by on December 3, 2014
The longest, most intense spanking I've ever had was in 1996 by the renown Daddy Howard. He contacted me early one Saturday and told me to come to his apartment. Once there, he had me strip naked except for my white socks. Then he put a leather collar on me. He put me face down on the bed and knelt alongside me so he could easily spank me. He tied my wrists together in front of me with a thick white rope. As usual, he started with a hand spanking to warm me up. After about five minutes, he spanked with a thick brown belt which he called "Daddy's belt." Now it was starting to hurt. After about 10-15 minutes, my ass was burning. But Howard was just getting started. Next, he spanked me with a black leather strap. I was yelling and squirming around but he held me in place by putting his left hand on the small of my back. He spanked me with strap for about 15 minutes. Then he switched to a tawse which really stung. Again, he spanked me with the tawse for about 15 minutes. Next, he used a leather paddle with holes in it. It was one of his favorite implements and knew I could handle it very well. This time, he used the paddle for about 30 minutes. Tears were running down my face by the time he finished. Then he went back to the belt, the strap and tawse followed by the leather paddle. I was losing all sense of time. After that, he used a wooden paddle which hurt a lot. That was followed by a yardstick that had been cut in half so it was easier to use. I couldn't believe how much that stung. Finally, Howard used his canes which had been soaking in a pail of water. I hate canes because it feels like I've been burned. But Howard used about six canes of varying thicknesses. All of them truly hurt but the thin canes hurt the most, like they were cutting into my skin. (Later, I saw that the canes left reddish-purple welts on my ass. When he was done, he said he was hungry so we were going out for lunch. I got dressed and realized it was just after 12 noon. Howard had spanked me non-stop for four hours. We went to a nearby cafe and I found that even sitting on cushioned seats hurt my bottom. After lunch, we returned to his apartment and he told me to strip naked again. I didn't think I could take anymore, but I obeyed him. In minutes, I was back on the bed with my wrist tied. He started again with a hand spanking, but quickly moved on to the belt, strap and tawse. Then came the leather paddle which he applied full-force. I was crying again. The spanking continued for a very long time. Then he checked my butt and said I had enough. If he went on, he said, I would be bleeding a lot. He told me that I had already bled from the caning welts. So I got dressed. I saw that he had spanked me for another two hours. So I was spanked for SIX hours! My butt hurt and I saw the welts that had bled. I never had such a long, intense spanking. A week later, I was back for another spanking! LOL!
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by on January 21, 2020
A number of you have asked me about so called 'corner' time, so here are my thoughts on it! When we talk about corner time, it is really a method of time out.  True corner time involves a naughty boy, standing at the inside joining of where two walls connect, usually with his nose either touching or almost touching said wall.  Now its not necessary to use walls, equally effective can be bent over the back of a sofa, standing in front of a wall, or even sitting on a stool and if Dad wants to be really creative how about laying over the seat of the spanking chair?  There are for sure many possibilities. The purpose though is actually surprisingly powerful, they boy is supposed to think about why he just got punished or why he is about to be punished or even understand he is getting close to a punishment.  There are many variations and yet with these variations comes the certainty that over time the consistency of corner time as punishment will definitely make him consider his behavior and what got him stood in the corner.  The first few times he may very refuse to think about his behavior, either because he chooses to day dream or perhaps has decided to be rebellious, it matters not, inevitably he will succumb to reflection, it simply takes time and that is something he has plenty of while in the corner. Now we will look at five of the variations: As a warning he is getting close to a spanking You may be surprised but a boy that is pushing the envelope when sent to the corner will come to realize he is coming very close to a spanking.  It works, and if it does not, then he only has himself to blame when he finds his jeans and briefs coming down, before dad arranges him over his lap for a good long spanking session.  After his spanking and much to his horror, he will then find himself right back where he started – in the corner. Pre Spanking A naughty boy, sent to the corner before his spanking conjures up apprehension, excitement and humility.  Dad’s that are skilled in this, can certainly ensure variety and uncertainty in order to peak their boy’s emotional senses.  Consider having him in the corner in just his briefs or holding a hairbrush or belt while he waits.  You can have him dressed, semi dressed or even nude, some dads even have special shorts or pants for pre spanking corner time.  If he is bent over the spanking chair, place the brush or slipper or paddle etc. on his back while he waits .. and ultimately thinks!  If he is over the back of the sofa, have him lay there with his pants and underwear down, bare bottom up!  Or how about sitting on a ‘naughty stool’ – bare bottom?  Just in briefs?  Will he be holding the hairbrush or strap?  As you can see there are limitless possibilities! Post Spanking This is always completed with the boys red and just spanked bare bottom on display.  After punishment comes reflection!  In this stage the boy must either be in a true corner or made to sit on a stool facing the wall or simply standing facing the wall.  He is forbidden to rub his just spanked buns.  If he does try and rub, then a few hard spanks with the hairbrush will get him compliant, a good idea is to have him place his hands on his head.  After this phase bring him back to the fold with some hugs and nice pats.  Some Dads though will view this as phase 1 of post spanking corner time.  Phase 2 is usually used if the young man has been very naughty, it still involves his bottom being bare, and he must now sit and write an essay ‘one what I learned from my punishment’ I can assure you it is very effective. Have him sit his spanked buns on a nice hard chair, preferably at a table and facing away from any distractions such as the television.  Give him a set amount of words, for example 500 or 1000.  Once he is finished have a discussion, and ensure he knows what’s in store for him if the punishment has to be repeated!  At this point most Dads will deny him his briefs for a few hours, and confine him to just his tee shirt. Break Time Alright Dad, so your boy is over your knees having his bare bottom tanned, but you want to take a break and turn up the heat as it were?  You can do that, let him up, tell him to have some water or soda, go to the bathroom if he needs to.  Once he comes back, send him to fetch the hairbrush or paddle or strap, then have him stand in the corner.  Take your time, relax a bit, have a drink or some chips, and then when you are good and ready and only then, take your boy back to the spanking chair, my dad usually does this by taking me by my ear.  You have no idea how much tension this brings to the proceedings! Review and Punishment Sessions I personally have a love hate relationship with review and punishment sessions.  These are conducted at a set time and day every week and they include both pre and post spanking corner time.  I will basically describe my own sessions, as an example.  On the set date and time after showering, I change into my ‘review’ clothes, nothing elaborate, sports shorts, white briefs, socks and tee and report to the assigned corner.  I just stand there thinking of my behavior over the week and wait, sometimes its only a few minutes but I have known it to last 30 minutes or longer.  When my Dad is ready, he takes me by the arm (or ear) over to his spanking chair, my shorts and briefs are lowered and we then talk about my behavior.  I am expected to confess everything that warrants punishment, even if I never got found out.  The gamble is omitting something he actually does know about will result in a much longer and harder spanking, so I tend to be honest.  After my spanking, its back to the corner, again it might be a few minutes or longer, it depends on how my Dad feels.  The only time this changes is if I have omitted something he knows about, in that case I will be spending a lot of time in the corner, and denied my shorts and briefs for the rest of the day.  Its like being grounded essentially, and the only way of getting my shorts and briefs back is to apologize for the omission and ask for a second spanking! --- yup sucks to be me on those days!
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by on August 16, 2022
Obedience vs. Equality in Relationships  Finding the Happy Balance    Ya know, maybe our grandparents were right after all, maybe it is all about "to love, honor....and obey!" One of the big challenges in my DD relationship is finding the happy balance between equality and obedience. I mean really, can you really be "obedient" to your partner in a mature, adult, equal relationship? Well, maybe we modern folk have forgotten what it means to love, honor, and obey. I’m not so sure we have to misconstrue the word too far before we hit upon the matter: relationships suffer when both partners do not also obey one another. And I should know. I lost my relationship of 15 years because I couldn’t obey my long term partner very much at all. Relationships are indeed about pushing boundaries and finding where you can both coordinate, cohabitate, and collaborate. But sometimes when one partner is a much stronger of a personality than the other, the beta personality, even if he's the top, may disengage out of emotional necessity. (Well, that was a big part of it. There were, of course, other things as well.)  However, upon reflection, one of the big problems was my dis-obedience in life, in friendships, and in bed. It was mostly me as an individual in an equal relationship with him as an individual. Under this arrangement, obedience was nearly impossible. So as I re-entered the relationship dating pool, I decided obedience had to be a part of any new relationship equation, so I didn’t disrespect and disobey my new partner’s wishes the way I had done with my first partner. I did this by coming out to my partner last Easter as an adult boy, and that if we were going to continue, some things would need to be added to our relationship to make survive. By saying, "I need a partner to believe in and join me in a discipline-based relationship," I was drawing a line in the sand. I would not have a relationship end in a state of disrespect, disobedience, and the inevitable unhappiness. The reason I needed a good man to agree to this relationship was two-fold, specifically: As the dominant personality in the relationship, I knew I would have to speak up be the one who addressed problems head on as they arose, and at the same time, I needed the discipline option for my new Daddy as a way to help equalize the fact that, verbally at least, I was the dominant partner.   Now, having said that, Daddy is the dominant partner in very important other ways. And by equipping him with The Switch, we avoided turning this into a lop-sided mess. He could be in charge without having to prove, justify, of talk over me. The Switch gives him room to allow the normal behaviors to express themselves, and there is no need to change who we are, but now, after an unacceptable behavior or attitude or other broken rule surfaces, he can rectify it without having to talk it out which he is not in favor of doing in the first place. Many men do not really love to have long knock-down, drag-out verbal fights. It will surprise few readers that The Switch has solved this predicament for us. Respect can now be enforced with The Switch, since he had already earned that respect over the many years we've been partners. I just have a tendency not to follow those rules of respect and politeness, etc. in my day-to-day existence.  As hard as it will be for my readers to believe, I do not wanna get a Spanking. At heart, I’m just a very unruly, undisciplined, disobedient little 8- to 12-year-old boy who doesn’t like obeying even the most basic rules of politeness after initially getting to know people. I get sarcastic almost immediately. I have a very fast (not always smart, just fast) mind which is both a blessing and a curse). But in a relationship, that’s not helpful. And without consequences including discipline specifically, that tough personality can really wreck a relationship.  And as you readers probably already know, I’m on a mission from god to have a full time relationship, come hell or high water! Having been in an "equal" relationship for 15 years from the middle of my college years, I know the pitfalls that my personality can wreck on a more gentle personality. And as luck would have it, and maybe not surprisingly, I have ended up in a second relationship with yet another gentle giant! This is great on the one hand, and then on the other, I just stomp all over him unless we have ground rules, reprimands, expectations of obedience, and when necessary, corporal punishment. Now with The Switch (i.e., The Hairbrush, The Stick, The Paddle), and the other important Discipline Tools we have throughout the house and nonSpanking Tools (i.e., Cornertime, writing lines, mouthsoaping) throughout our relationship, Daddy has what he needs to keep our relationship together as “the Dom.” There’s no need for Daddy to discuss with me, "Uh, I feel like you treated me badly." We now have very clear lines around what constitutes broken House Rules, and what Daddy's boy is and is not allowed to do, say, and act like. After 18 months, it’s just a matter of getting him to use them more frequently as the need arises, and not blow things off that are bothering him. He needs to want to administer discipline, even when he’s not in the mood to. But that’ll take time, I think. Like a real Dad, sometimes he just doesn’t want to be bothered with dealing with his boy’s shenanigans. He just wants to watch TV. But just as in a real Daddy/boy relationship, it’s pretty pivotal to address misbehavior in the moment as much as possible. Only time will tell how he gets comfortable in his still fairly new role as not just “the Dom” in our relationship, but now “the Daddy” in our relationship! Please comment below or email me: aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconfidential@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Blogger  ∙  WordPress
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by on May 29, 2022
Well, this is a difficult topic, and whatever I say I am going to displease some guys, and that is unavoidable.   If you have a problem with another member or individual, then deal with it.    I am not going to get involved period, unless it breaks this sites rules or is abusive behavior.    I don’t care what has been said on other sites, groups or social media, and I am most certainly not going to waste my time by joining other sites just to see your point of view.    It is a ridiculous expectation, and one I am not prepared to meet, and in any case its none of my business and I don’t want to get involved.   I am the site owner, and I spend a lot of time on its upkeep, I actually like to post and interact with others.   It really is disheartening when I login to these messages, so please do me a favor and let me enjoy the site I created, deal with your own disagreements and grievances as the adults you are supposed to be.     James
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by on January 14, 2018
Well 2017 was something else!  I think I want to start off by remembering those that we have lost in the last year.  It is never easy, whether it is family or close friends.  We can all remember them in our hearts and in our prayers. I want to thank everyone of you for your support and I appreciate all the words of encouragement, particulary over the site failure and its rebirth.  It is important to note that change is never easy and for some members it it will take time.  Even though they might sound negative that's good, all feedback is important as we move forward.  We are a very diversive community and sometimes it is easy to miss cultural differences, what one culture views as normal another may view as rude, when infact its simple furstration.  I ask everyone to please take that into consideration before hitting that send button on a comment. Our moderators do a fantatic job, and the member contributions are amazing.  This community is what keeps the site alive, thank you everyone. I do want to make a special thank you to Isma, who creates some of the most amazing art I have ever seen.  He is a true gentleman, hugs and thanks Isma! This year will bring some major changes, and we will work on them bit by bit until we get it right.  All I can ask is your patience.  I will make some mistakes as I go along, and thats normal but it will all pull together and the site will be better than ever before.  This blog is where I am going to post updates as we progress. I am looking forward to the year ahead, to making new friends, to working with you on the site and to having fun. hugs James
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by on August 14, 2022
Some Spanking encounters end wrong, just wrong. The Spanking could even have been well administered, but there's just something missing. In our experience, it's the post-Spanking warning, lecturing, and talkin'-to that's so critical to sewing things up and puttin' a bow on it.     Often times Daddys (or even just Tops/Doms) don't really know how to get there. This is where the boy can help.    Here's a few tips on how to get Daddy "there."  For boys, after you are paddled, don't just stand there. Provoke him to react to your feelings. You may be very sore. You may be very upset or shaken up if he paddled you hard. Say so, "You Spanked way too hard. I didn't do anything!" or "That hurt." or "You didn't need to use the Bathbrush. I was gonna do it anyway."   I'm Listening Now, Sir.       This ends up being less rhetorical and ends up making Daddy have to respond: "Well, I wouldn't have to Spank so hard if you listened. When I tell you to come here, you come here now." Or "It hurts because you upset Daddy. You basically made me Spank you like that. I think you owe me an apology." Or "You got the Bathbrush across your backside for mouthing off and defying my direct instructions. I don't ever want to hear you do that again. Do you understand me?" It's more a matter of making a bruised boy or a Daddy startled by what it takes out of himself to paddle your bottom feel heard and responded to.     In the .gif above (pronounced Jiff! May the founder of .gif rest in power!), I see myself, sans the flat abs. In the moment, that "Bathbrush Talk" is something you as the boy cannot take your eyes off of. That's the brush that just damaged your backside. That's the brush that got your attention. That's the brush just Spanked the bejesus right outta ya.   Thankfully, when the Daddy is able to put words to use after a Spanking, the moment sears more deeply into the boy's brain, not just his bottom. When the boy is pulling up his briefs--or when Daddy pulls them up (my Daddys often pull up my briefs because I get far too shaken up by a Hairbrush or Bathbrush paddling)--the lecture helps remind him as much as the painful legloops of his 'pants hugging his red, red fanny. Watching the .gif above, can't you just feel the 'pants coming up over your red, sore bottom? I shore can. The feeling is real bad, and it hurts, but remember the human mind has a built in "forgetting" mechanism when it comes to pain. So you'll forget your Spanking sometime soon. But you are much less likely to forget the post-Spanking talkin'-to if Daddy employs it.    And Daddy's "Paddle Talk" doesn't have to be complicated either. It can be as simple as, asking a series of questions. Try a call and response approach: "Am I ever gonna have to do this again to you?"  "Are you sorry for what you did? Are you?"  "Are we done with your mouthing off?"  "What do you have to say for yourself?" "Look at me when you answer me." "Look me straight in the eyes and say that again." Honestly, the variety will help make the moments after The Spanking more memorable, more special, more important.     A quick warning: not all boys are responsive to lecturing, so be sure to plan ahead by texting with your boy or emailing so you know fully that he is responsive. Otherwise, it can feel flat and inauthentic. With that said, give it a whirl! Learn by doing. Don't think about it. Try it out. See what works for you.   Please comment below or email us with your ideas. ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Blogger  ∙  WordPress  
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by on December 29, 2019
Anyone can copy this text and post it places as long as it is for non-commercial use and an acknowledgement to the site and author is included.  James.   It is very true that reality is stranger than fiction and more so of fantasy.   It is also true that my Dad has his hand, hairbrush and paddle and I have a bottom to be bared.   And of course, spanking and corner time are not mutually exclusive.       A BOYS BEGINS TO UNDERSTAND CHAPTER 1   Sitting on the hard-wooden chair, in nothing but my tee and socks, my partner and Dad began to explain things to me.  He was smiling, a twinkle in his eye but at the same time I could tell he was also very serious.   ‘The point of punishment James, is to correct you and there is no question about that.  Changes need to be made in how you have done things in the past although controlling your behavior for your future will be much more natural and easier to make effective. It is true that my hand will definitely be the mainstay of punishment when you break any rules or miss your goals.  If needed we will use the hairbrush’   ‘Its intent is, of course, to reach you quickly and get your legs flailing and your yells coming out immediately, but when Dad's done giving it to you, my hand will continue your spanking’   I mean seriously?  The freaking hairbrush! I hate the brush with every fiber in my body.    Oh, and it just got even worse …   ‘Dad’s hand is also far more active in first helping you to adjust your cock and balls so they hang down over his thigh and aren’t squeezed as your bare bottom bounces and wiggles during your spanking and far more effective on your upper and inner thighs and buns as he tans your bare bottom, while you are trying to get words out with promises’   I just can’t believe it …. It’s so unfair! … but he continues as I begin developing a pout!   ‘You have a Dad who understands that your spankings always need to stop way after you hope, plead or beg Dad to stop.’   'Dad can tell by the skin on your bare bottom how things are going and the sobs and tears add to it.  It is not difficult to know when you are pleading whether it's time to continue or lessen up a bit, but stop?  Not going to happen.'   My bottom is now tingling nervously, as I take it all in, darn and he means every word of it!   ‘When you don’t agree or definitely don’t want a spanking, you will go over my knees for one anyway.  All of that is normal.  You can say, “OK, sorry Dad, I’ll go over your knees now” or “No way, Dad!  Unfair and unreasonable.  My bottom’s already sore!” but then you risk the hairbrush or strap.  We both know what you will choose.’   Choose?  Is he kidding? And now I am not only pouting, but my face is flushed deep red!   ‘There will always be a paddle, hairbrush, strap, and spanking chair in our house for your future for correction, punishment, and/or times when you simply are getting a review or reminder’   What the heck is a review or reminder?  My nervousness just soared to new heights while my bare bottom jiggles on the chair, a stark reminder of my current position.   ‘Yes, young men like James are  spanked, stood in the corner, and spanked again, but it can also happen when after you’ve been spanked and  you are told to keep your bottom bare and we enjoy dinner or preparing such or even cuddle on the couch and Dad still decides you need a firmer spanking (or more).  That’s not usual but possible depending on your reactions and especially how cuddly you are with your Dad as he wipes your tears and listens to your response.’   Okay so the cuddly bit sounds really nice, right?  But stood in the corner – now that is just plain mean.  I think he was reading my mind as he continued …  ‘ I’m sure that knowing your shyness, you will come to dislike corner time when you must have your bare bottom showing.  However, in your case, it is especially meaningful as you’ll know what Dad is seeing and pondering regardless as to whether you’ve already been turned over before being stood in that corner’   ‘Your emotions are going to vary significantly, but one thing you will always be able to depend on James, is that when I take your jeans and briefs down for a spanking, you will always get one’   ‘And I see a certain young man, who’s jeans and briefs have already been taken down, waiting for his spanking’   I nearly fainted, as the realization hit me.   He nudged me up from my chair, and took me in his arms, it was a wonderful feeling.  We hugged for a long time, his hand holding my bare bottom.   “OK, now James, what punishment have you brought on your nice bare bottom?’   As I started my reply, he was leading me over to the spanking chair, his hand planted firmly on my very bare buns.   Sitting down in that chair, he looked me straight in the eyes   ‘You’ve always known what you were risking but you did it anyway.  Now Dad will give you what was promised.  Over you go, son.’   I did as I was told and found myself in that classic over the knee spanking position that all naughty boys are familiar with.   He took his time, adjusting my cock and balls over the side of his thigh, then we talked (while his hand was on my bare bottom) about my failure and why Dad has to spank my bare bottom now, and he did.  No amount of promising or begging or tears at all prevented my correction and then some.    Eventually I was sobbing from emotions and the pain of my spanking.  Dad encouraged me to let my emotions out while he continued spanking my now very red bottom.     ‘There is never a need to be stoic and just "take it like a man."  You're a boy at heart James and a boy who responds as a boy when his Dad pulls his briefs down and gives him a good spanking.’   After my spanking, I could feel the tension as I stood in the corner reflecting, or ‘thinking’ time as Dad calls it.   I stood there, resisting the urge to rub my now very red and very hot buns.  If Dad sees my stance in the corner to be less repentant than Dad wants or my hands stray from where they should be, he might pull me out of my corner for a repeat spanking.  I knew I could count on it!  Every boy that messes up their corner time gets one, and I knew there would be no exception for me.   Yes, it did take a long time and I was definitely sore sitting the next day, but I did feel absolutely wonderful!    That following morning, we talked about why I had to be punished.   If it happens again Dad had decided the hairbrush will be used on my bare bottom to the point where I was are sure I can’t take anymore. A good long spanking with the hairbrush will be followed with another trip over Dad’s knees before bedtime, at a minimum.   How do I feel about all this huh?   Dad punishes me as his Son, no matter how much I sob and with choking tears as I am begging him to stop and promising him the world. My Dad will always give me the spanking I have earned and never stop spanking or paddling or giving my bare bottom the hairbrush.  Dad judges what I need period.  I always remember my spanking will at some point end, and I will be hugged and comforted and yes, loved.  I know that I will always have a dad who loves and cares for me.
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by on September 1, 2020
So I like realistic dad / son spankings. The whole idea of spanking for me is to correct bad behaviour, so roleplay and creativity is really important for me. As is a strong dominant daddy who knows how to control and discipline his errant son. Here's a wee story I came up with that would make an interesting scenario. -------- I stood there at my parents front door, with a guilty conscious, knowing I had messed up. I’m 19 now and that went to live in university halls almost a year ago, and I haven’t visited my parents since. When I’m not hungover I try to send a text or 2 to check in, but never visit or call. I had made plans on several occasions to visit but always came up with excuses to cancel. Either I had something to study for last minute, or I was too hungover from the night before. If procrastination or drinking was a subject I would get distinctions! But when it came to important matters like studying, homework and family, i am severely lacking. Even before I chapped the door to my old family home I could tell my loving mother would be upset and my father… angry. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* The door opened and stood there was my dad. “Hello son, long time no see. I think we have some matters to discuss don’t we?” “Hey dad, I suppose.” I shuffled through the door, head hung and dropped all of my bags in the hall. Dad gave me a long embracing hug and led me by the shoulder to the living room. “It’s good to see you! Mums just went out with some her girlfriends for lunch, while we have a chat. What have you been doing for the past year, where have you been, why haven’t you visited or called?” “I dunno, i’ve been really busy with uni and all that, it’s hard to keep up. I do feel guilty for not visiting though. “Good you should feel guilty. Your mother is very upset with you, how do you think she feels? She raised you for 20 odd years, and you leave and hardly contact us for a year like we are nothing to you.” “I know, i know i’m sorry dad, i’ll make it up to her okay?” “Yes you will, and i’ll make the past years worth of ill-discipline up you as well. Go fetch the spanking chair, you are getting the spanking of your life son.” “What are you talking about dad, i’m in university now, you can’t spank me like you used to. I’m to old for that banned word now.” “Don’t test my patience boy, the spanking chair is in the same place it always is, go and bring it to me NOW, or this will get a hell of a lot worse than it needs to be.” “No i’m not letting you spank me, come on dad this has to be a joke. Lets just grab a beer and watch the football?” “Okay boy, i’m going to make this VERY clear to you. Either you bring me the spanking chair and do as your told NOW or i’ll stop paying for your uni fees. It’s your choice.” “Dad you can’t….” “Yes I can, I work hard to pay for your university education and we get nothing in return. So either you do as your told or that’s it!” “Well I don’t really have a choice do I?” “Good boy” Reluctantly I left the room to fetch the spanking chair. I return and hand it to dad who places it in the middle of the living room. “Come here boy.” Dad pulls me to stand directly in front of him. As with all his spankings when I was younger it starts on my underwear. I know to put my hands on my head and don’t need to be told as dad struggles with my belt and zipper, and pulls down my skinny jeans to my ankles. Still with my hands on my head, he lectures me some more., I can’t help but to think “can we hurry up and just get this over with”, but would never say it out loud. Finally after the verbal embarrassment and scolding was over, he took me over his knees. *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* *spank* My dad is smaller than me in height but he has a powerful right hand, and I completely forgot how much a spanking actually hurts. It’s pretty humiliating being over dads knees at this age, but I kept telling myself it was better than losing my university money. Dad continued to spank over my boxers until he pulled them up into a wedgie and started spanking my bare cheeks. Usually dad would do this to check how red by butt was getting before he pulled my boxers down for good. I knew it was coming, but it was always unexpected. There is something about being over the knee bare bottomed that is… humbling. Dad finally stopped as I felt him reach for the waistband of my boxers and pulled them to my ankles. I tried with my arm to keep them on and pleaded with him not to spank me on my bare butt, but to no avail. Dad overpowered me and down they came. I was over his knee being spanked on my bare butt like I was a kid again. I completely forgot how humiliating it is. There is little, to no privacy and dad has complete control over what happens next. Dads big hand keeps pounding down on my ass. I start to struggle but with my jeans and boxers by my ankles I don’t have much ability to move. He scolds me, talks to me, guides me throughout the spanking, but never once shouts. His voice is commanding but he knows not to spank in anger. He's scolding me to teach me a lesson, he's spanking me to reinforce the message, and is humiliating me to make sure i never do it again. It's a triple threat that make sures i'm properly disciplined and punished. Finally after what seems like an eternity dad tells me to stand up. I immediately try to cover my privates but i’m told to put my hands on my head. Slowly i abide. Dads sitting so i’m aware that my privates are pretty much at his eye level. The sense of shame is overwhelming, i'm too old for this, or at least i should be too old for it. Dad starts lecturing me again, which makes it worse. I’m listening but i’m overcome by so many other emotions that it’s difficult to take in. Dad asks me questions and I try to answer the best I can. He tells me to look at him when i'm being talked to but i'm so embarassed i'm looking at my feet a lot. Every time i look at my feet, dad takes a hold of my wrist and gives a short quick spank to my butt and i'm reminded to look at him. It's so embarassing. Dad then tells me to strip, and i know now, not to argue back. I get on with it taking off my boxers, jeans and t-shirt, thoughtlessly flinging them on the floor. Dad is not impressed. He gives me a couple of swats, says he taught me better and to fold my clothes in a neat pile. There is something about being told to do this that just amplifies the fact that i’m no longer the 20 something year old man and that he is the one that is in control. I fold my clothes and go back over to stand in front of him, hands on head. I have lost pretty much all my dignity now standing there naked apart from my socks in front of my dad. What i didn't know was that the spanking had only just begun. Dad took me back over his knee and started with his hand again. He made sure that not even an inch of my bottom and top legs was missed with his hand. Now that my legs were unrestricted by my jeans he often told me to spread them wide so we could spank every inch! He spanked hard, his hand like a leather strap, and my legs flailing around like a bucking horse. But there was no denying who was in control. Dad had me held in position well. Sometimes he would move his spare leg over mine to stop me kicking. He would remind me to stay still, take my hand to prevent me from covering my ass. Every so often he would stop to question me some more, ensure i was learning my lesson and rub my butt cheeks to feel the warmth. Again it was embarassing for dad to do this, but I much preferred it to the pain of the spanking. Finally he stopped and told me to take the slipper off his foot and pass him it. I was still over the knee at this point and so reached over to take it off. It’s so humiliating to concede and have to give dad an implement to spank you with. *SPANK* *SPANK* *SPANK* the slipper came down with a more a sting to it than dads hand. It hurt! I could almost feel my butt radiate warmth and red glow. Dad would change the speed of his spanking regularly, it wasn’t a relentless spanking, dad didn’t like to rush things. He took his time and liked perfection, he was going to ensure I learnt my lesson. Sometimes he would spank fast, I would struggle, squirm and plead. Sometimes it was hard and at a steady speed. Sometimes he put the slipper on my ass as if he was about to spank me then not, so i didn’t clench my butt. You see dad had a lot of experience at disciplining me when I was younger and he knew how to press a boys buttons. Having been thoroughly spanked and promising i’d be a better son, dad took me off his knee and placed me in the corner. I stood their hands on head, feet wide apart. “We’re nowhere near done yet” Dad said, as I heard the bath being but on. I stood there nose against the wall thinking what was coming next. Occasionally dad would come up behind me, rub my ass, comment on how red it was and even give me a couple of swats. Dad knew how to physically discipline me, but he also knew how to emotionally discipline me too. His scolding, lecturing and questioning, really made me feel like a naughty little boy that had done wrong. Dad used various corner time techniques with me growing up. Sometimes i'd be on my knees, sometimes i'd have to hold a coin up against with wall with my nose, othertimes it wasn't cornertime and instead I had to write lines! Finally dad took me by the ear into the bathroom, told me to take off my socks and get in the bath. I done as I was told, i wasn’t going to argue with dad when he was in a mood like this. He mentioned that he was going to ensure I was presentable for mum and that I looked the part. Once in the bath he told me to get into various positions as he washed me clean. He also took the razor and shaved off my pubes and ass hair. I tried to plead that the guys would make fun of me in the locker room, but my pleads fell on death ears. Dad knew that by shaving me he was exerting even more control over me and made me feel and look like a helpless little boy. I'm just glad he didn't give me an enema or washed my mouth out with soap. Dad was known to do this when i was younger too. Getting out the bath, dad again made sure I was dry. I wasn’t allowed to do anything. I was embarrassed, humiliated, but not quite broken and dad knew it but he had a trick up his sleeve. Having dried me again he took me by the ear back to the living room and over his knee naked. But this time he also brought with him the bath brush from the bath and DAMN wa it painful. *WHACK WHACK WHACK* For some reason my freshly shaved and bathed butt was on fire with every swat. Dad didn’t let up, he kept swinging and it kept hitting. I squirmed, wriggled, tried to get away. Kicked, yelled, pleased, threw my arm back, but nothing could stop dad. He was on a mission to make me learn my lesson and I was going to learn it. He kept spanking and kept lecturing me. It was too much too take and I was a really sorry, and naughty boy. Finally the bath brushing ended. Dad picked me up and this time led me to the bedroom. Putting me in the middle of the bed he placed 4 pillows under my butt that elevated it up off the bed. And then I could hear his belt being undone. I had already had enough but this time it was serious. Dad took the belt and fired away. Whack Whack Whack Whack. The belt felt so heavy but it stung like nothing else. He then asked me to count and thank him and ask him for another. “1 thank you daddy, please may i have another”. I heard myself say through sobs, crying and grimacing. Dad had won, and I had learnt my lesson. WHACK down came the 20th spank with the belt and it was over. Dad took me by the ear again and sat me down at a computer desk on a hard wooden chair. He told me to write an apology note to him alongside a list of rules that I will abide by while i'm staying with him for the rest of the week. I done I was told and called dad when i was done. He read it, made suggestions on rules, and changes we could make to it. Dad made me share it to a website called southspanking for all to read for some reason, and also printed it off. He told me to stand up, turned the chair around, sat on it himself. He put the print out on the floor, and took me over the knee again with the print out now facing me on the floor. He told me to read it the note out. After every one of the rules dad gave me a hard spank with the hairbrush. Then once i'd finished reading them all, he gave me one last final flurry of spanks. My legs kicked, i cried and i was a very sorry naughty little boy. Finally it was over,  Dad rubbed soothing cream into my butt. It felt good, once done dad finally took me to my room and put me in some presentable clothes for mother returning home. I will never take so long to visit my parents again that’s for sure. I'm now a shaved, clean, spanked, humiliated, embarassed, disciplined, well-behaved but very sore naughty little boy!
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by on August 21, 2021
‘You’re getting the hairbrush and corner time’     OR ‘Time for the strap son, now go wait in the corner’   OR ‘Fetch the paddle NOW’   Come on Dads!   Why can’t we boys pick our own punishment, why can’t it be:   ‘Do you want the paddle or my hand ‘  OR ‘Do you need some corner time’      OR ‘Do you deserve punishment’    OR ‘hugs or spanking Son’   See .. we could pick!
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by on September 20, 2020
The Coach's voice sounded already angry! "Well, let's start with a spontanous check of your cleanliness...!" The bloke already knew what would expect him. It was not the first time the Coach did such a control, which often ended in a corporal punishment. The guy stripped completely and then placed himself in front of his Coach. He sticked his hands towards his Coach. First the palms, then the back of his hands. "Fine..." complimented the Coach while checking the clean hands. "Now your ears, boy!" The boy moved his head and dad looked in his ears, first the left ear, then the right ear. "Clean as well! Good boy!" The boy was relieved but he rejoyed too soon... "All right, now your bottom! Turn around and bend down!" The 22 year old boy crinched and the back side of his muscular body got a goose-skin. The coach took a paper tissue out of his trousers and gave it to the boy. "Clean your butt cheeks with the tissue...! And go deeply inside.." The boy took the paper tissue, bent down further, spread his cheeks and scrubbed between his wide-spread bum-cleft. "hmm, my dear boy..." the coach mumbled. "I don't think you want to affirm that you cleaned your bum well after the last bowel-movement?" There was a highly visible brown stripe on the white paper tissue. The guy turned red: "Please, no enema...!" The coach looked at his football player with a very serious face: "You know that uncleanliness doesn't only mean that you'll get an enema - it means as well that you will get a hard punishment. So, you will come down to the punishment room in 10 minutes! Got it? The boy nodded, he felt bummed out. But there wouldn't be an alternative as disobedience would mean to be excluded from the football team.
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by on December 24, 2018
Sorry if this is not the right place for this question. Hi, i don't post much.  But i have a question for the site.  I am planning a spanking vacation to Chicago in three months.  Spending 7 days there 1st time ever.  I am deciding either to rent a entire vacation home or apartment (Not hotel).  In your opinion is an apartment good to spank in noise wise?  I know the whole home would be best.  Renting an apartment is cheaper. Anybody have experience in apartments?  I have a good bit of guys who want to meet, so will be a good amount of guys coming over.
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by on July 27, 2021
So, having spent some time testing, evaluating and frustrating .. here is some good news.   With a fresh installation, no bells and whistles but with complete functionality, the site will work for mobile based devices, including phone and tablets from an app that can be downloaded via google and apple stores. (Please do NOT download and attempt to connect, just yet).   I want to emphsize that for desktop users everything will be as it is right now, no need for downloading apps ..   We do have a number of modules that will not work with the mobile side of things and would need to be removed, but everything such as videos, photos, posts etc will 100% work on both desktop and mobile devices.   The chat bar will not work on mobile and tablets, but there is a certified one from the script vendor that will work on both desktops and mobiles, it also allows video chat, conferences and more.  If you want to check it out here is the URL:   https://store.phpfox.com/apps/chatplus   It is pricey but with this installed and mobile working properly, it will greatly enhance the site and member experience.   If we strip out all the whistle and bells, simplify things, it will also speed up the site .. so I will do more testing and then update you what is our next move.  To be honest it is looking very positive right now.   Hugs   James    
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by on March 25, 2022
This was my first Hot Seat Retreat. I've been to Bad Ass Weekend, MAL and a few other events. This had a similar vibe to BAW but just in a different setting. I've always loved Palm Springs and CCBC was a great venue. It had a nice big pool, two hot tubs, three dungeon type areas to play in and a a little man made creek with a cute little turtle living in it named Dorkus.I ended up spanking 34 different guys over the course of the weekend, for a total of 40 spankings. Some guys got multiple. My daddy bear arrived on Friday and kept my backside nice and red the rest of the weekend as well, spanking me in public quite a few times as well as in our room. There was a good mix of guys (about 200 registered from what I heard) and there was always someone to spank. They had set up a forum to chat on and plan things and everyone was using Whappz as well (Jayden helps out on the event and also runs that app). Guys ranged in age and size... anywhere from young skinny guys to older guys and chubby guys and everything in between. There were spankings happening everywhere. We spanked each other outside on the benches, there were horses set up around the main area and people were bent over the registration table getting paddled as we fillled out our name tags. If you wanted to spank or get spanked, you had every chance possible to do as much of either as you wanted.    A lot of us knew each other from online or other events but it never felt like a clique. One of my local regulars from Seattle came down and it was his first event. He ended up making a lot of friends and getting spanked a bunch of times and plans to go back next year.    i literally can't think of anything to complain about. Sure, the pizza took a little long to come out for the pizza party but everyone at the restaurant was so nice and we were all having fun hanging out so does that really matter? Not to me. I've organized huge events before and Scott, Jayden and Doug did a great job and everyone at CCBC was amazing.    I plan to go back every year and can't say enough good things about this event (and Bad Ass Weekend too). I've met so many amazing people and there's such a sense of community that I never knew I needed. If you've never been to one of these, go! You won't regret it. My next event is CLAW in Cleveland to hang out with some of the BAW guys for the weekend. Looking forward to that too!      
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by on September 25, 2015
Dad was away for the weekend on a business trip, which meant I had an 'empty'. Given I was 19 now I really needed some space and free time to myself. I had plans, big plans for this weekend. My pals are coming over later tonight but for now I decided to sit down to watch the football results come in with an ice cold beer from the fridge. Finishing my beer I open a pack of cigarettes and start smoking using the beer bottle as my ash tray. Loving life, loving having some freedom... that was, until the door opened. "DAD, what are you doing back so early?" I said. Dads face was bright red he looked so pissed off. I put the cigarette out as fast as I could and tried to hide the bottle but to no avail. He picked up the bottle out of my hand and stared at me angrily. His face told a thousand words and I knew I was in big, big trouble. "My flight was cancelled, but more to the point... just what do you think you are doing young man? I come home to find you sitting here drinking and worse SMOKING in my house." Dad said, his face getting redder by the second. "It's no big deal, come on, i'm 19 now dad, I can do what I like. I can buy cigarettes and booze from the shops now." I decided to be defiant, after all I am 19 now, I am old enough to do whatever the hell I like. Dad just doesn't see me growing up, and still doesn't treat me like the adult I am. "You might be 19, but you sure as hell don't act like it. Yes you should be old enough to act as a responsible adult, but smoking isn't acting responsibly son. You might think you can do whatever you like, but when your still living under this roof, the roof I work hard to pay for, then you live by my rules. Is that understood?" " banned word hell, Yeah, yeah... whatever!" I exclaimed. "Right I've had enough of your attitude son. This has went on long enough. You don't show me any respect, and it's about time I taught you a long hard lesson. You haven't been spanked since you were 15 but it's obviously time you went back over my knee." With that said dad pulled me from the sofa and sat down on it himself. I was standing in front of him shocked at what I had heard. I had no idea what to say... what to do. "You have 2 options son, you either do as your told or you pack up your belongings and leave my house right now! What's it to be?" "Well you don't leave me with much of an option then, do you?" I hadn't realised yet but my backchat wasn't getting me anywhere. "Well get your hands on your head then and stand in front of me now!" Dad ordered as I reluctantly put my hands on my head and walked over to start directly in front of him. He reached to my belt, and I moved my hands to stop him, feeling somewhat remorse now, under the realisation of what was about to happen I pleaded "Please dad, come on i'm too old for this!" "Get your hands back on your head now boy, if we're doing this, we're doing it right, you are going to learn a lesson you aren't going to forget in a hurry do you hear?" With that said I put my hands back on my head and stopped resisting. In a matter of seconds dad had my jeans down by my ankles and had me step out of them. I was now just wearing my boxers, t-shirt and socks. Dad positioned himself on the middle of the couch as he pulled me over his knees. From when I was younger I remember being spanked on the couch meant the session was going to last longer. Dad had a comfy seat and I could just lay there over his knee without too much pressure on him. It felt strange being over his knee. It made me feel like a little boy again. I lay there as dad adjusted my boxers, pulling them up to give him a good outline of my bum. He rubbed for a bit as he scolded me some more for my behaviour recently. And then finally the first smack landed. My dads hand felt massive as it reigned down on my boxer clad bottom. SMACK SMACK SMACK. Over and over again, I had completely forgot how sore a spanking actually was. Dad moved from cheek to cheek. Not just focusing on my bum but the tops of my thighs as well. On occasion he would stop and lift my boxers to check how red my butt was getting. I hated that, I hated that my dad had that much control over me now. I kept thinking what would have happened if I had just said I would leave the house. Surely my dad wouldn't have let that happen? But alas i'm here over my dads knees being spanked like a 10 year old. Then I feel dads hands move to my boxers once more as he starts to pull them down. I quickly put my hands back and put up a struggle, trying to retain some dignity. "Please dad, no not bare assed, come on i'm too old for this. Please dad?" I pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears as he finally got hold of my hand, held it up against my back, and in one swift motion, took my boxers down to my ankles. Now bare bottomed over my dads knees he proceeded to spank my increasingly red bottom with his hand. Over and over again. The thing with dads spanking was it was unpredictable. It was always hard yes, but one moment it could be fast and the next slow. He would stop to rub my butt, and then lift his hand like I was going to get spanked only for the hand to return to rub my butt. It make it distinctly difficult to clench my cheeks, and pre-empt any spanks. Either way even if I did, it still hurt and still had the same effect. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* Dads big hand came down on my bare butt some more as I wriggled on the sofa and kicked my legs somewhat. I absolutely hated being spanked, never mind being pretty much naked over my dads knee. You see it wasn't just that I was being punished, it was the embarrassment and humiliation that came along with it. It was the telling off, it was the idea that my 19 year old cock was pretty much rubbing up my dads thigh, it was that my dad in that moment had full control over me. It made me feel like a little boy again. Finally dad stopped with his hand but it was far from over yet. He told me to stand up and face him, which I did, quickly covering my privates. "Get your hands on your head now young man, it's not like I've never seen that before!" Dad said. Reluctantly I said "Come on dad, please, do I have to?" With that dad took my arm spun me round and delivered 2 almighty WHACKS to the back of my legs as he told me to obey him and I threw my hands up to my head to avoid any more spanks. Dad then proceeded to strip me. He took my socks off, my boxers off, my top off. I was standing there hands on head in front of my dad completely naked. Even when I was younger I remember dad always being the one to take my clothes off. I think it added to the humiliation aspect of it. It meant I had literally no control not even enough to remove my own clothes. It was like I didn't have a option. I was going to get spanked naked, because dad said so. Dad then pulled his slipper off his right foot and I got dragged back across his knees. Down came the slipper on my naked butt. It had a much different sting than the hand, it was more sharp and certainly got a rise out of me. I was kicking, pleading, but dad wasn’t interested. His slipper continually fell on my ass and there was nothing I could do about it. Even if I tried to put my hand back it would be held against my back. If I was wriggling too much dad would put his left arm around my waist and hold me in position. He even stopped to position my cock and balls a few times, which was so embarrassing. Dads slipper spanking was finally done. I knew this as he rested the slipper on my back as he rubbed my bare bottom. I was a sorry boy, but not as sorry as I was going to be. Dad alluded that this was going to be a very long, hard spanking, and that we were far from finished. I shuddered at the idea of what was going to happen next. Dad rubbed my bottom, my back, in a caring way. The way that without words says he is sorry for having to do this, but that it was my fault, I brought it upon myself and I deserve it. He patted my butt once last time and told me to get the wooden spoon. Without debate this time I did as I was told and went and got the wooden spoon from the kitchen. When I came back dad has positioned a footstool length ways in front of him in the sofa. I gave dad the spoon and I was told to go over his knee this time but in a wheelbarrow position, with my chest against the footstool. I did as I was told, and soon realised how embarrassing this position was. My banned word was pretty much on show to my dad and he could see everything. He could see even more when he told me to put my hands back and to spread my cheeks apart. “Come on dad, I’ve had enough” I exclaimed, which again caused a few hard whacks with the spoon to land across my cheeks, which made me do as I was told. I reached back, and pulled my cheeks apart, dad had a perfect view of my hole, and continued to scold me on why cigarette smoking is bad and my attitude lately. I couldn’t pay attention though, all I could think about is how exposed I was. Dad also used his hand to grip hold of my cock and balls, which pretty much meant that I couldn’t move anywhere. Dad then used the other end of the wooden spoon (the long handle side) to spank my anus. Yes, when dad spanked he made sure he covered every inch of my bottom and that meant the banned word too. The pain was unlike anything else it was so sharp, so sore. I pleaded, swore, shouted, and kicked. I sometimes lost my grip but dad would quickly turn his wooden spoon around and deliver some whacks to my upper thighs and bottom itself, reminding me to keep hold of my position. It felt like it had went on forever and finally dad moved my legs down to the floor as I lay there on the footstool with a red hot ass. Dad as usual would rub it. He told me to stay where I was as he left the room, only to come back 2 minutes later with a razer. “Boys who act like you have recently, don’t have any hair down there. You don’t act like a man, you act like a boy, and you should look one. Only men in this household have and will be allowed to have pubes. I’m going to shave yours all off now to teach you a lesson, and you will be without hairs down there for the foreseeable future unless your attitude changes, do you hear me boy?” Dad said, but I didn’t respond. *whack* *whack* He spanked me and I spoke up “Okay, okay, Yes dad!”. Dad then made me lay with my back on the footstool and my legs spread wide. He had a perfect angle as he sat on the sofa and grabbed my cock as he started to strip my front of all my pubes. I kept thinking what the lads would think if they seen me in the football showers/gym with no pubes or hair. Even worse, I wondered if the red in my butt would be gone by then. Dad made me smooth then made me turn round as he focused on removing all hairs from my butt and crack. Once dad was done and after a few more ‘words of wisdom’ I was taken by the ear to the corner. I was made to stand there hands on head and dad moved my legs wide apart to ensure my cock and balls dangled down. My nose was right in the corner and I couldn’t help but to feel the cold on my newly shaved privates. It actually felt quite strange, enjoyable maybe, and was starting to make me hard. Eventually I heard my dad ask if I still knew where the spanking chair was. Of course I did, how could I forget, I spent many times over dads knee on that thing. He told me to go fetch it, along with the bath brush and I knew I was in big trouble. The bath brush was reserved for rare occasions where I had done something really wrong and I remember how sore it was. Dad had hardly used it on me before and when he had it wasn’t for long. This time would be different though. I fetched the chair and placed it in the middle of the room and gave dad the brush. He sat down, told me how disappointed he was in me and that we were going to make sure I learnt my lesson. I pleaded with dad not too but I was quickly pulled over his knee and bath brush spanking started. I completely forgot how heavy this thing was it was massive and the CRACK that came off it echoed and filled the room. Stroke after stroke it burned my bare bottom. Dad still using the same technique from before where he changed the pace of the stroked and would occasionally stop to rub or adjust my newly shaved private. I was a very sorry boy. I apologised to dad but he just kept on going. Dad then produced a piece of paper as if from nowhere and put it down infront of me on the floor. He told me it was a list of rules that I will abide by whilst I’m living under this house and told me to read them out aloud. He stopped spanking as I did so. “1. I am grounded for the next 2 weeks and will not be allowed out of dads sight.” *WHACK* “Yes that’s correct, you are to be grounded and if you need to go anywhere I will be escorting you. You will still go to football practise, but I will make sure you get there and get home straight away.” “2. I now have a bed time curfew of 8pm for the foreseeable future.” *WHACK* “As you are clearly not an adult yet, you will now have an early bed time. I will see that your teeth are cleaned, your lights are out and you’re tucked into bed by then. I will decide when this can change depending on your behaviour.” “3. I will not be allowed to close any doors behind me, even if I am in the toilet.” *WHACK* “So that I can ensure you are not smoking, you will not close any doors behind you at all!” “4. I am only allowed to wear punishment pants around the house.” *WHACK* “Yes, I will provide you with tighty whiteys to wear around the house, so I have quick access to your backside as and when you are naughty!” “5. I will not be permitted to use any electronics including my phone and playstation for the next two weeks.” *WHACK* “Furthermore you will only be allowed to watch the educational tv that I permit.” “6. I will do any chores asked of me and I will ensure my bedroom is clean and tidy at all times.” *WHACK* “Leaving all your washing to your mother and I is going to stop as of now. You need to learn to take responsibility and tidy up after yourself.” “7. Daddy will ensure I am clean inside and out before bed time every night.” *WHACK* “Yes you will be given a bath, your teeth brushed, you will be cleanly shaved and I might even give you an enema.” “8. I will not swear and I will be polite and courteous at all times” *WHACK* “Which reminds me I’ll need to wash your mouth out with soap for all the swearing you’ve been doing during this boy!” “9. If I do extra chores, or things that are not asked of me around the house daddy may reward me by allowing me to wear more clothes, or have more privileges such as use of my phone.” *WHACK* “If you are a good boy, you will be treated like one and you will get more benefits.” “10. Rules are not meant to be broken or else.” *WHACK* “Or else, this happens…” *WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK* Dad spanked me with the bath brush hard and fast, I was pretty much broke when all of a sudden he stopped, and asked me if all the rules were understood. I agreed and he told me to get into the corner hands on head as usual. I could hear dad in the bathroom, he seemed to be pouring a bath. I heard him coming for me and again he took me by the ear to the bathroom and put me in front of the sink. Lathering up a washcloth with soap he told me to open my mouth. I refused, but he held my nose and it was only a matter of time before my mouth opened and he lathered my mouth with soap before telling me to hold the soap bar in my mouth. He said that I needed to be cleaned inside and out for smoking, and all the swearing I was doing. I now seriously regretted swearing during the spanking. The soap tasted hideous but there was nothing I could do about it except stand there. So there I was 19 years old, soap in mouth, hands on head, red ass and shaved. Dad spanked me a few times with his hand when at the sink. The bath was still pouring and dad eventually let me spit the soap out and rinse my mouth, but the taste wouldn’t go away. Next he had me go into the bath, where he washed me to make sure I was clean. It was strange being washed by dad, it was something that hadn’t happened since I was REALLY young. But as he said if I don’t act like an adult I’m not to be treated like one. He made sure he paid extra attention to my cock, balls and crack. It was really embarrassing. Finally he let me stand up and get out the bath as he dried me off. My butt was still stinging, but he reminded me sternly not to touch it and get back into the corner of the living room with my hands again on my head. After what seemed like an age I heard the belt being taken off the loop of my dads trousers from behind me. I shuddered to think what was about to happen. He took me by the ear again and led me to the armchair when he make me lay over. My legs were spread wide on the floor with my kneecaps against the seat and my tummy on the chair where you would normally sit. He positioned me in such a way it made my ass stick right out. He positioned my cock and balls and used the belt to loop them a few times and even rubbed my ass with the belt. I kept try to pre-empt the spanks but couldn’t. Dad was too experienced, he was too good at that. Lifting the leather from my ass, me thinking I was going to get a whipping just for the leather to lightly caress my bum again. Finally though the belting started, and it was hard, it was fast and you got it, it was sore. Dad told me not to move but it was so difficult. I looked like I was trying to have sex with the sofa chair with the way my bum was moving in and out. I couldn’t hold my position, my legs were going all over the place, I put them right back into a plank position at some points as well. Dad used his left hand on my lower back to hold me down on the sofa which made my bum stick out even more. During spanks he would even yell at me to get back into position which I did but not for long as the whacks reigned down on my butt. Finally, dad had given up on the position and took me by the ear back over to the spanking chair. He sat on it and I kneeled infront of him crying and sore. “Okay you have one final spanking coming to you boy and it’s going to hurt, do you hear?” “Yes, daddy” “First I want to hear you repeat any 3 of the rules given to you earlier?” Thankfully I remembered and recited 3 to dad. “Good boy. Tomorrow I want you to memorise the 10 rules and I will test you on them tomorrow, is that understood?” “Yes daddy” “Okay to finish your punishment I want you to ask me to spank you one last time and let me know why you are being spanked.” “Please daddy can you give me one last spanking to ensure I have learnt my lesson and I never smoke again?” “and…” “to make sure my attitude changes?” “Okay then son, I want you to bring me the bath brush, get over my knee and count the strokes. After each stroke I want you to thank me and ask me for another. If you don’t we will start all over. Is that understood?” “Yes, daddy” with that I got up and fetched the hairbrush again and got over daddys knee. This time dad had me over one knee with my 2 legs clamped together and his right leg over them, pinning me down. He asked for my arm and pushed it onto my back. I was stuck, I could not move, dad was completely dominant and I just had to lay there and take what was coming. “Okay you are going to get 1 for every year you were born, got it?” “Yes daddy” *WHACK* down came the bath brush with much more purpose than before “1, thank you daddy, please may I have another” *WHACK* “2 daddy, can I have another” *WHACK**WHACK**WHACK* “WRONG, we are starting again, and remember to thank me and remember to say please!” *WHACK* “1, thank you daddy, please may I have another” … Finally the 19th stroke came and I was bawling in tears and couldn’t put up any more fight. I was broken, and I was finally daddys boy. “Have you learnt your lesson then boy” “Yes daddy, I have” I said through tears. “We will just make sure of that!” *WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK* Dad brought the hairbrush down hard and fast as I screamed, cried and tried to kick. Finally he got rid of the brush but started with his hand, eventually the spanks slowed. It felt like hours but was essentially only a minute or 2, the spanks slowed, rhythmically. From having nearly no pauses during the smacks to about 5 seconds and then finally it stopped. Dad was drained, I was even more so. I lay there over his knee sore and broken. He said it hurt him to do that much more than it hurt me. He rubbed my butt, and even put some cream on it. Dad finally let me up sat me on his knee, hugged me and rubbed my bottom. I knew he done it because he loved me and secretly I knew I had deserved it. Finally I was put in the corner for 1 last time to calm me down and to think about what I had done. When dad called me back over he was holding the punishment briefs which he slipped on me and in that moment, I knew I was daddy’s boy.
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by on February 17, 2023
I want to know why you naughty minxy dad's and Tops do the following!   (1).  Our ears are not handles, so why do you insist on marching us boys to the spanking chair or corner by our ears, what the heck is that all about?   (2).  What is the point of corner time, either standing their with our poor red behind on display, or sitting in the corner, what the heck is that all about?   (3).  You do know us boys can take our own jeans and briefs down, we don't need you guys to do it for us, so what the heck is that all about?   (4).  We never lie or fib, we simply mis-remember so why do we get punished for it?  and what the heck is that all about?   (5).  Why do we get spanked for breaking rules or boundaries, because no boy actually ever understands them, so what the heck is that all about?   (6).  Your hand is not soothing when it is applied to our bottoms at high speed, so what the heck is that all about?   (7).  Why do you have to put us over your knees, I mean its really childish, so what the heck is that all about?   (8).  Why can't we spank you when you are naughty, and what the heck is that all about?   (9).  WHY do I have to wear white briefs all the time, and what the heck is that all about?   (10).  Which of you invented the wooden backed hairbrush, and why do you all cherish it so much, AND what the HECK is that all about?   YOU ALL NEED SPANKED!   James
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by on July 21, 2018
I was a full twenty-one years of age when I accidently found out that I was not the only guy in the universe who became aroused at the thought of being hauled across the knee of an older gentleman and bare-ass spanked to tears. These were still the pre-internet days and, being a timid soul back then, I was still a virgin.  There was simply no one with whom I could discuss my "aberration". Having reached legality, I screwed up enough courage to enter an adult book store for the first time in my sheltered life and stumbled across a revolving rack of M/M spanking paperbacks - the covers of which graphically illustrating the fantasies that had consumed me since early childhood: spanked by Dad for sassing mom; by my teacher for disrupting class; by my neighbor for skinny-dipping in his pool; by a cop for speeding; by a college classmate for a prank gone awry; by the forest ranger for tossing a lit cigarette into the woods; etc, etc, etc. I was reeling.  How could this be? Who had peered into my deepest, darkest secrets and written them all down? I purchased 4 of the novels and devoured them that same night.  I came to understand that my "aberration" was not an aberration at all but a sexual fetish that I shared with thousands and thousands of others.  I was also greatly relieved that my mind was not as warped as I had always imagined it to be. From that night on, the next milestone in my life was predetermined. However, it was a full year later that I reached it and finally turned fantasy into reality.  But that's another blog.
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by on September 26, 2023
Another in our Learning by Doing Series Tips for (New) Tops!* Another in our "Learning by Doing" Series by BigDaddyVegas and RedSpkScott Tip #1 Follow Your Commitment Make Sure You're Compatible Before You Meet If you take the time to talk with somebody and establish a wonderful scene you're going to commit to. If you are hosting, have your place ready to go, when your spankee arrives. spankees, when you come for a Spanking, arrive on time. Do not be super late. spankees, do your best to not let fear slow you down and prevent you from getting the Spankings that you need. Tip #2 Make Sure You're Compatible. Weed out the flakes—a lot of guys only reach out when they're horny—weed out the flakes. Tip #3 Arrive Prepared With Your Bag of Your Spanking Implements You wouldn't show up to a construction site without a toolbox. Baseball types of bags work well, because you can put canes and longer thinner items in there. They're easy and mobile. Tip #4 Test Your Spanking Implements Before You Use Them It's important Tops have a feel for how bad or what a Spanking Tool feels like. Some Spanking Tools can leave you black and blue if you are not paying attention. Learn that first. So, know how to use your implements before you apply them across the seat of a guy you are Spanking. Tip #5 Build and Use Your Spanking Implement Repertoire Practice With The Belt Before You Use The Belt Straps you can usually tell by the weight and the length. Belts and straps can wrap around the hip and ruin a scene. Practice for accuracy. I'm still not perfect, and I use them all the time. First, buy yourself a high quality belt and practice with it. Do not think you can pull a guy's pants down and think you'll be good with a belt right away. It's not going to happen. It's not the way Daddy did it when you were 12 years old and stole a bicycle. Know how to use The Belt before you use it. Paddles can vary greatly. Thicker versus thinner paddles will matter depending on who you are Spanking. For example, a small, thick paddle can be far too much for a new guy.    I recommend using the Jokari paddle in your paddle kit, and now you at least have the Spanking Industry Standard. And folks will know the sound of the Jokari paddle. It's versatile, you can go light with it, and you can break in a new bottom. Or you can really go to town on an experienced guy, but you have just the one paddle. Tip #6 Identify Spankings Locations You don't have to meet at your home. Meet at a public area first—a pub, a Starbucks, etc. It's a good safety precaution. If you don't have a home to go to, try the public Spanking parties or a hotel room. Don't Inadvertently Get SWATted. If you are using paddles in a hotel room, be aware of the noise. If you use a Jokari paddle at full force, it can sound like a .22 gun going off, so be careful, so Aunt Mary next door doesn't call the police saying, "I think I heard shots fired." Avoid being SWATted by an actual SWAT team! Tip #7 Manage Noise  I have a bottom who I have bringing a switch. Those are pretty quiet. Small carpet beaters are really good, because they also do not make a lot of noise. Paddles and bathbrushes will work over jeans, but not bare. You can always turn on the TV, the radio, or turn on the water in the bathroom. If you have to Spank in a hotel room, between 2 to 4 p.m., the hotel is least occupied, so it's primetime to get a Spanking. If you talk to the guys at the registration desk at the hotel, tell them you'll be having a party in your room, and tell them if they could put you away from other guests, that'd be great.    Tell them up front. Tip #8 Develop Good Communication Communicate Well, Then Spank. When you communicate and you are both in sync, then you will always have a better time. So, if you are both into Teacher/student scene, then it'll be great. But if the Top is really into Daddy/son or no roleplaying at all, then it really doesn't work well. Tops need to know, assume that just because you're the Top, your fantasy will be sufficient for the bottom. That's not the case. If you accommodate the bottom, the more in sync the bottom is with you, the more the bottom will relinquish control and be able to play more the way the Top wants to. Do not get super intense—including grabbing, choking, faceslapping, or other "liberties"—without clear, usually verbal permission from the bottom.    [Not doing so] can result in a complete scene killer. Tip #9 Ensure a Great Warm-up Great Spankers will Spank less to begin with, so you can get your boy to have the endorphin rush. That will help extend the scene much longer. Prepare the bottom first. I may use a belt over his jeans first, to warm him up to get the anticipation flowing of what he thinks he'll get. Once you get to know a guy and establish trust, these Rules obviously develop as you progress and familiarize with one another. Tip #10 Use Humiliation Effectively Humiliation Can Work Find Out How! I really encourage humliating guys in public. One way to do this is to use effective Cornertime technique. You can take a bottle cap, credit card, and have your bottom put the object against a wall or The Corner and then put their head [nose] against it [to keep it off the ground and against the wall]. Talk to them as sternly as you want to. You do not have to touch the boy just be complete in his presence. They know you are there. If you want to engage them, Spank them with your hand. That is never the wrong move.    Make the boy keep the bottle cap or credit card against the wall or The Corner with his head/nose—you can even have them put their hands on their head while you stand there. Spank your boy, if he loses his focus or attention with your hand. That'll snap him back into your reality, and you can keep the scene completely in motion even though the Spanking isn't going on in that moment. * Compiled from the December 2017 "DudesSpankingDudes" podcast. "Big Daddy Vegas and Red Spank Scott provided a bunch of "Tips for Tops" about the kinds of things tops, especially less experienced Tops, should plan for when playing with a new dude."       Please comment below or email us with your ideas   aok4otk@aol.com or cornertimeconf@gmail.com ______________________________________ Follow Cornertime Confidential Wherever You Are:   Tumblr  ∙  SouthSpanking ∙  Twitter  ∙  WordPress
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by on December 9, 2023
I thought I might ask you guys whether you think the following punishment scenarios that I have experienced are FAIR, UNFAIR, TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE.   Before I list them though let me explain a little about my relationship with Denis, he is my husband but also my dad and takes my discipline quite seriously.   I gave him my consent and accept discipline with the understanding that he has the ultimate authority, decides on punishments and is the final decision maker, he doesn’t expect perfection, but I can and am held to high standards.   All my punishments start with a lecture, dad ensures I am listening and that I understand why I am being punished. He always listens to my thoughts and opinions, and that is important to me because I need to be heard.  It’s also very difficult for me to admit I have been naughty and apologize for it, and take my punishment, but I do anyway.   Scenario one:  I am on the computer, kind of playing around when I hear him call ‘James come here a minute please’ to which I reply ‘in a minute’, well fifteen minutes or so go by (I was busy right?) and my ear is suddenly seized as I am marched into the lounge, where the spanking chair has been pulled out and punished with spanking with the hairbrush for being disobedient.   Scenario two: I was told not too mess around with the pool. Specifically, the chemicals but had a go anyway, it just didn’t look clean enough to me.  I sort of made it bubble and foam, okay quite a lot really. I got three hard spankings, with corner time, one for disobedience, one for messing up the pool and another because its dangerous to mix pool chemicals together.   Scenario three:  Caught speeding and given a ticket, dang traffic school sucks!  I was going a little fast at over 80mph.  I got grounded every weekend for a month, got the strap and brush and evening bedtime spankings, every night for the entire month.   Scenario four:  Took a tantrum because I didn’t want to visit his aunt, okay I did accidently knock over one of those little Xmas ornaments, at least I think it was an accident.  I was Spanked and then made to go anyway and when we got back later that night, I got another spanking and sent to bed early .. I did not like that!
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by on November 12, 2018
Hello everyone, As you can see the site is back online, however there are some outstanding issues I will be working to resolve. The two major issues are the chatbar is missing and videos will not upload.  I expect to have both of these problems resolved at some  point today. There will be some teething issues, and minor bugs, and I will fix these as we go along. I will update later my evening time with progress. You should find a good  increase in speed. It was a lot of work, and I have suggested to my dad that as a reward I should be given a one week pass from spankings and corner time! hugs James
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by on January 30, 2018
soundcloud.com/user-30408252/episode-14-be-it-resolved-there-will-be-more-dudes-spanked-in-2018   ( YOU MIGHT HAVE TO GOOGLE IT   )     Happy New Year! Big Daddy Vegas (a.k.a. Coach Frank on southspanking ) is back with RedSpankScott for another episode. We've got a bit of an update on the state of Whappz,    
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by on December 2, 2014
Today the UK government has passed a law that spanking porn(amongst others) are banned. The Guardian has said : "While the measures won't stop people from watching whatever genre of porn they desire, as video shot abroad can still be viewed, they do impose severe restrictions on content created in the UK, and appear to make no distinction between consensual and non-consensual practices between adults." I wonder what this means for sites like straight lads spanked, and wonder how far this law will actually go? Is it now illegal for me to own spanking porn? Is it now illegal for me to watch spanking videos?
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by on March 27, 2013
FL BULLY, who seems surprisingly shy about some things, wants me to ask about some of the features of the site such as:How is Match supposed to work?What does it means for someone to be Verified?What establishes someone's Rating?James, Athro: Can you provide explanations/descriptions for these. I think some other members might like to know as well.
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by on August 31, 2016
As I explained in one of my previous posts, I’ve created a spanking profile on gay/SMS dating app PlanetRomeo. It was already after midnight when a twenty-something-year-old boy started a chat. He told me he was excited about my profile and was lying ‘ass up face down’ on his bed, wearing only briefs, imagining I could enter anytime to give him a spanking. I narrated how I would do that and after each message he was getting more excited. After several messages he responded: Please come. Are you serious about this, I asked him. He confirmed. Realising that it would take 25 minutes to get to his place, that it was already 2.00am, and that you never know for sure whether or not you’re chatting with a faker, I hesitated. But he really wanted me to come over and spank him like a little boy. Then—for reasons I cannot fully explain—I decided to take a leap of faith and come his way. He gave me his address and told me he would leave the door to his studio apartment unlocked. When I arrived at the building and rang his door bell, he automatically opened the main door. I went upstairs and arrived at his apartment. Still uncertain what to expect, I opened his door. I entered the room, which was almost fully dark, but the corridor light enlightened the silhouette of a slim boy lying on his bed wearing only black briefs. I stepped into the story he and I had started to write half an hour ago. I closed the door behind me, took off my jacket and shoes, and walked up to the bed. I could hear him breathe. I gently touched his legs and moved my hands up towards his lovely round butts. After pausing for a while, my hands moved up to his back and neck. I moved my head towards his ears and whispered: Are you just lying here naked wearing only briefs? Yeah, he said. Are you being naughty? Yes daddy, he responded. His voice trembled a little. I moved my hands down, lifted up his hips and slowly tried to pull his briefs down. But his briefs got stuck on something. I moved my hands below his hips and identified the obstacle. Are you having a hard-on, I asked? Yes, dad, I’m sorry. In one fast move I took off his briefs, sat down next to him on the bed and gave him two slaps on both of his cheeks. He wiggled and squirmed a little. I will teach you a good lesson, I said, and I continued spanking him. Because I didn’t know how much he could take and because I couldn’t see his face, I spanked him gently. But the whole setting—dark room, midnight, first encounter—made it very exciting. Having spanked him for a while, I turned him around on his back, gently grabbed his face and said: have you learned your lesson yet? Yes daddy, he whispered. Then I gently kissed and caressed him in ways I can’t describe.
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by on April 5, 2020
With the on-going crisis, I thought it might be fund to share our fantasies.  So I will post mine, tell me what you think, add to it even or post your own! Let's have a little fun :) hugs James: I am going on a vacation with my Dad, and we are being joined by two other Dads and their boys.  It’s a nice country lodge with plenty of room and nice and private. Once we get there and get unpacked, us boys are lined up for a ‘chat’ about expectations and behavior.  We are informed that any Dad from this point forward to the end of the vacation can punish any boy and that includes spanking us.  Us boys all begin to protest in earnest but are quickly silenced as all the dads as if on cute take a hairbrush from their pockets and meaningfully place them on the table.  The noise of the brushes being placed upon the table, is almost deafening to us. ‘Now boys, we don’t really want to use these, but if you push us, you will find your bare bottoms up over our knees, while our wooden friends here have a long discussion with you – do you understand?’ In a chorus we all reply respectfully ‘yes sir’ ‘Good, we think a small demonstration would be in order’ my Dad said, smiling. The next thing, the Dads are all rolling up their right sleeves, they are all smiling and enjoying the look on our worried faces. Although we know the unthinkable is about to happen, us boys stand there, faces flushed in silence. Soon three wooden dining chairs are strategically placed, and three sets of ears are taken and guided over to each chair.  We find ourselves over our own dad’s laps.  Within a few seconds the room resonates as the spanking of three naughty boys begins. We are spanked like this for a few minutes before being told to stand.  That’s when the horror really begins, we now have to rotate to the next Dad and over his knees we go.  We sound find ourselves rotated back to our own Dads, only to feel our pants being taken down.  Over we go again, this time we are spanked soundly on the seat of our briefs.  Again, after we are allowed up, we start the rotation again as we get spanked by each Dad. Its not too long before the inevitable happens, yes, we feel our dad’s hands, slipping our briefs down, its time for our bare bottoms to be spanked.  By the time the last Dad has finished spanking us, we are teary eyed and have very red buns, but at least it’s over. Well so we thought – but of course corner time has to be completed, each one of us in a different corner, wearing nothing but our tee shirts and socks and forbidden to rub our poor spanked behinds. Once released from our corners, we are allowed to enjoy the rest of the day, with one restriction, no pants until the morning.  It was weird walking around like that, and at every opportunity a Dad would pat the seat of a boy’s briefs, winking or smiling as he did. The hairbrushes remained on the table, an ominous sign, if ever there was one. In the coming days and nights, those brushes got put to use, tears rolled down cheeks, as bottoms burned and corners were frequently occupied. We had great food though, amazing cook outs and of course whom could forget the entertaining games our Dads had thought up for us. Who can stand in the corner the longest without moving, all the losers got spanked (I actually win this competition). Musical Spanking Chairs – speaks for itself really! Pass the hairbrush – that was a mean game Spanking Poker, was a real blast.  Strung out over our dad’s lap, as they used our backs as a table and our bared bottoms got slapped each time they held, raised or folded.  It lasted a while but there were breaks for us all, of course that also meant switching Dads. We just neve knew who’s knees we would end up over! The last competition was left until our last day and of course it had to be ‘who has the reddest bottom’ – I think the dads enjoyed this way too much, and I also think it was a three-way win! So, there you go, my little fantasy!                      
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