by on October 24, 2012
Today in the UK, Education Secretary Michael Gove has puprportedly written open-letters to his teachers apologising )in the press) for his bad behaviour in class all those years ago. One wonders what me or thee would say to our teachers werer we to write open-letters to them here, in the hope that some of our former schoolmasters may be lurking on this site! Suffice to say, I shall desist from the temptation to name and shame two great men (my old Houasemaster and my old Games Master) but, in the wake of the Jimmy Saville scandal here in the UK, whilst I can safely say Jim did not fix it for me - probably because I was a boy not a girl - my Gym lessons with a certain master certainly fixed (or rather made0 me, into the gay spankophile I am today! So if you are reading this kind Sir, I say optimistically (in the hope that my old Games/Gym Master is reading it), I say a big thanks to you for all the spanks you gave me! Apart from seeing all my peers in nice short shorts in your lessons, the one thing I enjoyed most about your lessons (and which you clearly did not fail in your mission to teach me the pleasure of such carnal delights), was finding myself over your knee for "yet another abysmal performance" in class! If I have anything to apologise for, it is for the odd occasion I either did remember to bring my kit, or whine excessively as you did the business to me over your lap!
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by on October 2, 2012
I thought I would share about this aspect of my life, but obviously it is not for everyone, we are all different and have our own ideas on what we want, need or expereince in all relationships. The first think I want to talk about here is Boundaries, these are not rules. I think there is a lot of speculation or supposition that those in Domestic Discipline relationships are controlled completely and this is not true, well not form my point of view anyway. The cotrol element from my partner is focused on discipline, punishment and obviously my bare bottom and I can promise you all my spankings are very real. Anyway back to boundaries, I created my own, these are to help me focus, deal with habits and progress my career. My partner and I are more like Dad/Son, he is older than me and he insisted that I made my own boundaries complete with a proposal for punishment which is now always enforced. In a way, I have only myself to blame when I end up punished for breaking them. We do have some rules, and number one is obedience and listening (these are not boundaries), but shouldnt be mistaken for total control, obedience is similar to him asking me to be home at a certain time, or pick up the dry cleaning. It is possible for me to be both disobidenet and break one of my own boundaries. Anyway this is just a quick post on this blog and I will update it once a week with more thoughts, views and expereinces. PS - If you are interested in my boundaries and the punishments you can see them right here: www.southspanking.com/boundaries James
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by on May 28, 2012
I usually don't like canes, but I got a great spanking last night with canes. After a hand warm-up and a spanking with a belt and razor strap, my spanker chose to use canes. He put one cane vertically between my ass cheeks, then used a second cane to hit the first cane and transmit pain right to my ass crack. It stung like crazy, but I liked it and found it very stimulating. Has anyone ever been caned like this? Or has anyone been spanked right on their hole?
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by on May 15, 2012
I usually don't get sex when I am spanked, although I often give head in appreciation of a good spanking. But sometimes a guy calls up wanting sex from me and spanks me as well, knowing that I like it and become very obedient to his sexual desires. In such cases, we both get what we want. What is the experience of everyone else? Do you give sex to get spanked? Or do you get spanked to get sex?
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by on April 17, 2012
Hey all Men Who Spank and boys with sore bottoms, I've been writing my new blog up called "Cornertime Confidential," and I hope you'll come visit, comment on the site and generally help advise me on content and images and video you want to see on the blog. Today's blogpost: "...And I suppose if I'd just done as I'd been told a thousand times before, this wouldn't have happened either. I was sent to bed immediately after this spanking, nursing my red fanny and thinking...well, at least now I know why they make boys briefs with a double seat. They're great protection for spankings too!" Read more: http://cornertimeconfidential.blogspot.com/ (# . #) bad boy jake
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by on April 5, 2012
I've been spanked since 2005 by many of the best spankers in San Francisco and Palm Springs. I was nervous the first time, but I loved it and went back for three straight weeks. I've been spanked in my home, at other guys' homes, at private parties and in public at street fairs. I can take quite a lot so I'm always asked to volunteer for spanking demos. If I'm free, I'll gladly say, yes!
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by on March 7, 2012
I went to a BDSM play party a couple of weeks ago and hooked up with one of my favorite spankers. He had me strip naked and mount a spanking bench in the center of the room where everybody could see us.He gave me a good warmup with leather-gloved hands, then started using wooden paddles and canes. He spanked me harder and harder until I was yelling.Then he switched to leather paddles, slappers and belts. After about 30 minutes, he finished me off with a tawse. It was really intense. Finally, he administered 10 really hard swats and told me to count off each one like this: "One, sir! Thank you, sir! May I have another." I nearly lost track of the count at eight but I guessed right. The tenth and final blow was the hardest and most painful and I yelled at the top of my lungs.When I got off the bench, my body was trembling and I saw we had drawn a circle of onlookers. My endorphins were gushing and it took quite a while for me to come down. It was a great spanking!
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