by on June 20, 2023
We were lucky enough to catch up with Daddy John about next month's Camp Red Tails. We're super excited to share with you an interview with him about the coming unique annual convening. There's a bunch of key reasons to set aside the time and money to attend Camp. It's an irreplacable moment on the calendar each year to immerse yourself into a Spanking-centered week with like-minded thinkers and feelers. It's like a family...that still uses Spankings to help everyone get along!  😉 Only One Month to Go! An Intv With Daddy John About Camp  by Daddy John   Careful Where You Walk on Your Trip to the Woodshed Camp Red Tails started about 30 years ago, and has taken place every summer since, with the exception of 2, we missed for Covid in Lake County, California. I’ve been going for approximately 23 years now. My partner, Johnny also has been going for approximately 24 years. It's the most unique experience, where a bunch of guys get together for a vacation where you can immerse yourself in a total Spanking experience. Camp Red Tails was founded by Gil Connolly of Mans Hands Films.  My partner, Dan, and myself all of us long term alumni, took over camp a few years and are currently your hosts. It's a wonderful opportunities for boys to come with their dads to live in an environment were the only thing they have to think about is enjoying Spanking and playing with each other. We offer you 3 meals a day in a wonderful rural setting, which we have exclusive use for in a beautiful part of Lake County, California. Were we bring about between 60 and 80 guys together. It's like summer camp for adults. Camp this year camp will take place from Thursday July 20, till Tuesday, July 25. Camp Red Tails started about 30 years ago, and when Gil Connolly the original founder got a group together to go away for a 3 day Spanking weekend. He found this idealic place, and a group of about 10 or 15 people went to the first camp, and then from there it just kind of mushroomed, and by word of mouth more people wanted to come. Many people were recommended to come, and now we currently have about 70 to 80 people and that is how it has grown. It has also grown in length, we know it originally was just a weekend, and now we arrive on Thursday, and we stay till Tuesday, so we've added days as more people came from distances. We have campers from Australia, Europe, and many different states.  My partner and I travel from the East Coast every year for it, and it's a great vacation. We look forward to it every year.   The Signed Paddle, The Paddled Signed  So, Glenn was one of the original campers that came to camp. Red Tales. “The Professor” we used to call him! I believe he was an original member of the 15, and Spanking was one of his passion. The Professor brought so much to camp, whether it be his interest in hiking interest, in nature or  botany, he would actual collect seeds at camp to add to his collection Most importantly  his passion for  Spankings, Spanking implements and all things to do with Spanking. He was interested in any type of paddle, and his enthusiasm for paddles was a tremendous added bonus to camp. You just had to love it when he tell you about how he made these paddles. He would bring impressive collection of paddles and other Spanking implements his own items.  A lot of them are now brought to camp by another camper. Mr. Spankee / Daddy Mark, so they are still part of Camp Red Tails.   He was a wonderful, member of the Camp Red Tails Family. Every year the professor would handmade a paddle, and you would sign the paddle if he Spanked you with it. He would go around, and he says to you, “Oh, would you like to sign my paddle?”  He was such a special guy. Mr. Spankee / Daddy Mark, who is very active member of the L.A. Spanking Community .Brings in a huge collection of his and the Professor’s paddles which are available for all camper to use . Mr. Spankee / Daddy Mark is the keeper up the tradition of bringing a new paddle every year for campers to sign. However he added his own twist to the tradition, to the paddle. Now you can sign either sigh one side of the paddle he Spanks you with it, or you can sign the other side you Spank him with it. Some of the original campers: still come, and there are some campers that are well into their 21st, 22nd… 25th camps.  People may skip a few years and then come back, we are like a family. You know, if you been away a long time, and you want to come back, when you do you’re right into it with your with friends.   We're always getting new campers, and you know we welcome them in, and they love it. It's a very unique experience for a lot of different reasons one they have never experienced before. What I do when we get a new camper, someone that's interested in camp, I always talk to them at length about it. I explain what it is, what it isn't, so they know, what to expect, to make sure they understand what camp is all about.   For example, it's not a sex camp. It’s an all-inclusive Spanking environment. That lasts for six days. It's not something you can come to for just an afternoon. It’s about the total experience.   Jacuzzi Fun The whole idea of camp is to have a group of friends that are coming together for a common experience—Spanking, right? And you come to Camp to live in that environment for days. In a place you feel comfortable, indulging in your passion for Spanking.   Camp offers you an opportunity to live the submissive/Dominant life style of Spanking life 24/7. And not have to actually worry about anything else other than Spanking since we offer you catered meals, beverages and lodging and the venue to make your dreams come true.   Once you get there, you're going to be with the same group of guys, you're going to eat your all your meals together. That's one of the things we have found to be a great part of camp that we all sit together for all our meals and that’s where we become family.   One big family, a family that still uses Spanking when the boys start acting up!   Cabins at Camp     What does it cost     $1,050 for six nights $900 for five nights       What's Included? ​ Full access to the resort during your stay   The Main House Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (catered and buffet-style) Beverages all day long (soft drinks, coffee & beer) Bedding, pillows and linens (just bring your bath & pool towels) Huge playroom (Ropes, Paddles, Benches) No fees or costs during your entire stay             ​ Things to do:   ​Acres of Hiking Trails — with views of Clear Lake and beyond Plateaus on Hills & Mountains — for Spanking, meditation or star gazing The WoodShed High speed wireless Internet access Large hot tub — great relaxation Large swimming pool — clean, clear and refreshing! Stone Labyrinth plus numerous hiking trails Massage Tables An antique mineral pool Indoor and Outdoor showers Large common grounds Easy free parking and secured ground                                     Please comment below or email us with your ideas   aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconf@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:       Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Twitter  ∙  WordPress
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by on June 17, 2023
This was part of a series of stories I wrote about my childhood spanking experiences but I couldn't post those here.   This particular story happened when everyone involved was over 18 so I am able to tell this story and it came to mind because I got a call from Ed, an old friend last week and he's stopping here to visit me in a couple days.  Thinking about Ed brings back a lot of memories of things that happened when I was college age.    Ed often talked about spankings and wasn't shy about getting naked either!     A picture of Ed.  He was tall, slim and smooth and also had that skinny little kind of butt that turned me on so much and just begged for a spanking.    Whenever I saw that thick shiney belt around his waist, I couldn't help but think about what it would be like to watch him get spanked!   Or even better yet, have him take that belt off and spank me with it!    Ed and I were close friends but there was something I did to Ed that I really felt bad about. Something I deserved a spanking for.  A very humiliating public spanking! Here's what happened.  There were 6 of us hanging out at a friend John's house.  Another friend Richard was there too.  Richard used to strip and spank some of his friends just for the fun of it. I didn't realize it at the time but Richard was a spanko just like I was!   Two other friends Louie and Tim were there too.   Of course Ed, John and I were also there.    Richard was about 6'3" tall and was also thin with a skinny little butt that got spanked at home too.   Not only that but when we went on camping trips Richard would bring handcuffs with and handcuff his friends, pull down their pants and spank them with a short little piece of leather strap he brought with!   Yeah Richard was definitely into spanking!   I wanted Richard to spank me but I was too afraid that when he pulled down my pants he'd see I had a boner and he'd know I was turned on by getting my ass spanked, so I never let him do it.    That would be way too humiliating for me!    A picture of John with Richard. You can see John's wearing tighty-whities. We all wore tighty-whities back then. John got spanked by both his mom and dad at home.  Well after 18 years old. I think John's mom spanked him with a paddle and his dad spanked him with a belt. A few of my friends got spanked as older teens by thier moms!   I think that's even more embarrassing for a guy to be spanked by his mom!  Bare of course! John also had that defined waist and toned abs that turned me on so much. Not only that but, he wanted to see me get a spanking too. In fact, all of my friends wanted to see me get a spanking! They couldn't believe I never got spanked!  In those days a guy like me that didn't get spanked was unheard of!    At the time, Ed was dating John's sister and John had a pool in his back yard.   I can't remember exactly what happened but we all decided to grab Ed and throw him in the pool.  Hey we were nice about it - we left all his clothes on!    He took it like a good sport but his clothes were soaked!   John's mom gave Ed a towel and told him to strip to his underwear and said she'd throw the rest of his clothes in the dryer. Maybe she figured his briefs would dry out with a dry towel wrapped around him. We were all hanging out in the basement and Ed decided to go hang out in John's sister's bedroom. Yeah that's right wearing only a towel and his wet tighty whities!    We got peeved that he dumped us for some girl.  Richard was there so you can bet that a certain someone was going to get stripped!  Stripped Naked!    Buck Ass Naked! I'm sure you could have felt the excitement in the air as we stormed upstairs and found Ed in his girlfriend's  (John's sister's) bedroom.   We grabbed Ed and pinned him to the floor. No details were planned out, so those guys must have done something like this before.   Richard grabbed one arm and Tim grabbed the other.   John grabbed one of Ed's legs and Louie grabbed his other leg.  Ed was helpless and wasn't going anywhere!  He must not have figured out what was about to happen because he didn't even fight us that much!   Somehow in the scuffle his towel was already yanked off.   John's sister was standing right there watching the whole thing!    All Ed had on was those still wet, tighty-whities    I was the only one that wasn't holding on to him so I grabbed the waistband of his tighty whities and started to pull them down!    Ed just looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and in total shock, said "Not you too!".   It was like Julius Caesar saying "Et tu Brute!"  We were best friends and he couldn't believe I was helping strip him!   Our adrenaline was rushing and in the excitement of the moment, I ignored Ed's pleas and took those briefs right down past his knees, down to his ankles and pulled them clear off of him!  He was buck ass naked in his girlfriend's bedroom with her standing there with a smile on her face looking at him!   Now what really surprised us, is that when we let go of Ed, he just sat up on the floor right where we stripped him and drew his knees up toward his chest.   He didn't try to grab a pillow or blanket to cover himself. He didn't even ask her for a towel.  He just sat naked right in front of her and all of us! We walked out of the room, leaving Ed there starkers with his girlfriend and went back downstairs.  Ed didn't even run after us trying to get his briefs back.  It was like it didn't even bother him a bit being forcibly stripped naked like that in front of John's sister! Maybe deep down he was enjoying it.  I know we were and I'm sure John's sister was too!    I'm sure that every time she thought about Ed after that, she pictured him naked!   Buck ass naked!    I can only imagine the stories she told her friends!  We went back upstairs about 15 minutes later and found him still sitting on the floor like that, totally naked and uncovered.  His girlfriend had to be standing there looking at his nakedness and talking to him, and it didn't phase Ed a bit!  Well at least he didn't show it!  I wonder if he got a boner being naked like that in front of her while we were gone? We gave him back his briefs and the towel.   He was thin and flexible so he stayed seated on the floor, set the towel down next to him and slipped the briefs on on.     We left the room again and he stayed there.   I still wonder if his dick got hard.  I know mine would have!  i guess I'm obsessed with the humiliation of getting a boner when forcibly exposed in front of other people!   It's what I feared most when getting naked in front of others.   A little while later his clothes were dry and he got dressed.  Since  I've been eagerly posting pics of my buddies in the story I figured I should post another picture of myself  around that time too.     ​ I drove Ed over there, so we talked about it on the way home, and I apologized for what I did to him.   I felt so bad in fact,  I told him he could strip me sometime if he wanted to and that I'd let him.   I couldn't believe I told him I'd let him strip me but I did!  I get a boner just thinking about being naked or getting spanked but I felt so bad about what I did to Ed I figured I deserved it.   I thought for sure it was going to happen when we went camping the next week and pictured Richard being there too with his handcuffs and that short leather strap of his to give me a spanking too!     Nothing happened that next week.   I waited and waited and but nothing ever happened.  I had even started sleeping naked at home trying to get used to the idea of being bare hoping my dick wouldn't get hard when he did decided to get his revenge on me!   Still nothing happened.   I must have felt so guilty about what I did that after about a month, I even reminded Ed again that he could get back at me and strip me. Unfortunately he said not to worry about it!  Yeah I finally worked up the courage to "let" someone strip me and figured I'd get a naked spanking when it happened too and Ed didn't want to do it!    Once again I escaped the  naked public humiliation I deserved!  Obviously he didn't tell Richard that I offered to get stripped and humiliated because Richard would not have let the opportunity slip by and would have made sure it happened!  The other guys too!    In fact Tim was another guy that wanted to give me a birthday spanking.  He specified it would be in my birthday suit and offered to bring a paddle to do it with.    John and Louie would have enjoyed going along with whatever the others wanted to do!   Ed and I have remained friends.  He has moved all around the world with his job and I haven't seen him for about 30 years but we've talked on the phone and texted.   I've always felt bad for what I did to Ed, and to this day I feel I deserve to be punished for it.   I deserve to be stripped buck ass naked in front of other people that I know, and for betraying Ed's trust, I deserve to be spanked too! Spanked naked while others grin, laugh and enjoy the show!   Spanked in a most humiliating way!  Perhaps stripping Ed is something a spanker can address during my next spanking.   I like being spanked for real reasons. I wonder if Ed thinks about the time I stripped him?   If Ed's wife wasn't coming with him, he just might strip and spank me now.   Perhaps he might do it anyway!   Who knows who might be looking at Southspanking!   I think I'm hoping an old friend will recognize their photos when I post them.   Or perhpas someone who knows them will see them and show them the post.    One of these days someone I know is going to be reading my blog and figure out it's me.   When they do I hope they give me the spankings I deserve!    
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by on June 15, 2023
As we approach Father's Day, I think more about what dad wants. I've been seeking a spanking dad for years but haven't put much thought behind what a dad wants. A son a dad wants to have and invest deeply in, sexually or non-sexually. Because all I can think about is a live-in dad who is a strict disciplinarian.   What are the main things you require in a sub or a son? What are some serious deal breakers? How do you celebrate Father's Day?
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by on June 15, 2023
Link for Part 2 Here's the last part of the 2nd Naked Dare at Work story.   Keep in mind this dare was not really about self spanking as that just doesn't do much for me after I've been spanked by someone else.  This dare was much more about being naked outside at work and the risk of getting caught bare and the total humiliation that would come along with it!  And not just being caught naked, but being caught naked with a spanking paddle in hand, my bottom spanked bright red, and that sign around my neck saying to give me the real spanking I deserved!   That would not only make my humiliation so much more intense if someone did catch me, but it would also expose my spanking fetish to them. Yes whoever caught me woulld find out I liked getting spanked like a naughty little boy!  I think that's exactly what my buddy Jordan was hoping would happen and perhaps I was hoping so too!  And if I did get caught, I wanted whoever caught me to spank me!  Right there in public like I always fantasized about!    While the area I chose to do the dare was somewhat safe, I was still naked outdoors at work, and there were several customers on the property.   My college age employees were now scheduled to start work in less than 30 minutes and the chances of them catching the boss naked outside with a red spanked ass were getting greater by the minute!  They believed in spanking and had even made a couple comments about wanting to spank me so this would have given them the perfect opportunity do to just that!  Yes, there was a major risk involved and my adrenaline was rushing!   I also didn't know if anyone was already out there when I started the dare.   The neighbor let hunters use the adjacent property and it was during deer hunting season. The sound of the paddle would have surely attracted the attention of hunters, and now I was headed right for that area where they would be!  In fact sometimes the local teenagers even trespassed on this property and tried hunting or trapping in the wooded area I was headed for.  Plus,  it was winter break and they were all off of school so that made it even more likely for someone to be out there that morning!    Just think of the fun a group of teenagers could have with my naked red ass and the paddle I was carrying!  There was also the possibility that if someone caught me they could easily blackmail me into reporting to them to be stripped and spanked on a regular basis.   While that has always been a theme in many of my fantasies, and the thought of that truly excites me, the reality of it frightened me and made the dare that much more intense!   I had already given my cold naked bottom100 swats with the Jokari paddle, and my path now took me out of the open field and into the shelter of some woods, shielding me from view of the road at times. While I was out there I thought I was fairly well hidden by the brush, but it was a false sense of secuirty because in reality,  I was completely visible. The leafless brush did little to conceal me from view of passing cars on the road and the movement of a naked guy walking through the woods would have attracted anyone's attention from the road.   Some parts of my path took me within 5 feet of an open field adjacent to the highway which was not far off in the distance.   View of the woods from the county highway. The path I was walking on shown by the green arrows.  I thought the brush and trees shielded me from view but looking at that area after the dare was over from the highway, I was clearly visible to anyone driving down the road.  And my movement through the trees would have only attrracted more attention to me, a buck ass naked guy with an ass as red as Rudolph's nose for the holidays!     Getting ready to spank myself again right in the area the hunters would be in.   This would be the third location I spanked myself in that morning!  I had a camera set up on a tripod ahead of time, but I'm setting up the GoPro to take extra video of me just in case someone walks off with the regular camcorder when I go onto the next spot.  Yes I left the camera with the incriminating naked self spanking footage of me on it behind, until I finished the dare!  The possibility of someone taking the camera, and then blackmailing me into submitting to regular spankings was a real possibilty and on my mind throughout the dare!    As I'm smacking my ass, I keep looking around to see if anyone is standing there watching me!   What a sight it would have been for someone to catch me.  Especailly a group of guys together like some hunting buddies!  I'm sure they wouldn't be able to resist spanking me for real, seeing me bent over with my red ass thrust out and my dick and balls dangling between my legs,  just begging for a real spanking.   I really deserved to be caught by a group of guys and spanked by each one of them just the way I was - buck ass naked!       Now heading naked and with a bright red bottom to the 4th spot. This was a very large, fallen tree I found ahead of time.  I carefully scoped out the area the previous several days and went out there earlier that morning and put a sheet of plastic over the log in case there was poison ivy on the tree.  I didn't want to get poison ivy on my crotch.   I used clear plastic so that way, I wouldn't have anything usable to cover myself with just in case someone caught me!  Yes, I planned this ahead of time, so that if I was caught, I would be naked and exposed and unable to cover myself!  If I got caught, I wanted to be as humiliated as possible!   I took the GoPro camera off my forehead again, and clamped it to a tree branch right next to me. I straddled the fallen log which was about 4 feet in diameter, right along the property line, next to a bluff that overlooked the neighbor's property below me.  This property is vacant, but as I said, the neighbor often lets hunters use it. The sound of the paddle echoing in the still morning air would definitely catch the attention and keen eye of a hunter if he looked up to see where the sounds were coming from.  Above is the view from fallen tree I was straddling.  Arrows showing how close the county highway was.  The little valley area below is the neighbor's property where the hunters usually are.  When I finished the dare and went back to get the video camera I saw blaze orange along the road just to the right of the photo.  I panicked and got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, thinking it was a hunter, but it was even worse.   There was a survey crew out on the road that morning.  They had to see me straddling the log and hear the paddle smacking my ass!  I'm sure they got a good laugh using their surveying equipment  to get a close up view of me spanking myself that moring.  They might have even taken some photos or video of my naked red ass to show their buddies when they got back that afternoon!    View from the county highway.   The arrow showing the fallen log I was spanking myself on. When I started the dare I thought I was pretty well hidden by the brush, but as you can see, that survey crew and anyone hunting on the land below or walking along the highway had a perfectly clear view of me!   Plus the movement of a naked guy walking in those woods would have attracted attention!  The sound of the paddle smacking my ass would have told them where to look for me!    If they saw me, they probably would have wanted to give me a real spanking themselves!   It's certainly what I deserved for walking around in the woods, buck ass naked, spanking myself with a paddle!  By putting that sign around my neck I was subconsciously hoping someone would have caught me and spanked me that day!  A naked outdoor spanking has always turned me on in the most incredible way.  It would be so humiliating but it would be exactly what I deserved!   This is the fourth location I'm going to spank myself at.  It's now less than 20 minutes before my college age employees are scheduled to arrive at work!   The same guys that got spanked themselves at home and truly believe spankings work!  Think of all the fun they could have spanking me for all the times I made them work late when they wanted to go out and party with their friends on a Friday night!   Or think how much fun it would be blistering my ass for all the crap jobs I made them do!  Yes, they certainly would have enjoyed turning the tables on the boss by giving me a humiliating naked spanking!   This is the view from the GoPro clamped on a branch behind me.   The same view the hunters would have on the neighbor's land below me!    I'm in view of the highway ahead and the other highway to the side.     My big bottom climbing up on the log, just begging for a spanking.  One highway is visible in front of me.  The neighbor's land is behind me and the survery crew (which I didn't know at the time) are on the other road to my side.   What a view that survery crew had of me that morning.   My red spanked ass and ball sack exposed between my wide spread legs!   I deserved to be caught and spanked in the most humiliating way!   Sprawled out over the log.  Naked and totally exposed.   Imagine how humiliating it would be if whoever caught me, made me keep spanking myself as they watched and laughed for a while and then took the paddle from me and gave me the real spanking I deserved.     A white van drove down the road in front of me.  I felt so naked and exposed.  The driver could probably see me moving or at least I thought he could.  I crouched down out of instinct trying not to be spotted naked in the woods that morning!  While hiding from the road in front of me I was giving anyone behind me a good view of my red thrust out bottom!     Another photo with my face showing so if some people that know me see them, they can contact me and tell me it's time for some real humiliation and a real spanking!  When friends see these, I'll also endure some very real small penis humiliation!  As I get older my penis seems to be shrinking making small penis humiliation another fetish and also an embarrassing reality for me!     That's 150 paddle swats to my cold naked bottom now.  That paddle stung so bad with my skin being as cold as it was!   Now it's on to another fallen log, this time a smaller diameter one that I could bend over.   I walked within 5 feet of the open field, not realizing at the time, how little the leafless trees shielded me from the highway. A naked guy's movement would easily attract the attention of a passing car.  Two green lines showing county highways busy with cars from the morning commute.   I was very close to the edge of the field and easily spotted from the road.  From in the woods, it was if I had a false sense of security.  I thought I was shielded from view.  But in actuality, from the road, it was almost as if I was walking totally exposed, right in the field!   I went to another fallen tree that I also put plastic over, and bent over it with my red ass sticking up in the air and paddled myself another 25 times.This would make 175 paddle swats total since the dare began. I've always liked spanking positions that leave my butt sticking up in the air.  I've also often thought about being tied down over a fallen log like this, spread eagle, bound and helpless to resist a spanking.   Here I am imagining being caught by my employees and being told, "Assume the position Bossman!  We're going to have some fun with your naked red ass all morning!  It's going to be a lot redder before we're done with it!"    I've often fantasized about being bent over a fallen log out in the woods for a spanking.   Perhaps even being tied down to the stakes in the ground spread eagle.  So many possibilites for a spanking out in the woods!    Another embarrassing view spectators would have had of me that morning.  "Stick that bottom out!  Arch that back!  Whack that ass hard!"     A GIF of that spanking over the fallen log.    One final stop before leaving the woods, putting the GoPro camera back on my forehead and then I had to make the return trip back through the open field to pick my shirt up where I dropped it in the grass.  I could swear I made eye contact with a passenger in a car driving down the road that looked toward me through a break in the trees!      Getting the camera reattached to the head strap and a view of my little shrivelled dicklete! . More embarrassing exposure and small penis humiliation for me.  Now I decided to end the dare by jerking off right where I was outside at work.  I don't jerk off the traditional way, but always hump pillows to get off, thinking about being over a strict man's knees being spanked.   So right there in the grass I tried getting off by humping the only thing there, that shirt I left laying on the grass when I started the dare.  I paddled my ass again since I always get off thinking about being spanked, bringing the total number of paddle swats on the dare to about 200.   Here I am laying on the wet cold grass humping the wadded up shirt trying to masturbate right out in the open at work  The Jokari paddle is next to me and the sign saying to spank me is laying on the grass next to me.   It's now about 10 minutes before my college age employees are scheduled to start work!    The frost on the grass was starting to melt from the sun, and I got all wet since I was laying down in the damp grass trying to jerk off.   I couldn't get off because I was really cold now that I got all wet.   It was still below freezing outside and I'd been naked out there for almost an hour. It was now less than 10 minutes before my college age employees were scheduled to start work!  They certainly would have had fun finding the boss buck naked with a red spanked ass outside!     I walked back toward the first spanking spot where I left my clothes hanging on that post. Yes they were still there!   I really was worried about someone coming by while I was gone and taking all my clothes with them!  The power company meter reader was due by any day.   It would have been really awkward walking all the way home naked!  Especially with my coworkers arriving to work!  I would have had to walk naked right down the drive they came in on.   Walking back to the maintenace area, with the paddle in my hand and my shriveled up little dicklete exposed.   It could have been totally humiliating if my young employees were waiting there for me when I got back!   Or just imagine if they were holding all my clothes!   By the end, I had given myself about 200 paddle swats and had been walking around outside, buck ass naked, and spanked bright red, for about 50 minutes carrying only a spanking paddle and that sign. And I had walked naked at work for about a mile (1.6 km)  in distance.    I was shivering now because the frost that was on the grass from previous night had started to melt and I got all wet. When I got back to my clothes, I discovered Jordan's cruel plan of having me wear the boots. As I went to get dressed, I realized that even if I got caught near where I left my clothes, it would have been quite the comical spectacle, watching me stumble and fall, quickly trying to put my pants on over the boots and when that failed, trying to get the boots off before I could put my briefs and pants on again. All while someone was watching and laughing their ass off!  Or spanking me while I was trying to do it!   There was no easy way to get my pants back on without going through the time consuming process of unlacing the boots.   It would have given a spectator quite the show of my bent over red ass!   I was shivering at that time, and could barely stand up as I tried to unlace the boots and get them off before I could re-dress.  Jordan admitted that it was the reason for having me wear the boots and he hoped that someone did catch me out there. I'm sure if someone did, they would have taken that paddle out of my hands and put it to very good use. Especially after reading the sign!  You will hear how close the traffic is when you watch the video and I didn't realize just how visible I was from the county highway when I was out in the leafless woods that day until I drove by the area afterwards. I finished up just a few minutes before my young employees that got spanked themselves at home were scheduled to arrive to work. I'm sure several of them would have loved to put that paddle to good use on their boss's naked ass.   They certainly would have accepted the offer I made on the sign around my neck!    Am I'm sure it wouldn't have been the last time they spanked me either!  After I dressed,  I went back to get the cameras (hopefully they were still there). Those cameras would have made excellent blackmail material). I can only imagine how blistered my ass would have been if I actually ran into someone out there in those woods that morning with that sign around my neck saying that even I admitted I needed a proper spanking! When I went into town later that morning I was expecting someone to say that saw me out there. One of my biggest fantasies is to get spanked for real outdoors. I have to admit that being naked outside at work for almost an hour, spanking my own ass, was one of the most exhilarating things I've even done! It would have been humiliating enough getting caught naked, but it would have been really humiliating if someone caught me spanking my own ass out there! I wonder how long they would have sat in the distance and watched before they confronted me and spanked me themselves?  I do hope to get a real spanking outdoors in the woods someday!   Look for a video of the entire dare.  
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by on June 11, 2023
Does The Wooden Spoon Really Work?*     Now Cornertime Confidential doesn't usually tell stories out of school, but... This is the story of richie Z when I was about 5 or 6 (Kindergarten and 1st Grade) when he and I were playmates. Mrs. Z, his Mom was a well-known lady in the neighborhood with a nice house, and I was invited over to come play. She was a raven-haired red head and I suspect, on reflection, this may explain some of the rest of this story! So, I rang the doorbell and my Mom wanted to meet Mrs. Z (I assume she must have been "somebody" important or something), and while we waited for Mrs. Z to come outside, richie and I began goofing around. We were having a good time, and then Mrs. Z and my Mom began to talk. When it came for my Mom to leave, we arranged for a pick up time and my Mom left. richie and I began to ride his Big Wheel his Big Wheel up and down the driveway that they had which was a cool driveway. And we played with his trucks which were really neat. I had Tonka trucks too. Then about maybe no more than 15 minutes in, Mrs. Z came out into the side yard between her house and the neighbors while we were playing on the grass and said: "You didn't clean up your room, and you knew you couldn't invite jake over until your room was cleaned up."   "But..."   "richie, go inside and get me The Wooden Spoon." Looking at me he was crazy embarrassed. He turned to his Mom and began to tear up, "Mom...."   "Now get inside. You cannot play with jake until you to get me The Spoon. Then when you're done cleaning up your room, you boys can play. jake wait out here." I could only listen and imagine as Richie went inside as he began to cry to go get The Wooden Spoon for god only knows what! I knew what Wooden Spoons were used for in my house, but could it be true that Mrs. Z used them for the same thing? Well, The Spanking he got musta been really bad because it took a while. And I had to humour myself until he was done cleaning his bedroom up. So it took waaaaaay too long for a boy my age. I was a clever boy though, and I knew how to busy myself when I had toys and was alone.  Then finally, richie came out to the back yard, and we tried to play. As I say, I had to wait outside until all this transpired. But the play date wasn't the same after that.  richie couldn't look me in the eye and just play no matter how much I tried to engage with him. And I said something like, "You Mom's mean."  And richie didn't know how to handle that at all. I don't recall ever playing with richie except on the playground at school. I never got invited over to that cool house again.   But as luck would have it, years later a girl from school told me (as a groan up) that richie went on to be a competitive surfer in Southern California, so maybe the Wooden Spoon worked! He ended up having a good career and a family of his own.  But I bet in his home, there's no mean, Wooden Spoons. *Not a ton of folks saw this when I posted it online, so I'm reposting here.  Please comment below or email us with your ideas aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconf@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are: Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Twitter  ∙  WordPress
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by on June 5, 2023
  If you didn't read Part 1of the story find it here:  2nd Outdoor Dare at Work Part 1    My friend Jordan was being generous since it's so cold here and allowed me to wear a sweater during the dare, but I'm not a sweater kind of guy and didn't have one.  Not even an ugly Christmas sweater.  I used a thermal undershirt in place of the sweater.  I was so nervous when the dare started!  Yeah, I've been naked before outdoors, but never in a public place like this and not where I'm going to be walking bare across an open field where anyone could see me!  Plus it would be embarrassing enough being seen getting spanked by someone else outside, but I think it would be totally humiliating for someone to see that I was spanking my own ass!  Like I mentioned, there were several customers on the property and my coworkers would be starting work in less than an hour so there were definite risks of being caught bare with a red spanked ass!   I could hear road traffic right on the other side of the fence and although it provided some privacy, I would be exposed in the open very soon!   I kept looking around to see if someone was watching me and just like I described when I talked about getting a spanking outdoors, even if no one was watching, I was going to be thinking they were!   Just that psychological effect makes an outdoor spanking that much more intense!   Jordan knew this from his own personal experience of getting spanked outdoors.  He had to be laughing his ass off thinking about what I was going through, knowing I had never experienced the shame of being exposed and spanked in a public place where anyone could watch!  I was more than nervous!  In fact I was so freaked about being seen, I gave myself the first 25 whacks with a Jokari paddle at the starting point but forgot to turn on the camera so I had to dress, strip again and paddle my ass another 25 times so the everything would be on camera.  And did I mention how much a paddle hurts on an ice cold butt?     The spanking at the first location was complete and yes, my ass was red.  Now a bigger part of the dare - to walk bare out in the open and take those photos Jordan wanted.   I decided ahead of time that my spanking and naked exposure wasn't going to end here.  I was going to spank myself at several other locations on the business property and walk naked to get there, increasing my chances of being caught even more!  So off I go to the second location for another spanking and to get the required photos Jordan wanted.  I made the required sign two sided. One side said "Happy Nude Year" for the photos Jordan required, and the other side said  "Please give me the real naked spanking I deserve. Paddle my ass long and hard". I thought it would be good to have that sign around my neck the rest of the time doing the dare, so that if someone did catch me, they'd know exactly what to do to me and how much I deserved to be spanked for real. A close up of the sign I wore around my neck so that if I did get caught, whoever caught me would have absolutely no doubt in their mind what they should do to me! Yes if I got caught, I wanted whoever caught me,  to know that I deserved a long, hard and very embarrassing spanking!  I wanted them to spank me buck ass naked right there outside at work and make sure they didn't let me off without giving me a spanking!  So now I already had 50 swats with that Jokari paddle from the first spanking location.  God did that paddle sting on my ice cold bottom!   Remember it was 25°F (-4°C) outside that morning and I was soon going to be totally naked!   The next stop required about a 500 foot (150 meter) walk, past an open spot close to a local highway.   I took the clothes I already took off and hung them on a post.  I was going to be gone for a while and figured if someone came by and saw my jeans and sweathirt hanging on the post they might figure out there's someone out there undressed.  But what would really cinch it is if they saw my tighty whities hanging there on the post too!   Yes leaving my clothes there where someone could find them increased my chances of being caught!  Then they'd know for sure someone was out there naked!   And if they heard the sound of the paddle they just might figure out someone got stripped naked and is getting a bare ass spanking and come investigate the source of the noise!    Or they might just take all my clothes and  either leave me stranded out there naked.  Or they just sit might there and wait for me to come back to get my clothes!   I didn't bring any spare clothes with me. Any way you look at it,  it could be bad! Carrying my clothes and about to hang them on that post that's off to my right.  The next "spanking destination" is where that camera tripod is set up ahead off to the side of the road! Here I'm walking past an open area that's in open view to the county highway.   The camera that's still set up from the initial spanking captures me walking off and looking all around to see who might be watching me on my naked adventure!   This open area is where I often see joggers running along the side of the road in the early mornings.   I was worried about being spotted to say the least! I hang all my clothes on the post right along side the road.  I put my tighty whities right on top so that if someone comes by, they will know someone is out there naked and it might encourage them to look for me!  As I walk off I give my bottom a few smacks with the paddle.  A close up of all my clothes including my tighty whities left behind on the post just waiting for someone to come along and find.   This was also about the time the meter readers from the power company were due to read the electric meters.   They would be going down this road right past my clothes.   I had a GoPro camera strapped to my forehead to give a view of what was around me and it showed exactly how I was looking around to the sides all the time. I'm looking all around as I walk to see who might be watching me!  If someone caught me I certainly deserved a good spanking, just like I was, bare and right there in the open! I'm nervously looking around to see who might be watching me take my naked adventure! I got half way to the next spanking spot and realized I left that camera back at the starting point (it was my new one and I didn't want to leave it laying around in case someone came by while I was off setting up the other cameras). It would be bad enough if someone took the cameras after I walked by them and they had all the incriminating naked video footage of me on them!    So I had to walk back wearing only the undershirt, past the open spot in view of the road, get the camera, and walk back again bare ass. Frontal views of me going back to get the camera, bare with the spanking paddle in my hand and my shriveled up penis and face exposed passing the post where I hung up my clothes and the open spot visible to the road.  Then I have to walk past that spot a third time to get back to the next spanking location.   I had already paddled my butt 50 times now and I'm sure it was quite red. I put the camera on the tripod that I had left there earlier and set the GoPro camera I had strapped to my forehead next to it. Standing there naked setting up the cameras.   My employees sure would have had fun if they found me like this.   I'm sure they would have taken the paddle from me and put it to good use, giving the boss a well deserved spanking! I gave myself the next 25 swats with the paddle and realized I forgot to press record again, so I had to do that paddling over again too. This time I took off the undershirt so I was naked for the spanking.   The 1st spanking at the 2nd location.  Only captured by the camera at the first location that was aimed to show me walking over here.   Just think how hilarious it would have been for them and how utterly humiliating for me if my young employees or the customers caught me that morning outside, buck ass naked spanking my own ass! The 2nd spanking at the 2nd location.  Taken with the camera I had to walk back to get.  After I remembered to press record!  I wasn't paddling myself quite as hard the second time and I was going much faster because I was really sore and it hurt so bad getting spanked on an ice cold bottom!  But again, this dare was more about risking the humiliation of getting caught naked outdoors at work, than spanking my own ass!  The self spanking just made it even more embarrassing.   It would be awfuly hard to explain! I was really nervous so I kept forgetting to press the record button. That's 100 swats with the paddle now. I did the required poses my buddy requested, and decided to leave the shirt off doing the rest of the dare buck ass naked except for my boots! I was hoping the adrenaline and the heat from the paddle was going to be enough to keep me warm. The air temperature certainly wouldn't!  Plus I would feel even more exposed if someone caught me without the shirt on. I'm partially boned up posing for Jordan's required photos.   LIke I mentioned, this was one of the most exhilarating things I ever did!   It was scary and exciting to be naked and getting spanked outside at work where anyone could have caught me.   The other required photo Jordan asked for.  You can see my ass is quite red after 100 paddle swats out in the cold!    I was off to the next spot to paddle my ass again!   But first I decided to leave the shirt behind leaving myself buck ass naked except for those boots Jordan insisted that I wear!    I had nothing else to cover myself with for the rest of the dare. It would take me at least another 30 minutes to complete the dare and if someone caught me, I would be naked, with my red spanked ass on display, a paddle in my hand and no where to hide!   And that sign would tell them exactly what they should do to me.   Give me a real spanking!    I had to walk through an open field.  I was sheltered on three sides by some slightly rolling hills, but when I got to the top of a hill, I was completely in view of a house and two county highways!  There were two openings in some pine trees that lined one side, that exposed me to where the customers were (about 8 of them). I carefully listened to the hum of tires on the pavement to know when to walk over the crest of the hill!    I was buck ass naked with a red spanked ass,  in full view of 2 highways during the morning commute before turning into the woods!     Continued in Part 3 - The Spanking Continues In the Woods
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by on June 3, 2023
A short diversion before I get to Part 2 of my 2nd Naked Dare at Work story.   In the Franco Friday photo above that AC posted showing a guy masturbating while watching a buddy get spanked, I commented about being too shy to do something like that myself either as a teen or as an adult.  Here's what I said in the comment:   Ever since I was a teen, I always wanted to masturbate when a buddy got spanked but was too ashamed to let anyone know that I got sexually turned on watching them get spanked, or worse yet thinking about someone spanking me. And besides no one admitted that they masturbated, although we all knew everyone did! So I waited until I got home, then stripped naked and jerked off thinking about being in their place! Even as an adult I am too shy to masturbate when getting spanked in a group. Perhaps someday I'll have to throw caution to the wind. It will be the perfect excuse for someone to punish me for my indiscretion! I'll post a few photos of myself in a similar situation shortly. where I wasn't allowed to touch myself while watching someone else get spanked and I was waiting my turn for a bottom blistering punishment spanking in front of an audience! Here's the time I mentioned where I didn't dare touch myself while I watched another man get spanked knowing I was going to be spanked next! I'll tell the whole story someday but here's a brief part of it.   There were seven other men standing there watching too which made it extra humiliating for me.  After all, they saw me stripped, scolded and lectured for real misbehavior.  This was actually the first time I got spanked for something I really did!  Having never been spanked growing up, I was never lectured like that knowing my bare ass was about to pay for what I did.  The feeling was quite incredible!  Not only that, but by this time, the spanker already shaved my pubes and ass right in front of them to make me look and feel like the little boy he was going to spank me like. I hate being shaved down there, but I was being punished for real misbehavior and I had no say so in how I got punished!   After all, what boy does?   Now I'm watching him spank someone else so I can get an idea of what is going to happen to me - only he's told me I'm going to get it much worse!    In this picture I turn and look at the other men that are watching the three of us and I see all of them smirking. I have a slight smirk on my own face from watching the other guy getting spanked.   Yeah, I can't help but grin when I see someone else get spanked.  It's hilarious!   It always has been ever since I was a kid!   But at the same time I feel humiliated standing there buck ass naked, with a bald dick seeing all those men smirking back at me, knowing they can hardly wait to see me get the punishment spanking everyone knows I deserve and the spanker promised them I was going to get! Right in front of them while THEY watch!    But it's going to get a lot more humiliating for me!   Before I get paddled, the spanker is going to make me stand there while HE masturbates me, right in front of everyone!   You see a spanking hurts a lot more after a guy c. u. m. s. !!!    He wants me to ejaculate before I get spanked, so I don't get any sexual pleasure from the spanking and it becomes pure punishment for me! No Sir!   I've been jacked off before a few other spankings and let me tell you, even a guy like me that likes being spanked, doesn't want a spanking at all anymore after he ejaculates!   It's a horrible torture!   But for me it was more than the extra pain.   I was totally humiliated as he stood in front of me and lubed up my dick and started stroking me.   It was such a personal thing to do and something someone else has rarely done to me.   In fact it's only been done by someone else, explicitly for this purpose, to make a spanking hurt more!   It's even more embarrassing to post the photos and tell the story of it here, but spanking humiliation is exactly what I deserve!   My humiliation didn't stop there.   It wasn't happening with him stroking me, so I had to finish the task myself!    I can't even describe how embarrassing it was to stroke myself right in front of everyone, knowing I was going to be spanked as soon as I was done and how much more that spanking was going to hurt after I did.   I couldn't even look at those other men staring at me while I did the deed!   More very personal and very humiliating photos:     Finally I get cleaned up and go over his knees naked and get my bottom blistered just like the naughty little boy I acted like!  Right in front of everyone!  And to my utter humiliation, that lexan paddle he used made me howl and carry on like a 5 year old for all those other men's amusement.   I glanced up a couple times while I was trying to catch my breath to see the expressions on the other men's faces.  Some were grinning with delight just I like used to do as a teen when I watched a buddy get spanked.  Others were looking in awe that I was getting spanked so hard!  But I have to admit, I deserved every exactly what I got! It was a spanking I will always remember - on many levels. Also these more recent photos of me showing my face are very exciting and humiliating to post.    They are frightening too because if a regular friend from vanilla life sees them they will know I get my bare naked bottom spanked like a naughty little boy at my age!    But on the bright side perhaps they will insist onn spanking themselves, again and again whenever they want to!   Maybe I'm actually hoping that will happen!
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by on May 30, 2023
Several years went by since my online buddy Jordan had challenged me to do that first self spanking dare outdoors at work and he had pretty much forgotten all about it. That was until he was looking at my spanking profile pictures and saw the photos from that first dare. I was chatting with someone and had recently posted them in my profile! Link to Blog Story About Jordan's First Self Spanking Dare at Work The wheels started spinning in Jordan's devious mind and he came up with a new dare to challenge me to.  He asked again if I'd been spanked recently and since I hadn't he figured he'd try again to help me out, or more likely,  to get me caught naked outdoors at work with a red spanked ass!   Now keep in mind Jordan knows if the challenge is even the least bit reasonable, that I won't be able to resist doing what he tells me to do   Jordan really enjoys the fact that he's 25 years younger than me and he easily gets me to obey whatever he tells me to do!   I also think he knows that someday I am going to get caught naked in public with a spanked ass and it turns him on thinking about me enduring that shame and humiliation. Especially at my age!  I'm sure it turns him on even more knowing he put me in that situation!   Perhaps I blindly obey Jordan and do what he tells me to do because I know he's experienced the spanking humiliation that I crave, or perhaps it's because I love the thrill of the risk of getting caught.  Or maybe I'm actually secretly hoping to get caught and actually want to experience the humiliation Jordan experienced first hand during the actual naked public spankings he endured!   It was a few days before New Year's Eve and he called it the NUDE Years Dare! Here's what Jordan wanted me to do. I was instructed to paddle my own ass beet red. Then he wanted me to dress in just a sweater and boots of some type. I was to walk 1500 feet from my residence - I was to remove the sweater and take two photos of myself, one full frontal and one rear view. He wanted the full frontal one showing my boner if I had one, and told me I could hold a sign that said "Happy Nude Year" in front of my face to hide my identity, but he wanted these photos posted on my profile!   And he wanted a rear view showing my red butt. Now I had family visiting me at the time and I wouldn't be able to spank myself at home, so I'm not sure if it was the craziness in me or the exhibitionist in me that made me make this dare even wilder than the last dare, but I decided to just do the entire spanking outdoors! I scoped things out ahead of time and came up with a plan. A very elaborate plan that involved setting up video cameras along my planned route to capture my naked adventure as I walked naked into different areas!  There were also a lot more customers here than the last time, but I decided to push things even further than last time and did the dare at 8 am in broad daylight. Yes I decided to spank my own naked ass outdoors at work at 8am where anyone could clearly see me!  My adrenaline was really rushing this time! It was close to New Years in Chicago and although we just had a warm spell with 50 degree lows at night, the outside temperature was back down to 25 degrees farenheit that morning. I figured that soon enough the heat from the paddle smacking my bare bottom would create enough heat to keep me warm!    I found a spot that was somewhat secluded by a building and had some fencing to offer a smidgeon of privacy for that first of several spankings. I was so nervous!   I mean, I was almost naked outside at work at 8 am in broad daylight and there were people around!   I could hear cars just 100 feet away on the other side of the fence!  There were sometimes people jogging down the side of road too!  Before long though, I wouldn't be afforded that privacy as I planned to take off the thermal undershirt I had on and walk naked through an open field and spank myself at several other places along the way.    I also set up 4 video cameras earlier along the way so my adventure would be recorded to share with Jordan and my other spanking buddies! (I did worry a lot about someone coming by and taking the cameras after I went by them with video footage of me naked carrying a paddle with a red spanked ass on the memory card of the camera!  It would be perfect blackmail material to make me submit to regular spankings!)   I set out a small two step ladder to bend over for the first spanking and before I left home I made up a sign to hang around my neck.  One side of the sign said Happy Nude Year for Jordan's photo, and the other side said "Please Give Me the Real Naked Spanking I Deserve.  Paddle My Ass Long and Hard".  I guess I wasn't really hoping I would get caught, but if I did, I wanted to make sure that whoever found me walking naked in public like that knew that even I agreed that I deserved a real bare naked spanking!    That way if someone did catch me, there would be absolutely no doubt in their mind, what they should do to me!    Yeah, I wanted them to know that even I agreed that if they caught me, they should spank me right there where i was, in public and buck ass naked!     I truly believe that being spanked outdoors is incredibly humiliating.   Anyone could walk up and watch me being spanked and even if no one did wander by, I would be thinking there were dozens of people watching me get spanked bare and completely exposed! Yeah a public spanking is exactly the kind of shame I always fantasized about   It's exactly the kind of spanking humiliation I deserve!   The small 2-step ladder I bent over for the first spanking, along with the sign I made and the Jokari paddle I carried with me throughout the naked adventure.   I guess I was secretly hoping someone would catch me and use that paddle on me for real!   I started out the dare wearing Jeans and a sweatshirt.  I didn't have a sweater so I wore a thermal undershirt, and as I always did for a spanking I wore a pair of Fruit of the Loom tighty whities.  Oh and those damn boots Jordan wanted me to wear.  They were such a pain to lace and unlace as I was stripping for the beginning of the spanking dare.   I had to take them off to get my jeans off, but soon enough they'd be on for the rest of the dare!    Jordan had a reason for me to wear those boots, only I didn't know what it was yet.  Take That Sweatshirt off!   And Now the Boots     Take Those Jeans Off!   Nice Tighty Whities!  I really like these Fruit of the Loom tighty whities for a spanking.   They are too small on me and what I like best is that FTL briefs are practically see though.  I can only imagine how much the spanker looks forward to turning my bottom bright red as he looks at the "target" in those tight white briefs.     Not Just Down, All the Way Off!        Undies Too!   Spankings Are Bare Bottom!      All the Way Down and Off!     Now Put Those Boots Back On! Jordan had a reason for me to have those boots on.  I just didn't know what it was.  But I would find out later!   Continued in Part 2  - The Spanking
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by on May 27, 2023
I wanted to reiterate how valuable the second episode of the "Middle Life Crisis" podcast was. Be sure to listen to the whole thing for context. But short of that, we hope this blogpost will help explain a mission-critical piece of the puzzle when working with "middles."    "I want everyone to know how freeing it is... the events help you realize how many people support you... there's more people, and they're all in the same place... and you're part of something... you are not alone."   --zander/jj in Episode 2 of Middle Life Crisis   Please comment below or email us with your ideas aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconf@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are: Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Twitter  ∙  WordPress
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by on May 23, 2023
    I guess I've always enjoyed naked dares.  Thinking back to the my younger years my friends and I were always challenging each other where the loser would get naked and have to do a dare or get spanked.    The spankings weren't really a true spanking but more of a few slaps on the bare ass, but the dares usually involved standing in front of a window naked or going outside and running around the yard naked or something like that.   The outdoor dares were usually when a group of us would have a "sleepover".   It was at night, although it was in an suburban area and the street lights made it a lot brighter than we thought.  Indoors or out, we loved getting naked with each other and challenging each other to naked dares!   This first naked dare as an adult, involved my online spanking friend Jordan.    I've mentioned Jordan in some of the previous posts in my blog.   But for those that haven't read about him, Jordan is the one that talked me into getting my first real spanking at age 47.   Jordan got spanked by his own dad in the most humiliating ways.   Always in front of his younger brothers, and sometimes in front of his brother's friends or even his own friends if he misbehaved when they were around. He always had to strip buck ass naked when he got spanked, and that was especially humiliating when there was an audience there to see it.   He started getting boners during his spankings too, so that made it even more humiliating!   Getting a boner during a spanking was my biggest fear and is what made me behave so well to avoid a spanking!   So Jordan completely understands spanking humiliation and he really feels I need to experience it.  I do too, as the humiliation of a spanking is what turns me on the most about it.   I was never spanked until I was 47 years old but truly enjoyed watching all of my friends get spanked.   I witnessed a lot of spankings and always fantasized about being spanked bare in public.  When my friends got spanked in front of me, I always wondered how they felt,  getting a humiliating bare ass spanking right in front of my smirking face.   I really tried not to grin and smirk but I couldn't help it.  It was hilarious and I enjoyed seeing them get spanked a lot!   Perhaps it's because I know Jordan has personally experienced the public spanking humiliation that I crave, but  somehow whenever he gives me a challenge involving being spanked or being naked in a somewhat public setting, I can't resist following through with his challenges.     So Jordan asked me one night if I'd been spanked recently and when I told him no, he challenged me to a self spanking dare.   Now ever since I got that first real spanking, self spankings didn't really do much for me.   But this was more than a just another self spanking.  It was much more about the risk of getting caught naked outdoors in a public place with a red spanked ass!   What Jordan said he wanted me to do, was spank my own ass, then go outside wearing only a longer tee shirt and shoes and take a few pictures of myself.  Now you might think that's not so daring but I lived at work at the time, and there was a street light right outside my residence.    If someone saw me I wouldn't only endure the humiliation of getting caught naked outside, but they would also know that I must like getting spanked!   I was alone at home so I got naked and then I used the birthday spanking paddle that I posted about earlier and I spanked my own ass good and hard! That paddle really stings!    It's solid maple so it's dense.   Spanking myself inside per Jordan's instructions.   Just before going outside.   After spanking myself,  I put the t-shirt and shoes on.  It was about 3 am and as far as I knew there was only one customer on the property, so I went into the darkened living room and peered through the glass on the front door looking to see if anyone was outside.   The moment of truth had come!    I slowly opened the front door and went outside onto the porch.    I brought my camera with me and set it up on a tripod, then stood in the lawn, and using a remote shutter release, I took the photos Jordan wanted me to take.   He told me to write on a piece of paper "For Jordan" and the date to prove I did it that night and didn't use an older naked picture of myself.   Outside with the t-shirt on.   It was totally exhilarating going outside pantsless with a red spanked ass.   I don't know what it was but I wanted to take Jordan's dare even further.  Maybe it was the exhibitionist in me but I wanted to be outside longer and I wanted to be naked!  Maybe I even wanted to get caught!  I decided to grab the paddle and my camera and walk just the way I was, much further from my residence!     So with just the t-shirt and shoes on,  I walked about 700 feet away from where I lived with my pants and underwear left behind!     With the street light in front, it may as well have been daylight!  When I got out of the illumination of the street light I took the t-shirt off too, leaving myself naked except for the shoes.   Yeah I was naked outside at work!    I'd been naked outside before, but it was in a private location, not at work.   I'm not sure if it was more from the thrill or from the exposure, but it was really exciting! And my ass was paddled bright red!   I put my shirt inside the bag that my camera and the paddle were in, and found an area that was another 800 ft away where I could set the camera on something and get some more pictures.   I was now 1500 feet (more than 1/4 mile or about 2 city blocks) away from my pants and I was buck ass naked outside at work!   If someone caught me, I didn't even have any pants to put on! I set the camera on a flat object then took out the paddle and gave myself another 20 swats outdoors in a public place!  It would have really been humiliating to get caught naked, spanking my own ass outside at work. It was a very rural area, and I don't know if you're familiar with the way sound travels outside at night in the country but that paddle smacking my bare ass sounded like a gunshot in the still night air!  If anyone was around they would have heard the spanking.  I don't know about you, but I am very in tune with the sounds of a spanking and would immediately know what was happening.    Just to give you an idea, one night we heard some noises like someone pounding on metal.   To make a long story short, the noise ended up coming from someone working on a demolition derby car about a mile and a half away.   So likewise, the sound of that paddle smacking my ass could probably be heard over a mile away too!   If someone was out there, and the sound of the paddle didn't attract their attention, when I took some more pictures of my naked red ass, the flash going off in the complete darkness certainly would have! Dare completed.    Now to get back inside without getting caught!
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by on May 20, 2023
Continuing with the theme about a spanking with the razor strop, here's some more still images from a video that I posted earlier.   I was spanked with many different types of straps that day but these images are of the razor strop being used on me.       It definitely adds to the fear and feeling of vulnerability to be tied down and helpless to resist and having no idea how long I'm going to get spanked.     
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by on May 16, 2023
I know boys feared the old fashioned razor strop growing up but but after getting spanked with one for the first time as an adult, it wasn't as brutal as I always thought.  Sure it stung and did it's job, but it wasn't as heavy as other straps I'd been spanked with. I guess I'd describe it as effective but not brutal.  I do have to admit though, that it did make my dick hard whenever I went to the barber shop and saw them hanging there on the barber's chairs. Both as a kid and as an adult seeing that leather strap hanging from the chair just made me think about the barber giving me a spanking right there in front of all the other customers!   I'd envision what it must have been like growing up in the days of old where the razor strop prominently hung in every home. They were probably used as much for disciplinary purposes as they were for sharpening a razor.   Here's some photos from my first taste of the razor strop.  It had a canvas strap attached to the leather one, which added to the crack sound as it connected with my bare bottom.      Growing up my cousins would get spanked with a short length of rubber hose.  The hose was always hanging by the back door to remind us kids to behave when we went out to play.   I returned to visit my aunt and uncle in my mid thirties and the first thing I did when entering the house was look and see if the rubber hose was still there.   It was gone!   But there was a razor strop hanging there instead!  Now the only reason for there to be a razor strop hanging by the back door was for spanking!   Either the new razor strop was for the grandkids or my aunt and uncle were spankos and they spanked each other with it!    When I was shopping for a house out here in Tennessee about 5 years ago I was looking at larger properties with barns on them.   In the back of my mind I was thinking "The South" and "Southern Discipline".  I got a major boner when I was walking through one of the barns and found an old razor strop hanging on the bars of a window in a horse stall!   Now I can't think of any reason for a razor strop to be hanging in a horse barn except for whoopin' ass!   The red circle showing the razor strop hanging from the bars of the window!   Most likely some young man was brought out to that barn to get his ass whooped!   And it was most likely done on a regular basis since that razor strop was kept out there!   I can only imagine what he told his friends when they asked what it was for, or perhaps they all knew exactly what it was for, from personal experience!   I'd love for a spanker to make me take a naked walk of shame out to the barn on my property and take a strap or belt to my ass some day!   I get a boner every time I think about it. I imagine being stripped naked in the house and being marched bare across the pasture out to the barn with strap or belt in hand!   Perhaps the spanker would march me grabbing me by the ear to make sure I don't walk too fast prolonging my shame and humiliation!   Or perhaps he'd hold the strap or belt lashing my bare bottom along the way!    I'd certainly be wondering if any of the neighbors were watching!   The barn on my property.   I'd love to be made to take a naked walk of shame to the barn for a spanking!  The inside of my barn.   Lots of places to secure me for a good hard ass strapping! Here's a link to a short video clip of this razor strapping. https://southspanking.com/groups/video/play/12571/strapped-on-the-bed-with-a-razor-strop/
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by on May 14, 2023
Laying on the bed for a spanking with a stack of pillows under my hips makes me feel so vulnerable and exposed.   It also makes me feel like I'm "offering" my bottom to be spanked.  Sticking it out there as if I'm begging for the spanking!  It's also an ideal position for a belt spanking or strapping.  The belt or strap can come down hard with great accuracy.                                           -----------------------------------   Positioned over a stack of pillows with my dick and balls pulled back between my wide spread legs, making me feel even more vulnerable and exposed.  The spanker can walk around to both sides of the bed.  The folded over end of a belt or tip of a strap is what stings the most.  This way he can make sure I feel the full effect on both of my butt cheeks.   My shame can be increased even more if I'm ordered to reach back and spread my cheeks wide apart exposing my crack and hole to view! The musky scent of my butt crack will fill the room adding to my humiliation reminding me just how exposed I am.  Bare bottom raised up over a couple pillows feeling the effects of a tawse for the first time. Having never been spanked with leather,  I was always terrified of belts and straps. I always thought back to my friends telling me how horrible "the belt" was and remembered seeing belt whippings in movies and hearing the belt or a strap whistle through the air and connect with bare skin with a resounding crack!    I always feared they would tear my ass to shreds.  Not only did I feel several leather straps that day but I also got a taste of a rubber strap. When he spanked me with that rubber strap, I wasn't sure what it was, but it stung more than anything I'd felt!   I thought for sure my ass was all torn up, but when he finished, my ass was just deep red and very sore.   Those leather and rubber straps became my favorite implements to get spanked with. Compared to a paddle, they were resilient enough not to do any real damage, so I could be spanked with one a lot longer. The sting was incredible and they sounded so wicked when they cracked down on my bare bottom! Imagine my shame when the spanker actually told me, "Stick that ass up in the air and show me how much you want it!" Well, that's exactly what I did!    As humiliating as it was to willingly stick my own bottom out like that, I obediently presented it to him,  offering it for the spanking!  Yeah my bare naked bottom was just begging for a spanking and he was determined to spank it red hot!   Even though I'm already totally naked for the spanking, it's even more embarrassing when my disciplinarian reaches between my wide spread legs and grabs my dick and balls.   Not only does it remind me how exposed I am, but it reminds me that every part of me is subject to his inspection and that I am under his control and submitting to his authority! Watch for a Video Clip of me spanked on the bed ass up over pillows with a paddle.     Find all my blog posts here: https://southspanking.com/groups/need2botk/adblog/
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by on May 11, 2023
Got this from a reader and thought we'd share with y'all.  We think Rules should be easy to follow and clear. Reading what this adult boy is required to do in The Corner, we think we'd never get out of there! What do you think about making Rules for your boys? Do you find them a helpful tool for further punishment? Do you find they are a deterrent? When they are this complex, do you find they work? We'd love to know your thoughts about incorporating Rules into your Domestic Discipline routine. Share what you know works!   Please comment below or email us with your ideas aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconf@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are: Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Twitter  ∙  WordPress
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by on May 10, 2023
These are some pictures of me during a self spanking near age 39.   At the time I hadn't been spanked for real yet,  so I self spanked to try to see what a spanking might feel like.  If only I'd been spanked growing up I might not be so curious to feel the sting of a spanking.  I would look a photos in spanking magazines and simulate the scenarios in the pictorials.  I guess there was a series of photos about guys spanked in jockstraps.   In these photos, I'm in the actual jockstrap I wore in school in school in grades 6 through 12. It's old and yellowed now, but hey, it's 50 years old.  I'm surprised it's not falling apart!   I remember when I first got it.  My mother handed it to me along with the rest of the new "gym uniform".  It would be the same gym uniform we took with us to high school.  Nothing more was said about it, and I guess we were supposed to figure out how to put it on.   It was so embarassing thinking about wearing it in school!    It was also the first time we had to change in a locker room and take showers after class.  Yeah we had to all get naked after class and get into a big group shower with each other!   We were all kind of freaked out about it, but we had no choice.   If we tried skipping the shower we got paddled and sent in to shower with our bare red asses on display for everyone to tease us about!   I was shy about getting undressed in front of my friends but we all had to do it. After we saw what happened to a few guys that tried to avoid it, the rest of us learned quickly to do as we were told!   Most of us were a little nervous, but I was more nervous than others because of how easily I got a boner.  Thinking about spanking or even thinking about being naked in front of others made my dick hard, even back then!    However none of us could figure out the reason we had to wear that rediculous looking jockstrap!  They told us it was to protect our genitals and keep them from flopping around and getting injured. But it didn't make any sense. What turned me on so much about the jockstraps is they left my friends asses all exposed!   The same asses that got spanked so often. Not just exposed but it was like the jockstraps framed their asses, presenting them for view!   Or for the paddle!    Random jock inspections were done by the PE teacher.   Everyone had to stand in a line and pull down the waistband of their gym shorts to prove that they had a jockstrap on.     It was a required piece of the school gym uniform and failure to wear one resulted in a paddling in front of the class!  I was thankful to have the jockstrap on during gym class as it helped conceal my boner when I watched a classmate get paddled. While I prefer the complete and total exposure of a naked spanking, the jock strap does frame a guy's ass nicely, making a target for the paddle.   I do like when the jock is removed after a spanking and a couple white lines of skin show where the elastic straps covered the skin during a spanking. However,  I really don't believe a guy should be afforded the modesty of wearing a jock strap during a spanking.   A spanking is much more effective when he's buck ass naked and his dick and balls are exposed adding to his shame and humiliation.  As shown in the photos above the dick and balls can even be pulled out of the pouch to make the jockstrap look more rediculous!   It really emphasizes what little use it really is! I had never been spanked at that time and I was so desparate for a spanking that I shamefully admit I even spanked myself.   In fact I went as far as simulating a spanker's lap by taking a pair of my jeans and stuffing the legs with blankets to make them firm like another's guy's legs were in them.   I tied a board to a chair to support the stuffed leg of the pants and then laid over the stuffed pants to make it feel like I was bent over someone's knees while I reached back and paddled myself.   The legs of the pants were firm, just like a real person's legs might be, and I rubbed my boner against the stuffed jeans as I spanked myself, humping the legs I often imagined myself rubbing the leg of the spanker with my boner as I was bucking and squirming from the sting of the spanking.  Just imagine the shame I would have endured if I had a real spanking and ejculated while I was being spanked!   That would have been the ultimate humiliation!  I often fantasize about doing just that if I ever got spanked for real.  Especially if one of my own friends were spanking me!  I'm sure I would have never heard the end of it!  Eventually I imagine the spanking would continue without the jockstrap on - buck ass naked! I often imagined the humiliation I would have felt if one of my friends caught me paddling my own ass!    I'm sure they would have offered to give me a real spanking.   But I didn't get one until about eight years later!  Yes I still have that jockstrap I wore in high school in 1972!  Perhaps someday, someone will give me a spanking in it!
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by on May 8, 2023
Please feel free to comment or add to this discussion.  Also, obviously corner time does not appeal to all dads/top’s boys/subs, it is very subjective.  I personally do not enjoy it, but then I am not supposed to either as it is a punishment for me.   Discipline:   It is a method of discipline that can be used with a spanking or on its own merit.     The humbling Effect   It makes a naughty boy feel very humbled.     More Spanking   It can be used simply as a break for the boy and his dad before back over the knee he goes.     Forcing to reflect   It can be a time for the naughty boy to reflect on his behavior.     Checking the spanking redness   It can be a time for dad to study his handy-work as it were.
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by on May 7, 2023
This spanking in the pillory happened just a few days before my birthday so at the end I was told I was going to get a birthday spanking.   I had never actually had a real birthday spanking before.   The spanker had just bought an antique school teacher's chair.   We both wondered how many teens in the 1950's got bent over their teacher's knees and got spanked in that chair in front of the entire class.   So he decided that he was going to take a seat on that very chair and pull me over his knees in my birthday suit for a birthday spanking and spank me with my birthday spanking paddle!   I had crafted quite a few paddles by that time but here's the story about the making of the Birthday Spanking Paddle.   The birthday spanking paddle that I crafted one night in the company workshop.   Made from a piece of solid maple 1x4, this paddle really stings more than you can imagine!  Maple is an excellent wood to use for a spanking paddle.  It's dense and really stings a guy's ass!   This paddle is not too short and not too long so it can be used standing,  bent over an object, or for a childish over the knee spanking.           The Making of a Spanking Paddle Starting out with a plain Maple 1"x4" board.    Running the board through a planer to reduce the thickness down to 9/16th's of an inch.  If it's too thick it will bruise.  If it's too thin it won't hurt enough.    Cutting the shape out.  Now it's starting to look like a spanking paddle!    Sanding down the edges. My ass is starting to twitch thinking about how it's going to be used on me!     It's ready to be stained and varnished to a polished finish.     Nude in the company workshop testing it out on my bare bottom!  How would I have explained it if a coworker walked in on me and caught me spanking my own naked ass?     The Birthday Spanking Paddle Complete.  Ready to dish out Birthday Spanking or blister a naughy boy's bottom for any other reason!   It really does sting something fierce!   This is really one of the best/worst paddles I made depending on whose point of view you're looking at it from!    I was completely naked in the company workshop that night making a spanking paddle. The building was along a county highway. I wondered if anyone was looking in at me through the windows.    My coworkers were not likely to come by but they could have.  If they did, it would have been really embarrassing to have them catch me naked making a spanking paddle! Especially if they saw me trying it out on myself!  Even I admit, if I got caught I deserved whatever spanking anyone decided to give me!  Maybe I was trying subconscously trying to get caught hoping someone would put that paddle to good use - good use on me!  I made this paddle around the time of my birthday and named it the Birthday Spanking Paddle.  I made it for a birthday self spanking I was about to do online.   I had several other paddles and paddled myself with one of the other paddles the number of birthday swats and then this paddle the same number of swats. Then I spanked myself with one of my other paddles and then the birthday paddle and so on until I ran out of paddles, comparing the sting of the "birthday paddle" to each of the other paddles.    Now it was going to be put to use giving me a real birthday spanking!        The antique School Teacher's Chair I was going to get spanked on.   The spanker and I talked about that chair many times before the spanking and I knew I was supposed to get a birthday spanking on that chair.   I couldn't help but think about all the times I should have been spanked in school when I was a teen!   I knew he bought the chair specifically to sit on and put a boy like me over his knees and give him a spanking.  I definitely deserved a spanking back when I was in school and my friends really wanted to see me get one but somehow I always managed to weasle my way out of spankings and never actually got one!     It was time!  The spanker sat down in that antique school teacher's chair and pulled me over his knees. He was wearing shorts so I was embarrassed as my smooth shaved crotch rubbed against his bare leg.   I didn't get to think about it long though, as that paddle really stung my bare smooth bottom.     He used the birthday spanking paddle to give me my first real birthday spanking.   The other guy was right there encouraging the entire thing and taking photos.   I finally got a real birthday spanking like so many of my friends had experienced,   and wanted to give me.  It was long overdue!    After the birthday spanking was over he grabbed a bathbrush and gave me another spanking!   Just for the fun of it!  I was already sore from being spanked in the pillory and from the brithday spanking, but I got another spanking just because he wanted to give me one.       Watch for a couple short video clips once they get uploaded and approved.  The spanker didn't let me bring a video camera with but the other guy being spanked used the video function of my still camera to get a few short video clips of me getting spanked.  It was a pleasant surprise when I got home and was going through the photos and found them!   One in the pillory and one of the birthday spanking.   Link to the previous part in this series: https://southspanking.com/groups/adblog/863/a-shaving-and-spanking-in-bondage-part-2-spanked-in-a-pillory/ Link to my other blog posts: https://southspanking.com/groups/need2botk/adblog/
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by on May 5, 2023
Locked in the Pillory: A totally naked spanking completely restrained and out of my control!  I looked at it in the distance, so ominous and yet at the same time it turned me on! The pillory waiting to hold my neck, wrists and ankles, completely immobilizing me, for the punishment spanking that awaited me!    Also pulled out was a spanking bench that the spanker designed from a piece of spanking artwork by Copper.   (Part 1 of this episode can be found here:) https://southspanking.com/groups/adblog/862/a-shaving-spanking-in-bondage-part-1-losing-my-man-hair/ It was both exciting and terrifying thinking about being restrained for a spanking, completely at the mercy of the spanker, unable to get up or move my bottom out of the way of his paddle or strap!   There's just something incredibly arousing, knowing i'm going to be spanked and I will be completely helpless to avoid any part of the spanking I have coming.   The pillory I was about to be locked down in, totally naked with my crotch and bottom shaved bald to complete my shame and humiliation.  It was ominously standing there waiting for my naked ass!  The spanking bench designed from the Copper drawing on the left had pillory like ankle and wrist restraints and leather straps to bind the thighs and back to the bench to prevent any movement or squirming.  Like the pillory, once restrained on the bench you were at the complete mercy of the spanker.   A drawing of a young man being switched at the end of the cart's tail.   In colonial times a young man was sometimes punished naked at the end of the cart's tail and strapped or switched as the cart was slowly drawn through the streets of the town for everyone to see!   Tied to the cart and spanked on the bare bottom like a naughty little boy front of everyone for maximum humiliation!  Public humiliation and naked display was a major part of the punishment in days gone by. Me getting spanked now in the pillory was a similar humiliation.  True there was only one other guy there, but it was still humiliating being spanked in front of someone else.   I had been spanked once before along with this spanker but this was the first time I was spanked in bondage, and there was someone else was there to see it happen!  Considering all the times I enjoyed watching my friends get spanked, I definitely deserved to have someone else watch me get this spanking!  And not just watch it but enjoy it!   I had always been turned on by the idea of naked public spanking and the pillory made me think about punishments in colonial times where a person was locked in stocks or a pillory for public ridicule and punishment.   While I read that usually a man or woman was usually restrained with their shirt off for a whipping on their back, I also read that young adults could be secured naked to a pillory for a public spanking!   Yes a young adult could be spanked like a naughty little boy, just to humiliate him,  and it could happen in public! Similarly I read that a young man could also be tied naked to end of the "cart's tail" and slowly pulled through town being spanked with a strap or switch being made a spectacle of for the entire town's amusement!   Stories like that always made my dick hard just thinking about the total humiliation of being publicly spanked in front of your friends, neighbors and even your enemies.   All of them thoroughly enjoying your humiliation!  I always enjoyed visitng colonial towns and seeing the pillories standing in the town square.  I would imagine what it might be like to be locked in a pillory naked, completely exposed and then spanked for everyone in town to see!   I often imagined myself in such a situation and here I was!  Totally naked and about to be secured into a pillory myself for a spanking!    I didn't get to daydream too long before the wrist and ankle restraints were being separated and I was ordered to step into them.   It felt very weird!   Scary but exciting at the same time.   After I got locked into the pillory, the other guy was restrained to the spanking bench.  At first it was just my wrists and ankles put into the restraints and then the spanking started.   The feeling of helplessness was pretty incredible.  I was more willing to be restrained for the spanking knowing the other guy was there getting spanked too, but I didn't know he was also going to be restrained at the same time and would be unable to help me if things went wrong!   But it was too late, we were both naked, in bondage and at the complete mercy of this spanker! With my head not locked down, I was able to look at my freshly shaved crotch and realized how much the spanker must have enjoyed the fact that he personally removed all my "man hair" making a grown adult look like a hairless little boy for his spanking.   I thought about the view he had of my baby smooth bottom too, and how easily it was going to turn bright red before his eyes without the forest of hairs obscuring his view!  A couple of times I felt my dick starting to get hard thinking about the situation I was in!  It's truly humiliating when your dick is shaved bald!    Everyone's attention is drawn to your hairless crotch - especially when the rest of you is so hairy!   It's more than obvious that my "man hair" was removed as part of my punishment.   You act like a boy - you get made to look like a boy - and you get spanked like a boy!   Even if no one else was thinking that, it didn't matter.   I thought they did and it put me in the mindset of being punished like a naughty boy! Me in the pillory, the other guy on the spanking bench.   We could see each other's faces and he could see my shaved crotch but we couldn't see how red each other's bottoms were getting. That changed though a little later,  as he got released and got to spank me himself!    It's always embarrassing when a spanker slaps, grabs, squeezes and feels your bare bottom with his hand during a spanking.   The wrist section of the pillory was opened up again and I was instructed to put my neck in the large opening.    It was closed up again causing me to bend over a bit more.    What would have really made his pillory a lot more effective is if the wrist and neck boards could be height adjusted for different body heights to make a shorter person like me bend at the waist more and make my bottom stick out more for the spanking.   Likewise a wider leg stance would have made it more exposing.   The odd part about the whole thing is that he didn't even conceal the pillory.  It was in plain view in his business.   He was involved with a municipal Halloween event and they used the pillory as a photo op for the event.  He probably made it and stored it so no one in town thought twice about it.  When customers or business associates asked about it I'm sure that's what he told them and they never thought anything more about it!   Little did they know men like me were being restrained in it naked and were being spanked right there under everyone's noses!    My neck also restrained in the pillory.  Now I'm even helpless to look behind me.  While restrained like this I couldn't help but think about my fantasy/nightmare of being given a public spanking in a pillory in a town square!   Naked, completely exposed and totally helpless!   Everyone having a clear view of my shaved crotch, my face and my red spanked bottom.  Everyone laughing as my bottom was lit on fire with a paddle or strap and encouraging whoever was punishing me to spank me longer and harder!   In a public setting, after the spanking I would be left on display like this for everyone to walk up and touch and tease me and give my sore red bottom some additional smacks.   Just like in my fantasies of the townspeople being able to come up and spank me, the other guy that was being spanked, was released from the spanking bench and is allowed to spank me himself!  There was absolutely nothing that I could have done to stop him.   I was naked and helpless!    Continued in Part 3:   Let Out of the Pillory & Given an Over the Knee Birthday Spanking https://southspanking.com/groups/adblog/864/a-shaving-and-spanking-in-bondage-part-3-after-the-pillory-i-get-an-otk-bir/ See all my blogs here: https://southspanking.com/groups/need2botk/adblog/
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by on May 4, 2023
The Electric Clippers: I previously told the story about how I found a couple male shaving videos and shaved my own pubes and ass.   https://southspanking.com/groups/adblog/861/my-first-naked-selfies/ Well I shaved myself a couple times actually  and I hadn't had a real spanking yet at that time.  About 12 years had gone by since that first shaving after I found the Shaving videos in the adult store.   I had several spankings but what I also didn't realize yet, was just how eager spankers were to shave me.   I also told everyone here the story about my "Near Bondage Experience" where a spanker took all my clothes and car keys and hid them until after my spanking was over. .  It was like being in bondage without actually being restrained.     https://southspanking.com/groups/adblog/857/a-near-bondage-experience/ Well the next time I met with that spanker, he did spank me in bondage and shaved my pubes and hairy bottom first.   Adding to my humiliation, there was another guy there getting spanked along with me and he used my camera to take pictures while I was getting shaved and during part of my spanking.     A photo taken of me right before I lost my pubes!   Another one of those face pictures, buck ass naked, head to toe, like my online buddy Jordan wanted me to post on my profile!    I have to admit it gives me a boner thinking about being exposed like this online!   If someone I know sees this and recognizes me, they should strip me and give me the naked spankings I deserve.  And I hope they really enjoy turning my ass raw red!   Let the punishment fit the crime.  Naked pictures posted equals naked punishment.  In fact I deserve to be spanked on webcam for everyone to see!   We were both ordered to strip.  Everything off!   Buck ass naked!  The other guy getting spanked was about half my age (in his twenties) and already had a smooth shaven crotch.  I had never seen anyone shaved like that before in person.   While it's common for young guys to shave themselves today, for someone like me, it's a humiliating thing to lose your pubic hair.   I'm sure both of them were thinking how satisfying it was going to be to reduce this old man to the status of a hairless little boy and then spank him like one too! ​ I was ordered to lay on a table and an electric clipper was run through my pubes quickly leaving a pile of my curly hairs laying on the table.  Adding even more to my shame, my dick was starting to get hard!   I was even more humiliated when he grabbed my dick to hold it out of the way to shave my balls!    ​A pile of my pubes laying on the table!   ​ I was quickly looking like more and more like a prepubescent boy and I was soon going to get spanked like one too!   ​ After the trimmer reduced my pubes to a stubble, I was flipped over and the trimmer was run across my hairy ass.   ​  I was even more embarrassed as he spread my crack apart and ran the trimmer between my cheeks.  Yeah every part of me was exposed and available to their view and touch!     ​  Before long, the hair on my bottom and back of my balls were also reduced to that of a stubble.     ​LATHERED UP AND MADE BABY SMOOTH: While I was bottom up on the table, I was lathered up with shaving cream and a Norelco Body Groomer was used to remove the stubble.   I felt so vulnerable as he rubbed the slippery shaving cream all over my bottom and deep into my butt crack!       I was ordered to spread my knees and stick my bottom up in the air so the stubble in my crack, around my hole, and on the back of my balls could be removed with the electric shaver.   I could only think of the view they had of me and how much they were enjoying reducing me to the state of a hairless little boy.   Even my butt hole was exposed!    All hairless and smooth, just waiting to be wiped down.   My bottom, smooth as a baby's behind!   All wiped down.   It's time to flip me over and lather up the other side!     It was so embarrassing having him grab my dick and balls and rub the silky shaving cream all over my crotch   The shaver is run over my dick, my balls and all around my crotch. I couldn't help it, I was starting to get a boner!   My face was turning as red as was ass was going to be!     ​I was totally humiliated!   Yeah I was getting a boner!   My dick wasn't lying - it was telling them I was turned on by being shaved and thinking about the spanking I was going to get!          I was told to pull my legs back so they could get a look at my hairless hole!   After looking at the pictures, I noticed just how much more obvious a guy's boner and hole are when they are shaved.   Below are a couple pictures of me with hair and without.   Attention is drawn directly to the dick and the hole when they are shaved.      Just out of curiosity, I recently asked a couple of spankers why they like shaving someone so much.   It basically comes down to the fact that a grown adult is being reduced to the state of a prepubescent boy.  Act like a boy, be made to look like a boy and get spanked like a boy! The spankers also realize the shaving makes the punishment last for weeks and they hope that someone else sees you in that embarrassing hairless state adding even more to your shame and humiliation.   From my own perspective, it also puts me in the mindset of a boy.  A boy that gets spanked when he misbehaves!  It's also humiliating to have someone else decide to take away a symbol of my masculinity and add to my punishment by making me look and feel like a mere boy.   It's especially humiliating if other men see me like that, and makes me feel even more self conscious when using the urinals in a public bathroom after I've been shaved.  Also as stated in the two picture sets above, whenever I see a guy shaved, my eyes keep getting drawn back to his smooth dick and balls  and to his butt hole.  It makes both areas so much more obvious and calls attention to the fact of just how naked and exposed he is!  You hardly even notice a guy's hole in a forest of hair, but when his crack is shaved, it just makes his hole jump out!    And add a red bottom to that and the humiliation just goes up tenfold!  For me, it also acknowledges the fact that I'm submitting to the spanker's authority and have no say so in how I get punished.   I'm actually agreeing that even though I'm a grown man, I deserve to look, feel and get spanked like a naughty little boy!     I admit the silky smooth feeling is great for about a day or two, but as the hairs grow back, the stiff short hairs are itchy and prickly.   The first time I shaved myself I worked at a desk job and it didn't bother me that much.   This time I did a lot of walking at work, and the itching and chaffing were a punishment in itself.  It did remind me of the consequences of my behavior for 6 weeks, long after the sting of the spanking was gone.    After a couple of days the hairs around my dick started growing back, then a couple weeks later when they were long enough to stop scratching, the hairs on my ass started growing back.   That new discomfort lasted a couple more weeks, and then the hairs in my crack started growing again.   Each different area started a new itching and chaffing ordeal.   For me the itching and chaffing was a punishment much worse than the spanking.   After a spanking my bottom is feeling somewhat normal after a few hours and the discomfort when I sit is gone in a few days, but the itching and chaffing start when the sting subsides and reminds me of the fact that I got spanked, for weeks!   Check out this link to a satirical article about shaving your ass hair.   When I first read this I thought it was someone trying to be funny, but from personal experience I now know everything he says is true!   Like when he talks about being unable to fart silently because your butt cheeks are stuck together without the hair in your crack!  Like the article is titled, "Don't Shave That Hair!"   ​https://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/35274458.html​​​   Continued in Part 2 - Locked in a Pillory and Spanked https://southspanking.com/groups/adblog/863/a-shaving-and-spanking-in-bondage-part-2-spanked-in-a-pillory/   See all my blogs here: https://southspanking.com/groups/need2botk/adblog/
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by on May 2, 2023
From the 1990's - My First Naked Selfies I ran across scans of my first naked selfies the other day. These were taken before the phrase selfies and before the era of digital cameras.  There were two choices back then, (1) take the pictures and if you didn't have your own darkroom, send the film in to be developed. The lab might censor your pics and not print them.Whether they printed them or not you risked the chance the lab technician would have your name and address along with copies of your naked photos.  Or (2) use a Polaroid camera.     I had an old Polaroid Camera (no self timer) with black and white film, so I set up some mirrors and took these pictures.   Me with a homemade spanking paddle.   With the Polaroid camera, you snapped the picture, and pulled the print out of the camera.  The print went between some rollers that squeezed developer out onto the photo paper.   You counted to 30 seconds and then peeled the print away from the developer.    And there you had an instant photograph!   It was great for things like naked photos that you didn't want to send to the photo lab.  What inspired these photos was a trip where I found some videos in an adult store. Whenever I traveled, I looked for stores that might carry male spanking videos and magazines.   I came home with 3 or 4 videos that trip.   One video was called Razor's Edge 2.   It was about an employer that punished a shipping clerk by shaving his ass and pubes and then spanking him. The guy in the video wasn't really wasn't all that hairy, not as hairy as I was anyway, but the idea of someone shaving my dick and ass bald to make me look and feel like a little kid and then spanking me like one to humiliate me, really turned me on!     Scenes From the Video  "Razor's Edge 2"   I often fantasized about enduring the humiliation of my own boss spanking me bare in front of all my coworkers, but now after seeing this video, thinking about being shaved before the spanking made it even more humiliating!    I never really thought about shaving as a punishment before, but there was something totally humiliating about having your "man hair" forcibly removed! As a teen a guy was always so proud of that hair as it grew in, and thinking about someone reducing me to the state of a hairless little boy again just seemed like a horrible punishment. Adding to the humiliation of the forced hair removal were stories I heard in college of sports team initiations where a guy was grabbed and had Nair smeared all over his crotch before being thrown in the showers to watch his precious hair wash down the drain. What also came to mind was the hazing scene in the movie "Youngblood" where Rob Lowe is shaved during a hazing scene on a hockey team. Yeah it was definitely humiliating to have someone else forcibly remove your "man hair"! However I think the biggest humiliation is seeing the grins and smirks on the faces of the guys inflicting the humiliation and realizing just how much they're enjoying your shame! Hazing Scene From the Movie "Youngblood"  The team is definitely enjoying shaving Rob Lowe's pubes just like I'm sure my friends would have enjoyed stripping, shaving and spanking me!  A close up from one of the photos above.    The grins on his teammates faces just makes the humilation both complete and sweet as Rob Lowe loses his pubes! I was out of town on a business trip when I found the shaving/spanking videos.   There was no VCR in the hotel room so I looked at the boxes and fantasied about what it would be like if someone shaved me before giving me a spanking!  It definitely made my dick hard thinking about it!  I decided I was going to shave my own pubes and ass when I got home to see what it felt like to have a bald dick.   The anticipation was pretty intense!   When I got home, I watched the first video Razor's Edge where the young man gets shaved and spanked by his boss, and have to admit I got rock hard thinking about my own boss spanking me and shaving me to add to my humiliation!   Only in my fantasies I imagined my boss shaving and spanking me in front of all my coworkers to make it even more humiliating!   After I watched that video and the other one titled "Shave Your Booty", I definitely had to try shaving my own dick and booty until they were as bald as a baby's bottom! I  admit, it felt pretty incredible, especially how smooth it felt when I jacked off!     Yeah it would have been so embarrassing if someone saw me without any hair down there!  These are some photos from the first time my pubes were shaved.   A shaved crotch really does call much more attention to a guy's dick.     Especially if you have a boner, a hairless crotch just calls attention to it and makes your boner even more noticeable!     My bare hairless heinie just begging for a spanking!   Several years later when I started to get real spankings, I can't tell you how many spankers wanted to shave me during a spanking!  They often said that if I was going to act like a little boy and need to be spanked like a little boy, that I should look like a little boy too!  The idea of losing my hair, and being exposed like that in front of an audience,  definitely adds to the humiliation and shame of a spanking, and for me, that in itself is the biggest turnon to a spanking. No matter what the reason, I also have to admit that having a smooth shaved crotch and bottom, also puts me in the mindset of being nothing more than a naughty little boy.  And naughty little boys get spanked!               I've always been turned on by the thought of a friend finding my spanking and bondage toys and putting them to good use.  Perhaps that's why even back in the 1990's I wrote on some of these Polaroid pictures describing a couple of my fantasies, perhaps secretly hoping a friend would find the pictures and force me to endure the fantasies I described.   Similarly I think I created this blog secretly hoping that someone that knows me will see it now, and give me the humiliating spankings I've always fantasized about!   While one part of me wants to keep my fantasies a secret, another part of me gets incredibly turned on at the thought that someone will find out.  And if they do, I hope they will strip me naked and make some of the scenarios depicted in the posts in my blog a reality.    Below are a couple of the fantasies that I wrote out on those pictures 30 years ago with a Sharpie marker.   This was before digital scanners and digital photographs so creating these photos wasn't to post them online!   I had to  be hoping some friends would find the actual humiliating photos of myself and in a way that friends bully one another, make my diciplinary fantasies come true! And to fulfill their lifelong quest to see to it that I finally get a spanking!  Part of this writing was on the back of the photo.  Here's what all of it said: "You arrive at my house early for a party and find me naked shaving my crotch and see male spanking magazines and a spanking paddle laying next to me. Imagine my shock when I didn't hear you come in and see the smirk spread across your face and realize that my naked ass is yours to punish as you wish! You tell me that public punishment and humiliation are in order. You lead me naked to the basement where you tie me standing spread eagle in the middle of the room. You paddle my smooth naked ass, then leave the paddle sitting next to me. As guests arrive, you send them to the basement to find me, naked, shaved and spanked with my boner sticking straight out in front of me! That same smirk spreads across each one of their faces. It doesn't take them long to pick up the paddle and enjoy turning my bare naked bottom an even brighter shade of red! It's going to be a long and painful day!"    I've always felt that the most humiliating spanking would be one that was given to me by my own friends.   I can only imagine the shame I would feel each time I saw them after they had me naked and bent over their knees for a spanking.  They would always picture me bare, with a bright red, well spanked bottom each and every time they saw me, just like I did when I watched my friends get spanked.   My friends knew I had never been spanked like they were and often told me that the one thing they really wanted to see was ME get a spanking.   That desire of theirs has stuck with me over the years, and is a key element of many of my spanking fantasies. For all the times I grinned and smirked watching my friends get spanked bare, and jacked off with the memories of their spankings burned into my mind, I certainly deserve to experience that same humiliation of a naked public spanking myself.  With each post I make in my blog, the chances of someone recognizing me and finding out about my spanking fetish becomes greater and greater.  Not only is my body exposed in photos and videos, but my thoughts and fantasies are also exposed in my blog.   The only question is what will happen when someone I know does find it?   Perhaps deep down I'm hoping a group of my friends will thoroughly enjoy stripping me buck ass naked, grabbing me by the ear, pulling me over their knees and giving me the humiliating spanking we both know I deserve.   And there will certainly be enough content in my blog to tell them exactly how to make the spankings as humiliating as possible for me! I didn't have any old naked face pictures of myself from back when these selfies were taken, but I found an "almost naked"  regular photo of myself from around the same time frame.   So if any of my friends recognize me from the old days and still want to give me that humiliating spanking they always wanted to give me, they should just contact me and order me to report to them and bring some spanking paddles with me.   Then when I get there, they should strip me buck ass naked, grab me by the ear and pull me over their knees and spank my ass until it's good and red.   If they stay in touch with any of our other old friends, they should invite them over for old times sake.  I'm sure they'd enjoy being in on the fun.   Perhaps they'll all want to spank me on a regular basis to make up for all the times I never got spanked when I should have!  Maybe to add even more to my humiliation, they will want to shave me like in the photos above!   I used to fantasize about my friends spanking me,  as much as they fantasized about giving me a spanking.  I was just too chicken to let them because I knew they'd find out it made my dick hard!   Here's that old photo of me back in the mid 1990's.    All I had on in that photo was that pair of shorts and briefs underneath.   It wouldn't have taken much for my friends to strip me naked and leave me stranded bare!   Perhaps my friends should have stripped me, spanked me and made me ride my bike naked with my red spanked bottom on display like I'm  doing in the more recent photo below!  They all would have got a good laugh out of that!          
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