by on May 18, 2024
In just  2 weeks' time on Monday, May 27, it is a time in America were we remember our fallen soldiers. Today we wanted to take that a step further and honor our "fallen boys" who are lifted up by the experience of the CP Community. (Ouch, just reading that, I can see I'm treading on pretty sacrosanct ground, so I'll refrain from any other references to the actual importance of this revered day! Apologies if that offended any of my military peeps or just plain ol' more appropriate fellow American. I can be very inappropriate sometimes, obviously) Memorializing a boy's Spanking can be a key feature of an effective Spanking. We here at Cornertime Confidential call them "Behinder Reminders." Below is a little something I put together to get you thinking about why our CP Community finds Spankings so helpful. TonyMack Over Daddy's Knee  Look Closely, What do you really see? On STH, I was friended by Tony Mack from outta San Fran who's profile is the pic you see here. I love love loved it because it tells you quite a lot. And I just had to share it with you to illustrate a very valuable point. This boy is obviously very lucky... But let's look closer to see WHY. On closer examination, I began to realize, "Why do I say that? Why do I think this is a lucky boy?" I bet a lot of readers wouldn't immediately know why. Here's what I'm driving at: This Daddy not only cares enough to Spank this boy's bottom when he's been a bad boy, but also he is willing and able to commemorate the occasion with this image. I hope the boy in this picture got to see what about his behaviour resulted in what his Daddy had to do.  Now with this image on their phones, this Daddy can remind his boy of the experience by texting him the photo of what happened the last time he acted up.  With mobile phones, Daddys can text their boys these short of pics or vids of their last Spanking to remind boys. He could just be going out for a night on the town without Daddy, but a simple text of this image, will be enough to remind his to follow Daddy's Rules. As a suggestion to you Daddys out there, I want to emphasize that taking this extra step to create a Behinder Reminder can be very helpful during a Spanking—at the beginning, the middle, during Cornertime, at the end, it really doesn't matter when.  After you send him to The Corner, you can probably get an even better shot. The picture or video need only capture the situation the boy got himself into.  A vid or a pic can capture this key element time and again and be used over and over again with your boy. Look how simple this Daddy above achieved that! While this Daddy is probably doing this just to show what he can, maybe even just for his STH page, he is also conveying something really valuable. The image shows he cares and appreciates the value in actively using embarrassment and shame to keep his boy in line. Admittedly, you do need to check with your boys before using humiliation as a disciplining tool. But I think any boy who has been Spanked in front of others, knows just how impactful humiliation can be in improving a boy's behaviour. And raising the anticipation and excitement level in your relationship. adult boys like me hate the important place this valuable Spanking Tool—embarrassment and humiliation—can have in Daddys Toolbox. You will see many photos of a Daddys paddle or belt collection in STH profiles. I think that those images only tell me that Daddy might be a bit of a sadist.  If you are trying to convey that, that's helpful for your boys to know.  But if you are seeking to attract a real adult boy to "capital D" Discipline—those boys whose minds you want to get into, so you can punish them in a way that might even bring them to tears—well, you might consider other ways of capturing this in the photos and videos you use in your profile.   If This is on Your Whappz Profile What are Your Conveying? This might be just the thing you want adult boys to see. Once you go a little deeper, your images or videos can be used with your boys. Show them to your boys afterwards—maybe even as much as a week later! I think if this were my bottom in this pic, and let's just say those drawers came down (see pic at the top of this blogpost)...well, then, an email with this pic a day or two or a week later would be quite a reminder. The story being told behind the image is everything. Imagine getting that pic at work in the middle of a meeting! At lunch with friends! You may be an adult, but because you have a Daddy who cares enough to remind you, you suddenly become  very much a boy. Taking the Time to Remind Being exceptional when you are being a Daddy doesn't have to be difficult! All you have to do sometimes is not just capture the moment!. Sometimes all it means it that you take the time to remind your boy after the fact, what his behaviour requires you to do. Show your adult boy why his Spankings hurt you, more than it hurts him. 
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