by on February 22, 2023
Firstly thank you and hugs to everyone whom has made a donation, I know its a difficult time financially for everyone.   As I said in my last video message, I have listed a number of items on eBay, all money raised will go straight to funding our software delveopment on the the site, I am determined this is the year, we bring it all together.   There are no spanking items for sale, though I will be listing some later on that does not violate eBay's TOS regarding adult content.   My Alienware R7 Gaming Desktop is up for grabs, I have listed it at an over the top price.  The reason for this is to see if anyone here wants to buy it, of course at a deeply discounted price.  I will also throw in Office 2021 and a rather large collection of spanking videos on the hard drive.   I can for obvious reasons only ship within the US, my apologies about that, but its just too expensive to ship abroad.   Our eBay store can be fouind here:    https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?item=334759773027&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2562&_ssn=usjame-slaqiw        
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by on February 18, 2023
Someone commented that they had struggled to understand what was going on in my profile picture and then responded "Haa-ha-ha" when they realised it was me ripping my pants and showing a bare backside. Well, there's a bit more to it than that and something that makes it very appropriate for this site. Here goes... I was around 20-years-old at the time, and that's more than 50 years ago, long before cell phones with cameras. So the picture is a fake! I have used photo editing to recreate a true event but I can confirm that the cheeky butt is all mine. Some of you will have worked in an all-male environment and know things can get a bit wild on Friday afternoon when the working week is winding down. Many a lad has found himself stripped naked and delivered red-faced to the lads in the factory down the road. In my case a short split in the back seam of my pants led to me being grabbed and the seam being ripped open, belt to bollocks naked as we say. "Might as well be properly ripped" was  the general concensus. That was bad enough but I found my hands bound together with cable ties before being hauled over a work bench for a spanking. All my work mates joined in slapping my bare cheeks until they were sore and throbbing. Everyone in the factory shed was howing with laughter as I was led round the factory to show off my well-spanked bare arse. Happy days.  
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by on February 17, 2023
I want to know why you naughty minxy dad's and Tops do the following!   (1).  Our ears are not handles, so why do you insist on marching us boys to the spanking chair or corner by our ears, what the heck is that all about?   (2).  What is the point of corner time, either standing their with our poor red behind on display, or sitting in the corner, what the heck is that all about?   (3).  You do know us boys can take our own jeans and briefs down, we don't need you guys to do it for us, so what the heck is that all about?   (4).  We never lie or fib, we simply mis-remember so why do we get punished for it?  and what the heck is that all about?   (5).  Why do we get spanked for breaking rules or boundaries, because no boy actually ever understands them, so what the heck is that all about?   (6).  Your hand is not soothing when it is applied to our bottoms at high speed, so what the heck is that all about?   (7).  Why do you have to put us over your knees, I mean its really childish, so what the heck is that all about?   (8).  Why can't we spank you when you are naughty, and what the heck is that all about?   (9).  WHY do I have to wear white briefs all the time, and what the heck is that all about?   (10).  Which of you invented the wooden backed hairbrush, and why do you all cherish it so much, AND what the HECK is that all about?   YOU ALL NEED SPANKED!   James
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by on February 14, 2023
I spent the weekend with my daddy in Charlotte North Carolina. It was just as amazing as I hoped it would be and I'm still reeling a bit from just how great it was.  We shared a hotel room at the same hotel many of our friends were staying at this weekend to attend a specific spanking party. I arrived Friday around 2:30pm and he picked me up and we grabbed some food. From there we checked into the hotel and the spankings began. First five with the frat paddle on my jeans and then I took a shower. After that I was giving a good hand spanking and then a hard short bathbrush spanking which brought me to tears.   Over the course of the weekend I'd be spanked, paddled and strapped many more times. Each one was expertly done by my daddy and quite a few of those spankings would bring me to tears from the emotions I felt just bursting out. I'd get a strapping at the party in front of everyone as well as 500+ licks from the belt when we got back to the hotel. The final day I got multiple spankings including two bathbrush spankings that brought me to tears. I have a special relationship with that brush and dad knows exactly what is going to happen when he applies it on my bare bottom. He's the only person I trust to do it.   It was a very emotional weekend filled with spanking and cuddling and lots of tears. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I love my daddy bear with all my heart even though he's the meanest daddy in the entire world.   Thank you for being my daddy and making me feel loved, safe and cared for.     
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by on December 29, 2022
Daddy has had to set out new house rules for me because I got a really bad report card this week. Interested to know your thoughts please. Should any new rules / themes be added? Should any be rephrased?  Let me know by commenting beneath.   Theme: Behaviour & The 3 Ds 1. From this point forward, you will refer to me only as DADDY or SIR.  2. Perfect attendance at school is non negotiable.  3. Bad grades and poor performance in extra curricular activity will not be tolerated. You will recieve a minimum grade of B+ in all future exams. 4. No Disrespect. Always remember that daddy is in charge and you live under his care. You will be polite, respectful and properly behaved at all times. 5. No Disobedience. When daddy gives you a direct instruction you will do it. 6. No Dishonesty. Never lie, you should always be truthful, and forthcoming.  Theme: Chores 7. You are to make your bed, and keep your room visibly tidy, neat and in order at all time.  8. Additional chores will be posted on the fridge showing you your daily routine, which will consist of: chores, projects, homework, and studying. The list will be complete daily. Theme: Dress Code 9. Outside the home you will ensure that you are properly and smartly dressed in school uniform. You are not permitted to wear "casual" clothes at any time. Uniform includes school blazer, white shirt, grey shorts, belt, school tie, long grey socks, black leather shoes and white briefs. 10. At home and on weekends you will only be permitted to wear the following; white briefs, white cotton socks and white vest. 11. At bedtime you will wear standard blue pyjama top and bottoms only. Theme: Bedtime 12. You will report to me every night at 8pm to review the day. You will stand in the corner facing the wall, hands on head, until called. 13. You will be given a bath to ensure cleanliness is maintained. On occasion it may be necessary to wash your insides too by washing your mouth out with soap or given an enema. 14. You will be shaved smooth as a helpful reminder to who is in charge and to ensure good hygeine. 15. Bedtime and lights out is at 9pm sharp.  Theme: Privacy 16. Privacy is privilege, you will leave doors open at all times, even if you are using the toilet. 17. Until grades meet expected standard all electronics including phone, laptop and PlayStation are to be confiscated.  18. You are grounded until further notice. 
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by on December 20, 2022
Year end wrap up: Attended MAL in January. The green lantern party is amazing and the BAW parties were a blast. Got pretty close with a couple guys there and made some new friends. Hot Seat in March was a blast and I spanked a ton of guys and spent a lot of quality time with Redbearspanker. He spanked me 15 times and I gave about 60 spankings at this event Claw in April was fun. Got to play with a couple people I never thought I’d get to play with and had a very long session with a friend I’d never gotten to meet in real life. Gave about 45 spankings at this one and got two. Went to visit my long time (17 years) Daddybear Redbearspanker in July and had an amazing time but then he had a stroke the day I left. Pretty traumatizing. He’s still alive and in rehab now but this definitely altered the rest of my year in a very specific way.  Went to Florida for work in August and got to spend a weekend with one of the BAW organizers. Gave me an amazing spanking and helped me deal with a lot of stuff just by being a good friend and taking my mind off of everything. Started chatting heavily with Mike Smith on here… pretty much every day and made plans for him to beat my ass at BAW. Also got spanked very severely twice by a close friend until I was bleeding and absolutely crying my eyes out. Easily the hardest spankings I’ve ever gotten in 22 years of doing this. Cried like a baby due to the emotions around Redbear building up. BAW was amazing and got two amazing spankings from Mike (both were two of the most emotional spankings I’ve ever gotten) and we got very very close (love you!) and I also got two great public strappings from Hhoncho who I’ve always wanted to meet. Also spanked my boy Junior to tears five times and gave about fifty spankings including a bathbrush demo and being part of the authors panel. Went to Los Angeles for Leather Getaway and gave some good spankings and attended the spanking party there. Pretty tame event compared to MAL and CLAW but that’s ok. Still fun. Spent a lot of time being kinky with my actual husband which is always a treat. I’ve also spanked 3-4 guys every weekend I’ve been home. If I had to guess, I gave close to 400 spankings this year. Very busy. Very fun. Looking forward to doing it again starting with MAL in just a couple weeks. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, spankos. Be good!
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by on November 15, 2022
There was a blog post that listed  instruments used by different types of Dads and Doms. I assume the post got lost in the crash so just speak from your experience.
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by on November 13, 2022
Despite the retaking of Twitter by Elon, Twitter has developed into a lively community of adult boys and Daddys who are sharing ideas, swapping stories, conducting polls, providing Daddys advice on how to handle adult boys, and more. In today's post we wanted to share a few of the folks doing yeoman's work revitalising the community there and making it a leading space for the M/m Corporal Punishment Community on the internet.  Before we dive in, we do wanna emphasize the invaluable benefit SouthSpanking.com provides and not take away anything from their great work, and at the same time just provide y'all more resources so you have the 411, the intel to engage with folks with like minds. First, let us introduce @OurFamilyRules which is a Twitter handle dedicated to providing advice to Daddys and celebrating adult boys both red-rumped and otherwise. This @handle features Ace Daddy who covers a variety of key thrills that a wide array of boys and Daddys might find appealing. He covers the idea of withholding a boy's boxershorts and regressing him back into briefs if they misbehave. Basically, his message is, if a boy is going to act like a boy, then you as the Daddy should make him live as a boy. He likes to Spank boys in groups of two (or more). He does a great job with video, showing how this can be done. He scolds at length. For those Daddys out there who could use some tips and tricks on how to do this effectively, be sure to listen to Ace Daddy on the videos he tweets out.  Second, let's look at the words of Daddy-hood from @AmtrakDaddy. He posts random tweets of kindness, affection, warnings to boys, and advice on how to avoid getting into trouble. He tucks littles in with some of his words, he warms other boys' bottoms with other words of wisdom, and he always leaves the adult boys who read his @handle with a sense that there really are Daddys out there who will care for you, even when you do naughty things. Great advice.   Third, there's 'zander. Now we've covered @AlexanderZeeGreat in posts previously, but his @handle has been on fire this fall. 🔥🚒🧯Once Cornertime Confidential got booted from Twitter last summer, it was 'zander's posts that helped us reconnect. His drumbeat about being an adult boy fully embodies our boy ethos. He has been sharing more about his life as a boy who also gets Spankings too. So he's broadened what he covers and will appeal to Daddys worldwide.    There's a ton of other great tweeters out there, so begin your search for those you most connect with! Just wanted to provide you a peek at some of the most active tweeters and those with the deepest content in our space. Even if it's just online for now, connect with your CP Community    Please comment below or email us with your ideas aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconf@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Twitter  ∙  WordPress
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by on November 13, 2022
It's been a few weeks since BAW2022. I got Covid immediately afterwards and for a time didn't feel like doing much. Now I'm good and I’ve had some time to think about it. And finally in a place where have time and inclination to arrange my thoughts. I remember laying my hotel room Saturday night, dreading it ending. Out of nowhere (well somewhere from my subconscious), a song lyric came to mind, one I hadn’t heard in years. As I was going out to have the last supper Saturday evening, it fit. Put on a happy face but: “What if I’d been the one to say goodbye? Goodbye. Could you smile when inside you just wanna cry, wanna cry. What if I’d been the one to say goodbye? Goodbye. Could you smile when it hurts so deep inside? And it never fades away.”   (that's 38 Special btw) So I lay there, dreading the ending, very sad. Then with a mental snort I forced myself out of my funk. There are people in this world with real problems, not this pinning over the end of a great vacation/event. Granted, this one was different. This was my 5th BAW. I usually enjoy them (often, something happens thats annoying enough to make it less than perfect.  In that, this year was no exception.)  Last year’s was tough to leave. But this year the event itself was a minor thing; a footnote, a backdrop to a pair of perfect meetings. And saying goodbye to a boy I’d come to think of as son, even before our first meeting; yeah that was going to be fu**ng hard. We had been planning the first one for a couple months now. Working out details in our minds. He even wrote a story about our first meeting on MMSA before it happened. And (as he pointed out) we didn’t have to use it as a script, and we didn’t, but it was pretty close. The first one was perfect. So what do you do after you've given the perfect spanking?  I haven't figured that one out yet...hope to duplicate it I guess. :)  And hopefully we will (and I hope we don't have to wait a year for that to happen). To be continued?
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by on November 7, 2022
When it comes to spanking sessions, we all have some great memories, some not so great, and sometimes horrible ones. In this blog, I will discuss what to do as a spankee after a spanking session that did not really go as you expected. We will review several possible issues ranging from lack of communication, casting errors, improvised session, unexperienced spanker, flat of nightmare, to down right abuse and rape. There is a gradation in the ways a spanking session could unfold in a way that you didn’t like. Sometimes simple communication with your spanker will solve the problem and your next spankings will be better and better : Like with sex, the first time with a new partner is rarely the best and it takes some time to adjust. Other cases are going to be a bit more complicated : you may have incompatible expectations, he may not be very experienced, or perhaps you did not discuss enough before the meeting. In this case, you may be able to find some common ground if your communication is good, but you may also consider that he isn’t and will never be your type of spanker. And finally, the last case: red flags such as abuse, breach of consent, disrespect for your limits, etc. In this case, flee this spanker and you should consider at least discussing your misadventure with other community members to avoid other going through the same situation, and even sometimes taking your case in front of a court of law. Below is a list of things in the 3 categories mentioned and that are in no particular order of gradation. Things that should be easy to fix if you discuss with your spanker before your next meeting The punishment did not include scenaristic elements or implements that you enjoy The spanking was too light/fast/short The spanking was a bit too hard, but there were no unwanted bruises. He went for an unrealistic roleplay that was not to your liking He did not talk much/enough, and you prefer a verbal spanker He used certain positions, side punishments or instruments that you don’t particularly enjoy He has bad breath and keeps talking very close to your face. He was too nosy about your private life. He faced slapped you without discussing it before Things that may or may not be fixed : He went off course with the scenario you agreed upon. He was insisting on having more than a spanking with you, despite you having clearly said no. You like sex with your spanking, he does not. He clearly did not know what he was doing / he had no experience: implements used too high and/or with weird intensities. The punishment made no sense at all. He kept you butt naked (or naked) way too long before/after/during your punishment and you were very uncomfortable with it. (e.g.: butt naked tea in the middle of your spanking, or a 2h break while talking about the current state of the world). It is not a fit when it comes to body stature. Him or his place were quite dirty and it grossed you out You had way more bruises than what you discussed Other people were here and he did not tell you before hand He lied on his age and/or physical shape. Things that you shouldn’t accept : don’t go back, and report him at least to other community members He filmed you without your consent or with a hidden camera (see my blog on taking pictures for other things that you shouldn’t accept). He got naked and it was clearly not part of what you agreed on. He touched you in ways you explicitly told him that you didn’t want. He ignored the safe word you agreed on, or when you did not consent. The spanking was bloody and it was not at all what you agreed on (and we are not talking about a scratched/ruptured pimple … this can happen) He was clearly drunk or under use when you came to his place He forced you to drink or to use any kind of drug before/during your session : if this happened and any of the other points in this category came up too, then you should consider legal action. He raped you : you must consider legal action. While this blog seems to focus on what the spanker can do wrong, please remember that communicating his desires anf limits is something that only the spankee can do. It would be unfair to blame a spanker for doing something wrong in points from categories 1 and 2 if you failed to communicate properly. With MM spanking falling in the grey area of "consented violence" between adults, communication before and after a meeting is extremely important to reduce de risk of misunderstanding and low quality to bad experience : You need to be two to have a conversation and communicate.
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by on October 23, 2022
A reader asked an interesting question recently, and we thought it might be a good time to revisit Punishment Spankings. Over the years, we have covered this topic by bringing in the voices of others living in  DD relationships.  Today we hear again from shilo on how it works in her relaionship. There's so much instructive advice here, we felt you just gotta read it. If you'd like tips on how to be a Top who administers a Punishment Spanking, here's a few blogposts that might be able to help: Punishment Spankings and How to Administer Them Here's an example of how my Daddy administered a Punishment Spanking for a real reason. Here's an idea about what to do AFTER the Punishment Spanking Here's a video of one way to deliver a Punishment Spanking What do you consider a Punishment Spanking to be?   Today’s guest blog post brings Cornertime Confidential readers one person’s viewpoint on how a Punishment Spanking should be administered. I’m not actually in agreement here with all the specifics that our guest blogger, shilo, spells out here. However, what this blogpost brings is a fresh perspective.  While that blog is about married couples implementing Domestic Discipline, I think there are still useful learnings here worth sharing. See what you think. And as always, Cornertime Confidential values your feedback, just click on the “comment” button at the bottom of the post to have your voice heard.   [The following is freely adapted to adult boys and the Men Who Spank them. This is not shilo's original post—nor could it be, given this blog is devoted to M/m Corporal Punishment—and you'll note a particular alteration in the use of pronouns. As a point of further clarification, I have made clarifying remarks throughout and added in a bit where thoughts were not completely fleshed out. In the final section, I have adjusted the content for adult boys entirely.]   __________________________ Punishment Spankings and How to Administer Them by shilo wace* I wanted to talk a bit about giving a Spanking. Not as a person who gives them myself, but one who receives them. Of course, I know there are many ways to administer physical punishment so as I speak about how a solid no-nonsense Spanking should be given, it’s of course through my personal experiences and beliefs on how it should be. In the end, it’s my duty to accept however the Punishment is given, but that does not stop me from having an opinion about it. Let’s start by discussing The Punishment Spanking (as opposed to a Maintenance Spanking or playful Spanking). Punishment Spankings are meant to be unpleasant.   Punishment Spankings are meant to be unpleasant. As the Disciplinarian, you will be punishing a behavior or action. To do that effectively, you’ll want to consider several key elements that will create a memorable experience your boy will not forget.   Selecting the Right Spanking Tool First, a tool should be selected, the disciplinarian needs to know exactly what implement he will be using to administer the Spanking. A Punishment Spanking requires the use of a Spanking Tool, not just your hand. HandSpankings should be reserved for lighter less serious offenses. HandSpankings are also more personal and even considered more loving, this too is not in accordance with a Punishment Spanking.   Select the Right Spanking Tool The disciplinarian should select which implement he will be using and then commit to that implement not deciding to change it just before a Spanking is given. Don't use multiple Spanking Tools. Having the Spanking stop so he can switch to a spoon, or strap, just to stop again switching to a different tool a few minutes later turns the act of correction into some type of game. Personally, I feel this switching up makes the disciplinarian look somewhat unprofessional and unprepared. Like a child in a candy store jumping from one treat to the next.   [Note From Cornertime Confidential: we completely disagree with shilo here. We think if Daddy is in the middle of paddling, and his hand is tired of using The Hairbrush, we don’t see why he can’t just have his boy get off his lap, and send the boy to go get The Spanking Stick or The Wooden Spoon or The Paddle. It gives Daddy a break (and the boy a break!) and helps extend the length of time required to finish punishing.]   "Spankings" require a rigid, hard item which can deliver a stinging blow   When choosing an implement you first must decide what type of physical correction is going to be administered: A Spanking means you’re going to choose a tool such as a wooden paddle, hairbrush, wooden spoon or some type of rigid, hard item which can deliver a stinging blow. A Whipping means you are going to choose something such as a switch, cane, strap, cord or some type of flexible lightweight rod which will deliver a sharp concentrated lash. Once you have chosen a tool you can decide if you will have it ready in the area where you plan to administer the Spanking, or if he will have to retrieve the implement and bring it to you. Either way can be very effective.  Being sent off to get whatever is going to be used on you can be very humbling Being sent off to get whatever is going to be used on you can be very humbling, and on the other hand coming into a room and seeing the tool that will be used can immediately send butterflies into a boy’s tummy and upper throat. Certain tools such as a switch is always better if he is sent out to cut and prepare it himself. This is part of a ritual and is more effective than if it is already trimmed and cleaned.   Now that you have the Spanking Tool selected, and you know how it’s going to be presented, next you need to know how and where you will be administering the Spanking.   The Spanking Ritual I am a big believer in rituals, so having a special location you consistently use I feel is always best. So when you say “okay young man, go to the Punishment Room and wait for me” or “it’s time we take a trip to The Woodhed” he knows exactly what is going to happen without you just blurting out “I’m going to beat your behind.”   “it’s time we take a trip to The Woodshed” [Note: having a set Punishment Spanking ritual should not be a rote memorized experience. You can always vary it based on the circumstances. However, having a central ritual helps establish the tone and helps your boy get in the right headspace.]   The room you choose should already be prepared beforehand with whatever Spanking Chairs or Tools you need—unless you intend for your boy to retrieve that Spanking Tool as mentioned above. The room/area should be clean and free of clutter and not full of toys or stuff more professional than playful. I completely understand that you cannot be prepared for all situations and ready to go.  There will be times that certain behaviors may require immediate correction and other times you may be traveling far from the Domestic Discipline environment you have set up.      However you should be prepared for both these events and have a plan if such actions are necessary. [note: you should have a plan between you for what is acceptable resolution for bad behavior while travelling or in public: administering hotel spankings, pulling over on the side of the road, having a signal for a time out when in a group setting that requires he stop and meet you outside for a talkin’-to, etc.]   Go To Your Room   When in the Domestic Discipline home, preparing a room beforehand is still the best policy, and postponing punishment until everything is in place is worth the time. You can certainly have him stand in The Corner or take a bath as you prepare. Having him prepare for a Spanking is part of a good punishment ritual is well. Having a special punishment outfit, boyish underpants, athletic shorts, pajamas, etc., he would have to put on before going to the designated room, or the knowledge that once in the room he has to remove all of his clothing and put them away neatly and out of sight will certainly get him ready both physically and mentally.   Now that you’re both in the room, and he is standing before you in his embarrassing punishment dress or as naked as a newborn, this is the time you need to have a serious and controlled discussion with him about the behavior for which he is being corrected. He needs to be told that this is not for play or his pleasure, but this is a serious punishment to take him down a peg or two.   Scolding Do not go easy on him. Scold him: Identify the Misbehavior. Explain in detail how his behavior has earned him this punishment. Identify what’s required of him to fix things. Explain what is expected out of him in the future what to do to avoid further punishment.  This is very important, disciplinarians that do not scold properly or just assume he knows exactly why he’s being punished are making a communications mistake.   Avoid Making a making a Communications Mistake.   A good scolding should have your boy remorseful or even in tears before the first swat ever lands. If you are unsure how to scold properly, take the time to do some research.   [Note From Cornertime Confidential: we find scolding technique is particularly well done by Magic Spanking Factory’s Daddy and SpankingCentral.com’s Clifton Meador. These are good places to start looking for tone, attitude, and delivery of the talkin’-to].   You can certainly have him stand in The Corner or take a bath as you prepare.   Scolding is not yelling, and not belittling. It is explaining exactly how he disappointed you. And for most adult boy’s disappointing someone they care about can be more punishment than any Spanking. Do not rush the scolding, take your time, and let each word sink in. This is not the time for him to argue with you or give his side of the story. He is only to listen and to answer any of your questions with yes or no or what many Daddys require, “Yes, Sir” or “No, Sir.” The time for his side of the story past as soon as he was ordered to get ready for punishment. As a disciplinarian if you allow him to continue to argue with you, backtalk you, or give you attitude and you have lost control of the situation.  You need to regain it quickly. It is not a game to punish adult boys, and he should not disrespect you. Managing Misbehaviour During The Spanking  Once everything that needed to be said had been said then it’s time to move to the penalty phase of the punishment, which in this case is to administer the Spanking or the Whipping. You should have him move into position quickly such as over your knee, across your lap, bending over a chair, touching his toes, etc. Telling him to touch his toes does not mean putting his hands on his knees or grabbing his ankles, it means putting his fingertips to his toes, or placing his fingers underneath his toes. If he is not physically capable of actually bending forward to touch his toes, then the directions should be something along the lines of “Place your hands on your knees.”  "...trying to block his bottom with his hands is not only disrespectful and shows lack of obedience, but also it can be dangerous." It is a form of disrespect if he only bends far enough to put his hands on his knees when you instructed him to touch his toes. Don’t let him get by with that. Once you have him in the proper position you can give him any further instructions necessary, even if he’s heard them before, such as “Keep still! No kicking! No rubbing  your bottom!” Reminding him that his only job is to stay in place and not to try to prevent his Spanking in any way helps to establish who is actually in charge here. Excessive moving, or trying to block his bottom with his hands is not only disrespectful and shows lack of obedience, but also it can be dangerous. His cooperation is for his own good, so say so clearly and distinctly. Yelping, crying, and screaming should be expected, but there is no reason for him to talk or ask or beg for anything. He should not say any words at all. Begging or pleading is an attempt to reduce his punishment and should be treated the same way as if he was trying to block your access to his bottom with his hands or move out of the way. Excessive noise should also be addressed as you see fit. Excessive noise should also be addressed as you see fit.   The first swat should come quickly and hard. It should sting quite a bit and make him yelp out in both shock and pain. He is being punished and there is no such thing as a warm up Spanking for adult boys who are being punished. The only reason you might want to use a warm up Spanking is to lower his sensitivity and make the Spanking last longer. That again should be up to you, and you should consider this in the larger scope of what you are trying to achieve here. If it’s behavior improvement, then you might want to apply just a short sharp shock. If, however, you want something out of this too, you will want to find ways of prolonging this severe discipline by varying the intensity, so you aren’t wasting your time.   The Spanking should continue had a hard steady pace and go for quite some time. A disciplinarian needs to remember that he has chosen to participate in this relationship, and he should not be timid about delivering a sound Spanking. Spank him with enough force to ensure a very sore, fairly bruised bottom. He is not made out of glass. You’re not punishing him to break him, but you are disciplining him to keep him in line. That cannot be achieved with an adult boy by a gentle warning.   There is no need to set the amount of strokes or a set time, either. This is your free time to discipline as you see fit, so naturally, you certainly can do this if you wish. It’s best to remember that your boy is being punished, and it may be better to continue the punishment until the disciplinarian feels that he has reached the level of remorse he is looking for. This could vary on any given day, so there’s no reason that the spontaneity you have in your regular Domestic Discipline relationship cannot be secured during different Punishment Spankings.   "...it’s the bond you create with your words and your deeds during these high-impact emotional and physical moments."    Aftercare and Reinforcement of the Message Even though this is a Punishment Spanking, it’s always okay to be tender and forgiving. He has taken his punishment, and  whatever his misdeed, it has been paid for. You can hold him as he cries or whimpers or stamps his feet, and/or let him know that it’s over. It will not be discussed again, so long as his behavior aligns with your expectations that you set down during the scolding and now after the Punishment Spanking. It helps to reinforce the message behind the Spanking, for example, “I don’t want to see you do that again. Look me in the eye, and tell me you heard what I just said.”  If he was good and remained still for his Spanking, you might consider praising him for his obedience. Adult boys are the most submissive right after a Punishment Spanking. Showing him tenderness and love is what he needs most at this point and will ensure his continued obedience to you. Yes, he’ll screw up again, and yes, you’ll have to administer future Punishment Spankings. But ultimately, it’s the bond you create with your words and your deeds during these high-impact emotional and physical moments that will bond you most effectively to one another as Daddy and boy.   __________________________ *From August 2015 Please comment below or email us with your ideas aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconf@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are: Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙   WordPress  ∙  Twitter  
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by on October 17, 2022
  Home from Bad Ass Weekend. I’ve been to quite a few events now but they one is hard to top. So many good guys and so many butts to spank.I stopped officially counting when I hit 50 but it I had to guess I gave about 65 full spankings from Wednesday until today and that’s not counting the Hell Week paddling, my bathbrush demo or any of the random spankings I bent boys over when I was out and about. With all that I’d probably guess I was close to 100 this year. Lots of guys were repeats over the course of the weekend. It’s fun watching their butts go from white on Wednesday to black and blue by Sunday afternoon.I also got spanked over the knee twice by a nice special daddy bear (TNMike) and spent a lot of time taking the strap from an absolute master (Hhoncho) who I’ve heard about and admired for many, many years. Amazing time.I’ve got 17 or 18 videos up on my spankingtube from the event so please enjoy. My name there is Bearspanks https://www.spankingtube.com/user/bearspanks/videos  
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by on October 13, 2022
Hello everyone,   I have been wading through our logs, figuring out the recent crash and I have other inportant information to update you with.  Firstly there was no security breech, it was a database crash.   Secondly our backup routine had failed, resulting in the loss of a few months of videos.   Also very importantly, our two year commitment contract with our hosting provider will expire on 28th October.Normally about this time, I look at finding a better spec server for a similar or lower price, however its not going to happen this time around.  Our prices will increase, but if I do another two year commitment before our contract expires, its only going up  by $20 a month, but that is still $240 per year.   I analyzed our traffic logs, we actually do not have to upgrade the server at all, we are consistantly below 350 Mpbs, actually usually way below that, given that our port speed can handle 500 Mpbs (incoming and out going), I see no need to upgrade  To put that into perspective the server can process 62.5 Megabytes of data every second.  That is more than enough for our site, and very likely will last us at least the next two years and probably longer.    Instead of looking at server upgrades, I am looking into upgrading our caching service, at the moment we use an open and free version of the software which has some restrictions and does impede performance.  I am looking at a license that will eliminate those restrictions, but as always there is a cost, which is currently $17 per month or $204 annually.  If we do that, our annual costs (including the server price increase) will increase by a total of $444 (an unusual number for sure).   It is substantial.   I do need to take this all into consideration when making my final decision on the best way forward.  The initial server work I am planning will involve the following:   Refresh the server. Refresh the database. Install the most recent version of the software script. Install a reliable opensource backup software with a GUI. Complete a security audit. Configure email server and reverse dns. Setup email registration. Allow password resets by email.   I will provide updates as I go along, and let you know my decisons.   James                
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by on October 12, 2022
Hello everyone, I know there are still some issues, since the crash.  I will be free in a couple of days from now, to begin work, getting things back functioning correctly. Part of that work will be refreshing the server, updating the OS and setting up email verification and email password resets. There will be some downtime, but I think we can all agree it will be worth it. My thanks to everyone for their pateince, especially our admins, helping out at a very difficult time for me. I will update you when there will be downtime in advance and setup a seperate status page. Also do remember naughty boys get spanked .. especailly Jonny!   hugs   James  
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by on October 11, 2022
Got this lovely email in my inbox and wanted to share with y'all. It's emails like this that really make us feel like the pandemic is really really  finally over. The Spanking Community is back and with the availability of the monkeypox vax, we're rarin' to go. Get out there and meet the boy of your dreams....or switch, or Daddy, or.... ________________________________________ "We want to let you know the dates for Camp Red Tails 2023 so you can put them on your personal calendars. Camp Red Tails will be Thursday, July 20 to Tuesday July 25, 2023, most campers arrive on the first day, Thursday.   "Camp Registration is NOT open yet!  However, we will surely send you another email as soon as Registration opens, sometime in November or December at the latest.   We hope you had a great summer, and we look forward to seeing you at our next Camp Red Tails!   John, John & Dan   Website:  www.campredtails.com         Please comment below or email us with your ideas.   ________________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr  ∙  Twitter  ∙  Blogger  ∙  WordPress    
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by on October 5, 2022
Dear users, I am pleased to inform you that we have found a possible source for the problem that has been affecting our website since yesterday. If you are interested in technical details : - The video module apparently crashed during a video upload yesterday around 7:40pm EST. It has since been updated, rebooted and fixed. - The database had errors in at least one table that handle the feed. These errors which might have been caused by the video module (our best guess is that an index went out of bound after being crashed by a failed video upload), and have now been fixed.   What you should read if you are not interested in the technicalities : Videos upload are now authorized. However, since we are still not sure about what caused the crash, we kindly ask you not to upload more than 1 video per account and per day. Video upload is a heavy process for the website, and the last thing we want is another crash because you all decided to put your videos back online at the same time. It appears that we will not be able to recover the feed at the moment. However, your albums, pictures, blogs and groups are still here and can be found in your profile ! If you want your albums back on your wall feed, your best option is to re-upload 1 picture in each of them. However, like for the videos, we invite you to take things slow. Please do not flood the main feed and the server by all updating your albums at the same time ! I will keep you posted if there is anything new. But I doubt that much more will happen before James returns.   Cheers ! -- LordZasz
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by on October 4, 2022
Dear users, as you might have seen, we are currently experiencing issues with the feeds (main and individuals) as well as with the videos. We do not know yet what caused the problem nor if it can easily be fixed. With James being unavailable due to personnal circumstances, I am the Administrator with the highest level of access. However, I don't have as much access as James does, nor his in depth knowledge of the website. I will try my best to figure out what is going on with the other administrators, and hopefully fix the problem. However, you should know that there is a risk that we may not be able to fix things, and that the videos might be lost.   Here is what we know so far : - All feeds other than feeds that include direct references to other users seems to have disappeared - Only 22 videos seem to have survived the crash : the ones that were posted in groups. - pictures and photos albums are still here, they can be seen on profiles, but have disappeared from the feeds. - Blogs are still here - Groups are still here - We don't seem to have any back-up to restore lost content, and even if the videos are still here somewhere, manually relinking them is not an option. - The problem might come from the video uploading module which is currently not responding, but it is not clear how or why it may have crashed all feeds.   What can you do :  - You may keep posting blogs, pictures, albums, and refurnishing the feed. What you can't/shouldn't do :  - Don't try to post any new videos. [we have blocked it]  - Do not repost all your pictures just to make new links in your feed.   I will keep you posted if we make any progress.
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by on October 4, 2022
A Letter From a Reader In a recent letter, bobby asked Cornertime Confidential a few questions and posed a few concerns we thought we'd cover today. There's a lot of variables for you to know about before you embark on a Domestic Discipline (DD) relationship. I write about this a lot and every 2nd week of December in my blog is the "Domestic Discipline Celebrations Week" which has a week's worth of different posts about various elements of how to make it manifest in your relationships I am intrigued by Domestic Discipline. How do you feel about it? I think for me it's a preferred relationship style. I do not currently have a DD relationship as we did before the pandemic, so I'm talking about what it was like up until March 2020. But many of the things that Domestic Discipline taught us as a couple is to be better partners to one another. It seems intriguing but I don’t know how I would feel about giving up control on a long term basis.  I only give up control on a short term basis. We have to spend most of our lives living as equals or else our friends and family and neighbors would freak out. How do you make sure it doesn’t become abuse?  I think that's the same for any impact play or other non-vanilla play. Boundaries, limits, communication. Checking in all the time as the Dom. Knowing that you have times set aside to approach Daddy appropriately to discuss if a Punishment was too intense or unfair or out of bounds. Some of the stuff on your site talks about Spanking in front of others, which doesn’t seem great unless that was totally agreed to beforehand.  I agree completely. If you do not discuss beforehand and the boy isn't aware of what those boundaries are and isn't a part of establishing what is acceptable and what is not, then it's not truly a DD relationship. It's just an unfair one. I argue for boys to be empowered, fight back, don't just passively get punished. Make DD vibrant and alive, but be prepared for the consequences when you do. That means if you're in public (and you and Daddy have established these as acceptable) a public Spanking may get doled out. Most 99.99%) of Daddys are as conscious of public Spanking as you are. They do not want to caught Spanking an adult male in public because it could reflect badly on them too! But if a boy does act out in public, there's NOTHING to prevent Daddy saying, "We'll address this when we get home." Sometimes the anticipation of a Spanking is worse than the actual Spanking itself. Please comment below or email us with your ideas. ________________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are: Tumblr  ∙  Twitter  ∙  Blogger  ∙  WordPress
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by on September 25, 2022
As an adult boy who gets Spankings, I know this feeling that the boy in the image below has. Sometimes, afterwards—after you got The Spanking—you just need a moment to think, to calm down, to work through the emotional rush, and then to start all over again. Today, we wanted to honor this boy's journey after The Spanking.  𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤?  𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡?  𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲?  Please comment below or DM me with your ideas. ________________________________________  Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr ∙ Blogger ∙ WordPress
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by on August 17, 2022
Flew to Florida for work and spent the weekend staying with a sweet handsome friend in Tampa who I had met at a couple other events and quickly became pretty good friends with.  Been a rough couple months and this was exactly what I needed.  We hung out a lot and I got spanked on Saturday and Sunday. No roleplay or anything but he cycled through a lot of implements including straps, paddles, brushes and spoons. He is great at what he does and got my endorphins going. I already miss him and can't wait to see him again at BAW. Cried when I left. Like I said...it's been a rough couple months and feeling cared about that much for a weekend was exactly what I needed.     
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