full weight not only physically but mentally and emotionally of my rather heavy and completely saturated diaper that was just barely hanging off of my waist from the weight as Uncle unzipped and tugged down my Dress pants, seeing 1st hand the degree of my diaper’s saturation, and just barely hanging off of my waist.             “What is the MEANING of this Richard…..you completely and utterly SATURATED your diaper….you didn’t even tell Uncle you had to pee???? You Just wet your diaper like a naughty little baby boy????? I CANNOT believe you little boy…..Step out of your dress pants…hands on your head little boy……Uncle is BEYOND disappointed in you!!!!”             I quickly and awkwardly stepped out of my dress pants holding onto Uncle’s shoulders for balance, as soon as I had stepped out of my dress pants Uncle QUICKLY YANKED my dress shirt up and over my head, forcing me to raise my arms as he YANKED it up and off my body, leaving me all but naked with the exception of my very much sagging diaper.             “Get your nose in that corner, hands on your head, little boy and wait for me…I will be right back”             With that Uncle gave me a SHARP STNGING barrage of hand spans to my upper thighs just under my diaper sending me yelping and crying to the corner as he got up shaking his head and all but stormed out of my room leaving me in the corner bawling, crying, sobbing, my diaper barely hanging off my waist from the weight.  I stood there facing the corner for well over an hour, my tears had all but dried up, but I was still far too afraid to even move from my position as I didn’t want to be caught by Uncle and make my punishment any worse than it has already been, and any worse than Uncle had already stated it was going to get.  Finally, after a rather lengthy time in the corner I finally heard Uncle’s footsteps come up the stairs and into my room.  I heard a few odd noises before I felt Uncle’s strong hand on my shoulder.             “Richard bend over little boy, I want you to push your bottom up and out for me.”             His tone and demeaner was a little kinder and gentler than it had been earlier, but I still heard the strict tone to his voice warning me to do as I was told with out any arguments, or back talk.  I slowly bent over, pushing my thick, bulky, completely saturated and heavy diapered bottom up and out for Uncle.  As soon as I was in proper position, I felt Uncle’s fingers in the waist band of my diaper easily tugging it down letting it fall down my legs to the floor with a dull thud.  I slowly stepped out of my diaper but remained bent over, far too scared to move or do anything wrong that would anger or irritate Uncle any more than he was already.  Uncle picked up the diaper and held it under my face and nose.             “You see this little boy…this is VERY naughty….you not only saturated your diaper to what I can only guess is to the brink of it overflowing, but you also did it with out telling Uncle you had to go, and you know not only Uncle’s, but your Daddy’s rule about when you are in Diaper Punishment….you are to tell us when ever you have to use the washroom and we’ll take you.  But you did not do that Did you….you just peed in your diaper without telling Uncle, well you know that is only going to add to your punishment little boy.”             Uncle walked away from me tossing the diaper in the diaper pail, the walked back to me, as I felt his hand on my still damp, wet, clammy cheeks, as he parted my cheeks giving him full and easy access and sight of my little puckered rosebud.  He then pressed, and twisted something over my puckered hole, almost instantly I started to feel the burn and sting, making it very clear to me it was a ginger root fig.  He pressed and twisted the fig into my bottom hole making me whine and squirm, which was only met with HARD SHARP SLAPS of his hand to my bare bottom and serious warnings.             “You will stay still little boy….if you continue to squirm and move around before Uncle gets this fig in your bottom so help me I’ll take your brush to your bare bottom then fig you.”             This warning quickly made me stop moving as Uncle finally pressed and twisted the long, thick ginger root fig deep into my bum hole making the sting and burn radiate deep in my bottom, making me squirm and try to wiggle my bottom to get any relief from the only intensifying heat and burn radiating from within my bottom hole.  Once fully plugged Uncle stood me up by my arm and walked me to the empty chair he had placed between my dresser and bed.  I also saw a rather large metal bowl on my dresser with a large sponge in it.  My only thought at the time was Uncle was going to wash my bottom before he spanked me.  Unfortunately for me that was not all that Uncle had in store for me with that bowl of water and sponge.             “Now little boy, you see that bowl, it has ice cold water in it, and a sponge, I plan on spanking your bare bottom dry, then wetting your bottom, hair brushing your bottom dry, then re-wetting your bottom, then giving you a final dose of your own belt to your bare bottom.  Believe me little boy you WILL learn to follow Uncle’s rules 1 way or another, and I plan on starting that training right here right now little boy…now over my lap…..”             Uncle gave me a serious warning look and just pointed to his lap, as I quickly bent over it, as I got over it he grabbed my arms by my wrists and pinned them to my lower back, then hooked his legs around mine thus pushing my plugged and already spanked bare bottom cheeks up and out for him, giving him full and complete sight and access to each and every inch of my bare bottom.  Before I could react to being locked in place his hand began to RAIN down across my still damp, clammy, and somewhat wet bottom from being in my saturated diaper for so long.  Uncle didn’t even miss a single inch of my bottom cheeks from the very peaks and fleshiest points of my bottom all the way down to my lower cheeks, undercurves, sit spots, and upper thighs quickly reddening the entire area to a DEEP red.  This portion of my spanking lasted well over 10 – 15 minutes of pure HARD and FAST hand spankings, leaving me a blubbering, bawling, crying mess of a naughty little boy.  After Uncle was sure he had spanked my bottom dry he released my arms and legs and stood me up, turning me to face him, taking my chin in his hand and raising my face so our eyes met and I saw just how serious he was with his words, not only from his tone, but also from the look on his face and in his eyes.             “Richard, I want you downstairs into the corner, hands on your head nose in the far corner facing the big bay window where anybody and everybody that passes my hose can clearly see you standing there naked with a well punished, reddened, and plugged bottom.  I have decided that the remainder of your punishment will take place downstairs in the living room, where I can keep a good close eye on you in the corner.  Now downstairs you go…MOVE it!!!”             With that Uncle landed a very hard, sharp, stinging SLAP to my bare bottom sending me bawling out of my room and down to the living room and into the corner where I stood there bawling, hand on my head, nose to the corner, unable to feel anything but my burning, stinging, bottom from the spanking and the burning and stinging from within my bottom hole from the ginger root fig.  I heard Uncle coming to me down the stairs and pass me not saying anything, just leaving me facing the corner, naked, well-spanked and plugged bare bum.  Uncle left me there for again well over an hour as I heard him pass me a few times, he also landed a few SHARP, STINGING SLAPS to my bare cheeks as he passed me, just as a reminder of why I was in the corner and what I was going to feel once he had me back over his lap.             I was well over an hour before I heard Uncle’s footsteps approach me, as he got closer I felt the tight, firm grip on my upper arm as he spun me around so we came face to face.  I could see by the look on his face he was still not pleased with me as he not so gently with SHARP SLAPS of his hand to my bare bottom, escorted me to his high backed armless chair which was situated right beside a small table where he had set up the bowl with the water and sponge, and he had placed the hairbrush.  He sat down and hauled me over his lap, giving me a rapid-fire hand spanking with his hand that lasted well over 5 minutes, sending me into renewed tears and sobs.             “Now, little boy we will get down to the 2nd part of your punishment today, I intend on re-wetting your bottom cheeks then giving you a full and proper session with the hairbrush little boy, you know you have more than earned this, and I am intent on making sure you learn from this lesson little boy.”             With that he dipped the sponge into the bowl of ice water and began to squeeze and soak my cheeks, at 1st it felt somewhat good on my blazing bottom cheeks but then it quickly went to very uncomfortable as my bottom and my little sack and pecker were becoming colder and colder with the water being applied to them and dripping down between my cheeks and between my legs.  After thoroughly soaking my bottom Uncle set the sponge down and picked up the brush beginning to PEPPER and RAIN the brush down HARD and FAST across my cheeks not leaving a single inch of my cheeks untouched by the brush, leaving me a bawling, blubbering, crying mess, and I knew from my position over Uncle’s lap with my bum facing the big bay window anybody and everybody that passed Uncle’s house could clearly see and watch me get a very strict and severe hairbrush spanking.  After a good 15 - 20 minutes of pure hair bushing, leaving me a bawling blubbering mess Uncle stood me up, placing the brush back onto the table and stood up spank marching me back to the corner, where he left me sobbing and crying there in the corner for well over an hour, only giving my deeply reddened and somewhat bruised bare cheeks a few sharp and stinging slaps each time he passed me.             After leaving me in the corner for well over an hour Uncle came over to me placing his hand on my shoulder and turning me to face him, almost instinctively I just buried my face in his chest and bawled as he rubbed and caressed my swollen, now well bruised bare cheeks.  Uncle squeezed, caressed, and groped my bare cheeks as he walked me back to the couch making me kneel up on the couch bending over the back of the couch, thus completely exposing my bottom and the puckered hole between my cheeks as well as my little hairless sack and packer hanging down between my legs.  Uncle gently caressed and rubbed my little sack and pecker then gently slid his finger deep into my bum hole, thrusting it slowly in n out of my hole.  I heard the zip of his fly coming down then felt the tip of his big, thick, long, hard cock rub over my puckered hole before he thrust it deep into me….pumping hard in and out of me making us grunt, groan, and moan, he gave a few hard thrusts before he pulled out and stood beside me picking up his long, thick, wide leather strap and running it over my swollen and deeply reddened and somewhat bruised cheeks, raising it and bringing it down HARD across my cheeks making me scream and yelp.  He landed 5 – 10 mor HARD stinging, burning leather strap licks across my cheeks leaving me a bawling blubbering mess before I felt his cock being slid deep into my bum again, thrusting and pumping into me hard.             ‘Now, Richard you know your Daddy and I’s rule, you had better not release before I do, if you do you will be getting double with the belt young man.  Now, this is going to be your final part of your Maintenance Spanking for today boy, mainly because your Daddy will be home soon and he’s asked me to have you diapered and in your little boy clothes before he gets home, and I will be telling him about your little scene at Church today so I would expect him to give you another proper spanking when you get home, and I expect he’ll be bringing you to Church next Sunday to discuss things with Pastor.”             As he was talking Uncle was pumping in n out of my bum hard and fast then slow and methodical, his sack slapping against mine making it harder and harder to hold back my own release, it also didn’t help Uncle was stroking and rubbing my pecker as he thrust into my bum.  I then felt him pull out that the searing sting, pain, and burn of yet another 5 – 10 HARD lashes of the strap rained across my poor swollen, DEEPLY crimson, and somewhat bruised and blistered bare bottom cheeks.  This application of the strap had me bawling and crying heavily, soaking the top of the couch with my tears.  My tears and crying did not deter Uncle from applying yet another 5 – 10 HARD lashes of the strap to my bare backside, sending me into fits of screams and cries.  Unfortunately, those last 5 – 10 lashes of the strap sent my little pecker and sack into overdrive making me release and squirt my juices all down the back of Uncle’s couch, although thankfully Uncle didn’t notice my release right away as once, he finished the last lash of the strap to my bare bottom he again thrust his cock DEEP and HARD into my bum hole, thrusting and pounding DEEP in my bum.  Unfortunately, as soon as he went to take a grip of my little now limp and flaccid pecker, he quickly realized what I had done as he felt that my pecker was quite limp and flaccid, and the tip of my pecker was still quite damp and dripping.  He stood me up in front of him by my ear and LOOKED at me, then at the white, and sticky, wet mess on not only the back of his couch but on the cushion of his couch.             “What is the RULE on this BOY????”             “Ahhhhhhh Please Uncle I’m sorry!!!!!! Please!!!! I’m not to release before Daddy or You…..Pleas I’m sorryyyyyy”             “Oh not NEARLY as sorry as you are about to be boy!!!”             With that Uncle bent me right over my face and nose only inches from my white, naughty, sticky mess I just made on his couch as his strap RAINED down across my cheeks HARD and FAST, not missing a single inch of my already swollen, crimson, and somewhat bruised bare backside.             “I cannot believe you little boy you KNOW Daddy and I’s rule on your releasing…you KNOW you are NOT to release without our permission…OR before us!!!  You also KNOW the punishment for releasing before us or without our permission boy!!!”             As Uncle was lecturing n scolding me his thick, wide leather strap RAINED down across my cheeks sending me into fits of cries, bawls, blubbers, and sobs.  Without warning, Uncle threw the strap down and made me kneel before him between his legs.             “You want to release without Uncle’s permission you can take Uncle’s juices in your mouth instead of in your bum boy…and you had better not spill a drop boy…or your punishment will start all over again….I am DONE with you releasing before Daddy and I…”             With that Uncle slid his cock deep in my mouth as I began to suck n slurp n lick up n down the length of his cock shaft, head bobbing up n down on it.  Uncle just stood there moaning, holding my head in his hands and every once in a while, bending over to lad a SHARP STINGING flurry of spanks to my already swollen, bruised and somewhat blistered bare bottom cheeks.  It didn’t take long for Uncle to erupt and release his hot, salty, juices into my mouth filling it almost to the point of leaking out, but I quickly swallowed every last drop and then carefully cleaned the tip n slit with my tongue as Uncle pulled his now limp cock out of my mouth, sitting down on the couch and taking me over his lap, locking my hands by my wrists to my lower back, then trapping my legs down between his, thus pushing my bare cheeks up and out, completely exposing my cheeks to Uncle’s wrath and view.             “I am done with this little boy…you have been nothing but a naughty little boy these past 24 hours and I am going to spank this naughty little bare bum good and hard, and I am not going to stop till I feel and can tell you’ve learned your lesson.”             With that Uncle began to RAIN his hand down ALL over my cheeks from the very top fleshiest areas of my cheeks down to my lower cheeks, undercurves, and sit spots, then down to the backs, and inner portions of my thighs, DEEPLY reddening the entire area, leaving me a bawling blubbering, crying mess of a well punished and well-spanked little boy I truly was.  Once Uncle was sure I was fully and properly punished he stood me up and stood up SPANK marching me back to the corner.             “You can stay there till you settle down little boy, or until I come get you.  Then we are going to your room, and you are going to be dressed in your PROPER little baby boy clothes, then you will have a nap.  By the time you wake up, your Daddy should be home.”             After about an hour I heard Uncle’s footsteps approaching me than his hand on my shoulder, I wasn’t sure whether to spin around and bury my face into his chest or just keep my eyes glued to the floor, I quickly decided on the latter, as deep down I knew I was still very much in trouble with him.  He leads me up to my bedroom giving me several sharp slaps to my bare cheeks as we head up the stairs and towards my room, making me jump and yelp.  As we entered my room Uncle just pointed to my bed where I saw a very thick, bulky pink diaper, one of the many very little baby boy onesies Uncle and Daddy had bought me, and the other items Uncle and Daddy use when diapering me, I also so a rather large plug, and my little pink solid plastic chastity device.  Seeing all these items I know Uncle was very serious in his threat to truly baby me.  I just slowly went over to the bed n laid on my back, pulling my legs back to my chest and spreading them wide open, thus leaving me completely exposed, my little limp hairless pecker lying on my tummy, my deeply reddened, swollen, bruised and somewhat blistered bare bottom cheeks spread fully open giving Uncle full view and access to my little puckered hole.             “Now Richie you are going to be properly plugged, put into your chastity device and diapered, then I’m going to put you in your onesie then you are going to lie down for a nap, I am going to give you this 1 and only warning little boy you had better got to sleep, b/c if I have to come up here and find you still awake I will open that onesie of yours, take down your diaper and spank your bare little bum, then you will be going back down for your nap.”             I knew by Uncle’s tone it would not be a good idea to argue or backtalk him on this topic, so I just turned my head away, stared at the wall and nodded my agreement.  With that Uncle easily grabbed my legs and held them back SPANKING, SLAPPING, and SMACKING my bare cheeks HARD and fast.             “You Are going to LEARN little boy that NEITHER your Daddy or I take your naughty behaviour and attitude lightly, and I can guarantee that your Daddy will agree with me that IF and WHEN you act like that, NO matter where we are or WHO you are with, Daddy or I, you WILL earn a good HARD and PROPER spanking to this bare little bum of yours either immediately right then and there where ever we are, or as SOON as we get you home.”             I was bawling and crying heavily as Uncle lectured and scolded and SPANKED my bottom HARD and fast.  Once the spanking was over and Uncle was sure I had potentially learned my lesson I felt him release my legs then I felt the pressure and twisting of the plug being pushed into my bottom hole, although to my surprise and anguish I felt instant burning over my hole and then inside it as the plug was pushed and twisted deeper into my bum hole, the burning came directly from the thick coating of Icy-Hot over the entirety of the plug.  Once the plug was securely inside my bum hole I felt Uncle securing my little chastity device around my little sack and then enveloping my little pecker, locking me in where I couldn’t touch or satisfy myself until it was removed, and I knew it would be some time before it was removed even after I went home with Daddy.  Uncle then slid the thick bulky diaper under my swollen burning bottom cheeks then coated my bottom cheeks with a thick layer of the diaper rash cream, the baby oil, and lastly the baby powder, he then pulled the diaper through my legs and taped it shut tight around my waist.  He then sat me up and pulled the onesie down over my head helping me get my arms in the short sleeves, then laid me back down, lifting my legs again and giving my padded bum cheeks yet another HARD and FAST barrage of SMACKS, SPANKS, and SLAPS, which only made the burn inside my diaper increase, and the burn inside my bottom hole increase as well.  He then pulls the flaps of my onesie down over my big thick, bulky diaper and snapped them shut and snug keeping my diaper firmly pushed against my bottom, so I had NO relief from the burning, stinging inside my diaper and bottom hole.             Alright Richie, climb up onto your pillow and go to sleep little boy b/c I was VERY serious on that spanking if you are caught still awake when I come back up.”             I quickly scurry and almost crawl up to my pillow laying my head down and crying heavily into it.  Uncle just collected the items setting them aside off of my bed then pulled the covers up over me leaving me there to fall asleep, which thankfully didn’t take too long as I was physically and emotionally drained to the point that my body just crashed into a deep sleep.             I’m not sure how long I was asleep, but I was gently shaken awake.             “Richie…baby boy wake up it’s Daddy…I’m home, and ready to take you home.”             I slowly woke up and my eyes fluttered open to see Daddy sitting there at the side of my bed, as soon as I got my barring’s and realized it was Daddy, I threw my arms around him bawling into him.  Daddy just held me close rubbing my back as I bawled into him.  After about 5 minutes Daddy gently pulled me off of him and looked me in the eyes, with a look that told me he was being VERY serious in what he was about to say.             “Richard, where Daddy is definitely happy to see his baby boy, but he is NOT pleased with the news and report he got from your Uncle about your behaviour lately, and the amount, and severity of the spankings he’s had to give you little boy.  We WILL be having a LONG discussion about this when we get home.  Also, next Sunday, you, Daddy and Paster WILL be having a private discussion about your behaviour at Church this morning.  And believe me, Daddy just may give Pastor his full permission to spank you as he sees fit for your behaviour and attitude.  Now let’s get you up and packed and I want you downstairs by the front door with your suitcase ready in 5 minutes Richard…or we may have to start that discussion before we get home.”             With that Daddy stood up kissing my forehead as he walked out of my room to leave me to get my stuff paced back up to go home.  Knowing I didn’t want to add to the trouble I was already in with Daddy I quicky packed the clothes and other things Daddy had packed in my suitcase and headed down the stairs still quite awkwardly as the plug was still deep in my bum although the burn from the Icy-Hot has since subsided, and my little pecker was still in it’s little cage so movement was a little hampered, plus the bulkiness, thickness of the diaper between my legs didn’t help my mobility at all.  As I came down the stairs, I saw Uncle and Daddy sitting at the dining room table talking having a coffee.  Daddy ushered me over to them, as I walked over Daddy scooped me up into his lap n hugged me tight giving me a deep passionate kiss, then setting me on my feet.             “Richie, go thank Uncle for letting you stay here while Daddy was away, give him a nice hug n kiss and we will be on our way home.”             I looked between Daddy and Uncle, and with a prompting swat to my padded bottom I scurried over to Uncle who scooped me up into his lap, his hand lingered with a rub and squeeze of my bottom and crotch as he gave me a tight hug and a deep passionate kiss.             “Uncle loves you very much little boy, and I’m glad we got to spend this time together, even if I had to spank you repeatedly and severely at times, please don’t hesitate to come back and visit Uncle at any time little boy.”             With that Uncle set me back down with a SHARP SLAP to my padded bottom making me jump n yelp.  Daddy jut took my hand and walked me to the front door taking my suitcase.             “Well Ben thank you for watching Richie and taking such good care of him even if you had to be strict with him more than I care to admit, and he and I will be having a talk about respect, among other things when we get home.”             “It was my pleasure Max, I’d watch Richie any time you need me to, even if and when I have to be strict with him.”             With that Daddy took my hand as we walked out of Uncle’s house and down the street back to our house.
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by on March 2, 2022
About two months ago, Daddy told me to write him about why I want to be spanked to tears. I wrote this and it really helped him understand. I translated it from hebrew in case anyone would find it useful.   Dear Daddy, I have been fantasizing about spanking for a very long time. Way before my sexual awakening I would fantasize about being regressed. When other kids in kindergarten played house, I would always avoid it out of fear the other kids would be able to tell that I am not normal. Sometimes I would participate but very quickly end the game because I would get filled with emotions I did not know how to handle.  As years went by my sexual development started and I began to understand that my innocent daydreams about being a little boy and being punished weren’t innocent at all. It started by dreaming about diapers and humiliations and when I learned English it continued with spanking videos and then pictures and comics. Eventually I found the stories. I was sure these were just fantasies and that I would never be able to fulfil it. I felt like I was the only person in the world turned on by these things. By reading those stories and reading blogs I learned exactly what my fantasy is. My fantasy is that someone (daddy, uncle, brother or even mommy, I will proceed to call this person daddy) takes me under his hand and puts me into some kind of structure where to everyone it is absolutely clear I have the role of a little boy. I even fantasize about it being forced, not really against my will but because Daddy understands this is what I really want, and in fact, who I really am, and since he is stronger and smarter, he knows better than I do what is good for me and so he decides this is what’s going to happen from now on. A crucial part of this new situation I’m in is that I get spanked. A lot. All the time. Sometimes spankings are a punishment for misbehavior, then I really get a lot. It’s an ordered, ritualistic and lengthy situation where I am spanked to tears and then some. Punishments happen regardless of my consent. It happens as a part of me being a boy in this structure of being controlled by daddy. It’s a powerful experience that is also contains other forms of punishments and lectures and talking to’s. Another aspect of this structure is that I have a lot of things in my life that suppose to remind me of my new status in life. For example, I am not allowed to wear boxer as those aren’t age appropriate for me. Because I am a little boy, I am to wear little boy’s underwear. I also have other age-appropriate attire such as traditional schoolboy uniforms (from other countries, Israel doesn’t have such traditions), diapers, pajamas, being allowed certain garments in the house and many more.  In addition to what I wear there are also rules and norms I must follow related to my age. There are things I am not allowed to do or to watch. There are things I am supposed to report about. There are things I must ask permission for. I must talk to daddy, or anyone involved with a certain respect. I must obey and not argue too much. There are also good things that I get from being a little boy. I get many hugs, and pets and tender love. Daddy reads me stories and takes me places. He takes care of me and looks after me like I need as a little boy. He holds strictly to the rules and takes by a firm hand but not out of sadism but out of love.  He knows what’s good for me and so he educates me and discipline me. He does not enjoy punishing me, he doesn’t even necessarily like the rules. He does this for me even though it’s hard for him. Regardless of how he feels about this, there is no way in the world I am getting away from this. He is as firm as a brick wall. If he sets a rule, he enforces it. If he punishes me, he doesn’t give me any mercy and does not give into any of my attempts to get out of it. He is reliable, self-assured and as steady as a rock. He gives me so much security. Of course, this is just fantasy. IRL I’m a responsible and functioning adult. I stand on my feet financially and even doing pretty well with most of what I do. So yeah, there are things I still need to work on (like keeping my flat tidy) but overall, I have a place to live which I pay for by myself and there’s a lot more to me as person than just this fantasy of mine. I don’t want to be this controlled boy in any moment of my life. I certainly am not willing to give up other parts of my life for it. I am more than just this fantasy. On the other hand, this is not just another fantasy. This is the center of my sexuality. When I am touching myself, I think about this. I am obsessively thinking about this. I read stories like this all the time. In fact, I think that most of my English which is kinda decent comes from obsessively reading spanking stories from such a young age. Today I understand that this is where my sexuality stems from. I don’t think I will ever stop having this fantasy. This is as much a part of me as being gay, as being nonbinary, as loving math, as liking to talk about stuff. This is just who I am, and I cannot change it even if I wanted to. When I get a spanking which goes all the way I feel inside my body more then in any other situation. I am there, in the moment. I feel alive. The intrusive thoughts I sometimes have just stop, and everything becomes so much simpler. Here I am. I am in pain. I feel this. I want this to stop. I am getting what I deserve. I am in the right place. I exist. I am me and this is fine. I am where I am supposed to be. I belong. I am so so me. I also get a sense of security from daddy when I am punished. Being a grownup is fun and exciting and I get along with this but it’s also stressful. It demands from me to be connected to myself and to what I want in life, to make plans, to commit to stuff, and overall to just be responsible for my actions and choices. I don’t want to give up being a grownup. But when I am punished, I get a chance to let go of this stress for a moment because I have a daddy that sets up boundaries to what I may or may not do. Daddy is smart and big and he “knows better that me what’s good for me”. In setting these rules and enforcing them he allows me to feel free of this stress. In these times life is simple. It’s all only up to me – the only thing expected of me is to do my best to follow my rules. If I will be a good boy I will get a reward, if I will be bad, I will get punished and return to be Daddy’s good boy. Of course, it’s not real. It’s roleplaying (it’s not even this simple for real kids, kids also have complicated lives). However, the roleplaying gives me this feeling which is a lot. It even stays with me after. for days. weeks. Besides the feeling of security and this feeling of being inside my body I also get a sense of catharsis from crying while being spanked. It gives me a place to release feelings of guilt and uncertainty and allows me to meet these feelings playfully. It gives me space to be childlike. It releases my tensions like nothing other does. I don’t want to idealize daddy too much here. A part of my fantasy is that I can also be mad at him. And even resentful. Daddy needs to be fair, to give warnings before punishing and be very reliable, but I also need the space to feel he is mean and only then to understand he was right and knows better. To really get in this headspace I need to go through some process. This needs to actually be an experience of education. Of submission. Of surrender. I get that this is asking you for a lot, and probably most people wouldn’t want to do this. Even in my fantasy daddy doesn’t want to do this. I don’t expect anyone to do this to me if they don’t want to. A real noncompromising spanking is the most fulfilling experience I can have with a partner. After this I am filled with bliss and euphoria. It’s the deepest answer to the hardest things in my heart. It is the foundation to my sexual identity. It is a need I have had since forever, and it took me a lot of time to understand it and longer to figure out how I can actually get this need met.   Let me know what you think and if you found this interesting... If people will like this I might consider writing more.
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by on February 23, 2022
   David knew that he was in for a night of unbearable pain. His wife had called the man, who David was forced to call Daddy because David had been very disrespectful to his Mommy/Wife and his wife wanted his ass beaten purple. Although David’s wife spanked him, a not infrequent occurrence in their house, Daddy was called when an extra measure of pain and suffering was required. This man would literally haul David over his knee and spank his ass until it was blistered and purple. David’s screaming, begging, and ignored promises would soon echo through the house like the wail of a siren. David’s wife would listen, from down the hall, with amused satisfaction as David’s choking sobs carried to her ears. He deserved this; he asked for this in his life and now he was paying the price.    The man had answered their ad on Spank this hookups. They all met in a restaurant and then David’s wife, when they got back to their home, was treated to the sound of David’s first blistering from a man. David screamed himself hoarse….by the time his Daddy had finished his first spanking David was a sobbing, snot-slinging mess.    David now waited, naked, in the corner with his hands secured to a belt around his waist. David was a large man: 6’3”, 250 lbs. so his Daddy sat on a chair, took David across his one knee, locked his legs down with his other, as the rest of David’s frame lay across the family bed. This made it impossible for David to escape his fate, which, of course, had been his fantasy. He found, however, that some fantasies are far more painful than he could ever imagine. His Daddy always spanked his ass non-stop for ten minutes with his hand before switching to a long-handled bath brush that felt as if it seared the very flesh from his bottom!!! David lay limp and defeated over the man’s lap long before his agony ended. At the end of his very long ordeal David was made to kneel, with his back straight, in the corner. God help him if he slumped…….he had done it only once and his Mommy had taken him over her knee and beaten his ass with a hairbrush for ten additional minutes!!!    After a visit from Daddy, David was the nicest, most attentive husband ever. Of course, his Mommy had to make small attitude adjustments to his bottom once and a while, but not too often. However, every once in a while David would snap at his wife or yell at her and his Daddy would be called. David would beg his wife not to call to no avail. His wife would order him to strip naked, secure his hands to the belt, and David would wait many agonizing minutes, in the corner, for the sound of Daddy’s car in the drive. He would know with an absolute certainty that in a few minutes he would sob, scream, beg, plead and promise to be good to no avail. This was as it should be!!!  
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by on January 26, 2022
I saw this and wanted to preserve it, it's not my writing. I'm not sure I agree with it all, still thinking through it. I've edited this to remove references to females. A metaphor that seems appropriate: Be careful about your decision to go tour a sausage factory, for having once seen how it is made, you may never want to eat it again. Especially to those who like to be spanked and one chief component is letting go of control and letting your spanker "drive" you may want to skip this detailed description. http://sincitydsnetwork.com/2018/08/the-science-behind-spanking-why-spankings-are-enjoyable-by-southrngentleman/ The Science Behind Spanking (why spankings are enjoyable) by SouthrnGentleman 08/11/2018 by MasterGuardian Afraid to receive a spanking?? Afraid of the pain of a spanking? Or, are you a spankee or spanker who wants to get the most out of spankings?? Here is the scientific reasons behind spankings. The reason you may ENJOY a spanking. I will discuss the hormones & nerves involved & how to deviously tie them together into an extraordinary experience. Having a low pain tolerance doesn’t mean you can’t play. A properly administered spanking will cause the body to physiologically accept & enjoy a spanking. Mind set- You don’t “enjoy” pain, or “look forward” to pain? The way to counter this is to not mentally judge or put labels on the pain. Do not go into a memory or project anything into the future. You have to get into exactly what you are feeling now, in the moment. Slow down your breathing and just experience the energy of whatever you’re feeling. Don’t label the feeling, don’t judge it as good or bad, become just an observer. Go into it with your mind and try to locate exactly where the sensation originates and where it ends, what shape it is, if it moves or is static. Play with it a little bit. One of the main problems that people experience when they feel pain is that they complain about it. They complain to others, and they complain internally to themselves. “Oh man this hurts, I can’t believe this.” The issue with this is that we create this vicious cycle of emotion where we get more and more upset – to sustain this – the mind amplifies the pain experience. This amplification restricts your ability to get pleasure from it. To get a bit more advanced, once you become aware of what you are feeling, without labeling or judging recognize that whatever you are feeling is an energy inside your body. From physics and spirituality we know that everything is energy. Just allow yourself to appreciate the energy, appreciate, accept, and even love that this energy exists again without label or judgment. Then, give yourself some love and approval simply for appreciating the energy. This will bring you into a very peaceful and present state of mind. These factors increase pain tolerance: rest 2. physical strength & conditioning 3. positive thoughts 4. positive emotions 5. minimizing stress So, be well rested before a session, & think positively about it. Breathe-remember to breathe!! Without it, you die. Seriously, breathe slowly & deeply. Relax. Once you are breathing deeply, muscle relaxation may come naturally. Let your entire body go limp. Let the muscles of your face slacken. No matter how much it hurts, resist the urge to flail about or clench your fists. Just try to let go of all feeling in your body and remain focused only on breathing. Relax your buttocks & don’t tense up. Tensing up can result in muscle bruising which can be painful for many days. Understand that pain is a mechanism that is meant to protect us from damaging our bodies and to keep us away from dangerous situations. When it really comes down to it, it’s not the body part that hurts, it’s your brain convincing you that it hurts. It’s the brain’s way of warning you not to repeat the action that caused you the pain in the first place. Pain can be a good thing, as so many BDSM folks already know. Once the pain begins, the endorphins rush into the bloodstream The researchers say a spanking releases endorphins, the body’s natural ‘happy chemicals’, and that leads to feelings of euphoria, a reduction of appetite, the release of sex hormones and an enhancement of the immune response, and they have a similar effect on pain as drugs such as morphine and codeine. The endorphin high is caused by a bunch of natural, morphine-like chemicals the body pumps into your brain to reduce your sensitivity to pain (thus raising your pain threshold.) The fact that the body seems to release these endorphins in measured ‘loads’ is a key to understanding how to ‘play’ (see last part) The endorphin ‘loads’ as they are available in the body are released in their entirety, and after a ‘load’ is released, it takes the body about ten minutes to generate the chemicals for another one. Endorphins are released during a spanking but that is not the most important factor. The feedback loop that connects spanking and the spinal cord via the Pudendal Nerve is the main physiological reason why human beings enjoy being spanked. The Pudendal Nerve and perineal nerves, which are also the major nerve supply of the penis, as well as the lower portions of the scrotum  – it connects erotic stimulation of the male genitals to/from the same area in the spinal cord for feedback & preprocessing before those signals are sent up to the brain. The sensations received during a spanking are handled the same way as those received during orgasms or sex. This extra stimulation creates purely a physical response. The pudendal nerve is being stimulated, more blood is coming to the area, therefore the genitals will become engorged. The spanking is interpreted as pleasure. This contrast between pain and pleasure confuse the brain releasing adrenaline. Adrenaline is released from the adrenal gland it causes as increase in heart rate, also dilating blood vessels and air passages. This allows for an increased volume of blood to be pumped around the body further engorging the sexual organs increasing sensitivity even more. Being spanked makes the pleasure all the more enjoyable. Spanking only becomes uncomfortable when the pain dealt is greater than the pleasure of the recipient. This is where it is important for the SPANKER to be fully in tune with the SPANKEE. This is what separates a True Dom from a wannabe dom slapping someones butt. You have to listen & feel their breathing, & listen to every moan & yelp. This is the true art of spanking. Following Information from http://friskybusinessboutique.com/news/blog/the-end… Edited with my recommendations with Parenthesis with my comments. Although everyone into the BDSM scene has heard of endorphins, actually very, very few people really understand what they are, how they work, what the “high” is all about and how one can correctly induce the body to produce them. This short primer will answer those questions, and serve as a guide for anyone topping another so that they may successfully send their bottom into a very deep endorphin stupor! (Also known as leaving them in a big puddle of quivering ecstasy!) The endorphin high is caused by a bunch of natural, morphine-like chemicals the body pumps into your brain to reduce your sensitivity to pain (thus raising your pain threshold.) The fact that the body seems to release these endorphins in measured ‘loads’ is a key to understanding how to ‘play’ the body to produce these ‘loads’ and ‘release’ them into the body and brain region when the ‘load’ is ready. One has to keep in mind that another chemical – adrenalin – is also produced by the body in reaction to pain, and its behavior should be understood also. This is covered later more thoroughly in the section at the end on aftercare – which is a VERY essential element in guaranteeing the success of the effort, as you will see. The endorphin ‘loads’ as they are available in the body are released in their entirety, and after a ‘load’ is released, it takes the body about ten minutes to generate the chemicals for another one. After the body has been induced to release (or ‘inject’) a ‘load’ into the system, you must then continue stimulating the body for at least ten minutes in some manner before the body will be ready to release another one. This stimulation can be just about anything – sensation play, light paddling or flogging, light caning, etc. – and it does not have to be intense or even nearly match the intensity of stimulation that had caused the release of the last ‘load.’ Once prepared, an increase in stimulation over a five minute span up to a measured ‘climax’ will trigger the body to release the freshly prepared ‘load’ (based upon the submissive’s current pain threshold,”measured” to push them over a new edge.) So, armed with this information, what does a session look like from the top’s and bottom’s point of view? This should break it down for you. When a scene first starts, there are no endorphins in the submissive, and even fairly light torment is very stingy, ouchy, and, well, painful! (This is a good reason to start out spanking over underpants or with some protection from your bare hand)There is an endorphin reserve already in place that is awaiting release into one’s body in case of an emergency, and after just a few minutes of even relatively mild stimulation building to a mild climax, this reserve ‘load’ is released, and suddenly the pain threshold clearly rises and the subject can easily tolerate what earlier may have been pushing their limits, making them jump around and squirm, for instance. This new, more pain tolerant state is Level One. There is no altered state of consciousness yet – but there is an increased pain threshold. Once this has happened, for the top it’s basically just about treading water for ten minutes and doing anything that provides relatively light but constant stimulation to induce the bottom’s body to prepare/create their next ‘load’ for release. (This is a good time to get rid of underwear) This is a good time for sensation play, or light spanking, flogging or whipping – and since the only requirement is that it remain fairly constant stimulation, it is a chance for the top to relax for a bit, since the stimulation can be very mild and be easy and relaxing to apply during this time. (Now is the time to start stimulating the pudenhal nerve. A properly delivered spank will vibrate and stimulate the pudendal nerve which heightens sexual arousal. Spank the lower buttocks in an upward fashion. Do not use the flesh as a target. Like karate, aim past the flesh. Try to transmit the energy deep into the buttocks. A few solid spanks will vibrate the nerves & start to inflame the surrounding tissue.) Once the ten minutes has passed, a build in intensity over a subsequent five minute period will excite the body to a peak, and a sudden 10–15 seconds or so of intense stimulation just beyond the person’s current pain threshold limit will trigger the body to eject its freshly made, current load into the bloodstream. (Bringing your sub to orgasm & delivering hard well placed spanks during his orgasm will confuse his mind with pain & pleasure at the same time. It will increase the adrenaline load once again increasing blood flow & therefore pleasure. Hence, he is learning to ENJOY PAIN) Now the bottom will be at Level Two – with still no perceivable altered state of consciousness (beyond panting in relief that you, the top, have ceased with the intense bit!), but there is a considerable and noticeable leap in pain threshold now. Following this, again, ten minutes of mild, easy stimulation to provoke the body into generating the next load as quickly as possible. Keep this well below the pain threshold you’ve now created, with just a little intense whack, etc. every so often, about a minute apart. This will keep the adrenalin build up to a minimum, for reasons explained later on. Take it easy, tops, relax, rest that arm and wrist a bit! (Now is the time to bring him to orgasm again. Break out your paddle for the next part) Then, this relaxing ten minutes is followed with five minutes of building the intensity again to well above the previous level, as the bottom’s pain threshold is pretty high already now and they can take a lot more before the body interprets this as being ‘in crisis’ and thus triggers the endorphins’ release. (Be careful not to go too hard make sure you direct the energy through him. When you spank his bottom, aim for his prostate)(you are trying to stimulate more than his bottom. You are trying to stimulate his whole pelvic area. Direct your energy through him) Finished off with 10–15 seconds (up to a minute) of a real intense, over the edge push, and the body will inject that next load. (To proceed, you need to be really in tune to your sub!!! If you are not sensitive to your sub’s needs & body, you can do damage) Now at Level Three, (you may introduce the belt, flogger, or crop) (take advantage of the scare tactics. Re: slowly remove your belt making a show of it. place the belt where your sub can see it. Use that fear to get another shot of adrenaline going). the bottom will definitely feel a little bit ‘woozy’ — exhibiting a “mildly drugged” state. Their eyelids should become heavier seeming, and they will fall into a more relaxed condition than before, with more low moans and groans, and with their inhibitions becoming more relaxed. Again, applying ten minutes of any relatively mild stimulation (don’t have to work hard, tops!), followed by a five minute build to a 10–15 second intense climax now that isWELL beyond the previous one, will result in the next endorphin “load” being released to push the bottom into a very nice Level Fourhead space. At this Level Four state, there will be a very definite altered state of consciousness in evidence, and the bottom will feel clearly drugged and will be very compliant and submissive now. This is countered, however, by the largest charges of adrenalin they have received so far (from the intense climax just used to push them over this “edge”), so they are still quite communicative and their reaction time is still quick (even hypersensitive – a small whack with a paddle, cane or whip can now generate a huge amount of twitching or jerking of the subject’s body with certain bottoms.) Now, during the ten minute ‘treading water’ period for the top, the moans and groans will be longer and deeper, the body often limp in it’s restraints, and the reactions to the occasional harder ‘strikes’ will be obvious and even somewhat amplified. This is the tops finest time – they can still relax and obviously not be exerting themselves very hard, yet produce fine moans of ecstasy from their bottom with hardly any provocation! The pain threshold is high, even if the reaction time is increased due to the adrenalin, so harder occasional strikes are welcomed, and the reactions are certainly encouraging! After this ten minute “endorphin replenishment” period, (break out the cane or whip if you have one. or use a good solid paddle) now it is important to be very sensitive to the limit levels crossed earlier, as you begin that five minute build in intensity that will end in the most intense limit pushing you might do with the bottom for this session (if you are stopping at level five). The bottom will have a very high pain threshold at this time, but also will be fairly groggy (in spite of the adrenalin-fueled reaction times) and less able to communicate their safe word – in fact, will now be so compliant that it is very UNLIKELY that they would use it even if they should do so! So, push this “grand finale” with finesse and sensitivity to what is going on with your bottom! (If you are not in tune with your sub, then by all means do not keep going. you are not beating her, you are still spanking, just with more intensity) At the other end of the 10–30 second climactic build in intensity – in a wonderful blast – this latest endorphin load will push the bottom into Level Five: a state of supreme ecstasy, docility, and the ability to take just about anything you could throw at them. They will become very limp and relaxed very suddenly – and be very clearly in an altered state of consciousness now. This is the point most people end the scene and remove the bottom to cloak them in a blanket and begin the all-important aftercare … and unless you know your bottom extremely well, this is where the session should end. However, for those in that category of knowing their bottom’s limits and abilities quite well, the rules and timing are the same as with the earlier segments. Now, your ‘mild’ stimulation could be fairly intense if you wanted it to be, and the bottom will become extremely submissive – and receptive – and accepting of any amount of stimulation you could lay on them. This is a dangerous condition, because there is NO WAY a person will utter a safe word in this condition – they can barely talk at all! So, it is best to keep the stimulation relatively intense but not too too (Note: the stronger intensity applied now will hold up the adrenalin levels, and the combination with the elevated endorphins levels creates a condition of intense excitement and of simultaneously intense ecstatic relaxation for the bottom, so they’ll be into receiving whatever is being doled out. More on adrenalin in a minute, though!) Again, finish off after the ten minutes with a building in intensity to one beyond that reached earlier, with a 10–15 second extreme point, and the next ‘load’ will be released. So, now we have brought the bottom to a very amazing Level Six! (But, again, this should only be attempted with a bottom whose limits and abilities are already very well known! The top is working without the benefit of safe words being utterable, in most cases by this time, so care must be exercised this whole while.) With all the adrenalin now in the body – as well as the complete release of inhibitions from the heavy dosing of endorphins now in their brain – behavior of the bottom can become unpredictable at this point, and you should be prepared to restrain against some wild thrashing and arm flailing that could take place (at least be out of harm’s way!) The person/bottom is going to be in such an intensely altered state of consciousness now that their reactions could possibly be of an extremely primitive nature, and they may be capable of only ‘animal-like’ noises and reactions, and no or very little recognizable speech. So, watch out! Following this reasoning,approach the subject as you would a wild animal – very gently, talking soothingly and gesturing in a calming manner. Be prepared for sudden wild jerking, or seeming attempts to ‘get away.’ And don’t take it personally! At Level Six, this person is totally ga-ga! Be assured, they are enjoying every millisecond of this experience! And a very long period of dreaminess is now in store for them – if their aftercare is handled properly! So, why do I go on and on about the aftercare? The work of putting endorphins into the subject’s body is finished, right? Well, yes, but you have also succeeded in putting very, very large amounts of adrenalin into their system, and adrenalin is tricky stuff. Even at Level Four, aftercare is important now because of they way adrenalin burns off – it burns off very quickly – compared to endorphins, which burn off very slowly. At Level Five or Level Six, there is enough adrenalin in the body that it will take 10 to 20 minutes for it to burn off (even up to half an hour!), and during this time, the bottom very likely will experience a number of adrenalin ‘crashes’ (similar in a way to coffee jags), and some of these can be very intense — and even quite frightening! They will need to be kept warm and be held and comforted AT LEAST throughout this period of adrenalin burn-off. My feeling is that if you don’t care enough for the bottom to enjoy cuddling and caressing with them for up to half an hour, you probably shouldn’t be taking them to any Level Six endorphin/adrenalin levels! (Or even perhaps to a Level Four!) This adrenalin “crash” experience for the bottom is something many, many tops are unaware of, and they have no concept of the amount of harm they could be doing to someone’s psychological state by not performing adequate, loving, fondling and comforting aftercare during this time. All the bottom needs now is to be held and to hold you (or whoever you assign to perform aftercare) back – in order to be comforted by your presence, and to be allowed to make youbecome the entire focus of their awareness. No stroking, or massage, or other stimulus is needed or even desirable at this time. What is important is to keep in verbal contact with the bottom (not requiring words as responses, merely nods), instructing them every little while to relax. The adrenalin will have them in a very agitated state – high heart beat and breathing levels, etc. – and this situation is completely counter to the endorphin experience.Sure, they have a ton of endorphins in their system, but the adrenalin is presently holding them off from experiencing the full effect of them. The top’s guidance is extremely important at this time to help them relax through the adrenalin burn-off period. The important thing to realize is that, if not actually ‘talked down’ out of the adrenalin agitation, the person could easily never allow themselves to relax enough to even feel the massive content of endorphins that currently exist in their system! (Maybe you’ve all seen the bottom who, after 45 minutes to an hour of intense stimulation to the point of near-total collapse on the cross or bench, is released and – after a mere couple of minutes – is just mingling around and talking and mixing with people as if nothing ever happened. These people are floating on a self sustained adrenalin buzz. This not only is likely to be unhealthy, but these bottoms are cheating themselves out of a long, long stretch of total endorphin-induced ecstasy!) Step-By-Step Aftercare Instructions So, while gently holding the bottom and letting them hold you back, coo softly and comfort them, and tell them to go ahead and to let themselves relax. You will feel them do so as they comply to your wishes, as they are quite docile and compliant to receiving instructions at this point. But they will also slowly tense up again from the adrenalin. Keep reminding them to relax, telling them to give themselves permission to relax totally. As they begin to succeed at doing this after a while, some will encounter a frightening feeling, which some describe feeling as if ‘falling off a cliff,’ and they will tense up a great deal from fright in that event. Or, they might encounter a feeling of intense ‘blackness’ (as the endorphins get a chance to relax even their optic nerve) and they will freak out and pull back from relaxing again. If they report such experiences (or even before they do) tell them not to fear that, but to let it go and pass through it – telling them to relax themselves through the sensation of falling or blackness with the understanding that this is quite normal and is a common experience. Once they do that, having learned to “relax through it”, they will be “in it” after that point, and will begin to relax very deeply, very often seeing colors and beautiful technicolor visions and dreamlike landscapes, spaces and places. How sweet! Once this happens (which, again, will take at least 10 minutes — and up to a half hour for some, depending on the amount of adrenalin that they must burn off), then your bottom needs only a little more loving attention, and can then be left bundled in a blanket somewhere on their own to float in a happy bubble, very possibly for hours! Tops should be mindful of the fact that if they had intended to have sexual play with their bottom, they should probably fit that in around level three or four, for after hitting level five, their bottom may be too floaty to be able to concentrate for long on what they are doing. Then again, that can sometimes result in extremely passionate and inhibition-free indulgence, resulting in heights of ecstasy and orgasm never before experienced. But, if your bottom drifts out on you or loses their erection, don’t say I didn’t warn you! There’s no telling which way they will go at level 5 or 6! “Flying” There is another factor that can produce an altered state of consciousness FAR FAR beyond even that of the most extreme endorphin experience. This is experienced by submissives whose intense focus upon their Master  (their Dominant) – and upon pleasing them – eventually leads to a hallucinogenic kind of altered state known commonly in the BDSM community as “flying,” having an almost mythological aura surrounding the word by now, though for very good reasons! It is probably the most profound experience one can have as a submissive. It involves a state of intense devotion towards the dominant (who is not just a mere “top” at this point!) that borders upon religious worship, with complete trust and a total commitment to please and satisfy them thoroughly. Through the attainment of a complete selflessness and focus on the dominant, a transformation takes place that is very, very deep, almost trance-like.It can become so profound as to produce an extended, hallucinogenic state that is very wonderful and blissful. Many have reported even seeing visions under the spell of this “flying” effect. All have attested to the profound sense of peace and bliss they have experienced while even near the “edge” of this state. This “flying” state can be attained by some with very little endorphin content in their system (some say even with none, but I’m quite certain most folks have attained at least a level Three or Level Four endorphin high in order to trigger the total release of inhibitions which this psychological state seems to require, at least generally speaking.) With practice, the release into this “flying” submissive-space should come easier and easier, eventually with even a mere suggestion being able to trigger the effect for some with very little or even no endorphin content being in the picture. COMBINED with the level 5 or 6 endorphin head space, there likely can be no deeper state of ecstasy possible for the bottom — short of total enlightenment! Until such an experience of full enlightenment can be accomplished, perhaps the attainment of this interim bliss is quite acceptable, and certainly should be considered an attractive and enjoyable state to be in! The secret ingredients are intense focus; a commitment to please the dominant utterly; and complete and total devotion! These ingredients – with some endorphins in the mix – should produce a quite satisfying effect for both the submissive and the dominant! (Disclaimer — I did not beleive it would be this popular. As with everything on F/L it is for your enjoyment only. The information was gleaned from 6 years of Biology studies in college, internet searches & personal experiences. Use it at your own risk. Each persons experience will differ, so communication is key. I am not a medical doctor, though this information, where applicable, has been checked with a doctor and two nurses who are in the scene. I assume no responsibility for people who try to use this information or for the effects which may arise from the application of the information above. As resulting from my personal knowledge, research and experiences, I can, however, assure you that this information is completely accurate to act as a guide for those exploring these effects as part of their own BDSM explorations)
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by on January 25, 2022
Now before I begin this discussion on the ‘hairbrush’ there is something I would like to expand a little on.  We all have different personalities, needs and ideals.  We also have differing expectations and often express ourselves very uniquely.   I have had comments from guys that say I get spanked too much, others say not enough and some are even concerned that I often end up in tears.  I have never felt abused when I am being punished, and the reality is I could stop my spanking any time I choose.  I have never done so, and suspect I never will.  Please do understand that the tears are a culmination of several components, including the feeling of security, cleansing and most importantly the emotional release I simply need.  In our house, discipline is very real and is administered with Trust, Truth and Love.   I can fully admit that I am immature, and I am not going to apologize for it, this immaturity is part of whom I am.  I can be naughty, sometimes very naughty and when my dad thinks my naughtiness merits correction on my bare bottom, I get spanked.   Right now, that is out of the way, lets talk about the hairbrush.   What makes the hairbrush so effective?   First of all, it is an anonymous object, sure you know its primary use is for spanking bad boy bottom, but unless someone was in the know, it’s a perfectly normal day to day object.  It travels easy without arising suspicion and a spare one can be kept in the glovebox of the car for those longer trips where it may be needed.  It can also be used to communicate to the boy he is getting punished shortly, the number of times I have seen it suddenly appear, on the coffee table, counter top or even on the spanking chair itself are too many to count.  I get that shivery feeling when I see it set out, especially first thing in the morning during breakfast.   That sends a powerful signal, face cheeks flush and bottom cheeks clench every time I look at it.  I know real soon, and way too soon, it will be connecting with my butt, while I lay over the knee in the classic naughty boy spanking position.   It is very different from a paddle; the smaller head allows for greater precision on a bare bottom.  It can be applied much more easily to the same spot or evenly spread out.  My Dad starts right in the middle of my bottom, before warming the top of it and then of course the ‘howling boy part’ when it meets the lower bottom and sit spots.   If a dad really wants to add to the tension, all he has to do is send his boy to fetch the hairbrush.  Lower his pants and briefs down, baring his buns and send him off witch a ‘Right young man, you just march that fanny of yours over there and get me your hairbrush, your getting a good tanning’
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